N’Delia Basolaine. Putative translator of The Prophecies of the Dragon, First Maid and Swordfast to Raidhen of Hol Cuchone.

N’Kon. A city or region in Seanchan with honey-brown denizens. When fighting Rand’s army, Miraj reflected on the named, honored regiments from different parts of Seanchan that were represented among his troops, including this group.

N’Shar in Mameris, a. An expression of Birgitte’s taken from her past; the reference came up when she was watching Nalesean and Mat, and realized that Mat was the more dangerous of the two. Mameris was a city that was the center of a pacifistic movement, unfortunately coupled with a belief in bluntly saying what one thought. A N’Shar was someone from the land encompassing the Shadow Coast who had taken a blood oath of revenge; he or she was a walking time bomb, ready to kill in a twitch, ready to die, until the oath was fulfilled.

Naath and the San d’ma Shadar. People from Mat’s memories of battles; he thought of them while preparing for the battle at Merrilor.

Nacelle Kayama. A Malkieri Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in public but of the Black Ajah in truth. Part of the rebel contingent, she had a strength level of 36(24). Born in 855 NE, she was tall and slender with blue eyes. Romanda thought that she was not particularly intelligent. Nacelle was one of six sisters sent to investigate the large channeling event when Rand cleansed the taint from saidin, because of her ability to read residues. Nacelle developed a weave to detect a man channeling, although it did not identify the flows. Nacelle’s name was on Verin’s list of the Black Ajah.

Nachenin, Malind. See Malind Nachenin

nachi. A multilegged creature found in tidal pools.

Nachiman. The royal family of Arafel. See Hirare, Kiruna, Menuki and Paitar Neramovni Nachiman

Nad. One of the two thugs with Falion and Ispan in Ebou Dar when they were torturing and killing the Wise Woman; Nad disposed of the body. He was all black hair and beady eyes and had more muscles than any three men could need.

Nadere. A Wise One of the Goshien Aiel with the ability to channel and with a strength level of 19(7). She was 5'11" tall and as close to stout as any Aiel came, with green eyes, a large bosom and pale hair. She took part in the adoption ceremony in which Aviendha and Elayne became first-sisters, and was the person who fetched Elayne for the ceremony. She dismissed the Asha’man who had called on Elayne, ignored them as unimportant to what she was about.

Nadoc. A Seanchan officer and commander under Karede. A big man with a deceptively mild face, he was more intelligent than Jadranka, the most senior of Karede’s three captains. He was appalled at Jadranka’s telling the scouts to press on and what to look for. When Rand’s forces attacked, he helped Karede rally the forces and retreat; for those actions, he was raised to the low Blood.

Nadric. A drunken Shaido man in Malden who accosted Faile and tried to carry her off. When Rolan objected, he said that Faile was not pretty enough to fight over.

Nae’blis. The title of the Great Lord’s Regent on Earth. The Forsaken jockeyed for this position.

Naean Arawn. A slim Andoran woman who was High Seat of House Arawn. The sign of House Arawn was the silver Triple Keys. About 5'6" tall, she was palely beautiful with big blue eyes and waves of gleaming black hair, but a near-permanent sneer marred her beauty. She opposed Morgase during the Succession. Daved Hanlon was a mercenary in her service at that time, years before he gained his own company. When Rand took Caemlyn she pretended to be content as High Seat of an ancient House. She and the other cronies of Gaebril fled after Rand reached an accommodation with Dyelin; Rand made no moves against them, but Dyelin was not so restrained. Naean attempted to claim the Lion Throne after word came that Colavaere had been crowned in Cairhien, and that Rand had gone to bend knee to the Amyrlin Seat. While two prominent and too insistent supporters of Dyelin were hanged by Dyelin, and twenty more flogged, Naean was imprisoned by Dyelin, as was Elenia. Naean and Elenia were reported rescued while being brought to Caemlyn, but were in fact captured by men loyal to Lady Arymilla. Arymilla forced the captive Naean to sign papers supporting Arymilla for the Lion Throne. She was captured later by Elayne at the Far Madding Gate when Elayne won Caemlyn. Elayne stripped her of her titles and lands and offered them to Cairhienin nobles; she intended to give other property to Naean.

Naeff. An Andoran man who was a member of the Queen’s Guards in Andor. He resigned in disgust when Gaebril was in charge, and made his way to the Black Tower. He was strong in Air, and advanced to full Asha’man. He was bonded to Nelavaire Demasiellin. His madness from the taint caused him to see Myrddraal lurking around him. Rand sent Naeff to the Seanchan to negotiate a meeting with the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Naeff accompanied Rand to Bandar Eban, and to the meeting with Hurin, representing the Borderlanders. When a bubble of evil struck the All Summers neighborhood of Tear, Naeff went with Nynaeve to investigate; after they had cleaned up the area, she Healed his madness. He went with Rand to Maradon to save Ituralde and his men. Rand sent him to the Black Tower to find out what was happening; he arrived after Androl and the others had prevailed. During the Last Battle, Mat sent Naeff with a letter to Tuon with instructions on rejoining the battle.

Naeise. An Aiel Maiden of the Moshaine Shaido. After they had gone through Sammael’s gateway, she reported to Maeric that there were seven or eight thousand spears approaching from the east. She thought they were enemy Reyn Aiel.

Naerodan, Samalin. See Samalin Naerodan

Nagashi, Kerene. See Kerene Nagashi

Nagora. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Short and lean, she wore her hair in a tight roll on the nape of her neck and sat and stood up straight as if to make up for her lack of height. She had a Warder. Nagora was guarding Leane’s cell once when Egwene visited; she also taught Egwene logic; the lesson turned to how to deal with an aging Warder.

Nagoyin, Amico. See Amico Nagoyin

Nailine Samfara. An Ogier-built city in Coremanda, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.

Naime din Malzar. A Sea Folk Windfinder of relatively high rank with a strength level of 16(4). A dignified woman, with a quiet air of command, she took part in the circle using the Bowl of the Winds, as she was one of the strongest available among the remaining Windfinders in Ebou Dar. She traveled with Elayne to Caemlyn.

Naiselle. A cool-eyed banker from Ebou Dar who was at the Kin’s farm outside Ebou Dar when the Seanchan attacked. She traveled with Elayne’s party from the farm to Caemlyn. Since she was one of the last ten ready to leave the farm, Alise made her wash dishes.

Najaf, Aeldra. See Aeldra Najaf

Najima clan. A Kandori family. See Colar, Eselle, Jerid, Josef and Jurine Najima

Najirah, Mikhel. See Mikhel Najirah

Nakai. One of the Aiel clans; its chief was Bruan of the Salt Flat sept.

Nakomi. A mysterious Aiel woman whom Aviendha met in the Waste. Bair told Aviendha that she knew no one named Nakomi, but that it was an ancient name.

Nalaam, Arlen. See Arlen Nalaam

Nalaene Forrell. A Ghealdanin Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. A member of the loyalist contingent, Nalaene was part of the expedition to kidnap Rand. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel until, under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she did before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding. She was identified in Verin’s book as Black Ajah.

Nalasia Merhan. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who was unaccounted for after the Seanchan raid on the Tower. Egwene thought it possible that she was Mesaana, but Nalasia was not very strong in the One Power and had been in the Tower for years, which made this unlikely.

Naldwinn, Aranvor. See Aranvor Naldwinn

Nalesean Aldiaya. A young Tairen nobleman. Square-faced and blocky with an oiled beard, he was eager and slightly jovial. His personal servant was Lopin. At the battle against the Shaido for Cairhien, Nalesean was the second to lead the Tairens after Melanril. After the battle, he and Talmanes went to Mat and agreed that Mat was their general and that he needed a banner. He joined the Band of the Red Hand and commanded half its cavalry. Mat would have preferred to have Edorion over Nalesean, but House Aldiaya outranked House Selorna. Nalesean accompanied Mat to Ebou Dar; when they went to fetch the Bowl of the Winds, the gholam ripped out his throat.

Nalhera, Mistress. The innkeeper of the Crown of Maredo in Far Madding. Slim with gray hair, she told Min that Rand wouldn’t be so sulky if she switched him every morning.

