I spent much of yesterday writing an introduction to my diary. Why did the idea of writing it occur to me yesterday? I think my mythological ‘Story of the Mushroom’ must have stirred me to think again about the significance of my situation.
The little story seems to justify the descent all right, but the introduction speaks of ‘dungeons’ in a way far from favourable to Level 7.
How do I really feel about it? Am I adjusted to Level 7, or do I still feel imprisoned? Do I know how I feel? Can a man know how he feels?
My feelings do not seem at all clear: one day I make up a story suggesting that those who descend into the earth are the lucky few, and the next day this story makes me reflect on the shattering experience of being locked in the dungeons of Level 7. I wonder what comes next!
No, it seems that feeling and knowing are two different things, and that one cannot know how, or even what, one feels.
R-747 liked my story. She thinks she will be able to use it when the children who will be born get old enough.
The Sacred Tape, ST, seems to her an excellent idea. She thinks it will be a useful means of education: “We can’t use books to teach people on Level 7,” she said. “They would take up so much space, and anyway they’re an outdated method of imparting information: only one person can read a book at a time, whereas there’s no limit to the number of people who can listen to a loudspeaker. It’ll be most convenient to have a Sacred Tape instead of a Sacred Book—especially since the stories in the conventional sacred books don’t fit the conditions of Level 7.”
P-867, set on finding snags in anything R-747 and I are mutually concerned with, remarked that there was a danger of confusion in the similarity of ‘ST’ for Sacred Tape and ‘St’ for Saint, alias (and she dropped her voice to a whisper, glancing round her in mock apprehension) Strontium.
We had to admit her point, but I minimised it by pointing out that although the children might hear references to ‘ST’ they would not hear people talking about ‘St’—it would be pronounced ‘Saint’ or ‘Strontium’ as the case might be. And if most teaching was to be done by loudspeaker they would get the spoken words clear in their heads before meeting them in their abbreviated, and possibly confusing, written form.
People are getting married down here at an increasingly fast rate. The marriages are always announced on the loudspeaker, but I have stopped counting them. They go on taking place, that’s all I know.
P-867 comes out most days with some new story about proposals made to her, either directly or through the mediation service. This does not interest me and I no longer go through the motions of asking her who her suitors are or whether she will say yes to one of them. I know it is myself she has designs on.