My hands clenched the c<

The animal turned, its old dark body full of luxurious power, and

stalked me.

It crossed the beam of light. I saw the tongue slide along its chops.

Its mouth was bright with blood. I saw the calm assured ness in every


When the easy trot began, I turned and ran.

It was ludicrous, impossible.

Just as impossible not to try.

I ran for the column.

He caught me high on the calf and I went down. The pitchfork tumbled

from my hands. I felt the fangs go through me almost painlessly, like

razors through soft butter. There was a moment of shrieking terror.

Then my head slammed hard against damp, slimy rock. I saw something

move far away in front of me, against the farthest wall.

I heard laughter. Female laughter.

It was not Casey's. It was old and clogged and choking.

And then I felt nothing at all.

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