Nalla. A Da’shain Aiel woman from M’jinn in service to Zorelle Sedai. Nalla proposed to Charn in the Age of Legends. He put her off for a year, but was planning to accept on his twenty-fifth naming day, which coincided with the day his Aes Sedai, Mierin, opened the Bore.

Nalmat, Haster. A Saldaean officer who guarded Milisair’s manor in Bandar Eban.

Nalsad, Bennae. See Bennae Nalsad

nameday. The day a person received his or her name, usually on the day of birth. A Borderlander man considered the day he was given his sword to be his nameday. It was sometimes referred to as a “naming day.”

Namelle. Sisters in the White Tower. See Adeleas and Vandene Namelle

Namene. A Domani novice in the White Tower when Egwene was there under duress. Tall, slim and giggly, she was no more than fifteen or sixteen. She talked with Nicola about something that was troubling her; Nicola told her to ask Egwene, but Namene said that she didn’t want to bother her.

Namine Tasil. The daughter of Quillin Tasil, and an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.

naming day. Another term for nameday.

Nan Belman. A Darkfriend in Caemlyn. A handsome woman, she was the mother of Perwyn. Nan thought her oaths were just dabbling in wickedness until Fain showed up on her doorstep with a Myrddraal looking for a place to stay; she believed him to be a high-ranking Darkfriend. When Perwyn brought news of an assassination attempt on Rand, Fain grew angry; to channel it he touched Perwyn and made him gibber, and to calm his own mind he decided to take Nan. She struggled, and Fain thought that he was going to have to hurt her.

Nana. 1) The name that Nynaeve used after escaping Ronde Macura and while with Luca’s show. 2) One of Berelain’s serving women. Plump and plain-faced, she looked like the other serving woman, Rosene. Although not pretty, the two made Berelain’s usually taciturn thief-catchers animated. One of the two women spread the word that Perrin had spent the night in Berelain’s tent. When Perrin was trying to locate Masema and his men, Nana told him, amid much smirking and tittering, that she thought they were off to the southwest.

Nandera. An Aiel woman who was Far Dareis Mai. Tall and sinewy with green eyes and hair that was more gray than yellow, she was a tough-appearing woman, though Sulin made her seem almost soft by comparison. It was she who pointed out Sulin’s toh for speaking to gai’shain as to Maidens, and when Sulin became a servant, Nandera took over leading the Maidens. After Sulin decided her toh was discharged, they fought while going to rescue Rand; Sulin won, but Nandera remained head of the Maidens, with Sulin as a sort of assistant. Nandera and Jalani acknowledged toh to Rand over the Gray Man incident in Caemlyn. Nandera was one of three Maidens, along with Somara and Nesair, who beat Rand when he returned to Cairhien after fighting the Seanchan because he had dishonored the Maidens by leaving them behind. When Rand went to Algarin’s manor, Nandera led the fifty Maidens who accompanied him; she led twenty Maidens when Rand went to his meeting with the Daughter of the Nine Moons.

Nangu. A Shienaran soldier who traveled with Perrin and Ingtar when searching for the Horn of Valere. At Moiraine’s direction he followed Uno to Jehannah and was with Masema in Samara. He thought that Nynaeve’s tongue could skin and butcher a bull at fifty paces.

Naorisa Cambral. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent. She was chosen to replace Delana in the rebel Hall of the Tower.

Naorman Mashinta. A third-generation cobbler in Tar Valon. Egwene met with Siuan in his shop in Tel’aran’rhiod.

nar’baha. The name Sammael called the traveling boxes he gave to the Shaido. In the Old Tongue, the term actually meant “fool box.” He told Sevanna that they were ter’angreal, powered by saidin, allowing users to Travel; in fact, there were no known ter’angreal to use for Traveling or Skimming. Sammael made the gateways; the Wise Ones detected nothing and thought the box was working. The nar’baha were gray stone cubes, fairly small and plain except for a bright red disc set in one side. Supposedly, pressing the disc opened a gateway, but if a woman touched it, it would not work for days afterward. The gateway would remain open for a fixed time and after use, the box supposedly had to recover for three days before it could be used again. Sammael used this pretense to create more chaos by sending the Shaido into many countries across the world.

Narasim Bhuran. A leader during the War of the Hundred Years. Ten years before that war ended, Bhuran tried to reestablish Hawkwing’s empire in Andor; he failed dismally and wound up with his head on a pike.

Narencelona, Anaiyella. See Anaiyella Narencelona

Narendhra. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel. One of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters, she took part in or was present at the murder of Desaine. Narendhra was with Therava at Dumai’s Wells.

Narenwin Barda. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 18(6) or 19(7). Born in 913 NE, she went to the White Tower in 928 NE. After spending twelve years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 948 NE. Square-faced, short and thin, she was so quiet people could forget she was there; she was mousy around other sisters. Narenwin had no Warder. As an assistant to the head of the Yellow eyes-and-ears, she recruited Ronde Macura and punished her severely when she inquired about the Black Ajah. She later became the head of the Yellow eyes-and-ears and rose high in the Yellow hierarchy. Once a week she would allow children to bring their pets to the Tower so that she could Heal them. Elaida sent Narenwin to Dorlan to take charge of the Aes Sedai who managed to return from Dumai’s Wells.

Narettin, Spiron. See Spiron Narettin den Sovar

Narg. A smart Trolloc who could speak the human tongue. It had a wolf’s muzzle, goat hooves, ears that twitched incessantly and all-too-human eyes. Narg was one of those who attacked Tam’s farm; after Rand and Tam got away from the first attack, Narg played dead and waited until Rand returned. He told Rand that he would not hurt him, and that a Myrddraal was coming. Rand pretended to go along; when Narg lunged for him, Rand brought up Tam’s sword and impaled Narg.

Nariene. A long-dead queen of Altara. A fountained statue of her stood in Mol Hara Square in Ebou Dar; the statue had one breast bared and one hand uplifted. Nariene was noted for her honesty, but not enough to have been depicted completely bare-chested. Some said her uplifted hand pointed to the ocean’s bounty that had enriched Ebou Dar, and some that it pointed in warning of dangers.

Naris Pelden. A young Andoran woman. She and her sister Sephanie sought work at the Royal Palace; Essande chose them to train as Elayne’s maids because they were unlikely to be spies. Naris was very happy to be a lady’s maid rather than cleaning the halls. Square-faced and shy, she was as much in awe of Essande as of Elayne. Naris tried to help Aviendha in dressing and undressing, but Aviendha didn’t always cooperate. When the palace started rearranging itself, Naris was reluctant to leave Elayne’s rooms to fetch food, but she did it anyway. The Aiel Wise Ones who came to claim Aviendha awed her.

Narishma, Jahar. See Jahar Narishma

Narisse. A Jenn Aiel woman during the building of Rhuidean. She, Dermon and Mordaine met with the Aiel clan chiefs and told them that they must come to Rhuidean if they wanted to lead. A graying woman with deep-set green eyes, she looked as if she could have been Mordaine’s sister.

Narof, Azille. An Aes Sedai who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.

Naron, Berylla. See Berylla Naron

narshcat. A ferocious animal found in the Waste.

Narvais Maslin. A Counsel of Far Madding. Gray-haired, slim and 5'5" tall, with Cumere she escorted Cadsuane, Shalon and Harine to the palace while the other Counsels remained with Aleis to question Verin.

Narvin. A high-ranking servant in the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar. He was stout and gray-haired. Mat was sure that Narvin was responsible for the first attempt to remove Pips from the stable to keep Mat from leaving. Narvin was nearby when Thom told Mat that the gholam had killed again; Mat smiled at him and he stalked off frowning.

Nashebar. An Ogier-built city in Jaramide, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.

Nashia. A Kinswoman who accompanied Elayne to her Cairhienin coronation. Prim with a youthful face, she wore a baggy dress.

Nashif. A man Mat fought at Bloodwash Falls in one of his memories from the Eelfinn.

Nashun. An area of southern Saldaea famous for producing very large horses.

