Oak and Thorn, The. An inn in Amador. In Paitr Conel’s plan to free Morgase from Amador, Tallanvor was to leave his sword behind and go to The Oak and Thorn to await the others.

Oak Dancer. A female wolf in the wolf dream that led a pack of about twelve including Whisperer, Morninglight, Sparks and Boundless. She got her name from the way she scampered between saplings as a whelp. Her pelt was very light, almost white, with a streak of black running along her right side. Oak Dancer invited Perrin to hunt with her pack, and helped Hopper teach Perrin how to follow someone in the wolf dream. She mourned when Slayer killed Morninglight. Oak Dancer, Sparks, Whisperer and Boundless were trapped in the violet dome created by the dreamspike; Perrin and Hopper went to rescue them, but Slayer killed Whisperer and wounded Sparks. All of the wolves of the pack except Oak Dancer, Sparks and Boundless went north to join the other wolves; those three stayed to help Perrin find the dreamspike. Sparks did find it, but only after Oak Dancer was killed by Slayer.

Oak Water. A village five miles east of Renald Fanwar’s farm in the Borderlands.

Oarsman’s Pride, The. An inn in Ebou Dar. After using Compulsion on the innkeeper, Moghedien balefired Nynaeve’s boat from its roof.

oath, strongest. “By the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth”—used by Siuan, Min and Leane to Gareth Bryne in Kore Springs.

Oath Rod. A ter’angreal used by the White Tower to bind an Accepted to the Three Oaths on becoming Aes Sedai. A smooth white rod about as thick as a woman’s wrist or a little slimmer, and approximately one foot long, it looked like ivory, but felt smoother, not quite like ivory, not quite like glass, and was very cool to the touch; not cold, but distinctly cool. It was very hard, harder than a steel bar, though no heavier than the ivory it appeared to be, and was unmarked except for a flowing symbol incised in one end; this was a numeral, as used in the Age of Legends, and represented the number three. Some thought the numeral stood for the Three Oaths. The rod was simply held in the hand while a little Spirit was channeled into the numeral. Whatever was promised, even if not in the form of an oath, was then binding on the person holding the rod until they were released.

The Oath Rod was a relic of the Age of Legends, although the Aes Sedai of the Third Age did not know that. Binders, as they were called then, were used in the Age of Legends to bind people who were incorrigibly violent, because of personality flaws or madness. If the person being bound could not channel, an Aes Sedai had to power it, but the effect was the same. The older one was when bound, the more it restricted. That is one reason it was used relatively seldom and only if nothing else would work. It was used instead of a death penalty, too—though in a way, in the terms of the Age, it was a death penalty—to bind someone not only not to commit their crime again but to spend the rest of their lives, if necessary, making restitution.

There was a perception of pressure with each oath taken; this pressure was uncomfortable at first, as though one was wearing a garment that covered one from the top of one’s head to the soles of one’s feet and was too small, or as if one’s skin was too tight. This pressure faded over a period of months, usually taking about a year to vanish entirely, but while it existed, it seemed quite real, and in a way was quite real. That is, an injury or bruise taken while the pressure existed would hurt more, just as if there really was pressure on it. It was the cumulative effect of three oaths taken together that produced the strong feeling of one’s skin being too tight. One oath by itself would produce some of the same effect, but not quite as intense and not lasting so long. If oaths were removed and then retaken, the physical effect was the same as for taking them for the first time. Swearing again to an oath already taken and not removed produced only a momentary feel of pressure which faded immediately.

It was the Three Oaths, taken on the Oath Rod, which actually produced the ageless look of Aes Sedai. The ageless look did not come on immediately. Its progression was only very roughly in proportion to strength in the Power, with considerable variation among people of the same strength. For someone who was very strong, it would take at least a year, and as much as three or four was not at all uncommon. The average Aes Sedai took five or so years, while the weakest to reach the shawl could take as long as ten or more.

It was possible to be broken free of the oaths with the use of the Oath Rod. This was a very painful process, which had various side effects, most if not all temporary, but all unpleasant in one way or another. They included temporary physical weakness and loss of will, a temporary inability to channel and considerable pain. Being released from one oath was very painful; being released from all three at one time was agonizing. This breaking was done by the Black Ajah prior to inducting a woman into their ranks, and the Oath Rod was also used by them to bind themselves to their own three oaths. Being stilled or burned out also removed oaths sworn, although that fact was not generally known.

Without the Oath Rod, a channeler’s age was somewhat in proportion to strength, though it wasn’t an exact proportion. Stronger channelers lived longer, up to more than eight hundred years for a Forsaken-class channeler. Aging occurred at a rate that would take channelers from the age at which one slowed to the apparent age of sixty or so. This relatively young maximum apparent age was an artifact of the healthful effects of the One Power. With the Oath Rod, Aes Sedai lifespans were capped at about three hundred years maximum.

Oaths, Three. See Three Oaths

obaen. A musical instrument of the Age of Legends. Asmodean was said to have played it, although no one in the Third Age knew what it was.

Oburun. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Ocalin, Sabeine. See Sabeine Ocalin

Ogier. A nonhuman race of giants who lived in stedding. They were noted for their love of knowledge, their exquisite stonework and their work with plants, particularly the Great Trees found in the stedding. They were sensitive to the mood of a place, and could feel the Forsaken’s unrestrained effects, without knowing what they were. They could sense evil, if strong enough, such as in Shadar Logoth. Ogier could see better by moonlight than could humans.

One bit of secret Ogier knowledge, lost to Aes Sedai after the Breaking, was that Ogier did not originate in this world. There was a legend of sorts that they had to and would leave one day, so that they could come again with the turning of the Wheel. This legend and the facts were all kept extremely close. Many Ogier knew of the Book of Translation, and knew that it was something never spoken about to any other than Ogier. Some knew that it contained information about the coming of the Ogier to this world. Scholars among them knew that it told the exact method by which they came, and also how to use that method to depart if needed.

Discounting accident or illness, Ogier were known to live as much as five hundred years, though four hundred or so was more common. Ogier acted as police during the War of the Shadow, and maybe as protectors of the Da’shain Aiel. During the Time of Madness, the stedding offered sanctuary to male Aes Sedai, who were buffered from the effects of the taint on saidin while there. They were unable to channel, or even to sense the Source, and one by one they left the shelter of the stedding, unable to stand the inability to channel any longer. While still staying largely in the stedding, these male Aes Sedai grew the Ways and created the Waygates, each, of course, outside the stedding. Stedding were already being abandoned because of the Breaking, and thus not all by far were so connected.

Before the last male Aes Sedai left the stedding, they presented the Talisman of Growing to the Elders. This allowed the Ogier to make the Ways grow branches using Treesong.

During the Breaking the land and sea shifted so dramatically that the stedding were lost or swallowed entirely. Those Ogier that survived the upheaval of land and sea found themselves homeless and adrift, wandering in search of their lost sanctuaries. Among Ogier this time was known as the Exile. After many years their Longing for the peace and beauty that only existed within the stedding became so strong that they began to sicken and die; many more died than did not. The Talisman was carried on the Exile, and once the first stedding were rediscovered during the years of the Covenant of the Ten Nations, it was used to grow more Ways, both to newly rediscovered stedding and to the Groves that Ogier planted near the cities they were building for humans. After that time the Ogier did not leave the stedding for extensive periods. If an Ogier stayed Outside for too long, the Longing took him and he began to weaken. If he did not return, he died.

The total Ogier population between the Aryth Ocean and the Spine of the World was slightly less than 500,000, inhabiting forty-one stedding. There were Ogier west of the Aryth Ocean as well, and they survived, though they did not pick up the skill of working stone. Unlike those to the east, they were pushed more toward the fierce side of Ogier nature. They had no Exile, and so avoided the Longing; of necessity they took part in the wars that enveloped Seanchan before the conquest, and to some extent participated in the intrigues. Anything else could well have meant being swallowed up or destroyed, and sometimes they had to fight in defense of their stedding. Ogier there took part in the war that led to the empire founded by Luthair Hawkwing. Ogier were recognized in Seanchan as extremely formidable fighters and were forbidden to bear arms outside the stedding, except those serving as bodyguards for the Imperial family, which they provided to show that they were loyal to the Empress. This bodyguard, called Gardeners, was a part of the Deathwatch Guard, though not da’covale like the rest. Sometimes a noble would be loaned a few Gardeners; usually this was seen as an honor, but it could be a caution that the throne was watching. The Seanchan rather approved of folk who lived in places where channeling would not work.

It was the perquisite of the highest nobles to have Ogier gardeners, though they were something more than gardeners. They were bodyguards, conventionally unarmed because of the prohibition. Instead, use of garden tools and staffs and sticks was developed into a martial art. There were no physical differences, and few social differences, between the Ogier west and east of the Aryth Ocean, except that the Seanchan Ogier were more willing to fight. By standards of Ogier east of the ocean, they were hasty; humans could hardly see it. No stedding in Seanchan was connected with any stedding east of the ocean, nor with each other. Seanchan Ogier had never heard of the Ways.

The two groups of Ogier were completely unaware of each other until the time of the Last Battle.

Ogier Gardeners. Ogier members of the Seanchan Deathwatch Guard; unlike the human members, they were not da’covale. See Ogier

oilfish. A fish that produced valuable oil, found in shoals off Mayene. The oil from these fish was the major competitor for olive oil both in cooking and in lamps. Mayeners knew the location of the oilfish shoals, which no one else did.

Okatomo. A noble House of Kandor. See Niach Okatomo

Old Cully. A gnarled beggar in Ebou Dar with one eye, no teeth and a habit of bathing only once a year. He was the feared leader of a circle of Darkfriends that worked for Jaichim Carridin. Cully sent Darkfriends imitating beggars to kill Mat; they did not succeed.

Old Deer. A wolf that Perrin talked to after he and others set out to find the kidnapped Rand.

Old Grim, Old Hob. See Dark One

Old Jak. A man up a tree in the song “Old Jak’s Up a Tree.”

Old Road. The road to Deven Ride south of Emond’s Field; it became North Road to the north.

Old Sheep, The. An inn found in Ebou Dar. Mat talked to Maylin, a beautiful serving girl there, when he was searching for Olver.

