12/7/467 AC, Hamilton, FD

"Where the hell does this arrogant son of a bitch think he comes from?" asked Malcolm in a fine rhetorical rage. "Who the fuck does he think he is? Doesn't he know who the fuck I am?"

He thinks he's the only one who can save your bacon and the only one who both can and will provide troops willing to fight. He thinks that he has you over a barrel, thought Rivers, back in the SecWar's office. And he's right, too.

Rivers felt guilty—he really did—at the Progressive SecWar's discomfiture. He should be, he knew, more apolitical, even totally apolitical. Oh, well, tough shit; I despise the Progressives and I do enjoy watching the SecWar impotently rage.

In a repeat of Carrera's performance back on the Isla Real, Rivers took a sheet from a folder and passed it over. "This is what it will cost if we don't hire him now. And this," he continued, passing over another sheet, "is how much it will go up in two months. He didn't say so, Mr. Secretary, but I think that if the situation gets worse any faster than he has anticipated, these prices will go up even more."
