That was the movie at the Colony tonight. Kim shivered.

"I'm spooked already."

All of them turned to me.

"Clan?" said Casey.

I shrugged. "Why not?"

She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. It was the kind of kiss

you get from grandmothers on your tenth birthday.

"It's settled then."

She drained her chocolate egg cream. Steve's straw gurgled in the

bottom of his glass.

"When do we go?"

"What's wrong with tonight?"

"Sooner the better."

Kim was hopping around in her seat by now. "Okay, so what do wp


wA? Wl III.

"Despite what Casey says, I'd suggest flashlights," I told them. She

started to object.

"We don't have to use them, Case. But just to be on the safe side.

That house is pretty old, you know. Floors start to go in old houses,

things fall down on you. I don't think if one of us got hurt we'd want

to depend on matches."

Steve held up the bandaged hand. "He's right."

"I'd also suggest a couple six-packs. Apart from that, Ican'tthink of



"Midnight, of course," said Kimberley.

Casey nodded. "We should meet say at Dan's place at eleven,



There was a silence then. Everybody smiled at one another. I think we

all felt pretty silly. Kim started to giggle.

"You've had some dumb ideas, Casey. But this one ..."


"I mean really."

"I appreciate it."