Old Tongue. What became known as the Old Tongue was the language spoken during the Age of Legends, though it is unknown what it was called then, if indeed it had a name. It was believed that a drift in language began some time during the Breaking of the World, but whether it began that early or not, it was well under way by the time of the Trolloc Wars. Although nobles and the educated still spoke the Old Tongue, a simpler language, much less ambiguous, had come into use among the common people. This simpler language was noted, disparagingly, as early as 250 AB; at least, that was the earliest record available. Very likely, if it existed earlier, scholars considered it beneath notice. By the Trolloc Wars it truly was very nearly a separate language. Those who spoke it alone had difficulty understanding the Old Tongue. By that time, however, many nobles and educated commoners, if not all, had apparently learned the tongue in order to communicate with the lower classes. Nothing from the time records any name separating the two; the one was apparently considered a lower-class dialect of the other.

By the time of Artur Hawkwing’s rise, the two languages were still in use, but by then had become mutually unintelligible. Nobles still spoke the Old Tongue among themselves, and more educated commoners also used it, especially on formal occasions, but in many ways it had become the second language, because everyone knew and used the speech of the commoners. Certainly books were being printed in the common tongue as early as FY 700.

In some ways the death of Artur Hawkwing’s empire was the death of the Old Tongue. Increasingly, the speech of commoners was used even by nobles. Knowledge of the Old Tongue became a sign of education, and considered a necessity among the nobles of many lands, but in truth relatively few had any real knowledge of it. The number of books printed in the Old Tongue began to decrease after FY 700. It was generally accepted that by Artur Hawkwing’s death, no more than half the books printed were in the Old Tongue, and the last book printed for general distribution in the Old Tongue was believed to have been about 200 NE, though there were occasional oddities after that time.

Every nation came to speak dialects of the same language, differing mainly in speech rhythms, accents, pronunciations, slang and the like; anyone from any nation could understand anyone from any other nation. That included Seanchan and Sharans, whose speech sounded strange but was still intelligible. Luthair Paendrag’s invasion replaced the languages of the natives in Seanchan with the language of the common people from Artur Hawkwing’s time.

Old Tongue remained in the world among two groups. It was the language of the Ogier, which they spoke among themselves, although of course they were completely fluent in the common language as well. It was also true that many folk in the Two Rivers had the peculiar ability to understand and even speak in the Old Tongue when under stress, although they could not do so under ordinary circumstances; it was an effect of the strength of the old blood of Manetheren.


Old Tongue was a language difficult to translate because many words could mean many different things, and a variety of words could be used to mean the same thing. Old Tongue was also highly nuanced. For example, there were various ways to say the same thing. Thus “Hill of the Golden Dawn” translated literally was “Gold Dawn Hill.” But in other instances, Old Tongue words meaning “of the”—al or an, for example—might sometimes be integrated into the phrase as well.

By the same token, some words that might be considered significant to the meaning of a sentence in modern language—modifiers, for example—might be missing in Old Tongue; rather, meaning had to be gathered from the context and the instinct of the listener or reader.

As with English, Old Tongue was full of “illogical inconsistencies.”



There was no simple convention for plurals.

Suffixes an, in, on, es and en all could indicate pluralization in some context or another.

Sometimes the n suffix was all that was needed with some words ending in a vowel, as tai/tain.

Adding a, as sei/seia.

Adding i, as shar/shari.

Removing a letter, as dareis/darei.

Using a contraction, as athan/atha’an.

Adding e after a.

Using the same word for both singular and plural (particularly words that end in n in the singular, but other cases as well).


Little was known about verb conjugations.

There were no standard verb endings.

The ae suffix would convert an active verb to the passive voice.

The suffix ane converted the verb to past tense.

The noun form of a verb was often created by adding the suffix nen.


These frequently followed the noun they modified, and were used for emphasis.


The root of each number had one of two suffixes: -yat, descriptive of material objects; or -ye, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions. Perhaps this convention was a reflection of the philosophical underpinnings of the culture, which recognized the importance of both active and passive, male and female, material and immaterial. This was depicted graphically in the Aes Sedai symbol, the black and white disc.

The numbers 11 through 19 used the base numbers from the ones series, followed by the suffix ’pi.

The suffix ’shi denoted multiples of ten (the -yat/-ye suffix was dropped above the teens).

The word deshi meant one hundred, and ’deshi was used as a hundreds suffix.

The word tuhat meant one thousand, and ’tuhat was used as a thousands suffix.

Word Order:

As with Latin, inverted constructions were common; word order could vary for emphasis, but whereas Latin’s case endings facilitated meaning, the Old Tongue relied on context and intuition for meaning; this offered partial insight into how those individuals whose primary language was Old Tongue, such as the Forsaken, could adapt so readily to New Tongue—not only was the Old Tongue the protolanguage of Third Age language, but the prominence of intuitive skills used to derive meaning gave them a significant advantage in language adaptation.

Word order of a sentence could vary according to the perceived beauty of the spoken sound. As one might expect, two people speaking (or writing) identical words with precisely the same meaning might use different word order to conform to their notion of aural beauty; the listener or reader would nonetheless understand each sentence similarly.

Words of Particular Importance:

Though not a firm rule, articles were often omitted where the word had gained some importance in the culture, such as being a title or having a special meaning.

Words and/or their modifiers were sometimes capitalized to indicate increased importance, such as a’vron becoming Ma’vron.

Words could also be capitalized to demonstrate meaning expanded to a larger entity, such as cuebiyar meaning a heart, but Cuebiyar meaning the heart of a people or nation.

Compound Words:

Compound words were made by simply combining words, or through use of an apostrophe.

When words were combined and the end of the first word was identical to the beginning of the second word, they would often be overlapped, as in la and anfear becoming lanfear.


In the Age of Legends, accents and idioms used in the spoken language varied according to a person’s region of origin and station in life, as would be expected in any language.


The meanings of most words in the Old Tongue have been lost over the Ages. The following is the extent of our understanding.

a—(prep.) of; also, makes plural when added to the end of a word

aada—(adj.) dear

aagret—(adj.) awake

aan—(n. & adj.) one (masculine)

Aan’allein—(n.) One Man, or Man Alone, or Man Who Is an Entire People; Aiel term for Lan

abakran—(n.) amount

a’dam—(n.) leash; used by the Seanchan

ae—(v. suffix) denotes passive voice

aend—(adv.) ever

aes—(n.) all; everyone; the public body; civilization

Aesdaishar—(n.) Glory of All; name of the palace in Chachin

Aes Sedai—(n.) Servants of All

aethan—(n.) shield(s)

Aethan Dor—(n.) Red Shields: an Aiel warrior society

afwadh—(n.) well

agaroum—(n.) disgust

aginor—(n.) a Forsaken; compound word that means “slicer of the living”

agit—(n.) living organism

ahenila—(n.) current, as in a river

ahf—(n.) wind; i.e., an air current

Ahf’frait—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, “strong wind”

aiel—(n. & adj.) dedicated; Aiel— the Dedicated

ailen—(conj., prep. & adj.) before

ain—(v.) is; one form of the verb “to be”

airach—(n. & adj.) living

aird—(adj.) tall

ajah—(n.) an association created for a specific purpose; capitalized, it refers to a group of women within the White Tower organized to accomplish a specific goal

akein—(n.) swallow; i.e., a type of bird

al—(prep.); “for the,” or “of the”; also, a prefix added to the first name of Malkieri kings

alantin—(n.) brother; used as short for “Tia avende alantin,” “Brother to the Trees”; how Selene/Lanfear addressed Loial

al’cair—(adj.) the gold(en)

Al’Cair Dal—(n.) the Golden Bowl, a canyon in the Aiel Waste

al’cair’rahienallen—(n.) literally: Gold(en) Dawn Hill; ancient name for Cairhien, used by Ogier throughout the Third Age

al caldazar—(n.) red eagle

aldazar—(n.) eagle(s)

aldieb—(n.) west wind (the wind that brings the spring rains); name of Moiraine’s horse

alep—(n.) son

algai—(n.) battle person, fighter

algai’d’siswai—(n.) Aiel term meaning the spear fighters; literally, battle person of the spear

alget—(v.) fight

Al’ghol—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, the soulless

algode—(n. & adj.) cotton; a plant fiber from the Aiel waste

allein—(n.) man

allen—(n.) hill

allende—(v.) pass, as in passing through or by, not as in handing something over

allwair—(n.) key

am—(generally prefix) pertains to beauty

aman—(n.) dragon; Aman—the Dragon

amela—(n.) friend

amotath—(n.) attraction

an—(prep.) of; of the; for the

an—(suffix) used to indicate plural form

ande—(n.) rose

andi—(suffix) denotes stone-like quality

andillar—(n.) stone

ane—(suffix) used to indicate past tense

anfear—(n.) night

angreal—(n.) “of the power to channel”; a device that enhances the power to channel

anouge—(v.) cough

ansoen—(n.) lies

ara—(suffix) indicates possession, i.e., “my” or “of mine”

arahar—(n.) curtain

aran—(adj.) right-hand or right-side

aran’gar—(n.) right-hand dagger; also the name of a reborn Forsaken

aridhol—(n.) “land of harmony”; city of the Second Covenant

aris—(n.) harmony; see aridhol

arkati—(n.) school

asa—(pron. & n.) you; also, a concubine in Seanchan

ascar—(n. & adj.) blue

asha’man—(n.) guardian/defender; having an implication of siding with justice and right; literally, guard of the blade, a term suggested by Bashere from Old Tongue

ashan—(prefix) guard

ashandarei—(n.) Birgitte’s name for Mat’s sword; literally, guard sword

asmodi—(n.) music

asmodean—(n.) musician; name of a Forsaken

aso—(pron.) it

astai—(n.) belief

atha—(n.) person

atha’an—(n.) people/folk; strong implications at the least of nationhood

Atha’an Miere—(n.) People of the Ocean or Waves; Sea Folk

Atha’an Shadar—(n.) People of the Shadow, or Darkfriends

attik—(n. & v.) smile

aven—(v.) call

avende—(n.) tree(s)