Nasin Caeren. An Andoran nobleman who was High Seat of House Caeren; the sign of the House was the Star and Sword. About 5'9" to 5'10" tall, he was bony and goat-faced, with thin white hair and a scrawny neck. His wife’s name was Miedelle; she died circa 970 NE. He opposed Morgase during the Succession, and became one of Gaebril’s sycophants. He fled after Rand reached an accommodation with Dyelin. Half his wits were gone, if not more, and he would tumble any woman he could corner. His pale blue lapels were incongruously worked with flowers, moondrops and loversknots, and he sometimes wore a flower in his thinning hair like a country youth going courting. Even so, his House was too powerful for even Jarid or Naean to try pushing him around. He was demonstrably gaga in some ways—he believed that he and Elenia were betrothed and that Jarid was an interloper of whom Elenia was afraid—but in others, he was shrewd. He seemed well aware that his granddaughter and heir Sylvase was more prisoner of Arymilla than guest, and also aware that if she had not been, he might have been displaced as High Seat. He died of a seizure shortly before Elayne won Caemlyn.

Nassad. A place where the Whitecloak army joined with the Seanchan, across the border from Amadicia in Tarabon, around the time Galad challenged Valda.

Nat Torfinn. An old Two Rivers man Perrin knew in boyhood. Wrinkled, white-haired and blind, he could disassemble any blacksmith’s puzzle by touch.

Nata. A middle-aged woman who acted as Mat’s personal tailor when he returned to Ebou Dar to see Tuon. Nata ordered that his hat be burned; in response, Mat threatened to see if she could fly from four stories up.

Natael, Jasin. See Asmodean and Jasin Natael

Natasia. A Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Slim, with dark tilted eyes, high cheekbones and full lips, she was a lenient teacher. Natasia gave Moiraine and Siuan directions to Eadyth’s rooms and taught them the method for ignoring heat or cold. In her own rooms, almost every flat surface was covered with figurines and small carvings and painted miniatures.

Nathenos, Valinde. See Valinde Nathenos

Nathin Sarmain Vendare. The Lord of Maderin, a town in Altara through which Luca’s circus passed. According to a guard at the gate of Maderin, Lord Nathin listened close when the Seanchan talked.

Natley Lewin. A heavyset Two Rivers man. The son of Flann and Adine Lewin, he married Laila Dearn. Perrin thought it odd that Laila married Natley because he couldn’t dance, and Laila loved to dance. Natley and Laila had a baby; when Perrin was trying to convince everyone to move to Emond’s Field for more safety from the Trollocs, Perrin said that property could be rebuilt, then pointed at the baby and asked if anyone could rebuild that.

Natomo, Kiyosa. See Kiyosa Natomo

Natrin’s Barrow. A fortress in Arad Doman built long ago to watch the Mountains of Mist and guard against incursion through the passes by Manetheren. It was unused for military purposes after the Trolloc Wars; it was later occupied by a minor noble family from Toman Head that was trying to set up a new kingdom. About two hundred years before the Last Battle, a king of Arad Doman reclaimed Natrin’s Barrow and used the fortress as a palace. After a hundred fifty years, it was granted to a distant relation of the King; that family disappeared. Graendal moved into it; Aran’gar and Delana visited her. Rand learned of her location from Kerb, and balefired the fortress and everyone in it, except Graendal, who escaped.

Natti Cauthon. An Emond’s Field woman, the wife of Abell and the mother of Mat, Bodewhin and Eldrin. Born in 956 NE, she was a cool, collected woman most of the time. Mat claimed that his mother always knew what he was doing the minute he did it; he seemed not to realize that his sisters were giving his mother details. Natti, Bodewhin and Eldrin were taken prisoner by the Whitecloaks, along with the Luhhans; Perrin and his band freed them and took them to an abandoned farmhouse. When the Tinkers arrived in Emond’s Field, Natti helped tend to them. She also participated in the defense of Emond’s Field.

Nawan, Ishara. See Ishara Nawan

Nazar Kurenin. A Malkieri man who lived in Kandor and worked as a baker after the fall of Malkier. He was jut-nosed with short hair and a forked beard; the years hadn’t removed the mark of the hadori from his forehead. He wept when he heard Edeyn speak of reclaiming Malkier from the Blight. After he heard that Lan was riding for the Last Battle, Nazar joined him on the Plain of Lances. He was killed at Tarwin’s Gap, but he gutted a Trolloc as it killed him.

Nazelle. The sister of Queen Ethenielle of Kandor. Ethenielle arranged her marriage to Lord Ismic after her first husband died. Nazelle protested at first, but grew to love Ismic.

Nazran. A flunky of Graendal’s who was the cousin of the Domani King Alsalam. Square and deeply brown, with thin black mustaches and black eyes, he was handsome, although not sufficiently so to become one of Graendal’s pets. Nazran believed he had tasted Graendal’s charms, and he needed only a touch of Compulsion to obey her avidly. Graendal sent him to Ituralde with a forged letter purportedly from Alsalam.

Ndaye, Dalaine. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 36 to 64 NE. Dalaine was a weak Amyrlin.

Neain. Perrin’s aunt and the widow of his uncle Carlin. She and Carlin had two children; Neain visited Carlin’s grave every morning. She, along with the rest of the family, was murdered by Padan Fain, although it was believed that Trollocs killed them. Perrin buried her next to Carlin’s grave.

Neald, Fager. See Fager Neald

near-sister, near-brother. See Aiel kinship

Necoine, Selame. See Selame Necoine

Ned Yarman. Sareitha Tomares’ young Warder. He was born in 978 NE in Andor. About 6'3" tall, with broad shoulders, he had bright blue eyes and corn-yellow hair curling to his shoulders. Somewhat boyish in mannerisms and appearance, he was quite handsome, enough to make women’s eyes flutter. At age sixteen he went to the Tower to train with the Warders; most of those men did not get chosen as Warders, and he felt very lucky that he did. Birgitte thought that he was still goggle-eyed over it. He was killed by Black Ajah when he charged the house on Full Moon Street in Caemlyn after Sareitha’s death.

nedar. A tusked water pig found only in the Drowned Lands. A very good swimmer, as most creatures in the Drowned Lands were, it grew to a maximum of fifty pounds, but thirty pounds was more common. Its tusks were oversized for an animal so small, being as much as three inches long. The flesh was quite tasty, but the nedar could be just as dangerous as its larger cousins.

Nedare Satarov. The innkeeper at The Silver Penny in Chachin, Kandor. A beautiful woman with a joyous smile and glossy black hair worn in a braid, she was clean and her inn appealing. Moiraine stopped in to ask if Siuan was staying there; Nedare told her that she was, and offered Moiraine a mug of spiced wine. Nedare’s air of anticipation made Moiraine suspicious that there was something in the wine; she made Nedare drink the wine. Nedare tried to flee, but fell to the floor, revealing silk stockings; she had done quite well drugging innocent women for the use of her rough customers. A number of the men in the common room looked at her lasciviously, and all the women, including Moiraine, left.

Nedeal, Corianin. See Corianin Nedeal

Neder. A sept of the Shiande Aiel.

need. A technique to find what was vital or required, known or unknown to the user, while in Tel’aran’rhiod. The Aiel Wise Ones concentrated on need to find new sources of water in the Waste; Nynaeve used need to find Amathera and important objects in Tarabon. Elayne and Nynaeve used it to find the Bowl of the Winds. A danger of using need was that one did not know the destination, and could arrive in a place of great danger.

Needle Street. A thoroughfare in Caemlyn. A rather wide street, it meandered like a river, down one hill and up the next. Some generations before Elayne claimed the throne, it was full of needlemakers. At the time of her claim, a few small inns and taverns were jammed among cutlers and tailors and every sort of shop except needlemakers.

Neferi. Tuon’s Soe’feia, who was killed in a fall down stairs. Neferi had a Left Hand ready to replace her, but the Empress chose Anath instead.

Negaine. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She and Felaana found a disguised Beonin wandering the White Tower, requesting an audience with Elaida; they took her to Elaida. Egwene saw Negaine in the Brown quarters’ hallway when it mysteriously swapped places with the novice quarters; Negaine challenged Egwene for being there until Egwene directed her to look out the window.

Negara, Lady. An Andoran noblewoman of a minor House who had opposed Gaebril. Sharp-faced, she was at the meeting between Egwene and the Aes Sedai and the Andorans and Murandians on the ice. She asked Egwene if the novice book was truly open to all.

