Jaalam Nishur. A young Domani soldier sworn to Rodel Ituralde. He accompanied Ituralde to his meeting with Domani Dragonsworn and Taraboners to find a way to defeat the Seanchan. Jaalam fought in the raids against the Seanchan in Tarabon, and was killed.

Jac. A man pitching hay in a song sung at The White Ring in Maderin, Altara.

Jac al’Caar. A shepherd in Emond’s Field.

Jac al’Seen. A Two Rivers farmer. His wife was Elisa. Stocky and square-shouldered, he had less hair than Bran, and it was as gray as Bran’s. His farm lay between Emond’s Field and Watch Hill; at Perrin’s urging, he moved his family into Emond’s Field and helped to defend it against the Trollocs.

Jac Coplin. A Two Rivers man who, along with Len Congar, stole a cow from Master Thane. After being shown proof of the incident, Perrin meted out justice by having them strapped.

Jac Wynn. A Murandian soldier who died just before the Battle of the Shining Walls; he slipped on a stone and broke his head. He was the husband of Susa and father of Cyril, who was one of the children Moiraine investigated while looking for the Dragon Reborn.

jack-fool. A term synonymous with idiot, as in “to act like jack-fool.” It was also used as an adjective, with a similar pejorative meaning. See also Jak Fool

jackleg. A term for a con artist.

Jadein. An Atha’an Miere woman who was the deckmistress of Harine din Togara. She was lean and leathery and had leather lungs as well. She took Harine and Shalon to the meeting of the First Twelve in Illian, where the Bargain with Rand was discussed.

Jadranka. A Seanchan soldier who was the senior of Karede’s three captains. He was short and thin with a prominent nose and had airs. During a battle with Rand’s forces, Karede killed Jadranka after Karede learned that Jadranka stupidly had told their scouts to press on until they found the enemy; the scouts were taken out and Karede’s army, lacking intelligence, was attacked while unprepared, forcing them to withdraw to minimize casualties.

Jaem. 1) Vandene’s Warder. Born in 922 NE, he was bonded by Vandene in 949 NE. He had thinning gray hair and was stringy, gnarled, wiry, lean, bony and as tough as old roots. He died after Vandene was killed at Lady Shiaine’s house on Full Moon Street. 2) The subject of a song called “Jaem’s Folly.”

Jaem the Giant-Slayer. A character in a gleeman’s tale bearing the same name.

Jaem Dawlish. The son of Melfane, Elayne’s midwife, in Caemlyn. His first paid job was mucking out stables, which he hated because it made everything taste like manure. He sometimes helped his mother, but wanted to be an armorer’s apprentice.

Jaen, Marith. See Marith Jaen

Jaerecruz lace. Lace used as trim on nice dresses. Nynaeve appeared in Tel’aran’rhiod in such a dress, and Min wore one at the White Tower.

Jaern Rift. A sept of the Codarra Aiel.

Jagad, House. A noble House of Fal Dara in Shienar. See Agelmar and Amalisa Jagad

Jagged Spire. A sept of the Taardad Aiel.

jagwin. An animal found in Seanchan that pounced from the high rocks.

Jahar Narishma. An Arafellin cobbler’s son who went to the Black Tower. Narishma was born in 977 NE. He had big dark eyes, a pale face, and dark hair in two long braids with silver bells at the ends. He had the spark, but it hadn’t come out when he was found by Taim. He was chosen out by Rand after Dumai’s Wells. He accompanied Rand to see the Sea Folk in Cairhien and to Illian for the attack on Sammael, after which he was raised to Dedicated and returned to Cairhien. He fetched Callandor for Rand during the Seanchan campaign.

Narishma was bonded as a Warder by Merise Haindehl after the attack on Rand there, when Narishma, Eben and Damer decided they did not dare return to the Black Tower, for they had been placed on the deserters list. Narishma went with Merise and her other two Warders when she accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and later to Shadar Logoth. He was raised to full Asha’man by Rand after Shadar Logoth, though Merise withheld the Dragon pin for a time, saying that he should accept things only from her. His strength began increasing again after Shadar Logoth, which worried Merise. At Rand’s order, Narishma and Merise went to the rebel Aes Sedai camp to offer them the chance to bond forty-seven Asha’man. While there, Narishma detected the use of saidin, leading to the understanding that Halima and Delana were Darkfriends. Narishma went with Rand to his meeting with the fake Daughter of the Nine Moons; he was injured, and was Healed by Merise. He also went with Rand for the meeting with the real Daughter of the Nine Moons. Narishma fought in Lan’s army at the beginning of the Last Battle, and later fought alongside Egwene against Taim. He performed some preliminary Healing on Lan after Lan killed Demandred.