Avendesora—(n.) the Tree of Life; chora tree

Avendoraldera—(n.) an offshoot of Avendesora found outside the Waste

a’vron—(n.) watcher(s)

ayashiel—(n.) fowl

ayend—(n.) refers to the dead, those who have passed, those who have released their mortal coil; a root word related to ayende and allende

ayende—(v.) release/free

ayend’an—(prep.) of the fallen or the dead

azafi—(n.) canvas

Ba’alzamon—(n.) Heart of the Dark

ba’asa—(n.) your heart, devoted one

bachri—(n.) bread

badan—(n.) bath

bah(a)—(n.) box(es)

baichan—(adj.) sticky

baid—(n. & adj.) self

baijan—(n.) attack

Baijan’m’hael—(n.) Leader of the Attack

bairnu—(v.) crack

bajad—(n.) spawn

bak—(adv.) how

bal—(n.) circle

balad—(adj.) slow

balfone—(n.) a musical instrument of the Age of Legends

balt—(n.) essence, root or heart

balthamel—(n.) “essence of youth”; name of a Forsaken

banta—(n.) seat

baroc—(n.) hour

basho—(prep., adj. & adv.) under

bat—(prep.) against

batthien—(adj.) hard

bazam—(n.) arm

beatha—(n.) art

bebak—(adj.) quiet

begoud—(adj.) bad

begrat—(v.) swear

begratanae—(adj.) sworn

be’lal—(n.) “desire to have”; the Envious, name of a Forsaken

belo—(v.) desire

beratam—(n.) distance

betakai—(n. & adv.) yesterday

beulin—(n. & adj.) front

bhadi—(n.) company

bhan—(n.) eradication or annihilation

Bhan’sheen—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, bringers of annihilation

bhardo—(n.) building

bhashan—(n.) hearing

bhoot—(v.) screw

bhuk—(n.) doubt

bideli—(n.) form

bift—(adj.) still

bighar—(adj.) conscious

bijoun—(n.) flower

binti—(adj.) delicate

birok—(n.) beet

blagh—(n.) book

bloobh—(n.) stomach

boan—(n.) female ideal of beauty

bodong—(n.) rhythm

boesin—(n.) floor

bokhen—(adj.) ill

boko—(adj.) fat

bolar—(adj.) special

bolga—(v.) talk

bopo—(n.) baby

borz—(n.) coal

botay—(n.) male ideal of beauty

brett—(n.) letter

breudon—(n.) suggestion

brith—(n. & v.) kiss

brynza—(n.) cheese

budhvai—(adj.) liquid

buggel—(v.) play

buido—(n. & v.) knot

bumma—(n.) moon

bunok—(v.) act

ca—(v. aux.) do; as an intensifier; e.g., Lyet ye means “I come”; Ca’lyet ye means “I do come”

caba—(n.) horse

caba’donde—(n.) a horse to ride

caba’drin—(n.) cavalry/horsemen

caballein—(n.) horseman; also used to indicate a free man

cadi—(n.) cloth

cadin—(n.) clothes

cadin’sor—(n.) working clothes, worn by Aiel

cafar—(n.) vicious creatures from the Age of Legends; mentioned by Sammael

caili—(n.) skirt

cair—(n. & adj.) gold(en)

caisen—(adj.) old

cal—(n. & adj.) red

calazar—(n.) harbor

caldazar—(n.) red eagle

caledon—(n.) metal

calhar—(n.) red hand

calichniye—(interjection) welcome

Callandor—(n.) The Sword That Is Not a Sword, the Sword That Cannot Be Touched

ca’lyet—(v.) do come

canant—(n.) news

cantheal—(n.) train

capar—(n.) a large, hairy boar-like animal from the Aiel Waste

car—(n.) chief

car’a’carn—(n.) chief of chiefs; capitalized, the Aiel name for the Dragon Reborn

carai—(n.) honor; can be used in the sense of “for the honor”

carentin—(n.) worth, or, of an equivalent value

carn—(n.) chiefs

carneira—(n.) a Malkieri’s first lover

casgard—(n.) ornament

cassort—(adj.) married

cavastu—(adj.) angry

cemaros—(n.) great winter tempests from Sea of Storms

cha—(n.) talon, claw

Cha Faile—(n.) the Falcon’s Talon: name taken by Faile’s followers

chaki—(adj.) bitter

chalin—(adj.) sweet

chalinda—(n.) sweet girl; an Old Tongue name given to Min by Siuan

chalot—(v.) claw

chanda—(n.) soup

chanukar—(n.) island

chati—(n.) breath

chatkar—(n.) prose

chegham—(n.) rate

cheghar—(n.) credit

chekrut—(adj.) violent

chelan—(n.) roof

chenal—(n.) support

cheta—(n.) face

chicaba—(n.) engine

chiema—(n.) winter

chinje—(n.) a wheel used in gambling, perhaps like roulette

chinnar—(n.) body

chinti—(adj.) small

chitzi—(v.) sneeze

choba—(complex word form) used in a formal greeting to the Ogier, meaning “to the humble one before you”

chora—(n.) a construct from the Age of Legends, a beneficent tree

choryat—(n. & adj.) five, a quantifier of material objects

chorye—(n. & adj.) five, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments, or propositions

choshih—(complex word form) used in a formal greeting to the Ogier, meaning “to the unworthy one before you”

choss—(n.) something hauled away on farms, i.e., manure; spoken of by Sammael

choutsin—(adj.) strange

chukhar—(v. & adj.) shut

cierto—(adj.) resolute, determined, enduring; in certain contexts, is a temporal reference

ciyat—(n.) price

claddin—(adj.) tired

clomak—(n.) lock

cloriol—(n.) scale

con—(n.) a small banner

conagh—(n.) answer

concion—(n.) summons

conde—(n.) walker(s)

conden—(v.) walk

conje—(n.) a type of needle, thought of by Sammael

cor—(n.) night

Cor Darei—(n.) Night Spears: Aiel warrior society

corda—(n.) the heart; that which is at the center

Cordamora—(n.) Heart of the People: name of the palace in Maradon

corea—(n.) musical instrument of the Age of Legends

coreer—(n.) poisonous snake from the Age of Legends

Corenne—(n.) the Return; a Seanchan concept

corlm—(n.) a Seanchan exotic animal, looks like a large flightless bird with fur, a predator

cosa—(n.) a creature from the Age of Legends that scampers up trees for protection; mentioned by Graendal

cour—(n.) trap, container

cour’souvra—(n.) mindtrap; used on the Forsaken

cova—(n.) owner, one who owns

covale—(n. & adj.) property; owned; used among the Seanchan for “slave(s)”

cuande—(n.) a stress-induced condition that is often experienced as chest pain, i.e., anxiety

cue, cuen—(prefix) refers to the heart

cuebiyar—(n.) (my) heart; capitalized, it refers to the heart of a nation or people, or the heart of a ruler

cuendar—(n. & adj.) heart (changes form when combined with other words or word segments)

cuendillar—(n.) heartstone

cueran—(n.) a building material; from a Semirhage point of view

culieb—(n. & adj.) past

cyn—(n. & adj.) last

cyndane—(n.) last chance; name given to reincarnated Lanfear

d—(prep.) of; belonging to; strong implications of ownership, or inferior position

da—(n.) one; person; individual (neutral gender; male or female)

daarlot—(n.) crime

dabor—(n.) picture

Da’concion—(n.) the Chosen Ones; Seanchan term

da’covale—(n.) a person who is owned; a slave, according to Seanchan usage; this is the older form, usually replaced now simply by covale or “property”

dada—(n.) father

dadaranell—(n.) “father of ranges”; from Mafal Dadaranell, ancient name of Fal Dara

dae—(adj.) complex; intricate; implications of delicacy; great

dae’mar—(n.) an intricate or complex game, that requires a delicate touch

dae’vin—(n.) treaty

daes—(n.) many people; multitudes; implications of diversity, of milling (not a unified group of individuals)

Daes Dae’mar—(n.) the Great Game, also known as the Game of Houses; literally, “Many People Game,” or “the Complex Game that Uses Multitudes”; played in southern countries, particularly in Cairhien; some say developed by the Aes Sedai

daghain—(n.) fear

dahid—(n.) note

dai—(n., v. & adj.) battle; struggle; strive

daien—(n.) dancer of the old days; mentioned by Aran’gar

Dai Shan—(n.) title for Lan; literally, “(Diademed) Battle Lord”

daishar—(n.) glory (literally: “battle blood” or “blood of battles”)

dal—(n.) bowl, basin or vessel

dalae—(past part.) is paid

dale—(v.) pay

dali—(n.) clock

dam—(v.) leash

damane—(n.) leashed; used by the Seanchan to mean “leashed one” or “those who are leashed” (technically this would be da’damane, but would compress because of the overlapping sounds, to damane)

dane—(n.) chance (variant is diane)

dantor—(n.) theory

dao—(n.) cord

daori—(n.) hair cut by a Malkieri’s carneira and saved, woven into a cord

dar—(adv.) forward (direction)

dar—(n.) sister

dar—(suffix) indicates the feminine

darath—(n.) a type of fierce animal; from a Moghedien point of view

darei—(n.) spears (plural of dareis); used by Aiel

dareis—(n.) spear

darm—(adj.) serious

darshi—(v.) see

Da’shain Aiel—(n.) literally: “People to Peace Dedicated” (sometimes shortened to “Da’shain”)

da’tsang—(n.) despised one; one who is despised; used by Aiel

de—(prefix) refers to an agent of action; (suffix) denotes negation

deebo—(n. & adj.) brown

dekhar—(adj.) political

demandred—(n.) one who twists the blade; name of a Forsaken

dena—(n.) song

der—(n. prefix) master, as in a master of a craft; thus among the Seanchan, der’morat’raken is one who is advanced in the craft/skill of handling raken, one who trains others to handle them, and therefore a trainer of morat’raken; likewise, a der’sul’dam is one skilled enough to train those sul’dam who train and handle damane

der—(prep.) from

dera—(suffix) means “derived from”

deshi—(suffix) denotes hundreds (yat/ye suffix is dropped above the teens); e.g., chor’deshi = five hundred

deshi—(n. & adj.) one hundred

desta—(v.) stop

desu—(n.) bed

desyat—(adj.) ten; a quantifier of material objects

desye—(adj.) ten; descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

devor—(v.) ask

devoriska—(rel. pron.) what was asked

deyeniye—(n.) majesty

dha—(n.) agony, anguish

dhai—(adj.) pertaining to war or a great battle

Dhai’mon—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, scythes of war

dhakdi—(n.) cloud(s)

dhalen—(n.) money

dhamel—(n.) shade

Dha’vol—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, sires of agony

dhjin—(n.) terror or horror

Dhjin’nen—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, those who cause terror

dhol—(n.) land

dhub—(n.) ball

diane—(n.) chance (var. of dane)

diband—(adj.) dependent

dibbuk—(n.) interest

dieb—(n.) wind

difrol—(n.) waste

dillar—(suffix) means “stone”

