
United Earth Organization Resolution 5417 (proposed)

Resolution 5417 (2131)

Proposed before the Consensus on its 16728th meeting,

On 13 June, 2131

The Consensus (formerly known as the "Security Council"),

Maintaining the spirit implicit in the Noblemaire Principle for the remuneration and reward of its professional personnel,

Realizing that stability is no less important to peace, prosperity and freedom than is progress,

Recognizing that equality among persons is necessary to peace and progress,

Acknowledging the custom that has arisen of enfoeffment of certain offices and positions among the progressive class,

Reiterating in the strongest possible terms that progress is dependent upon the actions and authority of members of that class, supported by the peoples of Earth, as represented by this Consensus and the General Assembly,

Stressing that the Organization, and its affiliates and subsidiaries, must remain one "open to talents,"

Welcoming the support for this measure given by such organizations as Amnesty, Interplanetary, Doctors Across Worlds, the Interplanetary Association for Progressive News Reporting, Food is a Human Right, Inc., various transnational corporations, the European Union, the Organization of African Unity, The Chinese Hegemony, etc.,

Expressing its delight at the trust and confidence shown by the peoples of Earth and by their progressive representatives,

Determining that the peoples of Earth cry out with one voice for a class to lead them into a bright future,

1) Confers upon its own officers honorary titles in accordance with the schedule at table one, attached,

2) Confers upon the chief officers of those organizations listed in table two, attached, similar honors as shown in that table,

3) Reiterates that such honors shall be open to whosoever shall arise to such positions, in perpetuity,

4) Directs that the title of "Secretary General" shall be the highest such honor, and

5) Declares that such honors, that they may be open to the peoples of the Earth, shall be hereditary, also in perpetuity.