Jaichim Carridin. An Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light, Ambassador to Ebou Dar, and a Darkfriend. Tall, with a touch of gray in his hair, he was fit and hard with dark, deep-set, knowing eyes. Posing as Bors among the Darkfriends, he attended a meeting of Darkfriends where he was shown images of Mat, Perrin and Rand and given orders. He commanded the Whitecloaks in Tarabon, and told Niall that Geofram Bornhald was responsible for the failure in Falme. Carridin took control of the Panarch’s Palace in Tanchico, after negotiating with King Andric to help Amathera become Panarch. He was under pressure to kill Rand, and a Fade took one of his sisters to punish him for his failure. Liandrin and the Black sisters complicated life for him when she told him she would be taking care of Amathera. Carridin was sent to Ebou Dar by the Whitecloaks as an ambassador and to cause mischief in the region, such as by organizing bands of “Dragonsworn” to cause atrocities and turn the public against them. Carridin got conflicting orders from the Forsaken about whom to kill and whom not to kill, and he was finally eliminated by Lady Shiaine for his failures.

Jailin Maran. A minor Andoran nobleman. His sign was the crosshatched Red Wall. Jailin supported Elenia for the Lion Throne before she was taken by Arymilla.

Jaim. 1) An old soldier who served with Lan in the Aiel War. Lan caught him sleeping standing straight up with his eyes open while on duty and threatened to tell his friends if it happened again. 2) The subject of the song “Jolly Jaim.”

Jaim Adarra. The captain of the Snow Goose, which took Moiraine, Lan, Perrin, Loial and Faile from Remen, where Perrin had rescued Gaul from a cage, to Illian. Jaim was short and slight.

Jaim Aybara. A Two Rivers boy who was sort of Perrin’s cousin. During the defense of Emond’s Field from Trollocs, he brought Perrin news of movement in the Westwood that turned out to be Loial and Gaul, and news of the arrival of men from Deven Ride. He was very excited when Perrin called him “cousin” and ran to tell his friend Had.

Jaim Dawtry. A farmer in the Two Rivers. In Egwene’s Accepted test, he told Rand of a big battle involving people called the Shawkin or Sanchan or something like that. In real life, he joined Perrin’s army and guarded Perrin’s tent.

Jaim Thane. A boy from Emond’s Field. When Perrin and his men returned to Emond’s Field after being ambushed by Trollocs and staying with the Tinkers, Jaim ran to the people cutting wood to let them know that Perrin had arrived.

Jaim Torfinn. A young Two Rivers man who was considered a good shot. He was spindly, with dusty brown hair. His family’s farm lay between Emond’s Field and Watch Hill. When Perrin persuaded the Torfinns to go to Emond’s Field, Jaim joined Perrin and his band. After they rescued the Luhhans and the Cauthons, Perrin sent Jaim with them back to Emond’s Field. Jaim was not particularly happy about being left in Emond’s Field while Perrin and the others were off being heroes; he missed the ambush in the Waterwood and was thereafter reluctant to join the Companions, the men who followed Perrin.

Jaim participated in the defense of Emond’s Field, and was later recruited by Taim for the Black Tower. There Androl saw him leading a group of men digging a canal with the One Power, and gave him some advice on how to do it right.

Jain Charin. See Jain Farstrider

Jain Farstrider. A legendary traveler who wrote about his peregrinations and adventures. He was born in 925 NE. While still young, he brought to justice the traitorous Malkieri Darkfriend Cowin Gemallan Fairheart. He arrived in an Ogier stedding shortly after the Aiel War, appearing near death, saying that the Dark One was going to blind the Eye of the World. He stayed in the stedding and recovered before leaving. Farstrider disappeared north of the Blasted Lands in 981 NE. He became disillusioned after his wife died and he realized he had been made a tool of Ishamael, and began using the identity of Noal Charin, claiming to be Farstrider’s cousin. Graendal, knowing his true identity, picked him up because he was famous, to use his age like a beauty spot among her pets; when that proved unsatisfactory, she decided to make other use of him rather than disposing of him or tossing him out, but she never thought of him as any sort of key player in her plans. She sent Farstrider off to Ebou Dar under very subtle Compulsion, not really believing that there was much chance of a cache being there. She chose to use him instead of Darkfriends because she had control of Farstrider; none of the other Forsaken knew that, and if Farstrider were to find anything, she wanted it all to herself. Farstrider managed to work out an excuse subconsciously as to why he was in Ebou Dar chasing after a cache of angreal. He knew that there were gaps in his memory; he hoped that the memories would return because he felt that the gaps were important in some way. While there, he spied on Jaichim Carridin, Falion Bhoda and Ispan Shefar. Mat encountered him while he was spying on Carridin; Jain later helped to save Mat from the gholam and accepted Mat’s offer of rooms in the Tarasin Palace. By that time, Farstrider was much the worse for wear; he was scrawny and white-haired, his hands had been so badly broken that he could no longer handle a sword, his beak of a nose appeared to have been broken several times and he had gaps in his teeth. Farstrider escaped Ebou Dar and traveled with Luca’s show with Mat. He accompanied Mat and Thom to the Tower of Ghenjei to rescue Moiraine. He died holding off the Aelfinn so that the others could escape.

Jair. A wife to Mandelain, an Aiel of the Daryne clan. Her sister-wife was Corehuin.

Jaisi Trakand. The name used by Lady Caraline for Min when introducing her to Darlin.

