Chapter 25


I have to admit, I nearly lose my nerve, just watching the level of talent that's been assembled onstage. I also know that this crowd can be brutal if they don't like your music.

Worse, I almost say thank you to Byron for getting us passes so that we can watch the acts from back here. We're so close we can see droplets of sweat, and the way a singer's mouth forms around a particular word, and the speed of a guitarist's fingers.

And then the Bionics are up.

Okay, now I understand Janine's personality switcheroo. They're by far the hottest band ever. How do I know? Because seeing their sweat is actually a turn-on and not a turnoff. That has never happened to me before. Sweat usually equals stinky Whit-hug after a track meet.

Everything is different with these musicians. It's as if they're on a whole other plane from everybody else. The singer-bassist, the guitarist, and the drummer-who I consider the cutest of the three (though it's not like I'd say no if any of them asked me out)-brush by me on their way to the stage. I can practically taste their rock-star auras, their magic.

They take up their instruments as the hunky lead singer says a generous and humble thank you to the adoring crowd-and I find myself actually squealing with Janine. No wonder the Bionics are banned by the N.O.

But then-What the heck? How could -?

Suddenly an enormous poster of The One Who Is The One is rising up behind the band.

I know it's just a poster, but I'm totally creeped out, seeing him looming over the stage like that.

The audience hushes, too. Just a picture of that evil monster is enough to throw a pall over the concert hall.

But then-totally brilliant-the band strikes the first chord of their first song, and the poster catches fire in the lower-left corner. The whole thing quickly goes up in flames as the underground arena explodes in the most unbelievable screams and cheers.

I don't know how to explain it-I mean, I know I can't do what they do, but I'm not intimidated; I'm inspired.

And it's a good thing, too, because their set-eight great songs-seems to go by in a flash. And then it's just like the open-mike list says-next up is a little-known wonder hailing from… Garfunkel's department store?

"Wisteria Rose Allgood! Give it up for her!"

The Bionics drummer actually winks at me as he walks by. And, at least in part to keep my face from exploding into a fierce blush, I dash out onto the stage.