Negin Bridge. A village near Dragonmount where Almen Bunt’s brother-in-law Graeger vanished.

Negina, Blaeric. See Blaeric Negina

Neheran, Ferane. See Ferane Neheran

Neilyn. A woman in Valan Luca’s show. She had the prettiest eyes, according to Olver.

Nela al’Caar. A Two Rivers woman. She was married to Paet and they had two daughters and two sons, including Wil; the youngest was six years older than Perrin. Long-faced with a gray-streaked braid, Nela organized the children before the Trolloc attack. In Nynaeve’s Accepted test, Nela went crazy when she found her sons dead in their beds and went around saying that Paet was the Dark One and had killed her boys.

Nela Thane. An Emond’s Field woman. When Nynaeve was sixteen and had just started braiding her hair, Nela dared her to steal a plum pie from Mistress Ayellin. Nynaeve did and was caught and punished.

Nelavaire Demasiellin. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 28(16). Born in 850 NE, she went to the White Tower in 863 NE; she was allowed to enter at thirteen because she was born with the spark and it was beginning to manifest itself. After spending ten years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 879 NE. Standing 5'2" tall, she was slim, wiry and whipcord tough. She took part in Rand’s kidnapping from Cairhien and was captured at Dumai’s Wells. Nelavaire was treated as da’tsang by the Aiel until, under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she did before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding. She met the Asha’man Naeff and bonded him.

Nelein Matherin. The grandmother of Aedmun, High Seat of House Matherin in Andor. She had a temper, and everyone was afraid of her. She died, and the maid Elsie, who remembered Nelein from when she was a child, saw her ghost.

Nelsa. A slim and pretty shopgirl at a fabric store in Jurador, Altara. Selucia and Tuon went into the store and would not respond to the owner’s questions; the owner threatened to send Nelsa, who also had become angry, to fetch the guards on them.

Nem. An Andoran family. See Admer and Maigan Nem

Nemaira Eldros. An Aes Sedai who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.

Neman, Feast of. A feast celebrated on the ninth day of the month of Adar in Andor, Cairhien, Tear and the Borderlands.

Nemarellin Mountains. A range found at the southwest coast of Illian along the Kabal Deep.

Nemaris. The wife of a horse handler in Bryne’s army camp; on the delicate side, she did not like horses that were too frisky. When Siuan demanded a mild horse to ride to the Aes Sedai camp in order to tell them that Leane and Egwene were alive and in the White Tower, Nemaris’s husband brought her Nemaris’s horse, Nightlily.

Nemdahl, Sarene. See Sarene Nemdahl

Nemene Damendar Boann. Semirhage’s name before she became Forsaken.

Nendenhald, Aludra. See Aludra Nendenhald

Nemosni, Aloisia. The oldest member of the Kin. She was nearly six hundred years old and working as an oil merchant in Tear when Elayne and Nynaeve learned of the Kin.

Nenci. A damane who accompanied Anath/Semirhage when she posed as the Daughter of the Nine Moons and attempted to capture Rand; she was paired with the sul’dam Falendre, and whimpered after their capture by Rand.

Nengar. A Shienaran soldier. He followed Ingtar when he and Perrin pursued the Horn of Valere to Falme. He stood about 5'11" tall, and had a heavier build than Masema, though not stocky, just bigger. He wintered in the Mountains of Mist with Perrin and Rand. After Rand left and the Shienarans were abandoned to make their own way, Nengar stuck with Masema in Ghealdan and came to follow and believe in the Prophet. His dark eyes burned as fervently as Masema’s. He was killed along with Masema by Cha Faile.

Nensen, Varil. See Varil Nensen

Nerbaijan, Pritalle. See Pritalle Nerbaijan

Nerein. A heroine in The Flame, the Blade and the Heart. She was a strong woman.

Neres, Agni. See Agni Neres

Nerevan. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Nerilea. An Aiel woman who was Far Dareis Mai. She had white hair and a square face. She accompanied Rand on his first surreptitious visit to Caemlyn, and was also with him near Natrin’s Barrow when he balefired it.

Nerim. Talmanes’ skinny Cairhienin manservant, who was on loan to Mat for a time. About 5'6" tall, he had a long narrow face and gray hair cut short of his shoulders; he was clean-shaven. A pessimist whose voice was lugubrious and melancholy, and who often had a mournful expression, Nerim was competitive with Nalesean’s manservant Lopin. After the Aiel attacked Mat’s camp while Mat was on his way to Salidar, Nerim sewed up his wounds; Mat agreed with Talmanes’ assessment that as a seamstress, Nerim was a ham-fisted cook. Talmanes insisted that Nerim accompany Mat to Ebou Dar to act as his manservant. After Nalesean died, Mat took on Lopin as well, and the competition between the two serving men escalated. Nerim traveled with Mat until they met up with more of the Band; Nerim was very happy to be reunited with Talmanes.

Nerin. A s’redit calf handled by the Seanchan woman Cerandin in Valan Luca’s circus. Luca called it a “boar-horse” to deflect from its true identity.

Nerion Torelvin. A young Cairhienin man who was a member of Cha Faile. Balwer sent him and Haviar to spy on Masema. They learned that Masema had sent another rider to Amadicia, that there were Altarans among Masema’s forces, and that Annoura and Masuri were meeting with Masema in secret. They were pulled out before the attack on Malden.

Nerith. A Seanchan sul’dam. When talking to Bakuun, a Seanchan army captain, Nerith put the proper degree of respect into her voice and not a whisker more. She was captured by Asha’man in the first battle against the Seanchan and Gille, her damane, was killed. She was square-faced, black-haired and spat a lot. Like the other captive women, sul’dam and damane, she was to be turned over to Aes Sedai; when she learned that, she howled and tried to flee. When stopped, Nerith sank her teeth into a Saldaean’s arm and hung on like a badger. Taim handed her over to Elayne in Caemlyn.

Nermala, Derys. See Derys Nermala

Nermasiv, Areina. See Areina Nermasiv

Nerrine. A Da’shain Aiel woman from a time after the Breaking. Nerrine had two sons, Charlin and Alijha, and one daughter, Colline. When Colline and Maigran, another Da’shain girl, were taken by bandits, Nerrine was ready to mourn and go on, but Charlin, Alijha and some other boys decided to rescue the girls. The young men killed the bandits; Charlin was killed. When the others returned to camp, Nerrine wanted nothing to do with them since they had abandoned the Way of the Leaf.

Nesair. A woman of the Shaido Aiel and Far Dareis Mai, who left the Shaido because of Rand. Fiery-haired and beautiful with white scars on both sun-dark cheeks, she was one of the three Maidens, along with Somara and Nandera, who beat Rand when he returned to Cairhien after battling the Seanchan because he had dishonored the Maidens by leaving them behind. Nesair told him that she had left her clan for him, and she didn’t want him to spit on her.

Nesaline. A queen of Caembarin, one of the nations that arose after the Trolloc Wars. Nesaline was one of three who sent armies into Shandalle against Artur Hawkwing in FY 943.

Nesan. The twelfth month of the year.

Nesita. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. A member of the loyalist contingent, she was plump and blue-eyed and as mean as a snake with the itch. The one time Egwene tried to refuse the forkroot tea, Nesita helped pour it down her throat using a funnel. Nesita also Traveled to Kandor to collect tribute from the head clerk there, evidence that Elaida had Traveling. Her name appeared on Verin’s list of the Black Ajah.

Nesolle, Cairlyn. See Cairlyn Nesolle

Nessosin, Joar Addam. Asmodean’s name in the Age of Legends.

Nesta din Reas Two Moons. The Mistress of the Ships to the Atha’an Miere. About 5'4" tall and going from stocky to fat, she had white hair, black eyes and a thrusting jaw. Nesta had an air of power; when she said “go,” people went. She wore six rings in each ear, and the chain to her nose ring was hung with many medallions. Her Windfinder was Renaile. When Elayne, Nynaeve and Aviendha went to Windrunner to ask for help with the Bowl of the Winds, Nesta was there and sent Baroc to summon all Wavemistresses, the First Twelve and their Windfinders, and then got down to bargaining. Nesta married Lan and Nynaeve, and sent twenty Windfinders to the Tarasin Palace. When the Seanchan arrived in Ebou Dar, Windrunner fought a delaying action to help as many ships as possible escape, but the vessel was taken, and Nesta and her Master of the Blades, Baroc, were executed by impaling; neither screamed while on the stake. Their heads were placed on poles outside the gates, and the crime listed on the placard beneath them was “Rebellion.”

