Chapter 98


Inabout one and a half seconds, my very brief euphoria changes to dread. Suddenly this massive wave is gaining height again. We're approaching shore and we're maybe a quarter mile in the air. The One's going to wipe out a major chunk of the city if he doesn't stop this madness right now. And that means there are hundreds-make that thousands-of people in terrible danger of being drowned.

Even though I figure that many of them are New Order automatons, I keep telling myself they're living, breathing human beings. And we can't let this giant wave-or The One-crush them. I think I know what I have to do, and there's no time to consult with Whit.

It's what my parents were saying: sometimes for the good of the many, you have to do something way outside your comfort zone. And this, dear reader, is way outside what I would consider even borderline sanity.

Over the roar of the massive wave, I yell so loudly I think the force of the words is going to tear my throat open. "I'll give you what you want! I'll give you my Gift! Just stop this insanity before the wave hits shore!"

Like magic-or maybe I should say it was magic-the wave starts to lower and then we're gently coasting toward a narrow shoreline of packed sand.

Standing there is none other than The One. He's smiling like a proud dad welcoming his kids home from a long trip.

"What an amazing ride! Ah, to be young… I envy you!" he says as the wave calmly spreads itself across the shore and we drift to a stop.

"I'm so pleased you've come to your senses, Wisty," says The One. Unfortunately, I have rather sad news. You fail-both of you. All of the Allgoods fail. It's obvious that I can't work with you, so I suppose… I have to work without you."

He turns so his back is facing us and raises his hands to the heavens.

"Take them away!" he bellows. "I have no further use for this witch and wizard."

But there's no one there. He's talking to no one.

And then, in a heartbeat, like a plague of locusts overtaking the land, thousands of New Order soldiers and police swarm over the crest of the hill and descend upon us.

We swirl around, only to be confronted by even more hordes of soldiers standing in the water.

This wall of evil is impenetrable.

Finally The One looks back at us. "There is a moral to this story," he says. "Of those who receive Gifts, much is expected. Take that one to the Shadowland with you, witch and wizard."