Jak. A strongarm at The Dancing Cartman in Four Kings, Andor. He was hard-faced, big, and had arms that were thick enough for legs. His crooked teeth were yellow. Jak and Strom threw people out of the inn if they caused trouble, and the two also planned to help Hake, the innkeeper, rob Rand and Mat. Howal Gode gave Jak, Strom and Hake something to make them sleep while he tried his pitch on Rand.

Jak Fool. A figure of speech meaning a foolish person. As Elyas said, “More fools know Jak Fool than Jak Fool knows.” See also jack-fool

Jak Masond. A commander in the Legion of the Dragon. He was short and stocky and moved with surprising speed. He came to Illian prior to the attack on the Seanchan, and was part of the fight against them.

Jak o’ the Mists. Reference to something ephemeral, as in “chasing…,” or an expression of speed, as in “before you can say…” A variant was Jak o’ the Wisps.

Jak o’ the Shadows. A name for death in a song sung by Mat and the Band of the Red Hand.

Jak o’ the Wisps. Reference to something ephemeral, as in “chasing…,” or an expression of speed, as in “before you can say…” A variant was Jak o’ the Mists.

Jak, Old. A man in the song “Old Jak’s Up a Tree.”

Jakanda. A town in Arafel where silver bells to be worn in one’s hair were made.

Jakob Hernvil. Arymilla’s secretary. He was small and lean, as if all the fat had been boiled from him. Arymilla ensured his loyalty by paying him enough that only the largest bribes could be of interest, far more than anyone would offer a scrivener.

Jala Bandevin. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She was very short, about five feet tall, gray-haired and imposing. She had two Warders at the time of the Aiel War. One was a round-faced man playing a stately melody on a flute while Jala taught the other the steps of a court dance; the latter was a new Warder at the time, a blushing, pale-haired boy of no more than twenty. She was part of the group of Aes Sedai who captured Egwene at Northharbor. She and Merym galloped back to the Tower when they learned who they had caught.

Jalanda. 1) A city of the Age of Legends. 2) An Ogier historian whose information about Be’lal was quoted by Loial.

Jalani. An Aiel woman who was Far Dareis Mai. Jalani was sixteen when Mazrim Taim arrived in Caemlyn. She had short red hair, green eyes and baby fat in her cheeks. Her smile was a little too innocent, sometimes. She frequently accompanied Rand, and treated him like a brother—a younger one, usually. Along with Nandera, she acknowledged toh to Rand when a Gray Man came into Rand’s presence in Caemlyn without her seeing him. She was also with Rand in Cairhien. In Shadar Logoth in the search for Liah, she remained with Rand and the Ogier. She and Dedric had an interest in one another. Jalani was part of the force sent to Bandar Eban to restore order.

Jalid Magonine. A craftsman in Ancarid, Seanchan, who owned Karede as a boy.

Jalindin. A Seeker for Truth in Seanchan. She had a severe face with dark eyes. When she accompanied the Lady Morsa on an outing in Seanchan, they encountered Rand and Aviendha, who had Traveled there. Jalindin ordered Morsa’s arrest after discovering that Morsa knew more than she should have about Rand and events east of the Aryth Ocean in Falme.

Jalwin Moerad. An advisor to Artur Hawkwing who was really Ishamael on the second occasion he was spun out into the world. He became Hawkwing’s advisor in FY 973. He was said to be more than half insane and never appeared to age at all in the forty years he was active. He caused Hawkwing to turn against the Aes Sedai; after Hawkwing’s death, he advised those who came closest to seizing all of Hawkwing’s empire: Marithelle Camaelaine, Norodim Nosokawa and Elfraed Guitama. See also Ishamael

Jame. A Seanchan man, married to Kathana, innkeeper of The Yearly Brawl in Ebou Dar. Jame was a blademaster.

Jameine. A seamstress in Valan Luca’s show who was admired by Olver. Olver thought her neck was graceful as a swan’s. She was willowy and hot-eyed. Men sometimes fought over her, and she watched them.

Jamilila Norsish. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. Her name was not on Verin’s list, and either she was taken by the Seanchan, or she disappeared following the Seanchan attack on the White Tower. She was one of those that Egwene thought might possibly be Mesaana in disguise.

Jan. One of Min’s aunts. Jan worked as a seamstress, and never married. She was very proper.

Janata, Martine. See Martine Janata

Jancy Torfinn. A girl from Two Rivers with the ability to channel. She was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. Fourteen and small, with a high voice, she was one of three born with the spark—Bode, Elle and Jancy—all three of whom would be quite strong in the Power, in Verin’s estimation.

Jander Parentakis. A member of the Academy of Cairhien. He was working on building a paddlewheel riverboat.

Janduin. A man of the Iron Mountain sept of the Taardad Aiel. Rand’s biological father, he became clan chief of the Taardad at a very young age. He had a way about him that caused people to listen to him; he ended the blood feud between the Taardad and Nakai after two hundred years, and made alliance not only with the Nakai, but with the Reyn. He led four clans of the Aiel over the Dragonwall to avenge Laman’s cutting of Avendoraldera. After the death of Rand’s mother, he resigned as clan chief—the first ever to do so. While in the Blight to hunt Shadowspawn, he encountered a man who looked like Shaiel, his deceased wife, and Janduin refused to raise his spear against him. The man, Luc, ran him through.