din—(n.) brother(s)

din—(suffix) indicates masculine

dinya—(v.) care

diutic—(n.) tongue

dival—(n.) light

diy—(v.) sound

diynen—(n.) sounder, one who produces a sound

djanzei—(n., adj. & adv.) south

do—(prep.) over

doko—(pron. & adv.) where

Do Miere A’vron—(n.) Watchers Over the Waves; literally: Over the Sea/Waves, Watchers

domashita—(v.) warm(s)

domorakoshi—(n.) language

don—(suffix) denotes importance

donde—(v.) ride; has to do with riding

doon—(n. & adj.) black or very dark

doorn—(adj.) thick

doozhi—(v.) burst

dor—(n. & adj.) red

dore—(n.) mountains

dornat—(n.) a hunting critter thought of by Graendal

doti—(n.) nut

dovie—(adj.) relates to luck

dovie’andi—(n.) dice

dovienya—(n.) luck

dred—(v.) twist

drelle—(suffix) means river; water(s) of

drenni—(v.) turn

drin—(n.) man/men/soldier(s)

drosin—(n. & adj.) green

drova—(n.) hag, beldam, old woman

drovja—(adj.) of a beldam

druna—(v.) push

duadhe—(n.) water

Duadhe Mahdi’in—(n.) Water Seekers; an Aiel warrior society

dudhi—(n.) cow

duente—(v.) holds/grips; has a hold/grip on

dumki—(n.) army

dvoyat—(adj.) two, a quantifier of material objects

dvoye—(adj.) two, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

dvoyn—(n. & adj.) second

dyani—(adj.) natural

dyu—(adv. & prep.) by

dzigal—(adj.) flat

e—(conj.) and

einto—(n.) addition

el—(prefix) added to the first name of a Malkieri queen; (suffix) denotes “hope,” e.g., Sammael

ellis—(n.) sun

Ellisande—(n.) the Rose of the Sun; literally Sunrose

en—(suffix) makes plural; also, derived from jenn to mean “true”

era—(suffix) modifier meaning “blue,” as in seiera

es—(suffix) denotes many, as in daes

ethaantar—(v.) transport

evierto—(v.) polish

fada—(adj.) sad

faerstin—(n.) adjustment

faile—(n.) falcon

fakha—(v.) sail

far—(prep.) of; also, an indication of mobility

Far Aldazar Din—(n.) Brothers of the Eagle: Aiel warrior society

Far Dareis Mai—(n.) Maidens of the Spear: Aiel warrior society

farhota—(n.) brass

fear—(n.) night

feia—(n.) speaker

feiro—(v.) exchange

feist—(v.) question

fel—(poss. pron.) our

fenter—(n.) verse

feros—(n.) soil

ferster—(n.) garden

finin—(n.) nephew

fintan—(n.) cup

folyt—(adj.) able

fonnai—(n.) place

for—(n.) herd

frait—(adj.) strong

fringfran—(n.) cork

furthadin—(n.) statement

ga—(v.) is

gadhat—(n.) thread

gadou—(v.) change

gaen—(prep.) across

gai—(n.) battle

gaidin—(n.) brother to/of battle; Aes Sedai use this word for Warders

gai’don—(n.) battle, but a key battle, that will win or lose a campaign or war

gai’shain—(n.) Aiel word, meaning “those sworn to peace in battle”

galamok—(n.) shirt

gar—(n.) dagger or lethal device

gara—(n.) a type of poisonous lizard from Aiel Waste

garan—(adj.) solid

gashi—(v.) profit

gavane—(pron., adj. & adv.) what

gemarisae—(v.) is made

gemarise—(v.) make

ghael—(suffix) pertains to brutes, beasts, monsters

ghal—(v.) curve

ghani—(n.) purpose

ghar—(n.) venom or acid

Ghar’ghael—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, brutes of venom

ghazh—(n.) chin

gheuth—(v.) cry

gheym—(n. & v.) measure

ghiro—(adv.) thus

ghleb—(n.) limit

ghoba—(n.) the soul

Ghob’hlin—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, harvesters of souls

Gho’hlem—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, takers of souls

gholam—(n.) one of the Shadowspawn; means “soulless”

ghow—(adj.) hollow

ghraem—(n.) the mighty, the all-powerful

Ghraem’lan—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, prized of the mighty

ghul—(n.) pit or hole

ghuni—(n. & v.) smoke

gidhi—(adj.) normal

glasti—(adj.) even

glimp—(n.) minute

gobhat—(n.) plant

gomaen—(n. & v.) attempt

gorista—(v.) use

gouql—(v.) look

gozai—(n.) chest

graedo—(v.) please

graen—(n.) pleasure

graendal—(n.) vessel of pleasure; name of a Forsaken

greal—(n.) the power to channel

griest—(n.) rail

grolm—(n.) a fierce Seanchan animal used in battle

gruget—(v.) stretch

gubbel—(adj.) feeble

gwiltor—(n.) wire

gurupat—(n.) oath

haar—(n.) opinion

habish—(n.) ear

hadori—(n.) a Malkieri headband

hadzi—(v.) cause

hael—(v.) lead

hafi—(n.) part

Hailene—(n.) a Seanchan term meaning forerunners, Those Who Come Before

hakhel—(n.) nail

hama—(n.) dancer(s); implies particular grace and fluidity, a stateliness

Hama N’dore—(n.) Mountain Dancers: Aiel warrior society

hanol—(n.) wound

har(an)—(n.) hand

harben—(v.) take

harvo—(v.) pump

hasta—(n.) paste

hathi—(n.) muscle

havokiz—(n.) invention

hawali—(adj.) wide

heatsu—(v.) join

heesh—(adj.) smooth

hei—(adv.) always

heinst—(v.) send

hessa—(n.) forgiveness

hessalam—(n. & adj.) without forgiveness; name of a Forsaken

hienisus—(n.) design

hirato—(n.) space

hlem—(suffix) means those who take

hlin—(suffix) means those who harvest

hochin—(n., adj. & adv.) east

holubi—(n.) comfort

hoba—(n.) oil

hodifo—(adj.) responsible

homa—(v.) offer

hoptah—(n.) week

hosiya—(v.) till

hou’dabor—(n.) dream

houghan—(n.) structure

houma—(v.) sleep

humat—(n.) existence

hutsah—(n.) bucket

ibalets—(n.) thumb

ikaat—(n.) wax

illar—(suffix) pertains to stone

imsoen—(n.) truth

in—(suffix) creates plural form

inda—(n.) girl

inde—(n. & adv.) no or not; a general negation

indemela—(n.) enemy

ing—(suffix) indicates something of utmost importance

iqet—(pron., adj. & adv.) this

iro—(pron.) we

isain—(v.) is; one form of “to be”

isainde—(v. neg.) is no/is not/am no/am not (insistent; emphatic)

isham—(n.) betrayer

ishamael—(n.) betrayer of hope; name of a Forsaken

ishar—(v.) betray

ishavid—(n.) betrayal

iska—(suffix) means “that which was”

istor—(n.) fiction

izaad—(n.) wool

-ja—(suffix) means “of” or “issued from”

jaahni—(n.) reading

jabro—(n.) tooth

jalat—(n. & v.) burn

jalbouk—(n.) kettle

jalou—(v.) go

jalid—(n.) heat

jeade—(n.) finder

jeade’en—(n.) true finder; name of Jain Farstrider’s and Rand’s horse

jegal—(n.) a scaled creature thought of by Sammael

jemena—(v.) farm

jenn—(adj. & adv.) true, truly, or even “only true”; implies that all others are false or fake

jhabal—(n.) brush

jheda—(adj.) exquisite; name of the royal palace of Ghealdan

jhin—(n.) exaltation

ji—(n.) honor

ji’e’toh—(n.) honor and obligation; used by Aiel

jobei—(n.) apparatus

juma—(n.) worm

jumara—(n.) one of Aginor’s creations, mentioned by Sammael, that were intended to transform themselves; now called Worms in the Blight, full-grown but untransformed

kaarash—(n.) discovery

kaarto—(n.) tax

kadu—(n.) lip

kaf—(n.) a caffeinated beverage, brewed from the roasted seed of a fruit-bearing shrub cultivated in the mountains of Seanchan

kakamo—(adj.) quick

kanjo—(n.) emotion

kar—(suffix) means punishment through the nervous system

karagaeth—(n.) punishment

kardon—(n.) green-skinned fruit from a leafless spiny plant in Aiel Waste

kasaar—(n.) order

kashen—(n.) fork

kathana—(v.) kick

katien—(n.) size

kazath—(v.) say

kazka—(n.) grain

keesh—(adv. & prep.) out

keisa—(n.) jewel

kelet—(n.) rod

kelindun—(n.) general (military rank)

kesan—(n. & adj.) steel

kesiera—(n.) jewelry worn on the forehead, such as that worn by Moiraine

kesool—(n.) shoe

ketvar—(n.) chain

keymar—(n.) color

khadi—(n.) bone

khalig—(n.) history

khamu—(n.) year

khoop—(v.) blow

khust—(adj.) dry

kikola—(n.) list

killo—(n.) pin

kippat—(n.) ticket

ki’sain—(n.) Malkieri woman’s forehead adornment

kiserai—(n.) glory, honor

Kiseran—(n.) a title Siuan used to address Loial, meaning “honorable one”

kjasic—(adj.) an obscenity, spoken by Sammael

kloye—(n.) bell

Kno’mon—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, scythes of devastation

