The Base

The RTO's brown eyes went as wide as saucers. "Duque? There's someone on our push who says she's in command of the United Earth Peace Fleet."

Except for color Carrera's eyes became a mirror of the RTO's. He put out his hand for the microphone.


"This is Captain Marguerite Wallenstein of the UEPF ship, Spirit of Peace. In the absence of our High Admiral, I am the ranking officer in space, Duque. I just called to offer my congratulations."


There was a moment's hesitation on the other end before Wallenstein came back with, "You did find the . . . packages, did you not, Duque? The twelve packages? You do have my High Admiral in captivity, do you not."

"I found your packages, Captain," Carrera admitted. TWELVE Packages? Shit. "As for your High Admiral, I am still looking."

"Look well, Duque," Wallenstein suggested. "The packages were his idea, not mine. Besides, if you find him there'll be a gap in my social schedule I'd be happy to let you fill." Though he didn't know anything about the captain, Carrera could almost see the sultry smile on the other end.

"That's all right, Captain. I think I'll be looking very carefully even without such a tempting offer. On the other hand, assuming you would prefer for your High Admiral never to return, as this conversation suggests, perhaps you can help me find out where he's gone."

"Always willing to help in the 'spirit of peace,'" Wallenstein quipped. She sounded positively thrilled to help.

Some interesting politics going on above, Carrera thought. Pity Rivers hasn't been able to deliver the location of the enemy, yet. He asked, "Can you scan for unusual heat signature coming out of the ground in an area of about twenty kilometers around me?"

"Piece of cake, Duque."

"Get me that, then, and I can guarantee your High Admiral won't be coming to take command ever again. Until then, Carrera, out."

To the RTOs he said, "Not a word, ever, to anyone."
