Chapter 21

"That'sher," mutters The One with a mixture of hatred and grudging respect. The security cameras in Acculturation Facility No. 73 had recorded the bizarre scene of guards-New Order elites, no less!-being subdued by, of all things, a mere three-octave Command Pipe. She was the only one who could have that kind of power…

The picture is quite dark and he can barely make out what is going on in the flashes of the alarm lights, but he is certain that Wisteria Allgood is the perpetrator of this crime. But how could she-and, presumably, her insipid brother-have gotten into the school? They're just stupid teenagers.

The One remembers the last time he lost her, in the plaza, then the mad chase through the city. She and her brother were Curves. They could travel through portals. Was it therefore possible that…?

"Bring me The One Who Commands The Portal Troops, now!" he yells.

A moment later a young man with carefully combed hair, an absurd-looking goatee, and a chin so weak it might be confused for his Adam's apple is escorted into the room by two burly guards. He wears a military uniform with a metallic N.O.P.E. insignia on his left breast-marking him as an official in the New Order Portal Elites, a squad of special commandos whose members are among the rare few Curves allowed in the New Order.

"Commander," says The One Who Is The One, "can you please tell me why I was not informed that there was a portal leading into the basement of the Acculturation Facility?"

"Your Eminence," he says, "there is no portal in the facility. It has a clean bill of health."

The One snorts so loudly that the portal commander actually jumps. "What you just said, those words you uttered with such confidence and aplomb, mean nothing to me. If I tell you there is a portal there, there is a portal there! Do you understand?"

"Well, Your Eminence, the entire facility was just inspected-less than a week ago."

"We have recorded evidence of small portals forming in a matter of twenty-four hours or less. It must be a new portal. Now do you understand?"

The commander shifts uncomfortably. "Indeed, sir." He clears his throat. "Have you-ah-considered the possibility of magic, sir?" He chuckles nervously, realizing the word is, of course, banned, except among the highest circles-or in certain emergencies, such as this one.

"Do you think that's funny?" demands The One. His voice is so cool and restrained it sends wave upon wave of shivers up the portal commander's spine.

The One turns away and watches as the security footage replays itself, grimacing as the witch hastily climbs over a carpet of-dead? slumbering?-soldiers, then disappears into darkness.

"She is definitely the one with The Gift," he mutters.

"Excuse me?" asks the portal commander.

"I need you to tell me where that portal leads. And I need you to dispatch your best commandos to go through it and infiltrate the Resistance fighters. Now! Don't fail me."
