She laughed again. "Casey Simpson White. Seven Willoughb, Lane. And

it will be my first offense. How about you?"

"Clan Thomas. I've been up against it before, I guess."

"What for?"

"They got me once when I was five. Me and another kid set fin to his

backyard with a can of lighter fluid. That was one thing."

"There's more?"

"A little later, yeah. Nothing glamorous as auto theft, though You

wouldn't be interested."

I grabbed her arm. I could still feel the adrenaline churning. I

couldn't help it. I'd never stolen a car before. It made me nervous.

Her skin was soft and smooth. She didn't pull away.

"Are you crazy?"

She stopped and looked me straight in the eye.

"Buy me a drink and find out for yourself."

It was my turn to laugh then. "You're underage, though, right? You

would have to be."


"Please remember you never told me that. Come on."

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