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I hesitate when I reach the doorway that I think is

Anubah's. The rooms inside are dark, but a group of men is laughing and gaming a little way down the alley, by the light of a solar torch.

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A figure emerges from the doorway, and I stiffen.


"SB!" I start toward the door, but he holds up his hand.

"Quiet, Anubah's inside, sleeping." He gestures me down against the building wall. "Thank the gods," he mutters. "I thought you were never coming back."

"I said I always do my duty."

He frowns. I lay Song down beside me as carefully as

I can; sit back against the wall, with my arms and legs trembling. I wonder dimly how long it has been since

I've eaten anything.



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"Is that her?" SB asks.


He grunts something that sounds like "Idiot," and turns to the doorway again. "HK," he whispers.

HK emerges, carrying a small case. They crouch down beside me. "Here are the tools." SB takes the case from

HK's hands. "Get these blocks off us. Can you short them out?"

"Not if you want to keep your heads. Can't you get the control box?"

"No. I don't know where Anubah keeps it--" He breaks off, lowering his head as someone strides by.

When the stranger is past, I say, "I've got the gun working. Let's just get out of here."

"No! I want this off. I want to leave here like a man, with honor." He grips my arm. "You Page 165

understand." His eyes burn holes in the darkness.

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"All right." I pick through the tools in the dim light reflecting off the walls. "It's too dark here . .

. wait." I

unwrap the fire globe. Its restless glow washes their faces with warm radiance.

"What is it?" HK whispers. "Lava?"

"A drop of Fire Lake." I look up, grinning with elation.

"It's stardrive, HK! The whole damned lake!" The real significance of my discovery is only beginning to penetrate.

"What are you talking about?" SB snaps. "Shut up with that crazy talk, and get us free."

"I'm not crazy." I meet his eyes. "I've discovered what Fire Lake really is. A ship of the Old Empire crashed here, and nobody knew it. Its drive has been breeding here, uncontained, for a thousand years. That's what causes all the abnormal phenomena. Think of it, SB!

Think of what this will mean to the Hegemony!"

"You're sure?" he asks. "You're sure?"


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"Gods . . ." HK sighs. "And we're the only ones who know."

"All the more reason to get out of here alive." I switch on the magnifier, and watch the invisible tracery of the blocks' circuits glow on its surface. I follow the microfine pathways inward more by instinct than by sight. "All right! . . . Give me a tone box." HK puts it into my hand.

I press a code sequence--half audible notes, half silent to my ears. The pinprick red lights on both their collars wink out. "Deactivated. You're free. Now come on, let's--"

"One more thing," SB says grimly. He picks up the beamer before I realize what he is doing, and disappears through the doorway. I curse. "What's he--?"

A bellow of fury, a low voice speaking. A flash of light, and a scream--

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