There is some mutual entertainment on the air. We and our ex-enemy are exchanging slogans which express ideals supposedly justifying the war. The entertainment value lies in the fact that we both look on the funny side of it. The ironical exchanges carry on in this fashion:

“Cave-men of the world, unite!”

“Freedom and democracy for all cave-men!”

“True people’s democracy for all cave-men!”

“Let’s make the world safe for the cave-men!”

“Equality for cave-men!”

“Freedom of speech for cave-men!”

“A classless society of cave-men!”

“A real democracy of cave-men!”

And so on. The more high-sounding the slogan, the hollower it rings—and the more people laugh at it. Our ex-enemy seems to enjoy the game as much as we do. We have been invited by the general loudspeaker to send in slogans of our own to be broadcast. I have submitted mine: “At last the world is united.”
