The first hint that the Hellenic gods had broken out of Afterglow en masse came at 013.32, Universal Sidereal Time, when the chief of Demonic Studies at Hell's Brimstonic University noted that one of his subalterns had failed to return from an expedition. The subaltern's assistant reported that a pack of loose deities had seized the researcher while he was poking around old bones at an archaeological dig near Mt.
The chief called the Limbo underworld prison to see if anything had happened recently.
"Hello, who am I talking to?"
"Cicero, keeper of the Unwanted Deities Sector of the Limbo Life-Forms Penitentiary."
"I'm inquiring about the old gods of Greece. Zeus and that lot. Are they still safely under lock and key?"
"I'm sorry to say there's just been a breakout. They're free."
"When do you expect them to be rounded up?"
"I'm afraid it's not so easy. These old Greek gods are quite powerful, you know. It's going to take some action on Ananke's part to pen them up again."
"Thanks. I'll be in touch."