knotai—(n.) devastation, ruin

koanto—(n.) learning

Ko’bal—(n.) a Trolloc band; literally, circle of one, i.e., brotherhood

ko’di—(n.) the Oneness, the void, or the flame and the void: a meditative state

kodome—(n. & adv.) here

koja—(n. & adv.) there

komad—(adj.) mixed

komalin—(adj.) weak

komo—(v.) put

kontar—(n.) board

korero—(n.) discussion

koudam—(n., adj. & adv.) west

koult—(adv.) quite

kovist—(n.) tail

koyat—(adj.) one, a quantifier of material objects

koye—(adj.) one, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

koyn—(n., adj. & adv.) first

kozat—(n.) unit

kramayage—(n.) development

kramtor—(n.) store

kriko—(n.) bird

kritam—(adj.) tight

kuruta—(n.) cart

kuthli—(v.) laugh

kutya—(n.) feeling

la—(n.) daughter

laada—(adj.) long

labani—(n.) reward

lahdin—(n.) observation

laero—(n.) flag

lagien—(n.) town

laido—(n.) summer

lakevan—(n.) motion

lal—(v.) have

lam—(suffix) indicates a lack, being without

lamena—(n.) frame

lan—(adj.) prized or beloved

lanfear—daughter of the night; name of a Forsaken

lashite—(n.) meeting

lato—(n.) angle

lavakh—(n.) wood

leagh—(n.) page

leffal—(n.) stage

lendha—(v.) fall

lennito—(n. & adj.) military

liede—(n.) neck

lindhi—(n.) monkey

lishno—(n.) trouble

loftan—(n.) material

logoth—(n.) place of waiting

lopar—(n.) huge fighting exotic animal of the Seanchan

lormae—(v.) is written

lorme—(v.) write

los—(n., adj. & adv.) forward

loviyaga/loviyagae—(n.) memory/memories

lyet—(v.) come

m—(prefix) means “of”

ma—(prefix) indicates importance

ma—(v.) “you give”

maani—(adv.) very

maast—(adj.) necessary

machin—(n.) destruction

Machin Shin—(n.) “journey of destruction”; the Black Wind, a major threat in the Ways

mad—(adj.) loud

mael—(n.) hope

mafal—(n.) mouth or pass

Mafal Dadaranell—(n.) “pass at the father of mountain ranges”; ancient name for Fal Dara

magami—(n.) little uncle; what Amalisa called King Easar in private

mageen—(n.) daisy

mah’alleinir—(n.) he who soars; literally “seeking man of the stars”; the name Perrin gave to his Power-wrought hammer

mahdi—(n.) seeker; used for leader of Tuatha’an caravan

mahdi’in—(n.) seekers

mahrba—(v.) paint

mai—(n.) maiden(s)

makitai—(n.) wheel

mamai—(n. & adj.) future

mamu—(n.) mother

man—(adj.) related to blade/sword (“man” has the same root as “war,” “violence” or “aggression”)

mandarb—(n.) blade; name of Lan’s stallion

Manetheren—(n.) mountain home; one of the Ten Nations

manetherendrelle—(n.) waters of the mountain home

manive—(v.) drive

manivin—(n.) driving

manshima—(n.) sword/blade

manshimaya—(n.) my own sword

mar—(n.) game

maral—(adj.) destined

marath—(prefix) indicates that something must be done, suggesting urgency; Seanchan word

marath’damane—(n.) those who must be leashed/one who must be leashed; Seanchan term

marcador—(n.) hammer

marna—(v.) swim

maromi—(v.) crush

mashi—(n. & v.) love

mashiara—(n.) my love; but a hopeless love, perhaps already lost; Lan to Nynaeve

masnad—(n.) trade

maspil—(n.) butter

mastri—(n.) fish

mat—(v.) control

matuet—(adj.) important

ma’vron—(n.) watchers of importance

mawaith—(n.) reaction

medan—(n.) sugar

melaz—(n.) inn

melimo—(n.) apple

mera—(prep.) without; lacking

Mera’din—(n.) the Brotherless; used by Aiel

merwon—(adj.) boiling

mesaana—(n.) teacher of lessons; name of one of the Forsaken

mestani—(n.) lessons

mestrak—(n.) necessity

m’hael—(n.) leader (capitalized implies “Supreme Leader”; title Taim gave himself)

mi—(poss. pron.) my

mia—(pron.) me; myself

Mia’cova—(n.) One Who Owns Me, My Owner; term used by Moghedien after she was enslaved by a mindtrap

miere—(n.) ocean/waves

mikra—(n.) shame

min—(adj.) little

minyat—(adj.) eight, a quantifier of material objects

minye—(adj.) eight, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

miou—(n.) cat

mirhage—(n.) pain, or the promise or expectation of pain

misain—(v.) am (insistent; emphatic)

mist—(n. & adj.) middle

mitris—(adj.) dirty

modan—(n.) approval

moghedien—(n.) a particular breed of spider; small, deadly poisonous and extremely reclusive; name of a Forsaken

mokol—(n.) milk

mon—(adj.) related to scythe

moodi—(adj.) frequent

mora—(n.) the people or a population

morasu—(n.) morning

morat—(n. prefix) handler/controller; i.e., one who handles or controls; used by the Seanchan (as in morat’raken, one who handles raken)

mordero—(adj.) death

moridin—(n.) a grave; tomb; also, the name of a Forsaken, for whom the word’s meaning refers to death

moro—(adv. & conj.) so

mos—(adj., adv. & prep.) down

mosai—(adj.) low

mosiel—(v.) lower

mosiev—(adj.) lowered or downcast

motai—(n.) Aiel name for a sweet crunchy grub found in the Waste

mourets—(n.) mushroom(s)

mozhlit—(adj.) possible

m’taal—(adj.) of stone

muad—(n., adj. & adv.) foot/on foot/afoot

muad’drin—(n.) infantry/footmen

muaghde—(n.) meat

mukhrat—(adj.) private

mund—(adj.) high

mustiel—(n.) sock

mystvo—(n.) office

n—(prep. prefix) means “of” or “from”

nabir—(n.) fire

nachna—(n.) science

nadula—(n.) force

Nae’blis—(n.) title of Shai’tan’s first lieutenant

nag—(n.) day

nagaru—(n.) snake

nahobo—(adj.) full

nahodil—(n.) cushion

nai—(n.) knife, dagger, blade; a blade smaller than a sword’s blade; can be used in modification also to mean “stabbing”

nais—(v.) smell

naito—(n.) flame

nak—(pron.) who

nakhino—(n.) month

n’am—(adj.) beautiful

naparet—(adj.) parallel

nar’baha—(n.) traveling boxes; literally, “fool box”; used by Sammael

nardes—(n.) thought

narfa—(adj.) foolish

nasai—(n., v. & adj.) wrong

nausig—(n.) boat

navyat—(adj.) nine, a quantifier of material objects

navye—(adj.) nine, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

nayabo—(n.) prison

n’baid—(adj.) automatic

n’dore—(adj.) of/from the mountains

neb—(n.) mist

nedar—(n.) tusked water pig found in the Drowned Lands

neidu—(adj.) new

neisen—(adv.) why

nemhage—(n.) distribution

nen—(suffix) like adding “er” to an English verb, indicating one who or that which does, or those who cause

nesodhin—(prep.) through; through this; through it

ni—(prep.) for

niende—(adj.) lost

nieya—(v.) step

ninte—(poss. pron.) your (used more formally than “ninto”)

ninto—(poss. pron.) your

nirdayn—(n.) hate

no—(conj.) but

no—(pron.) me

nob—(v.) cut

nodavat—(n.) produce

nolve—(v.) give

nolvae—(v.) is given

nor—(n.) cutter or slicer

no’ri—(n.) ancient game now called stones

norvenne—(n.) account

nosane—(v.) speak

nothru—(n.) nose

noup—(adj. & adv.) only

nupar—(n.) base, as in bottom or support

nush—(adj.) deep

nyala—(n.) country

nye—(adv.) again

Nym—(n.) a construct from the Age of Legends, a being who has beneficial effects on trees and other living things

o—(adj.) a

ob—(conj.) or

obaen—(n.) a musical instrument of the Age of Legends

obanda—(n.) door

obidum—(n.) spade

obiyar—(n.) position

obrafad—(n.) view

obram—(n.) impulse

ocarn—(n.) toe

odashi—(n.) weather

odi—(pron. & adj.) some

odik—(n.) secretary

oghri—(n.) sky

ohimat—(n.) comparison

olcam—(n.) tin

olesti—(n.) pants

olghan—(n.) drawer

olivem—(n.) pencil

olma—(n. & adj.) poor

ombrede—(n. & v.) rain

on—(suffix) denotes plural form

onadh—(n.) arch

onguli—(n.) ring

onir—(n.) star(s)

oosquai—(n.) a distilled spirit; used by Aiel

orcel—(n.) pig

ordeith—(n.) wormwood; name taken by Padan Fain among the Whitecloaks

orichu—(n. & v.) plow

orobar—(n.) danger

ortu—(adj.) open

orvieda—(v.) print

osan—(adj.) left-hand or left-side

osan’gar—(n.) left-hand dagger; name of a Forsaken

ospouin—(n.) hospital

ost—(prep.) on

otiel—(n.) sponge

otou—(n. & adj.) top

otyat—(adj.) four, a quantifier of material objects

otye—(adj.) four, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

ounadh—(n.) wine

ovage—(n.) window

o’vin—(n.) a promise; agreement

ozela—(n.) goat

paathala—(n.) operation

pad—(adj., adv. & prep.) up

padgi—(v.) lift

pakita—(v.) twist

palatu—(n.) word

panati—(v.) wash

panjami—(n.) society

pantae—(n.) business

panyat—(adj.) six, a quantifier of material objects

panye—(adj.) six, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

papp—(n.) fact

parano—(n. & adj.) coward; base or low in pejorative sense

parikesh—(n.) leather

pas—(pron.) none

pashren—(n.) scissors

pastien—(v.) protest

patomi—(n.) potato

patra—(n. & adv.) then

peast—(n.) payment

pecara—(n.) tree having pale, wrinkled fruit in Aiel Waste

pedalen—(n.) expansion

pentor—(v.) mass

pepa—(n.) paper

perant—(adv.) together

perit—(n., adj. & v.) equal

perol—(n.) pen

pi—(suffix) indicates numerical teens; e.g., navyat’pi or navye’pi = nineteen

pierskoe—(n.) peach

piesa—(n.) meaning unknown; the name of Leya’s horse

pinchota—(n.) stocking

pinikar—(n.) line

pistit—(n.) whistle

pistita—(v.) whistle

pizar—(n.) ant

platip—(n. & adj.) present

platto—(n.) detail

plean—(adj. & adv.) much

ploushin—(n. & adj.) square

po—(conj.) because

pochivat—(v.) start

poldar—(adj.) skinny

polov—(n.) shelf

potadi—(n.) debt

potsa—(n.) collar

poulam—(n.) boot(s)