Janduin was also the name of one of Rand and Aviendha’s sons seen during Aviendha’s second trip through the crystal columns in Rhuidean.

Janevor, Kelwin. The High Seat of his Andoran House. A vinegary old man, he was loyal to Elayne and brought ten armsmen to her service.

Jangai Gates. Gates in the eastern wall of Cairhien.

Jangai Pass. A major passage through the Spine of the World just south of Kinslayer’s Dagger and east of Cairhien.

Janina. A Wise One of the Miagoma Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 23(11). She had flaxen hair and pale sky-blue eyes, and stood 5'7½" tall. She looked to be no more than a year or so older than Rand, Perrin and Mat, but was in fact more than thirty years older. Janina and other Wise Ones were sent to Ghealdan with Perrin to keep an eye on Seonid and Masuri. She was with Perrin’s army and went to battle against the Shaido at Malden. Janina was the most accomplished in Healing of the Wise Ones with Perrin; she also assisted in the forging of Mah’alleinir, and accompanied Perrin’s forces into the Last Battle.

Janine Pavlara. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 27(15). Born in 963 NE, she went to the White Tower in 978 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 998 NE. She was 5'3" tall, and plump, with large dark eyes and luxuriant black hair, which she wore pulled into a bun on the back of her neck in an attempt to look more mature. Being newly raised, she had not achieved the ageless look, and was wary and distrustful of men, but hadn’t been a Red long enough to learn to hate them. She was one of the new sisters who went to Cairhien to help trap Rand, and was captured at Dumai’s Wells. Janine was treated as da’tsang by the Aiel until, under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she had done before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding. She and the other Reds were the last of the captives to swear.

Janira. A Saldaean Kin and a member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. Her strength level was such that she would not have been allowed to test for Aes Sedai, and she was not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. She was lean with graying hair, sharp cheekbones, and a beak of a nose. When Elayne and Nynaeve met her, she wore the red belt of a Wise Woman. She went with Elayne and Nynaeve to the Rahad in search of the Bowl of the Winds and was killed by a gholam.

Janny. Elenia Sarand’s personal maid for twenty years. She was a plump-cheeked Andoran. When she felt particularly good, Elenia bought new dresses for Janny, each one of fine quality, as a way to ensure her loyalty and discretion. Janny ran interference for Elenia when Nasin came on to her; when Nasin raised his fist to her, she did not back away.

Janwin. A man of the Degalle sept of the Shiande Aiel who was clan chief of the Shiande. He was married to the roofmistress Corida, his Wise One was Baellin, and his hold was called Nine Stones. He was 6'7" tall and weighed 240 pounds. His blue-gray eyes and hair as gray as storm clouds had a face to go with them; it looked to have been carved from hardwood. He was an even-tempered man with a mild way of speaking, which was definitely at odds with his appearance. Janwin was with Rand in Cairhien, and Rand sent him to deal with the Shaido; Rand later sent him and others to Arad Doman for strategic reasons.

Janya Frende. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 816 NE, she went to the White Tower in 832 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and twelve years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 851 NE. Slender and about 5'4" tall, Janya was pretty except that even when she was talking to someone she always seemed to be squinting in thought about something else. She was neat, unlike most Browns, with not a hair out of place. Janya talked quickly, as though she had no time to get words out, sometimes talking for an hour if no one stopped her. Janya was raised as Sitter for the Brown in 993 NE. After Siuan was deposed, she left the White Tower on her own, the only then-current Sitter who left without an order from the head of her Ajah. She left because of a firm belief that deposing Siuan was highly questionable, that stilling her was illegal and that Elaida’s election also was greatly suspect. In her view, these things made Elaida a usurper and dangerous enough for her to overcome the natural Aes Sedai tendency to accept change in order to preserve unity, in appearance if not reality. She was the second oldest, next to Romanda, among the rebel Sitters, and among the first to stand for raising Egwene Amyrlin. She was also first to stand in favor of the war vote, speaking uncharacteristically forcefully on the topic, and one of the first to stand in favor of the vote to form an alliance with the Black Tower. She was the only “old” Sitter who joined neither Romanda nor Lelaine.

Janya was very disappointed that she couldn’t learn to make ter’angreal or cuendillar.

Jaq Lounalt. Arymilla’s Taraboner secretary whose true talent was torture. He used cords as a specialty. Lounalt was a lean man with a veil covering his thick mustaches and a conical cap that pushed the hood of his cloak high. In Elenia’s opinion, he smiled too much. After Arymilla was taken prisoner, he was hired as a secretary by Sylvase. Elayne used him to question Mellar and the captured Black sisters, but he was a Darkfriend and helped them plot an escape. He died during the escape attempt.