Nestelle din Sakura South Star. A Sea Folk Windfinder captured by the Seanchan and made damane. Mat decided to try to free the Sea Folk damane; he went to Nestelle’s room and asked what she would do if he removed her collar. She said that she would free her sisters; Mat asked that she wait three hours. She agreed, and they sealed the bargain by spitting on their hands and shaking; her hand was as callused as his, and her grip was strong. Mat removed her a’dam, and showed her how to remove others. She did not wait the full three hours; Mat and his party were at the gates of Ebou Dar when the trouble started, but they were able to leave because all the soldiers were going to deal with the Sea Folk.

Nesune Bihara. A Kandori Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 15(3). Born in 826 NE, she went to the White Tower in 841 NE. After spending five years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 850 NE. About 5'4" tall, and slender, with dark hair and almost black, bird-like eyes, Nesune had an eidetic memory and was a collector of specimens and a naturalist. She was fascinated both by men who could channel and by the Dragon Reborn. She taught Egwene as a novice, and could tell when someone’s attention drifted even with her back to the class. Nesune had one Warder, a tall, broad-shouldered young man who looked as though carved from a boulder. She was part of the mission sent to kidnap Rand and was captured at Dumai’s Wells and made da’tsang; she was one of the first five to swear to Rand. She was part of Cadsuane’s group that went to Far Madding and Shadar Logoth. She was also part of the group shielding Semirhage when Shaidar Haran rescued the Forsaken. Nesune fought alongside Aviendha while repelling the Trollocs at Thakan’dar during the Last Battle.

net. Age of Legends word used for a weave of the Power. See web

Netari, Ershin. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of Nine. He fought against the Seanchan; in the last engagement, he was under the command of Semaradrid.

Nethan Conwy. One of Merise’s Warders. An Andoran, Nethan was 6'1" tall, with a lean, muscular build and piercing blue eyes. His dark hair had wings of white at the temples.

Nethin, Tal. A saddlemaker who survived the Shaido massacre of Taien in the Jangai Pass, only to die by breaking his neck on level ground shortly afterward. His sister was Aril Corl.

Nethvin Market. One of the three markets in Far Madding, where foreigners were allowed to trade.

Nevanche, Desala. See Desala Nevanche

Nevarin. A Wise One of the Codarra Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 23(11). She appeared to be younger than Edarra, and only a year or two older than Perrin; she was at most 110 years old. Slim with sandy yellow hair and green eyes, Nevarin was about 5'8" tall and had a light voice, although her personality seemed to be much like Nynaeve’s. When she put her hands or fists on her hips, Perrin thought she wanted to shake a finger or a fist at him. Nevarin was one of the Wise Ones sent with Perrin to Ghealdan, to keep an eye on Seonid and Masuri. She went to battle against the Shaido at Malden. She assisted in the forging of Mah’alleinir, and followed his forces into the Last Battle.

Neverborn. The wolves’ name for Myrddraal.

Nevin. An Ebou Dari man killed in a duel with Beslan. The offense they dueled over was not worth a life, but Nevin slipped and Beslan ran him through the heart instead of his sword arm. Beslan had to pay a condolence call on his widow, Davindra.

New Braem. A moderate-size border town older than Andor that lay fifty leagues north of Caemlyn on the road to Tar Valon; the original Braem was destroyed in the Trolloc Wars. New Braem was something of a center for trade heading north out of Andor, which was nearly all funneled through Tar Valon. A lot of news passed through New Braem as well, such as events at the Stone of Tear, changes at the White Tower and the presence of Borderlander soldiers in Braem Wood.

New City. The area outside the Inner City of Caemlyn; it was not Ogier-built.

New Plow, The. An inn in Andor that Elayne and her party stayed at on their way from Ebou Dar to Caemlyn.

Neysa Ayellin. A horse-faced woman of Emond’s Field. When Nynaeve was sixteen, she threw a pitcher of water at Neysa, and Neysa manhandled her for it. At ten, Perrin stole one of Neysa’s gooseberry pies, and she paddled his bottom for it. She helped care for the Tinkers who came to Emond’s Field seeking shelter from the Trollocs, was part of Perrin and Faile’s wedding, and helped organize the children so that they might have a chance to escape from Shadowspawn. When a Trolloc grabbed Bode Cauthon by her hair, Neysa stabbed it with a butcher knife.

ni Bashere t’Aybara, Faile. See Faile ni Bashere t’Aybara

Niach Okatomo. The commander of Rena Tower in Kandor. He was Malenarin Rai’s distant cousin and good friend.

Niagen. A Brotherless taken by Sulin as gai’shain after Malden. Lacile told him that Jhoradin and Rolan had been helpful in Malden, and wound up in his bed. He helped Alliandre make bandages after the battle between Perrin and the Whitecloaks and the Trollocs.

Niall, Pedron. See Pedron Niall

Niamh Passes. The northernmost passes through the Spine of the World, east of Fal Moran in Shienar.

Niande Moorwyn. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah, uncommitted to any contingent, with a strength level of 27(15). Born in 851 NE, she went to the White Tower in 867 NE. After spending thirteen years as a novice and twelve years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 892 NE. Plump, with a sharp nose, inquisitive gray eyes and pale hair, she had one Warder.

Niande served as advisor to King Galldrian of Cairhien. She kept a low profile and was known to have visited the country estates of Lady Arilyn more than once. As far as anyone in Cairhien knew, she apparently vanished after Galldrian was killed. She puzzled out who killed Galldrian, and although she knew basically why, she was not pleased with Thom Merrilin. Too much suffering came out of that death.

She turned up in the rebel camp outside Cairhien with Cadsuane—she was coopted by Cadsuane rather than being one of her followers—when Rand visited, just before the fog incident. After Rand was injured, Niande helped empty a wagon so that they could get him back to the city; when Min told of three sisters being stilled at Dumai’s Wells, Niande vomited over the side of the wagon. She was disconcerted when Asha’man walked into her presence, and dropped her book. Niande was left behind in Cairhien when Cadsuane went to Far Madding.

Nianh. An Aes Sedai who acted as the advisor to Ethenielle of Kandor. She vanished from Chachin soon after the troubles in the White Tower became known. She left no message, nor any clue to where she was going.

Nichil. An algai’d’siswai Aiel who worked with Birgitte to kill Trollocs in Braem Wood in the Last Battle; Birgitte thought that he was very good at moving quickly and silently.

Nico. A stableboy with hay in his hair at Harilin’s Leap in Jarra, Ghealdan. When Moiraine, Lan, Loial and Perrin stayed at the inn, Nico and Patrim saw to their horses.

Nicola Treehill. A Ghealdanin novice with a potential strength level of 9(+4). Born in 975 NE, she was enrolled in the novice books in Salidar in 999 NE. Standing 5'4" tall, and slender, with dark hair and big black eyes, she was ambitious, a voracious learner and a woman of considerable daring who did not think the rules applied to her, or at least not in the same way they did to others. She was a weaver; she would do whatever she had to in order to get what she wanted.

Nicola met Nynaeve and Elayne on the Riverserpent on the way to Salidar; she only joined up with the rebel Aes Sedai because following Nynaeve took her to them. Nicola had meant to marry, but her intended was killed while following Masema. She was tested on arrival in Salidar and found able to learn to channel, though without the inborn spark. She was potentially strong enough that before Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne she would have caused a sensation; her potential, equal to Cadsuane, still occasioned some comment and she was considered quite a find. Once the rebels left Salidar, Nicola and Areina became friends. They speculated about the possibility of Areina becoming Nicola’s Warder, or one of them; in fact, she took her as Warder, a highly illegal move for a novice. Nicola wanted to be Green Ajah.

