
Name: Glick, Daniel Francis

Address: RFD #I, Brock Road, Jerusalem’s Lot, Maine 04270

Age: 12 Sex: Male Race: Caucasian

Admitted: 9/22/75 Admitting Person: Anthony H. Glick (Father)

Symptoms: Shock, loss of memory (partial), nausea, disinterest in food, constipation, general loginess

Tests (see attached sheet):

1. Tuberculosis skin patch: Neg.

2. Tuberculosis sputum and urine: Neg.

3. Diabetes: Neg.

4. White cell count: Neg.

5. Red cell count: 45% hemo.

6. Marrow sample: Neg.

7. Chest X ray: Neg.

Possible diagnosis: Pernicious anemia, primary or secondary; previous exam shows 86% hemoglobin. Secondary anemia is unlikely; no history of ulcers, hemorrhoids, bleeding piles, et al. Differential cell count neg. Primary anemia combined with mental shock likely. Recommend barium enema and X-rays for internal bleeding on the off-chance, yet no recent accidents, father says. Also recommend daily dosage of vitamin B12 (see attached sheet).

Pending further tests, let’s release him.

G. M. Gorby

Attending Physician