pranent—(n.) tendency

prashat—(n.) process

prasta—(n.) idea

prato—(adj.) such

pravilam—(adj.) regular

probita—(v.) drink

procol—(n.) map

profel—(v.) test

proyago—(n.) experience

ptash—(n.) effect

punia—(v.) may

punta—(n.) number

purtah—(n., adj. & adv.) enough

purvene—(n.) horn

pyast—(n.) throat

qaato—(n.) cake

qaiset—(pron., adj. & adv.) same

qamir—(n.) silk

qen—(adv. & conj.) when

qinar—(n.) niece

rabat—(v.) manage

rabdo—(adj.) sudden

raf—(v.) fly

ragha—(adj., adv. & prep.) near

raha—(n. & adj.) free(dom), having liberty

rahien—(n.) dawn

Rahien Sorei—(n.) Dawn Runners: Aiel warrior society

rahtsi—(n.) authority

rahvin—(n.) “promise of freedom”; name of a Forsaken

raia—(n.) air

rainn—(n.) kennel

raken—(n.) a large flying exotic animal of the Seanchan

rakh—(n., adj. & adv.) back

ramay—(n.) table

ranell—(n.) mountain range(s)

ranzak—(n. & v.) guide

raqit—(v.) shake

rastra—(n.) road

ravad—(n.) street

raya—(poss. pron.) mine; my own

rema’kar—(n.) energy whip; a weapon from the Age of Legends

remath—(n. & v.) whip

rennen—(n.) cook

renni—(v.) cook

rensal—(n.) kitchen

restar—(adj.) medical

rhadiem—(v.) prepare (insistent)

rhaul—(n.) rice

rhiod—(n.) a world or land

rhub—(n.) a small piece

Rhyagelle—(n.) Those Who Come Home, or the Homecomers; a Seanchan term

rieht—(n.) balance

rimbai—(n.) berry

risor—(v.) trick

roban—(n.) oven

rodinat—(n.) relation

roedane—(v.) bit (past tense)

roedna—(v.) bite

ronagh—(n.) slope

roscher—(adj.) separate

rouyte—(n.) mark

rulli—(adj.) round

rumpo—(v.) drop

runyat—(n.) weight

sa—(prefix) used to indicate the superlative

sa—(adv. & prep.) in

saa—(n.) a tiny black fleck that moves across a Forsaken’s eyes when the True Power is accessed; increases the more True Power is used

saana—(n.) teacher

sa’angreal—(n.) a device, stronger than angreal, that enhances the power to channel

saantar—(n.) teaching

sa’blagh—(n.) library

safar—(n. & adj.) white

sag—(n.) time

sagain—(n.) it is time

sahlan—(n.) attention

sai—(adj. prefix) related to power

saidar—(n.) the female side of the Power

saidin—(n.) the male side of the Power

sain—(v.) is

saizo—(v.) request

salidien—(n.) humor

samid—(v.) band

samma—(n.) destroyer; blinder

Samma N’Sei—(n.) Eye Blinders

sammael—(n.) destroyer of hope; name of a Forsaken

sanasant—(n.) knowledge

santhal—(n.) industry

sar—(pron.) she

sara—(n.) a dance

sast—(adv.) almost

scrup—(adv. & prep.) between

se—(pron.) themselves

se—(pron.) it(self)

sedai—(n.) servant(s)

seel—(n.) amusement

segade—(n.) spiny leathery plant with white blossoms in Aiel Waste

seia—(n.) eye(s); in those forms where it combines, becomes sei

Seia Doon—(n.) Black Eyes: Aiel warrior society

Sei’cair—(n.) Aiel title for Perrin; literally, “golden eyes”

Seiera—(n.) name of Min’s mare; name of a flower known in Baerlon as “blue-eye”

sei’mosiev—(adj.) literally means (of) lowered or downcast eyes, indicates loss of face or honor; used by Seanchan

sei’taer—(adj.) (of) straight or level eyes; used by the Seanchan regarding having or gaining face

semirhage—(n.) the promise of pain itself, or one who embodies the promise of pain; name of a Forsaken

sene—(adv.) as/like; (v.) to like

seren—(adj.) stubborn; obstinate

serenda—(n.) stubborn one; also, name of the palace of the King of Amadicia, outside Amador

serenla—(n.) stubborn daughter; an Old Tongue name given Min by Siuan

sha—(n.) noise

shaani—(n.) quality

shadar—(n.) shadow

Shadar Logoth—(n.) Shadow’s Waiting, or Where the Shadow Waits; name of the city Aridhol that became tainted with evil

Shadar Nor—(n.) name given to Latra Posae meaning “Cutter (or Slicer) of the Shadow”

shae—(n.) dog

shae’en—(n.) dogs

Shae’en M’taal—(n.) Stone Dogs: Aiel warrior society

shaek—(n.) house

shaendi—(n.) aunt

shaff—(n.) condition

shai—(n.) woman

shaidar—(n. & adj.) dark, as in pitch-darkness of night; indication of evil or wrong

Shaidar Haran—(n.) Hand of the Dark: name of an “extreme” Myrddraal

shaiel—(n.) she/the woman who is dedicated; Tigraine’s Aiel name

shain—(n.) peace

Shai’tan—(n.) name of the Dark One

sha’je—(n.) a type of duel in ancient Qal; mentioned by Semirhage

shak—(pron., adj. & adv.) any

sha’mad—(n.) literally, “loud noise”; thunder

Sha’mad Conde—(n.) Thunder Walkers: Aiel warrior society

shama—(n.) a musical instrument of the Age of Legends

shambayan—(n.) chamberlain; man in charge of securing provisions and supplies; a Borderlands term

shan—(n.) lord

shanna’har—(n.) Saldaean anniversary marriage celebration

shao—(v.) jump

shar—(n.) blood; bloodline; refers to descent rather than blood in the veins, i.e., heritage

sha’rah—(n.) an ancient strategy game consisting of a black and white piece called Fisher, a black and white 13 × 13 square board, 33 red pieces and 33 green pieces

shari—(n.) plural of shar

shatayan—(n.) chatelaine; female in charge of ordering servants and running the household; Borderlands term

shaval—(n. & adj.) linen

Shayol Ghul—(n.) Doom Pit

Sh’boan—(n.) empress; Sharan term

Sh’botay—(n.) empress’s consort; Sharan term

sheen—(n.) bringers of, or those who exemplify something

sheikar—(adj.) bright

shen—(n.) band or group; brother (hood)

Shen an Calhar—(n.) The Band of the Red Hand; originally a legendary Manetheren fighting force from the Trolloc Wars; name adopted by Mat’s soldiers

shi—(suffix) denotes multiples of ten (yat/ye suffix is dropped above the teens); e.g., suk’shi = seventy

shiatar—(n. & adj.) iron

shin—(n.) journey

shitak—(adj.) different

shodet—(n.) comb

shost—(n.) knee

shoufa—(n.) dust veil; used by the Aiel

shuk—(n.) health

shukri—(adj.) healthy

sich—(n.) bag

sidama—(n.) radiance

sidhat—(n.) example

simp—(adj.) thin

sin—(n. & pron.) he or man

sind—(adv.) never

siswai—(n.) spear

siswai’aman—(n.) spear(s) of the dragon; term used by the Aiel

slagh—(adj.) bent

sleesh—(n.) dress

smoog—(n.) steam

so—(n.) thing or entity

sob—(conj.) if

sobel—(n.) button

soe—(n.) truth

Soe’feia—(n.) Seanchan Truthspeaker, Speaker of the Truth

soende—(v.) carry

soetam—(n.) great rat found in the Drowned Lands

sofar—(n.) a vehicle having steering planes

so’jhin—(n.) “a thing of exaltation”; Seanchan hereditary upper servants of the blood; also freely translated as “a height among lowliness” or “both sky and valley”

soovri—(n.) behavior

sor—(n. & adj.) work(ing)

sorbe—(v.) run

sora—(n.) life

sorda—(n.) a distinct species of rat found in the Aiel Waste

sorei—(n.) runner(s)

soudhov—(n.) cabbage

souk—(n.) bee

souvra—(n.) mind

souvraya—(comb.) literally, “my own mind”

sovin—(n.) hands; unmodified, “hands that are open and empty”

Sovin Nai—(n.) Knife Hands: Aiel warrior society

sovya—(adj.) another/any other

spashoi—(n.) taste

spiat—(v.) help

spillon—(n.) disease

spondat—(adj.) early

spotsu—(n.) bridge

s’redit—(n.) Seanchan name for boar-horses

staba—(n. & adj.) copper

staera—(n.) copper scraping stick for the sweat-tent among the Aiel

stedding—(n.) an Ogier homeland and place of sanctuary

sterpan—(n.) sex

stobur—(n.) stem

straviant—(n.) insurance

streith—(n. & adj.) a textile from the Age of Legends that changed color according to the wearer’s emotions

stripo—(n.) wing

suchan—(n.) growth

sukyat—(adj.) seven, a quantifier of material objects

sukye—(adj.) seven, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

sul—(v.) hold

sul’dam—(n.) leash holder, holder of the leash (literally: hold-leash); a Seanchan term

sulwed—(n.) substance

sunatien—(n.) education

suravye—(n.) peace

sursa—(n.) sticks used to eat in Arad Doman

suzain—(adj.) false

svayor—(n.) soap

swabel—(n.) glove

syndon—(n.) birth

sysyn—(n.) brain

szere—(adj.) lower

ta—(n.) related to the Pattern

ta’maral’ailen—(n.) web of destiny (around those who are ta’veren); literally, pattern destined before; a term used by the Ogier

taak—(adv.) yes

taal—(n. & adj.) stone

taberan—(n.) digestion

taer—(adj.) straight, level or steady; also forthright, straightforward

tahni—(adj.) clean

tai—(adj.) true (plural is tain)

Tai’daishar—(n.) Lord of Glory (literally, the True Glory or True Blood of Battle); also, the name of Rand’s horse

tain—(adj.) plural of tai

Tain Shari—(n.) True Bloods: Aiel warrior society

tai’shar—(n.) true blood; used, e.g., in Tai’shar Manetheren! True Blood of Manetheren! (a greeting of honor used in the Borderlands)

taishite—(v.) favor

tamu—(n.) stamp

tan—(n. & adj.) sovereign

tana—(v.) get

tanilji—(n.) insect

tar—(n.) tower

tarasin—(n.) tower of man; name of palace in Ebou Dar

tarbun—(n.) hat

tarmon—(adj.) final, last, ultimate

Tarmon Gai’don—(n.) the Last Battle (has passed into everyday use; no longer italicized); from the Prophecies of the Dragon