Nicola and Areina together showed quite a talent for digging out information. Together, they tried to blackmail Egwene, using their knowledge that Elayne and Nynaeve had pretended to be Aes Sedai before they were raised, that Egwene had gone from the Tower with them, and that there was therefore the strong possibility that Egwene also had pretended. What Nicola wanted out of this was to be allowed to go faster in her training. The blackmail attempt failed because Egwene simply faced them down. Nicola and Areina were more successful blackmailing Myrelle and Nisao. Nicola forced them to give her extra lessons to help her move faster, with the result that her teachers remarked on how quickly she learned and how she sometimes took to weaves as if she already knew them. Nicola also thought she might force Myrelle to pass Lan’s bond to her so that he would be one of her Warders along with Areina. Egwene also squelched this blackmail. Nicola had the minor Talent of seeing ta’veren and also began showing the first signs of Foretelling. Her prophecies were extremely veiled, though, and she did not realize—at first, anyway—that she had spoken and did not remember what she had said. Later she tried to garner attention with Foretelling. Nicola refused to believe that her potential was less than that of Egwene and Elayne. She thought that she could truly match—or even surpass—Nynaeve, given the chance, but that the rules were holding her back.

She ran away from the rebels to the White Tower in hopes of being taught faster; she was forced to tell everything she knew about the rebels, which was how Egwene and Leane were ambushed and captured. Nicola apologized to Egwene for that later, and helped spread tales among the novices in the White Tower portraying Egwene as a hero. She was part of a circle with Egwene in fighting the Seanchan and was raised Accepted afterward.

She disobeyed orders and joined in the fight against the Black Ajah in Tel’aran’rhiod; she was killed there.

Nidao. A Darkfriend Shienaran soldier. He was one of the guards of Fain’s dungeon prison in Fal Dara and vanished when Fain escaped. Those pursuing the Horn of Valere found his body skinned and hanging from a tree.

Nieda Sidoro. An Illianer who was the innkeeper at Easing the Badger in Illian; even she didn’t know what the name of her inn meant. A large, round woman with her hair in a thick roll at the back of her neck and a smell of strong soap about her, she was one of Moiraine’s eyes-and-ears for twelve years. Her nephew Bili was her bouncer. She did not believe in Trollocs or snow. Bayle Domon visited her inn; Nieda was surprised when he paid her with a Tar Valon mark. Six Gray Men attacked Perrin and were killed; it was the first time there had been a killing at the inn. Nieda didn’t believe the attackers were Gray Men; she thought that they were thieves and ordered Bili to throw them in the canal. Moiraine ordered her to flee Illian after she learned that Sammael was ruling Illian.

Niella. A woman of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. Aviendha’s first-sister, she looked like Aviendha, but a little older and plumper. A married weaver who was taken gai’shain by the Chareen Aiel when they raided Sulara Hold, her home, she always wanted Aviendha to give up the spear and marry and had tried to talk her out of becoming a Maiden. She brought food to Rand’s room while Rand and Aviendha had gone to Seanchan through a gateway, and Asmodean told her the two did not want to be disturbed. She took this as proof they were in bed together and spread word among the Maidens. Aviendha treated her especially hard over this, blistering her bottom immediately after learning what had happened. She put off the white when her time came and went back to her husband.

Niere. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who welcomed Nynaeve into the Yellow Ajah when she returned to the Tower after it reunited.

Night Watch. A group that conducted helmeted night patrols with halberds and crossbows in Canluum.

Night’s Shade. A weave that allowed one more speed and concealed one from others; it could be produced by the ter’angreal that Bloodknives wore.

nightflower. A type of firework produced by the Illuminators.

Nightlily. A dark mare that belonging to Nemaris, the wife of a horse handler in Bryne’s camp. Siuan borrowed her to ride to the Aes Sedai camp with the news that Egwene and Leane were alive and being held in the White Tower.

Nightrider. The Da’shain Aiel name for Myrddraal.

Nightrunner. An Aiel name for Myrddraal.

nightwood. A tree, not described. Siuan, as Amyrlin, kept her papers in a carved nightwood box.

Nikiol Dianatkhah. A former king of Saldaea who had a drinking problem. Faile used him as an example to Perrin when she was arguing that no leader was perfect.

Niko Tokama. A female member of the Academy of Cairhien, whose undescribed project Idrien thought was silly.

Nildra. A servant to the rebel Aes Sedai, in charge of washing pots. Moghedien, posing as Marigan, had to work for her. She was a wiry woman with a white apron and a harried expression, stick-like and gray-haired. Egwene met her the night she came to Salidar, and Nildra complained brusquely that everyone came to her instead of helping themselves and how put-upon she was. Chesa thought that she and Kaylin were terrible gossips and would say mean things when someone’s back was turned. Nildra asked Egwene at the meeting on the ice if the novice book was open.

Nils. A lieutenant in Ituralde’s army. When the Shadow started catapulting Trolloc bodies on his camp at Maradon, Ituralde ordered him to gather damage assessments, to prepare the archers for an attack on the siege engines, to bring two of the Asha’man who were on duty and to tell Captain Creedin to watch out for a Trolloc assault across the ford.

Nimri. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. Petite and drowsy-eyed, she opened a gateway for Gawyn to go to Caemlyn from the White Tower.

Nindar, Kamarile Maradim. Graendal’s name before she turned to the Shadow.

Nine Bees, the. The symbol of Illian.

Nine Gulls, Taval din Chanai. See Taval din Chanai Nine Gulls

Nine Horse Hitch, The. An inn in Lugard, Murandy. Its sign had an improbably voluptuous woman wearing only her hair, arranged to hide as little as possible, astride a barebacked horse. Duranda Tharne, its innkeeper, was an agent for the Blue Ajah; Siuan visited her to try to find out where the rebel Aes Sedai had gathered.

Nine Moons, Daughter of the. See Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag

Nine Rings, The. An inn in Tremonsien, Cairhien, near the male Choedan Kal. Its innkeeper was Maglin Madwen. Rand, Loial, Hurin and Selene stayed there after recovering the Horn of Valere from Fain. They met up with Captain Caldevwin, who arranged an escort for them the next morning to Cairhien. At the time of the cleansing of saidin, Barmellin, a brandy merchant on the way to the inn, passed the Choedan Kal and saw its glowing sphere. Realizing that the glow was the One Power, he fled home to drink his brandy.

Nine Rods of Dominion. Nine individuals in the Age of Legends who served as regional governors of the world at the time. Ishamael said that Lews Therin had summoned them, which was an indication of Lews Therin having had ultimate authority.

Nine, the Council of. The advisory council of lords that jointly ruled with the King in Illian.

Nine Valleys. A sept of the Taardad Aiel.

Ninte calichniye no domashita. Old Tongue for “Your welcome warms me.”

Ninth Depository. A section of the Tower Library, one of twelve sections publicly known. The Ninth Depository was the smallest, although it was still a large chamber; it was the home of texts on various forms of arithmetic.

Niolle din Lembar. A Sea Folk Wavemistress who was one of the First Twelve of the Atha’an Miere. At the meeting of the First Twelve in Illian, Niolle scowled at Harine when she arrived.

Nip. Seanchan Captain Bakuun’s favorite wolfhound. Bakuun talked to him sometimes, but he didn’t expect Nip to carry on a conversation, unlike what went on between sul’dam and damane.

Nirelle Coidevwin. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 396 to 419 NE. Nirelle was a strong Amyrlin, forceful and dynamic. Chosen in the belief that she would extricate the Tower from her predecessor’s foreign intrigues, she instead continued them, involving the Tower in a number of wars. She personally led Tower contingents in battle. Had it not been for the wars, she might have been removed, but the White Tower reaction to external threats was always to gather in and do nothing that might even hint at any crack in the supposedly unbreakable facade. In 419 NE, Nirelle died on campaign.

Nisa. A carthorse belonging to a Cairhienin brandy merchant, Barmellin, who saw the sphere near Tremonsien glow during the cleansing of the taint.

Nisain a’Cowel. A Murandian Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and of the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 37(25). Born in 873 NE, Nisain was gangly with dark reddish hair, startlingly blue eyes, a strong chin and a lilting voice. She had some small repute in matters of law and treaties. Very good at reading residues, she was sent to Shadar Logoth to try to determine what had happened there. Of the six that were sent, she was the best, and reported to the Hall when she returned. She said that she could not tell what had been done, but that more saidin had been used than saidar.

