6/2/468 AC, The Big ?

"Mmm . . . . mmmph . . . . oh . . . ah . . . " Jaquie's and Marta's bodies were covered in sweat and intertwined on one of the two narrow naval bunks in their quarters. Jaquelina was half on top, with her left side resting on the bed and her right leg and hand between Marta's legs. The hand moved gently but deftly; teasing, rubbing, flicking the little button revealed by the splaying of Marta's legs. Those legs began to twitch even as the last "ah" began to morph to a very loud and piercing, "Aiiiiii."

And that's my cue, thought Jaquie as she clamped her mouth over Marta's, forcing her tongue between the other girl's lips and making a seal that was air tight and scream proof. She held that seal while Marta's own hand reached down to cover and control Jaquie's. Marta's body thrashed wildly atop the thin mattress.

The shuddering grew less, giving Jaquie a chance to come up for air before again covering the other girl's mouth with her own and again using her fingers to lift Marta up to and past the peak. After three or four repetitions, the larger girl arched her back and then slowly subsided, relaxing, to the mattress.

"Oh, God, that was wonderful," Marta whispered into Jaquie's ear, before flicking it with her tongue and then plunging as much of her tongue as would fit into the canal. Jaquie had the most wonderfully sensitive ears. It was her turn to shudder as Marta's tongue set the nerve endings running wild. Jaquie purred like a kitten before reaching up both hands to grasp Marta's head and pull it down to where it could do the most good.

"I love you, Jaquelina," Marta whispered just before burying her face between Jaquie's legs.

Jaquelina, fortunately, was not a screamer.
