SKIN Steve Rasnic Tem

In addition to being a writer of fiction, Steve Rasnic Tem is a poet whose work has appeared in Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine, Amazing Stories, The Bennington Review, Puerto del Sol, and in the anthologies Dragons of Light and Blood Is Not Enough. This short poem first appeared in Psychos: An Anthology of Psychological Horror in Verse.

“Skin” is one of a series of approximately eighty poems Tem is writing about different parts of the body.


This costume is what

they know you by,

this disguise

in which you’ve been upholstered.

Under the skin

the springs are bending

into a pose of comfort

but the stuffing goes rotten

whatever you do. This shroud

keeps the air out

but does not stop the voices

calling your secret name

asking where you’ve gone

as you in your hiding place

gaze from two rigid holes.