Nisao Dachen. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 821 NE in a village south of Kandor on the road to Tar Valon, she went to the White Tower in 837 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 855 NE. Her Warder was Sarin Hoigan. Nisao was very short, under five feet, and had an average build for her height. Neither plain nor beautiful, she had dark hair and large dark brown eyes that were her best feature. She refused to speak to Nynaeve until Nynaeve gave up the foolish notion of Healing Siuan and Leane. Nisao aided Myrelle in dealing with Lan because she had an interest in diseases of the mind. Caught out at this by Egwene and Siuan, she swore fealty to Egwene rather than have her transgressions revealed, with the certain resulting penances and the possible loss of her Warder. She was acerbic toward Myrelle for involving her in the situation. Nisao investigated the murders of Anaiya and Kairen, but was ordered to stop by Lelaine. Nisao was part of the embassy to the Black Tower to bond Asha’man Warders.

Nishur, Jaalam. See Jaalam Nishur

Nissa. An Accepted in the White Tower. Nissa and Nicola reported to Silviana and Egwene that the Hall was meeting without them. Egwene sent the two to Caemlyn to fetch dream ter’angreal that Elayne had made and told them that she would teach them to use them.

Nisura. A round-faced Shienaran noblewoman who was an attendant to Lady Amalisa in Fal Dara. Nisura picked two other noblewomen to lead Rand and Lan through the women’s apartments to visit Siuan. She was scandalized that he wore a sword in the women’s apartments. When Rand asked to see Egwene, Nisura told Egwene that he was trying to get into the women’s quarters, and asked if Rand and Egwene were going to marry.

no’ri. The ancient name for the game later called stones.

Noal Charin. See Jain Farstrider

Noallin, Mistress Kamile. See Kamile Noallin

Noam. A wolfbrother in Jarra, Ghealdan, who lost his humanity; his brother was Simion. Moiraine could not Heal him, and Perrin convinced his brother to set him free. He frequented the wolf dream and helped Perrin accept his dual nature by revealing that he preferred the wolf dream to real life and had chosen it. See also Boundless

Noane Masadim. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 950 to 973 NE. Noane was a weak Amyrlin, although not as weak as her predecessor. Like Kirin, she managed to pave the way for a stronger Amyrlin to follow her.

Noichin, Marli. See Marli Noichin

Nol Caimaine. A place from Lews Therin’s memories where Sammael had done great evil and escaped justice.

Nolaisen. A noble Cairhienin family. See Barmanes and Camaille Nolaisen

Nomesta, Uno. See Uno Nomesta

Noon, Aisling. See Aisling Noon

Nor Chasen. A village east of Ebou Dar on the coast of Altara. The two men who attacked Mat and were killed at The Wandering Woman in Ebou Dar had told the innkeeper that they would next be traveling on to Nor Chasen.

Noram. The chief cook with the Band of the Red Hand. When he left to get provisions, meals did not get made with the usual speed.

Noramaga, Kaisel. See Kaisel Noramaga

Noregovna, Edarna. See Edarna Noregovna

Noreladim. A Domani functionary. Stumpy and large-bellied, he talked with Rand about finding the members of the Council of Merchants.

Noreman, Ceiline. The wife of a trader killed in Canluum, Kandor. The trader had been guarded by Ryne Venamar.

Noren. A Cairhienin horse handler with Perrin’s group. He led Galina’s horse away after she was captured by Neald and Gaul outside of Malden.

Noren M’shar. Seanchan’s third-largest city, mentioned when Tuon was thinking about how omens were the same no matter the location.

Norham, Ester. See Ester Norham

Norie. A damane with Banner-General Khirgan’s party. She was at the first meeting between Perrin and Tylee.

Norill, Turanna. See Turanna Norill

Norine Dovarna. An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Lovely, with large liquid eyes, she was almost as dreamy as Danelle. She shared other qualities with Danelle, being nearly as friendless and perhaps as much so. She, too, was a solitary woman, preferring her own company to that of anyone else. Norine resented Alviarin, thinking that if the White was to supply the Keeper, it should have been herself, but she almost curtsied to Alviarin anyway; she felt a patron in high places might not be such a bad thing, even if it was Alviarin.

She was one of the sisters who guarded Leane after her capture.

Norla. A near-toothless wilder who lived at a farm in the heart of the Black Hills. She taught Cadsuane important lessons; Cadsuane thought that without her it would have been unlikely that she would be in anything approaching her present circumstances. She definitely wouldn’t have had her hair ornaments; she earned those from Norla.

Norlea. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel. About 5'7" tall, sharp-nosed and almost as hard as Therava, Norlea was one of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters. She accompanied Sevanna to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten and took part in or at least was present at the murder of Desaine. She was with Therava at Dumai’s Wells, and went with her back to the Three-fold Land after the Shaido rout at Malden.

Norlesh. An Aiel woman who was the wife of Metalan; they had five children; three had died earlier. Metalan tried to trade gems for food with outlanders, but the Raven Empress had forbidden trade with Aiel. A fourth child, Garlvan, died in Norlesh’s arms soon after his failure to trade. They were seen in Aviendha’s viewings of the future in Rhuidean.

Norley, Dafid. See Dafid Norley

Norodim Nosokawa. A leader who tried to seize Hawkwing’s empire after his death. He was the second leader that Jalwin Moerad, Hawkwing’s advisor, advised shortly after Hawkwing’s death. Norodim was one of the three who came closest to seizing all of Hawkwing’s empire; he died in battle.

Norowhin. A young officer in the Children of the Light who commanded Morgase’s Whitecloak guards in Amadicia. Lanky and tall with a sunburned face, hard eyes and a thrusting nose, he was cold toward Morgase, and usually laconic.

Norry, Halwin. See Halwin Norry

Norsish, Jamilila. See Jamilila Norsish

Norsoni, Ayako. See Ayako Norsoni

North Road. The road to Taren Ferry and Watch Hill north of Emond’s Field; it became the Old Road to the south.

Northan, House. A noble House in Andor. Its High Seat was Conail; its sign was three black eagles: the Eagles, or the Black Eagles.

Northan, Conail. See Conail Northan

Northern Star, Causeway of the. A wide, packed-dirt road, broken by flat stone bridges, leading directly north from Illian through the marshes that surrounded the city.

Northharbor. An anchorage on the River Erinin at Tar Valon. There the city walls curved out into the river and made a ring nearly a mile across, broken only by the harbor mouth. Wooden-roofed docks, where riverships of every size moored, lined the inside of that huge ring. Egwene was captured there by Aes Sedai while making a cuendillar chain across the harbor entrance.

Norwelyn. A major noble House in Andor. Its High Seat was Lord Luan; its sign the Silver Salmon, sometimes called “the Fish,” by men of House Norwelyn. See also Luan Norwelyn

Nosane iro gavane domorakoshi, Diynen’d’ma’purvene? Old Tongue for “Speak we what language, Sounder of the Horn?”

Nosar, Coerid. A king of Almoren, one of the Ten Nations, and one of the signers of the Compact of the Ten Nations.

Noselle, Tiana. See Tiana Noselle

Nosinda. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel. One of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters, she took part in or at least was present at the murder of Desaine. She was with Therava at Dumai’s Wells.

Nosokawa, Norodim. See Norodim Nosokawa

Notasha. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent who wanted to wrest control from Saerin during the Seanchan attack on the White Tower.

Notdead. See Gray Man

Nothish, Faverde. A wiry member of the Seanchan Blood. He attended Tuon’s first audience in Ebou Dar after she returned from traveling with Mat.

Notori. A member of the Black Ajah who was killed by Nynaeve in the battle at the White Tower in Tel’aran’rhiod.

Novares, Istaban. One of the founders of Tear.

novice. The lowest level of initiates of the White Tower. The average novice studied for ten years before passing the test to be raised Accepted.

Novice classroom lessons were broken into two blocks each day. The first ran from breakfast to High, and the second from supper to Trine. The hours between were given to chores, supervised studies, being tutored and, very occasionally, free time.

A freeday was a holiday where there were no classes or lessons, and no chores except those which had been given in punishment, and even those could be set aside. There was no set period for freedays; they were proclaimed as the Mistress of Novices thought necessary, but not very often, as the novices saw it. In the first thirteen weeks (130 days) that Nynaeve and Egwene were in the White Tower, there were three freedays.