Jar Silvin. A man serving Gareth Bryne in Kore Springs, Andor; he went with Bryne to find Siuan. Jar was gray-haired and kicked Thad Haren on the ankle to stop him from mentioning Morgase to Bryne.

Jara Doweel. A woman who ran a farm in the Black Hills. Toveine served penance under her for twenty years. Mistress Doweel believed in hard work and tight discipline and was a very strict taskmistress. Toveine exacted some sort of revenge on her.

Jara’copan. An Ogier-built city in Manetheren, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.

Jaramide. One of the Ten Nations. Its capital was Deranbar, which later became Maradon; other cities included Barsine, Allorallen (Bandar Eban), Canaire’somelle and Nashebar. High Queen Egoridin ruled when the Compact was signed.

Jarath, Lisaine. See Lisaine Jarath

Jared Aydaer. A young man in the Two Rivers. He joined Perrin’s band hunting Trollocs, and was killed in a Trolloc ambush.

Jaren. A Jenn Aiel boy from after the Breaking. His parents were Adan and Siedre; his brothers and sisters were Rhea, Malind, Sorelle and Elwin. When he was nineteen, he learned he could channel and threw himself off a cliff.

Jarene. The eldest daughter of Queen Ethenielle and Prince Brys of Kandor. She was born in 966 NE and married a Kandori lord.

Jaret Byar. A Whitecloak officer. He was tall and gaunt with dark deep-set eyes. He would follow orders whatever they were, and gave his primary, and indeed secondary and tertiary, allegiance to his commander rather than to the Whitecloaks as a whole. That commander was Geofram Bornhald first; then it became Geofram’s son Dain. Byar would do anything he was ordered to do—kill or torture men, women, children—but he had one balking point: rape was abhorrent to him. Byar was with Geofram Bornhald when Egwene and Perrin were captured; he pretended to encourage them to escape, hoping that they would try and he could kill them, but they were rescued by Lan, Moiraine and Nynaeve. Byar went to Falme with Bornhald, who told him to stand aside and take word back to the Children of the Light. Byar saw Perrin near Falme, and blamed Geofram Bornhald’s death on him. Byar went with Dain Bornhald to the Two Rivers. He supported Galad in his duel with Valda. He was very angry when Perrin’s punishment was delayed by Galad; Perrin’s rescue of the Whitecloaks from Trollocs did not ameliorate that anger—not surprising, given that he had been Compelled by Graendal—and he attempted to kill Perrin, but was killed by Dain.

Jargen. A sergeant of the watch at Heeth Tower at the Blight border in Kandor. He wore a forked beard and his black hair was dusted with gray. The day after his fourteenth nameday, Jargen joined the Blightwatch; he killed nearly fifty Trollocs. Jargen reported to Malenarin that there had been a flash from Rena Tower.

Jaric Mondoran. A male Aes Sedai during the Breaking who went mad and threatened Tzora. Ten thousand Da’shain Aiel linked arms and sang, trying to remind him of who they were and who he had been, trying to turn him with their bodies and a song. Jaric Mondoran stared at them as though at a puzzle, killing them, and they kept closing their lines and singing. He listened to the last Aiel for almost an hour before destroying him. And then Tzora burned, one huge flame consuming stone and metal and flesh, leaving only a sheet of glass where the second greatest city in the world once stood.

Jarid Sarand. An Andoran man who was High Seat of House Sarand and the husband of Elenia; she was the ambitious one in the family. His House sigil was golden boars. About 5'10" tall, he was jovial, dark for an Andoran and square-faced. When Bashere threw a knife at Rand, Jarid drew his sword, and ran toward Bashere yelling “Die!” Jarid never stopped being supportive of Elenia, and he was ready to fight even with Elenia imprisoned. When he lost his mind just before the Last Battle and began behaving erratically, his men deserted him and left him tied to a tree.

Jaril. A six-year-old boy taken to Salidar as one of Marigan’s (Moghedien in disguise) children; Seve was his brother. At first, they clung to each other and seemed frightened of everything and everyone and would not speak a word. Later, they laughed and shouted as loud as the other children.

Jarna Malari. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah publicly but of the Black Ajah in truth. Born in 760 NE, she was 5'6" tall, with liquid brown eyes and black hair with white at her temples. While she had a saintly reputation and was much loved and respected, she was the head of the Supreme Council of the Black Ajah. She had Tamra Ospenya tortured (and killed) in 979 NE to try to learn more about the Dragon Reborn. Ishamael killed her in 983 NE, in his wrath at discovering the male channeler pogrom. Although she had never shown any interest in studying a certain ter’angreal for which no one knew a use, she apparently became trapped in it. For ten days no one could reach her; all they could do was listen to her scream as she died. When what could be recovered was buried, every sister in Tar Valon and every sister who could reach the city in time attended the funeral.

Jarr. A mercenary who joined Perrin’s army along with Turne. Jarr had had a horse, but they ate him.

