The ex-enemy has been given up for dead. We are alone now, literally and absolutely alone.

How long shall we last? Shall we survive down here?

Raise families? Keep humanity alive until one day man creeps out of these miserable holes?

Or shall we perish as the other levels did? And will we know what has hit us or not? Shall we be hit suddenly and unawares, or shall we have to watch death spreading all around us? Who knows?

The atomic reactor which supplies our energy has to undergo some repair work, so everything will come to a halt for an hour. I intend to stop writing and go to bed before they switch off the lighting. It will not inconvenience many people to be without light at this time of night. I expect most of them are asleep anyway. The others can discover what it is like to be as blind as real moles, which should be quite interesting.