Tar Valon—(n.) literally, “tower that guards”

tashi—(adj.) ready

taskel—(n.) reason

tasu—(v.) make

tatatoun—(n.) instrument

tati—(n.) voice

ta’veren—(n.) those who cause the fabric of the Pattern to bend around them, changing the weave; literally, “pattern, those who alter or are tied to”

tcheran—(n.) an ancient game, having a board and pieces called High Counselor, Counselors and Spires

tebout—(adj.) probable

tefara—(n.) record

Tel’aran’rhiod—(n.) The Unseen World, World of Dreams; a term used by Aes Sedai

telio—(adj.) transparent

ter—(prefix) refers to a limited or specific application

ter’angreal—(n.) a tool made to perform a specific function using the One Power; some require channeling to energize, others not

terta—(v.) rub

tezra—(adj.) gray

thamel—(adj.) young, or pertaining to youth

thaz—(prep.) at

theini—(n.) trousers

thorain—(n.) loss

thorat—(n.) coat

ti—(prep.) to

tia—(prep.) to; to the

tiel—(adv. & prep.) about

tiest—(n.) head

tiganza—(n.) Tinkers’ dance

timari—(n.) skin

t’ingshen—(n.) treebrother; a compound word that is used in a formal address to an Ogier, which literally means “to you—representative of something most important (i.e., the tree)—in brotherhood”

tinto—(n.) wall

tipakati—(n.) selection

tippat—(n.) plate

tirast—(v.) pull

t’mat—(n.) a red fruit, from the Aiel Waste

toh—(n.) obligation/duty; a term used by Aiel

tolin—(adj.) stiff

tom—(prep.) among

tongel—(n. & adj.) secret

toopan—(adj.) short

topito—(n.) direction

to’raken—(n.) a huge, exotic flying animal of the Seanchan

torian—(n. & adj.) silver

torkat—(v.) touch

torm—(n.) Seanchan exotic animal, a cross between a horse-sized cat and a lizard

torreale—(n., adj. & adv.) north

totah—(adj. & adv.) far

toulat—(n.) copy

tovya—(v.) roll

trefon—(n.) system

treyat—(adj.) three, a quantifier of material objects

treye—(adj.) three, descriptive of the immaterial, such as ideas, arguments or propositions

tsag—(interjection) bollocks; an obscenity uttered by Sammael

tsang—(adj.) despised

tsatsi—(n.) bottle

tsinas—(n. & v.) brake

tsingu—(n. & v.) honor

tsorovan—(n.) a storm, or a smaller storm

Tsorovan’m’hael—(n.) Storm Leader; the name Taim gave Asha’man Gedwyn

tuatha—(n.) traveler; one who moves from place to place; can be a vagabond

Tuatha’an—(n.) the Traveling People

tuhat—(suffix) denotes thousands (yat/ye suffix is dropped above teens); e.g., tre’tuhat = three thousand

tuhat—(adj.) one thousand

tumasen—(adj.) safe

tumerest—(n.) bulb

tunga—(n.) point

tyagani—(n.) respect

tyaku—(v.) keep

ubriva—(n.) surprise

ubunto—(n.) animal

udiya—(adj.) clear

uglat—(v.) smash

uiwa—(adj.) good

uldatein—(n.) division

umeil—(v.) seem

undacar—(n.) plane

ungost—(n.) finger

unyat—(adj. & adv.) late

upendar—(n.) net

urkros—(n.) egg

ursta—(v.) fix

urstae—(adj.) fixed

usont—(n.) tray

uttat—(v.) slip

uvaal—(n.) leg

vaakaja—(n.) sense

vadin—(n.) bar/barrier

vaeku—(v.) station

vaesht—(n. & conj.) while

vakar—(v.) move

valdar—(n.) guard

Valdar Cuebeyari—(n.) the Heart Guard; literally, the Guard of the Heart (of the Nation/People/Land)

valon—(v.) guard

varkol—(n.) sheep

varma—(n.) ray

vartan—(n.) glass

vasen—(n.) arrow

vasen’cierto—(n.) arrow of time; idiomatic phrase which literally means “arrow enduring”

vastri—(n. & v.) rule

vavaya—(n.) flight

veel—(n.) ink

velach—(n.) receipt

velin—(n.) feather

velu—(v.) end

veren—(n.) those who cause change or are tied to

veshan—(n.) way

vesna—(n.) spring

vetan—(n.) seed

vezo—(n.) chalk

vhool—(n.) basket

viboin—(n.) pocket

vid—(prep.) with

vidhel—(n.) law

vidnu—(v.) sort

viliso—(v.) fold

vin—(n.) promise

vlafael—(n.) government

vlagh—(n.) field

vodish—(n. & v.) judge

vokosh—(n.) hair

vol—(n.) father(s) or sire(s), specific to a male who has used brutal means, i.e., a rapist

vovok—(n.) wolf

vraak—(v.) drain

vrang—(adj.) cruel

vream—(n.) shock

vron—(n.) watcher(s)

vronne—(v.) watch

vyashak—(n.) organization

vyavi—(n.) writing

vyen—(v.) fade

vyropat—(n., adj., adv. & prep.) opposite

wabunen—(n.) connection

wadlian—(adj.) simple

wafal—(n. & adj.) hanging

wagg—(n.) nerve

wahati—(n.) porter

waji—(n. & adv.) now

wakaput—(n.) ship

wanda—(v.) match

wansho—(n.) builders; Shienaran term for the Ogier

wapro—(v.) cover

warat—(n.) branch

washdor—(adj.) wise

wastin—(n.) spoon

watari—(n.) decision

wek—(prep.) off

weladhi—(n.) family

welakai—(n. & adv.) tomorrow

werstom—(n.) food

whado—(adj.) fertile

whakatu—(v.) increase

whandin—(n.) event

whudra—(n. & v.) regret

widon—(adv., prep. & conj.) after

wishti—(n.) sign

witapa—(n.) meal

wixi—(n.) pot

worshi—(n.) machine

wot—(pron. & adj.) that

woudem—(adj.) loose

wuseta—(n.) card

xazzi—(adj.) rough

xelt—(adj.) sharp

xentro—(n.) sand

xeust—(n.) side

xurzan—(n.) representative

ya—(suffix) means “my own”

yaanaho—(n.) competition

yaati—(adj.) physical

yabbeth—(adj.) common

yabedin—(n.) committee

yak—(conj.) than

yalait—(n. & adj.) expert

yalu—(n. & v.) name

yamar—(n.) edge

yappa—(adj.) kind

yasipa—(v.) rest

yatanel—(n.) story

yaso—(adj.) cheap

yazpa—(n. & v.) snow

ye—(pron.) I (sometimes used as an exclamatory fragment)

yedcost—(n.) brick

yeel—(n.) carriage

yekko—(n.) dust

yohini—(v.) damage

youna—(v.) let

youst—(n.) ice

yugol—(adj.) broken

yuntar—(n.) boy

zafar—(adj.) yellow

zaffi—(v.) complete

zahert—(adj.) elastic

zalabadh—(n.) pipe

zaleen—(adj.) soft

zamon—(n.) total darkness

zanda—(n. & adj.) cold

zanzi—(adj.) happy

zara—(n.) a board game played by followers of the Dark One, the pieces of which are live human beings

zarin—(n.) degree

zavilat—(n.) will

zazit—(conj.) though

zela—(n.) salt

zeltain—(n.) need

zemai—(n.) a staple grain, from the Aiel Waste

zemliat—(n.) parcel

zemya—(n.) room

zengar—(adj.) narrow

zheshi—(n.) argument

zhoh—(n.) hook

zhoub—(n.) earth

zialin—(adj.) certain

zinik—(n.) stitch

zintabar—(n.) poison

zipan—(n.) powder

zladtar—(n.) market

zomara—(n.) zombie-like creations of Aginor, used as servants

zoppen—(adj.) wet

zurye—(n.) grass

zyntam—(n.) error


Al Caldazar!—For the Red Eagle!

Al Chalidholara Malkier!—For my sweet land Malkier!

Al dival, al kiserai, al mashi!—For light, glory, and love!

Al Ellisande—For the Rose of the Sun!

Bajad drovja—Spawn of a beldam

Carai an Caldazar! Al Caldazar!—For the honor of the Red Eagle! For the Red Eagle!

Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!—For the honor of the Rose of the Sun! For the Rose of the Sun!

Carai an manshimaya Tylin. Carai an manshimaya Nalesean. Carai an manshimaya ayend’an!—Honor of my blade for Tylin. Honor of my blade for Nalesean. Honor of my blade for the fallen!

Desye gavane cierto cuendar isain carentin—A resolute heart is worth ten arguments. Literally: Ten (arguments) what a resolute heart is worth.

Devoriska nolvae. Al ciyat dalae.—What was asked is given. The price is paid.

Deyeniye, dyu ninte concion ca’lyet ye—Majesty, by your summons do I come.

Dovie’andi se tovya sagain— “It’s time to roll the dice,” the motto of the Band. Literally: The dice themselves to roll it is time.

Ghiro feal dae’vin lormae; ghiro o’vin gemarisae—Thus is our treaty written; thus is agreement made. Literally: Thus our treaty is written; thus agreement is made.

Kiserai ti Wansho!—Glory to the Builders!

Kiserai ti Wansho hei—Always glory to the Builders

Kodome Calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei—Here is always welcome for Aes Sedai.

Los caba’drin!—Horsemen forward!

Los Valdar Cuebiyari!—The Heart Guard will advance! Literally: Forward Guard of the Heart (of the Nation)!

Mia ayende, Aes Sedai! Caballein misain ye! Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye! Mia ayende!—Release me, Aes Sedai! I am a free man! I am no Aes Sedai meat! Release me! Literally: Me release, Aes Sedai! Free man am I! No meat of Aes Sedai am I! Me release!

Mia dovienya nesodhin soende—Luck carry me through. Literally: me luck through (this) carry.

Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar!—My heart holds no fear of death! Literally, Death fear none holds my heart!

Muad’drin tia dar allende caba’drin rhadiem!—Infantry prepare to pass cavalry forward! Literally: Infantry to forward pass cavalry prepare!, or Footmen to forward pass horsemen prepare!

Nardes vasen’cierto ain; sind vyen loviyagae—Thought is the arrow of time; memories never fade. Literally: Thought the-arrow-of-time is; never fade memories.

Ninte calichniye no domashita—Literally: Your welcome me warms.

Nosane iro gavane domorakoshi, Diynen’d’ma’purvene?—Speak we what language, Sounder of the (great) Horn?