Jarra. 1) A sept of the Chareen Aiel. 2) A one-inn village in Ghealdan, just north of the Amadician border. Jarra consisted of a few muddy streets and stone houses with slate roofs, situated on a hillside above a little stream spanned by a low wooden bridge, with a sloping village green. Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial stayed there while on the trail of Rand, who had passed through and left in his wake a series of strange events: a flurry of weddings, and Whitecloaks who had behaved erratically, signs that Rand had been there, which was confirmed by people at the inn. Simion and his brother Noam, a man showing wolf-like tendencies, lived there. Moiraine was asked to see and Heal Noam, but he was incurable, so he was let go. Perrin had dangerous wolf dreams in Jarra.

Jasfer Anan. The husband of Setalle. He was square-faced and gray-haired and wore the double earring of the Ancient and Honorable League of Nets in Ebou Dar. Two white stones in the lower hoop of the earring indicated that he owned vessels besides the one he captained. He wore a work knife stuffed behind his belt, as well as a longer curving knife. His long blue-and-green vest revealed arms and chest crisscrossed with dueling scars. Most of the men who had scarred him were dead. He had a dark face and a deep voice, and when speaking normally seemed to be barking commands on a fishing boat. He found Setalle starving on the streets of Ebou Dar and took her home to his mother. Half a year later, they were married. Together they had eight children—five daughters and three sons. After the Seanchan took Ebou Dar, Jasfer sailed all his fishing boats to Illian with his family and his crews’ families, with plans to meet Setalle there later.

Jasin Natael. Asmodean’s identity as a gleeman. He appeared dark-haired and in his middle years. He was taller than most, moderately handsome to women, and had an oddly apprehensive way of holding his head to one side as if trying to look at one sideways. As a gleeman he was not flashy, didn’t flourish his cloak and didn’t seem at all eager to perform, although he was competent when he did. See Asmodean

Jasmen. A novice in the Tower. She was among the strongest that Egwene recruited to help fight against the Seanchan; Egwene taught her to link.

Javindhra Doraille. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 25(13). Born in 842 NE, she went to the White Tower in 858 NE. After spending six years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 869 NE. About 5'5" to 5'6" tall, she had a bony frame, with an angular face hard enough to hammer nails, a harsh voice and a thin, narrow mouth. Javindhra was raised Sitter for the Red Ajah in 985 NE, replacing one of those unchaired for their involvement with the male channeler pogrom. She stood to depose Siuan Sanche, one of only eleven needed to give the greater consensus under the circumstances, and served as a member of Elaida’s advisory council when Elaida was first raised to the Amyrlin Seat. She was, if not exactly broken, then reined in tightly by Elaida, which she resented heartily, not only because she was Red, like Elaida, but because of her early support. Javindhra was very aware of what happened to Teslyn, so she did not show resentment. She dragged her feet in the Hall sometimes to show her independence of Elaida, but only where and when Elaida was not likely to find out; if Elaida could see, however, she in effect came running when Elaida crooked a finger. Even so, given a chance to balk Elaida, she would snap at it. Tsutama ordered Javindhra to go to the Black Tower with Pevara to bond Asha’man. She was Turned to the Shadow while there.

Jeade’en. Old Tongue for “True Finder.” Rand’s dappled stallion bore this name.

Jeaine Caide. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth, with a strength level of 18(6). Born in 912 NE, she went to the White Tower in 928 NE. After spending six years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 940 NE. She had black hair, dark brown eyes, a swan-like neck and coppery skin and wore thin, clinging dresses. She did not like men, but did not love women. What she liked best about choosing Green was that she could have a number of men figuratively on a leash, which was where she believed they deserved to be. She was one of the first thirteen members of the Black Ajah identified. She burned a hole through both sides of a ship while testing the black fluted rod that produced balefire; she also tried to use it against Nynaeve in the Panarch’s Palace in Tanchico. She was coopted by Moghedien, and sent off on a task that caused her to look horrified when it was given to her. She impersonated Cadsuane at Shayol Ghul in the Last Battle, and was killed by Thom Merrilin because she did not walk like Cadsuane.

Jearom. The greatest blademaster in history. Jearom fought over ten thousand times, in battle and single combat. He was defeated once, by a farmer with a quarterstaff.

jegal. A scaled, chameleon-like creature from the Age of Legends. Sammael thought that Graendal had as many shades as a jegal had scales; in other words, there was a lot more to her than met the eye.

Jehaan, Stair of. A place where the Borderland armies successfully checked the advance of the Shadowspawn following the destruction of Malkier.

Jehaan Tower. The site where a Fal Daran soldier named Ronan once held off a thousand Trollocs with twenty men; Ronan was later Agelmar’s shambayan.

Jehannah. The capital of Ghealdan. The swift-flowing River Boern ran through the city, which was the site of the Jheda Palace, the royal palace of Ghealdan. Among other things, Moiraine had sent Uno and other Shienarans to Jehannah to collect information after Rand had slipped away from their camp in the Mountains of Mist. Faile and Lord Orban, as Hunters of the Horn, had overwintered there. There was a well-traveled road linking Jehannah and Lugard, Murandy, named the Jehannah Road. News often reached Jehannah by river trade.

Jelande. An Aiel who was Far Dareis Mai. She accompanied Perrin to Ghealdan. Her eyes were gray and her hair was dark brown. The dark hair made her a beauty, by Aiel standards.

