
DIGBY saw:

Moonlight on an ocean he knew in his cells, the ocean into which he was born so many years ago he’d long ago lost count.

Moonlight on black sands and fans of land coral. The shimmering blue water lifted and shaped into nine girls dancing, nine glass girls with moonlight shining through them, dancing on black sand shores that were glass and ash now, on a world burnt to bedrock by the folly of his kind, no water left, no girls dancing. It was pain to watch, but sweet pain to see his sisters dancing.


And then it was done.


Rohant took Miralys’ hand and they left.

Eyes on elsewhere, Autumn Rose came quietly to her feet and left.

Shadith shut the harp in the case. Kikun set the drum aside and took her hand. They left.

Digby sat for a long, time in his bubble in the empty room. Then he, too, was gone.
