UEPF Spirit of Peace, 12 January, 2522

Robinson had begun to worry as soon as the robo-drone from Earth had come in with the monthly dispatches and he'd been given the set marked "Eyes Only: High Admiral." Earth rarely communicated anything to the fleet beyond the merest routine, what parts would not be available and would have to be procured locally, what money would not be forthcoming, what art would be sent for auction, how many slaves would be on the next boat out and their quality. Slaves from Old Earth were always a dicey commodity. They had to be physically attractive, but also both ignorant and stupid lest they give away more of the conditions on Old Earth than the Consensus wanted known.

In any case, that sort of message was all routine. This—with its "Eyes Only" qualifier—just had to be bad news. He took the dispatches and, Wallenstein in tow, went to his cabin to read them.

"Shit. It's worse than I imagined," Robinson muttered, after scanning the first few lines of what appeared to be the only non-routine message among the group.

"What is, Martin?"

Robinson handed over the dispatch but explained verbally anyway. "The Inspector General is coming to pay us a call."

Wallenstein's eyes flew wide. "The Marchioness of Amnesty is coming here?" Hmmm, another supporter for my bid to enter Class One? Possibly. Have to find out her tastes. I'm sure Robinson wouldn't mind sharing me for a worthy cause. And she's by no means an unattractive woman. "Any hint of why?"

"None. It's got to be bad, though. A visit from the IG is always bad." Robinson's face grew contemplative. After a bit, he continued, "Fortunately, she likes girls as well as boys. I want you and . . . let me think . . . the Marchioness is also a Domme, so . . . yes, you and Khan and Khan's husband, to be her escort party."

"How long do we have to prepare?"

"Two months."

"No problem then. I can set up a dungeon and order appropriate costumes from Atlantis Base in that time."

"Good girl, Marguerite. I knew I could count on you."

"Hmmm. Should I order up a slave or two from below in case the IG wants to actually damage a playmate?"

"Excellent thinking, Captain. Better make it one of each."