Jen, Master. A servant in the Tarasin Palace. He was a short, bullish young man, and the second of seven servants to guide Mat when he visited the palace through the front door.

Jen. A name used by the Darkfriend Torwyn Barshaw. He was alleged to be Paitr Conel’s uncle and a merchant from Four Kings. He planned to free Morgase from the Whitecloaks. See also Torwyn Barshaw

Jenare Balmaen. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 25(13). About 5'4" tall, she was sturdy and had a pale, square face. She was part of the group sent by Elaida to take the Black Tower and was captured and bonded by Welyn Kajima. She was present when Rand met Semirhage posing as the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Along with Welyn, she was Turned to the Shadow at the Black Tower.

Jenda. A sept of the Tomanelle Aiel.

Jendai Prophecy. First spoken after the Breaking, this prophecy held that the Sea Folk were fated to remain on the water until the Coramoor returned, and that the Sea Folk must serve him. In truth, the Sea Folk, most of them anyway, saw the prophecy as being about a bargain. They would provide certain things to the Coramoor, and he would provide things to them in turn. But they did not trust as to what he would give them, so they bargained for it. One reason the Jendai Prophecy was given such weight by the Sea Folk was that it spoke of things that did not exist until after it was first given, sometimes long after.

Jendhilin. A Maiden of the Cold Peak Miagoma who died guarding Rand’s door at the Sun Palace in Cairhien when the rogue Asha’man attacked. Rand added her name to the list of women who had died for him.

Jenje. The site of an ancient battle, from Mat’s memories.

Jenn Aiel. The Aiel who remained true to the Covenant, to serve the Aes Sedai and follow the Way of the Leaf. After the second division of the Da’shain Aiel occurred, caused by some of the young Da’shain rejecting the Way of the Leaf and taking up weapons for defense, those who used weapons lived in tents and followed the other Da’shain, who lived in their wagons. The ones who had rejected the Way became known simply as the Aiel, and began calling the pacifistic Da’shain the Jenn Aiel, meaning “the only true Aiel,” to mock them. The Jenn pretended that the others did not exist, even though when the split occurred many of the others were their own children. They traveled along the same ways, but kept separate, and both groups were led into the Waste by Aes Sedai who wanted to protect the Jenn from contamination. The Jenn Aiel, aided by Aes Sedai, began construction of the city of Rhuidean. Before the city was completed, it became obvious that the Jenn were dying out, although the group known as Aiel flourished. The Aes Sedai realized that the prophecy from the Breaking, that said that the Aiel would produce someone who would defeat the Dark One, would be fulfilled among those who had abandoned the Way of the Leaf and the covenant to serve the Aes Sedai. They summoned chiefs of the warrior Aiel to Rhuidean to learn of their past in a ter’angreal set up for that purpose; if they could survive that knowledge, they could continue and fulfill prophecy. The Jenn were also known as “the clan that is not.” See also Aiel, Da’shain Aiel and Tuatha’an

Jennet. A big-eyed, pretty Murandian noblewoman who became a novice with the rebels. She was one of those who asked if the novice books would be opened to all. She had a Talent for the new style of Healing.

Jennet Cobb. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 18(6). She was born in 851 NE; her parents were innkeepers in Caemlyn. In fact, they kept The Queen’s Blessing; Basel Gill was descended from one of her brothers. She had three sisters and two brothers, all long dead before the Last Battle. She went to the White Tower in 866 NE, where she spent ten years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, and was raised to the shawl in 885 NE. She was 5'4½" tall, with dark red hair that she wore flowing down her back, and green eyes. Jennet was not beautiful, but most men would think her pretty except that her manner was very reserved—not cool, just very private and self-contained. She had a considerable temper, though, which she learned to master with quite some difficulty as a novice; usually she controlled it very tightly, but it could flare, though rarely, particularly over what she perceived as injustice. She expressed reservations concerning Siuan’s age when Siuan was raised to the Amyrlin Seat and was part of the rebel fifth column sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower (aka ferrets). Like all of the sisters chosen for the fifth column, Jennet was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. Jennet was coopted by Seaine and Pevara to aid in their search for the Black Ajah.

Jennshain. An Ogier-built city in Almoren, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.

Jenric. An Aielman with whom Mat played a knife-throwing game in Rhuidean. He was built like a bear and considered himself a wit.

Jenshin, Stedding. A stedding located in Haddon Mirk.

Jentoine, Stedding. A stedding located in the Black Hills.

Jeorad Manyard. The governor of the province of Andor for the High King, Artur Paendrag Tanreall. He translated the Prophecies of the Dragon.

Jeordam. An Aielman who was the son of Lewin, one of the first Aiel to use a weapon. Jeordam grew up knowing only the tents and guarding the Jenn; he and his father would help the Jenn if they came to them. Morin, a Jenn woman, did come to them, and wanted to go with them to rescue her daughter; Jeordam shortened a spear for her and taught her to use it. He realized that a shortened spear could be more effective, and it became the traditional weapon of the Aiel. Morin, the first Maiden of the Spear, bore Jeordam’s child. Later in life, Jeordam and his greatson Rhodric were part of an Aiel group who were allowed to take water as the price of digging wells in an area that became part of Cairhien; the men who gave them water told them that the Jenn, whom the Aiel were following at a distance to protect them, were heading past the Spine of the World.