Sa souvraya niende misain ye—I am lost in my own mind. Literally: In my own mind lost am I.

Sene sovya caba’donde ain dovienya—Luck is a horse to ride like any other. Literally: Like any other/another horse to ride is luck.

Suravye ninto manshima taishite—Peace favor your sword. Literally: Peace your sword favor.

Tia avende alantin—Brother to the Trees; Treebrother. Literally: To the trees brother. A formal term for the Ogier.

Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin—The grave is no bar to my call. Literally: To my call the Grave (death) is no bar/barrier.

Tsingu ma choba—You honor this unworthy one. Literally translates as “honor you give to the unworthy one before you.”

Tsingu ma choshih, T’ingshen—You honor me, Treebrother. Literally translates as “honor you give to the (humble) one before you.”

Old Wagonright Road. A road near Tar Valon; if some of Bryne’s troops had gone down it, Gawyn and the Younglings would have attacked them.

Olver. A Cairhienin orphan adopted by Mat and the Band of the Red Hand. About ten years old, he appeared younger, with very dark hair and dark eyes. Short and pale with a piping voice and a toothy grin, he was not a pretty kid, having a mouth that was much too wide and ears that were far too big for his face. But he had a natural eye for horses, and they were taken with him. Olver was also precociously flirtatious with women, many of whom found his manner to be cute. His father was killed by the Shaido, making him suspicious of all Aiel, and his mother died while they were refugees; he buried her himself, where there were wildflowers growing. He loved to play Snakes and Foxes, especially with Noal.

Mat first encountered Olver in Maerone; Olver sat on Lord Paers’ horse, and Paers threatened to wring his neck, but Mat dissuaded Paers. Mat asked Edorion to take care of Olver, and find someone who could look after him; he did, but Olver decided that the woman wanted coin more than a seventh child to look after. He followed the Band as they headed south, with Master Burdin feeding him in return for Olver’s help caring for his horses. When Mat discovered that Olver had followed, he gave him two gold crowns; Olver said that he was not a beggar, and Mat told him that he was paying him to be his messenger.

Olver went with Mat to Salidar and then on to Ebou Dar, where he took up horse racing with a little help from Nalesean. Riselle let Olver go out just before the Aes Sedai went to the Kin’s farm to use the Bowl of the Winds; Mat, Thom, Juilin and the members of the Band stayed to look for him, and were caught in Ebou Dar when the Seanchan arrived. Olver accompanied Mat when he escaped Ebou Dar and joined Luca’s show, and provided important information about how to enter the Tower of Ghenjei for the rescue of Moiraine; he had learned it from Birgitte. About the same time that Mat was rescuing Moiraine, Olver and Talmanes won a game of Snakes and Foxes. Olver found and opened Verin’s letter to Mat and alerted the Band to the Trolloc invasion of Caemlyn.

Olver accompanied Faile’s caravan on her mission to return the Horn of Valere to Mat in the Last Battle; they ended up in the Blight. After they returned to Merrilor through subterfuge, posing as a Darkfriend caravan delivering supplies, Aravine betrayed them to the forces of the Shadow, and Faile gave Olver the Horn and told him to get it to Mat. The Trollocs cornered him, and he blew the Horn, summoning the Heroes to fight in the Last Battle. The deceased Noal, who was really Jain Farstrider and a Hero of the Horn, appeared and saved him. Olver and Mat flew to Shayol Ghul on a raken; they were shot down but survived, and Olver blew the Horn there as well. After the Last Battle, Birgitte persuaded Olver to take the Horn and drop it in the ocean so that it and he could not be used by those seeking its benefit.

Oman Dahar. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Omerna, Abdel. See Abdel Omerna

Oncala. The granddaughter of Rand and Aviendha, seen in Aviendha’s viewings of the future in Rhuidean. Oncala was an ambitious Maiden of the Spear, although she intended to give up the spear and marry Hehyal. She was very proud of being of the lineage of the Dragon, and resented Andorans being able to claim it as well. She and Hehyal tricked Talana, the Queen of Andor, into joining the battle against the Seanchan.

Ondin, Daerid. See Daerid Ondin

One Power. The power drawn from the True Source; women used saidar, the female half of it, and men used saidin, the male half. The vast majority of people were completely unable to learn to channel the One Power. A very small number could be taught to channel, and an even tinier number had the ability inborn. For these few there was no need to be taught; they would touch the True Source and channel the Power whether they wanted to or not, perhaps even without realizing what they were doing. This inborn ability usually manifested itself in late adolescence or early adulthood. If control was not taught, or self-learned, which was extremely difficult, with a success rate of only one in four, death was certain. From the Time of Madness, no man was able to channel the Power without eventually going completely, horribly mad; and then, even if he had learned some control, dying from a wasting sickness that caused the sufferer to rot alive, a sickness arising, as did the madness, from the Dark One’s taint on saidin. For a woman the death that came without control of the Power was less horrible, but it was death just the same. Aes Sedai searched for girls with the inborn ability as much to save their lives as to increase Aes Sedai numbers, and for men with it in order to stop the terrible things they would inevitably do with the Power in their madness.

One-Hand, Caar. See Caar al Thorin al Toren

Oneness. The term Lanfear used for “the void” as described by Rand, the process by which he cleared his mind of thought and emotion, giving him an edge in the use of weapons, and a place from which he could draw upon saidin. It was called ko’di in Malkier. See also flame and the void and void, the

oosquai. A drink made from zemai. It looked like faintly brown-tinged water, tasted almost like it and kicked like a mule.

Orande, Faolain. See Faolain Orande

Orander. One of the kings in the gleeman tale “Mara and the Three Foolish Kings.”

Oratar. A bald member of the Children of the Light who was present when Perrin first met the Whitecloaks in the stedding where Hawkwing’s capital was to be. He later testified about it at Perrin’s trial.

Orban, Lord. A braggart Hunter of the Horn whom Moiraine and her company encountered at Wayland’s Forge Inn in Remen, Altara. He and his fellow Hunter Gann thought that the Horn of Valere was in the Forest of Shadows. They encountered Gaul and Sarien, killed Sarien and captured Gaul, although they lost several men and were injured in doing so. Orban’s horse was named Lion.

Ordeith. Old Tongue for “Wormwood”; it was one of the names adopted by Padan Fain.

Oren Dautry. A Westwood farmer who was Rand and Tam’s nearest neighbor. Lean and tall, he was a shameless borrower. He joined Perrin’s army at Malden.

Ortis. A gravelly-voiced squadman in the Mayener Winged Guards. Ortis was in his middle years, with one cheek burned and the other having a scar that pulled up the corner of his mouth.

Osan’gar. 1) The name given to Aginor when he was resurrected by the Dark One and given a stolen male body. He slipped in among the Asha’man under the name Corlan Dashiva to be an assistant to Mazrim Taim, who thought he was only a high-ranking Darkfriend. That did not suit Osan’gar greatly. He wore both the sword and the Dragon. His original purpose there was to keep a close eye on the gathering of men who could channel. His strength level was ++2, close behind Lews Therin and Ishamael. Appearing to be a plain man in his middle years, he often stared at nothing, and appeared to be talking to himself. He laughed to himself sometimes, at nothing. Although he wasn’t skinny, the way he moved—hesitant, creeping, with hands folded at his waist—made him seem so. His hair was dark and lank.

Osan’gar and Aran’gar met Shaidar Haran and were acting on instructions directly from him. Osan’gar was chosen out to accompany Rand after Dumai’s Wells. He came into the open, after a manner of speaking, in the attempt to kill Rand in Cairhien. He and the Asha’man with him were forced to flee, and Taim was ordered to put the names of the men Rand saw, including Corlan Dashiva, on the list to be hunted down and executed.

He was killed by Elza Penfell during the fight at Shadar Logoth; she did not know that he was one of the Forsaken. See also Aginor and Corlan Dashiva

2) In the Old Tongue, osan’gar meant the left-hand dagger in a form of dueling that was popular during the time leading up to the War of Power; both daggers were poisoned, and both participants usually died.

Osana, Lady. A Domani noblewoman. She was not young, but had a pale beauty and elegance that would last all her life. Osana hunted for men or power, and her trophies were numerous and noteworthy. The “hunts” that took place at her lodge would have raised eyebrows even in the capital. Rodel Ituralde met with nobles under the White Ribbon of truce at that lodge.

Osana disappeared early in the troubles in Arad Doman and was made one of Graendal’s servants. When Sammael’s gateway sliced the male servant, Rashan, in two, she ran to see to the removal of the carpet.

Oselle. An Aes Sedai during the Breaking who had long black hair; she helped make the Eye of the World.

Osendrelle Erinin. One of the two branches of the River Erinin as it split to flow around the island of Tar Valon.

Osenrein. One of the bridge towns outside of Tar Valon, on the bank of the Osendrelle Erinin.

Osiellin. A Cairhienin noble House. Its High Seat was Amondrid. See Amondrid and Belevaere Osiellin

Ospenya, Tamra. See Tamra Ospenya

Ostrein Bridge. A bridge from Tar Valon leading to the village of Ostrein and the road to the south.

Otarin. A Hero of the Horn who appeared at Falme. When Rand saw him, he became aware of all Otarin’s names through the Ages, including those he didn’t recognize as names, such as Oscar.

Outside. The Ogier name for the world beyond the stedding.

Oval Lecture Hall. A chamber in the White Tower with a wide scrollwork crown running beneath a gently domed blue ceiling painted with white clouds, and rows of polished wooden benches. A dais was at the front of the hall, with doors behind the dais. Tamra addressed the Accepted there to tell them of her bounty on babes born near Tar Valon.

Owein. One of Alanna’s Warders. He was killed by Whitecloaks in the Two Rivers; they caught him crossing an open field. Alanna felt every arrow that struck him.

Owl and Oak. The symbol of House Taravin in Andor.

Owyn. Thom Merrilin’s nephew from eastern Andor, near Aringill, the last of Thom’s blood kin. Owyn could channel. He held off the madness for three years, channeling only when needed and to help his village, although his neighbors said that in the last year he was acting oddly. Red sisters found him; Elaida was involved in some manner. Instead of taking him to Tar Valon, they gentled him on the spot. Thom arrived to try to save him, but Owyn had already begun to decline. Left to the untender mercies of his neighbors, he died in 985 NE; his wife followed him into the grave in under a month. Owyn was perhaps the last man to die as a result of the male channeler pogrom, known as the Vileness.
