Chapter 32


I THINK kissing was involved-I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure. I think Eric's a good kisser. Not sure, though. The entire evening was kind of a blur…

I wake up inside Garfunkel's the next morning, and I have two distinct thoughts: First: Did I dream of falling asleep in the drummer's arms, or did it really happen? Second: My drumstick is gone!

It's the first thing I reach out to touch in the morning. And it's not there.

Problem. Big problem. Disaster. That drumstick is my magic wand and it's a family heirloom.

Everyone else is deeply conked out after our night of revelry-so I begin a mad hunt to find the wand my mother gave me just before I was separated from her and dragged off to prison.

I always sleep with the drumstick under my pillow. Or whatever the circumstances are forcing me to use instead of a pillow. But it's not there. And it's not under the mattress either. And it's not in my coat. And it's not in my knapsack. It's nowhere.

Okay, don't cry about this. Think, Wisteria. What was different about last night compared to every other night you've slept at Garfunkel's?

Well, the Bionics were here…

That's got to be it-the drummer! Was Whit right about them?

I tiptoe over to Byron-snoring like a buffalo-and expertly swipe his supersecret smartphone and text Eric at the number he gave me yesterday. where R U?

He texts back right away: had 2 go practice. didn't want 2 wake u got yr drumstx? yep got mine? used oven mitt… just in case it was still hot not funny sorry u have it? give back! tots you STOLE it borrowed i want it back NOW im sorry. meet me WTH? u bring it 2 me don't freak. m sorry. meet @ city of progress diner-11 am fine yr so cool whatevs, I type.

But my heart is leapfrogging, and I'm grateful that cell phones don't convey blushes. I'm cool? As of when?

I mean, it was jerky of Eric to take my stick. But he's a rock drummer and he admired it. And, I mean, I can almost hear my mother's voice telling me he just did it to get my attention. Just the way she told me why geeky Ben Campbell used to pull my hair in first grade.

Now I do start crying. I miss my mother so much. She was my best friend. She is my best friend.
