Chapter 83


Janine meets up with us on our way to Ladies' Shoes-and I think she's changed more than anyone else here. She's thinner, which might have made her face even prettier, but she's gotten harder and tougher, too.

She spots me, and though she's definitely stressed, she greets me with a smile. "Whit, you're finally back." She glances at Wisty and just says her name. I'm not used to this kind of weak reception, and it hurts, but I don't show anything. Everyone here has been through a lot.

"Hi, Janine. It's good to see you. Really good," I say, and leave it at that.

"I take it Sasha and Emmet brought you up to speed? It's scary out there, guys. The New Order's turned some kids… bestial," she explains.

"They're monsters." I nod. "We've met them."

"Good, then you and Wisty can probably help. If you're planning on staying around, that is." I guess I'm not exactly what you'd call a reliable constant in Janine's life. "Help us get everyone moving, okay? Tell them what they can expect. Try not to scare them too much." She looks over at her traumatized crew of kids. "How's your magic? Your Gifts?"

"On and off," I say. "We flew here, but then we crash-landed."

"Well, let's hope you're more on than off today. We have to get out of this place, like, now. It was nice living in a department store while it lasted," she says, looking around at the disheveled place the Freelanders had called home for so many months. Months that felt like an eternity.

Then Janine starts to clap her hands loudly and shout out orders. "We know from intelligence that the New Order is coming tonight, everyone. We have to get everyone out, and I mean everyone, even the sick and wounded. Let's move it, everybody! We have a plan for evacuating. Let's execute it perfectly."

She stops for a breath and makes eye contact with me. "It's good to see you, Whit. You look older. It suits you."

Janine seems older, too-and it suits her.
