Chapter 41

"HAVE A SEAT," says the solemn, tight-lipped man behind the heavy metal desk.

Byron Swain nods nervously and sits on the threadbare couch as the man finishes some official-looking paperwork.

"You took your time getting here," says the stern adult, putting down his overchewed pencil.

"I had to observe all the protocols -"

"No excuses!" yells the man, spraying spittle across the metal desk at Byron. "Children of Ones don't make excuses!"

He again snatches up his battered pencil as if he is going to either break it in two or throw it at Byron's face.

Byron meekly recedes back into the couch, wishing he could somehow slide between the cushions like some accidental pocket change.

"And you will stand up in my presence! Who do you think you are, Byron?"

"I'm sorry, Dad."

"And stop calling me that! I am The One Who Tallies The Internal Revenues."

"Yes, sir, I'm sorry, sir," says Byron, remembering how the Freelanders call his father "The One Who Counts The Beans" and making a mental note not to mention that. "I just -"

"Excuses!" he screams. "By order of the New Order, and at the specific request of The One, you will now give me a complete report!"

Byron feels a little pain growing like a cancer in his chest. He isn't happy spying on the Freelanders, but what choice does he have? Wisty continues to reject him. He is nothing to her. To any of them really. And he is under direct orders from his father.

Byron stands at attention and, shaking slightly, begins telling him everything.