Once a girl had been tested to become a novice, it was too late for her to refuse. Once training had begun, it had to go on. One could say that the test itself, if successful, opened a pathway, or perhaps ignited the spark that was not glowing when she was born; the girl began to touch the Source after that, and the touching continued thereafter whether there was training or not, so for safety’s sake, the training had to be completed. Aes Sedai had always used this fact to help hold on to girls who did pass; once they had passed the test, it was not safe for them to go back out in the world until they had been trained; by the time they were trained enough to be safe, if they had the ability to go on, they had been put so firmly on the path that they rarely thought of trying to leave it. There were runaways, of course, but few made it off the island of Tar Valon; they were pursued vigorously, and they were almost always caught. Most of those who did make it off were assisted by the Kin.

Weaves were often demonstrated for teaching purposes at a strength too low to be effective, simply to show the flows necessary and the manner of weaving them together. Channeling to do an assigned chore was forbidden, for the Tower held that physical labor built character. Novices were forbidden to try any weave until it had been demonstrated to them and the teaching sister was satisfied, after seeing the novice do the weave at a very low strength, below the level of effectiveness, that the novice had the weaves properly in hand. Thus, no experimentation of any sort was allowed for novices.

Aes Sedai considered unsupervised channeling for novices dangerous, as it very certainly was, and thus it was forbidden. Channeling too much or too often was also dangerous, and novices were always closely supervised when channeling.

Noy Torvald. A man in Mardecin, Amadicia, who lost everything in the collapse of trade with Tarabon and ended up doing odd jobs for Widow Teran. Nynaeve and Elayne used Noy’s old coach in their escape from Ronde Macura.

Nubei Peldovni. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Part of the expedition to kidnap Rand, she escaped Dumai’s Wells with Covarla Baldene and went to Dorlan.

Nuhel Dromand. One of Myrelle’s Warders, an Illianer with a thick Illianer accent. A dark bear of a man, tall and wide, with hair to his shoulders and a short beard that left his upper lip bare, his flowing Warder movement seemed odd on him. He was one of the Warders Myrelle saved after his first Aes Sedai died.

Nuli. Rand’s alias when he visited the Royal Palace of Andor and was bonded by Elayne, Min and Aviendha and slept with Elayne.

Numbers of Chaos. A body of knowledge from Ages past required to build the Portal Stones; part of this process consisted of laying the Lines that join the Worlds That Might Be.

Nurbaya, Chisaine. See Chisaine Nurbaya

Nurelle, Havien. See Havien Nurelle

Nurshang, Stedding. A stedding located between Kinslayer’s Dagger and Shienar.

Nus, Jerum. See Jerum Nus

Nyein Kalede. An Atha’an Miere Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Outwardly, she was a shy, withdrawn woman. She had a very dark complexion, black hair and dark eyes and never wore any jewelry other than her Great Serpent ring; this was always the case with sisters from the Atha’an Miere. Like all Sea Folk sisters, Nyein presented herself at the White Tower as a wilder, so that she would not have to pretend that she did not know how to channel at all. Like all Sea Folk sisters, Nyein was older than her stated age on going to the White Tower. She claimed to be eighteen years old when she went to the Tower, but in fact, although she had slowed at nineteen, she was already twenty-six years old. Zemaille, Aiden and Nyein shared rooms in the upper levels of the Library and spent most of their time either there or in the Thirteenth Depository, where they worked.

Nym. A construct of the Aes Sedai from the Age of Legends who had the ability to use the One Power for the benefit of plants and growing things. The last one was Someshta, also called the Green Man, killed by Balthamel while protecting the Eye of the World; while dying, he killed Balthamel.

Nynaeve al’Meara. The Wisdom of Emond’s Field who became Aes Sedai; el’Nynaeve was her title as Queen of Malkier, and she became Nynaeve ti al’Meara Mandragoran after her marriage to Lan. She was born in 974 NE. Her strength level was 4(+9), with a potential of 3(+10). Nynaeve was about 5'4" tall, with big dark eyes (though not so big as Egwene’s) and dark hair which she normally wore in a braid as thick as a man’s wrist which hung to her waist. She was undeniably pretty, and some thought her beautiful. Nynaeve had a small scar front and back of each hand, precisely centered, caused by blackthorns when she was with Lan in the ter’angreal during her Accepted test; these were Healed by Sheriam, who was surprised that scars remained. She appeared younger than she was, because she slowed at twenty and didn’t age appreciably afterward.

She had a strong temper, and she did not suffer fools gladly. She had the habit of self-delusion to a strong degree; if she fell in the mud, she’d try to claim it was on purpose, at least if anyone saw her, or at least that it wasn’t her fault. She had a habit of tugging at her braid when she was angry. She cared very deeply about her responsibilities, even responsibilities no one else thought she had; this was not so much a matter of trying to take charge, though she certainly did that fairly often, but of seeing herself as having the responsibility that things went well for those she felt she should take care of, whether the villagers from Emond’s Field or anyone else. As a married woman, and married to a Malkieri, she wore a red dot, the ki’sain, on her forehead. Elayne and Nynaeve had decidedly different command styles, but both women, after they were in charge, expected those under them to do as they were told; Nynaeve was much less likely to give explanations or try to convince anyone.

Nynaeve wanted to be a Wisdom from the time she was little, and above all, to heal people. Her first experience with the Power was in Healing Egwene unknowingly. Egwene was desperately ill and the old Wisdom said or intimated that there was nothing more to do. Nynaeve was afraid she would die, and deeply wanted her to live. When the Wisdom returned, Egwene was completely well. A week later, Nynaeve fell to the floor, shaking and burning up by turns. Nynaeve’s ability with Healing was little short of miraculous, but her ability with almost anything else was dismal.

Nynaeve left the Two Rivers pursuing Moiraine and the young folks, caught them at Baerlon, accompanied them all to Caemlyn, then via the Ways to Fal Dara and so to the Eye of the World. From Shienar she went downriver to the White Tower. Nynaeve was offered the opportunity to go straight to Accepted, an unheard of proposition. It was made clear to Nynaeve that she did not have to choose to try for Accepted right away, but the life of a novice was also painted to her in terms that ensured she would take the unprecedented offer.

She was winkled out of the White Tower by Liandrin, taken via the Ways to Toman Head and escaped being handed over to the Seanchan. She helped in the rescue of Egwene at Falme, then returned to the White Tower, which she left hunting Liandrin and the other Black Ajah, going to Tear with Elayne and Egwene, and was captured by Black Ajah, then rescued by Mat. Nynaeve then went from Tear to Tanchico by Sea Folk ship; from Tanchico to Sienda, near Amador, by wagon; from Sienda to Samara with Valan Luca’s circus; from Samara to Salidar by rivership; from Salidar to several days from Ebou Dar via Traveling; and from the Tarasin Palace to the Kin’s farm outside the city by Traveling, and from there to somewhere in Andor when the Seanchan took Ebou Dar. Meanwhile, she Healed Logain of his gentling, and Siuan and Leane of their stilling, was raised Aes Sedai by Egwene and became part of the Yellow Ajah. She overcame her block to channeling at will following an attack by Moghedien, and she married Lan. She traveled with a party to Caemlyn where she reconnected with Rand and agreed to help him cleanse the taint on saidin at Shadar Logoth.

When she and Lan left Caemlyn with Rand and Min, Nynaeve took a box full of jewelry from a cache found in Ebou Dar; the jewelry was much like the set worn by Cadsuane, minus the shield; it was to be worn by someone who expected to be attacked by someone using the Power. Alivia wore the jewelry during the cleansing at Shadar Logoth.

Nynaeve agreed to help Lan by taking him to the Borderlands to fight Shadowspawn, but she took him to World’s End in Saldaea, giving her time to spread the word about his quest as he rode toward Tarwin’s Gap.

She rejoined Rand and supported him in the approach to the Last Battle. During the Last Battle Nynaeve entered the Pit of Doom with Rand at Shayol Ghul, and reunited with Lan in the aftermath of hostilities.

Nyram, Beldeine. See Beldeine Nyram