Jeordwyn Semaris den Tropan. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of the Nine. He was beardless with a narrow jaw, making his head look like a forester’s splitting wedge. In Rand’s final battle against the Seanchan, he fought under Bashere.

Jeorg Damentanis. A stout Illianer merchant buying gems in Saldaea. He was dark-eyed with gray in his pointed beard. He and his partner Pavil Geraneos were bargaining with Weilin Aldragoran just before Nynaeve arrived to drum up support for Lan.

Jer al’Hune. A boy in the Two Rivers whom Mat, as a teen, had saved from drowning.

Jera. A serving girl at The White Ring in Maderin, Altara. She served Mat, Tuon and Selucia; Mat tipped her a silver penny, causing her to beam.

Jeraal Mordeth. The name used by Padan Fain when he was in Cairhien advising Toram Riatin.

Jeral. A young soldier in the Children of the Light who was sent with a message from Carridin to Geofram Bornhald. He wore a cloak of Domani cut, not the white cloak of the Children of the Light. Very upright and by-the-book, Jeral was discomfited when Bornhald said that he had no need of the Questioner’s compliments.

Jeral Florry. The innkeeper of The Good Queen in Aringill, Andor. Thom and Mat stayed in the stable at his inn, although they had to pay a steep price for it. He also made the mistake of gambling with Mat and lost two horses. It was in his stable that Mat met and saved Aludra.

Jeramel. An Amadician town approximately one hundred miles west of Abila. It was the site where King Ailron joined battle against the Seanchan and lost, removing all nobility from Amadicia and giving the Seanchan control of the country.

Jeranem. A place in Seanchan with cold winters.

Jerasid. A Cairhienin farrier in Perrin’s camp in Ghealdan. He was just short of his middle years. He had broad shoulders and thick arms, and seemed nearly as wide as he was tall, though as a Cairhienin, he was not very tall. Like the other farriers, he grew nervous when Perrin tried to tend to his own horse.

Jeren, Sea of. Found to the south, before the Breaking.

Jerid Najima. A Kandori infant who was on Moiraine’s list of potential Dragons Reborn. He and his father were killed in a barn fire. The explanation for the tragedy was that his father was too lucky—things always came easily to him, including the livery stable that was given to him, the one in which he was killed.

Jerilin al’Caar. A skinny Two Rivers girl with the ability to channel. She was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. She eventually ended up with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Jerinvar Barstere. The mayor of Watch Hill, Andor. He was wide-nosed, leathery-faced and white-haired. He was among the Watch Hill men who helped defeat the Trollocs, and told Perrin that they would take care of seeing the Whitecloaks on their way.

Jerum Nus. A young Whitecloak soldier. In the battle when the Trollocs attacked the Whitecloak camp on Jehannah Road, he was trapped under the body of a Trolloc. Perrin fought off the Trollocs alongside the Whitecloaks. After the battle, Perrin heard Jerum crying for help, rescued him and took him to a Wise One to be Healed.

Jesain. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel. Very short for an Aiel, no more than 5'2" tall, she had a mass of fiery red hair and a temper to match. She stared toward Shadar Logoth at the huge flows of saidar that were used in the cleansing of saidin, and slapped people who walked in front of her and blocked her view.

Jesamyn. A member of the Kin. She was golden-haired and young-looking. Jesamyn and three other Kinswomen were left in Caemlyn when Elayne went to the Field of Merrilor; none could make a gateway on her own, but they could when linked. Darkfriends killed two of the other Kinswomen, leaving her unable to get a message to Elayne. She Healed people during the attack, although she could not Heal Talmanes; she also helped defend Caemlyn, attacking Trollocs with the One Power.

Jesse Bilal. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 21(9). Born in 752 NE, she went to the White Tower in 768 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 789 NE. She served as a Sitter in the Hall of the Tower from 905 to 927 NE and later served as head of the Brown Ajah Council. About 5'1" tall and wiry, she resembled a sparrow, but she was much stronger physically than she looked. Her hair was gray with a little black, and her eyes were small and dark. She had a habit of tilting her head to one side when she was studying something in front of her, and a habit of tapping two or three fingers on her lips while thinking. She was very intent on whatever she focused on; some thought she focused so intently as not to notice other things around her, but they were mistaken. She was a very forceful woman, especially for a Brown. She was involved in sending Ajah heads to infiltrate the rebels, and was very displeased that Janya Frende went on her own. After the Seanchan attack on the White Tower, Jesse, Adelorna, Ferane, Serancha and Suana met and decided to support Egwene for the Amyrlin Seat of the reunited Tower.

Jestian Redhill. A historical Aes Sedai that Faile used as an example of Aes Sedai doing whatever the White Tower ordered.

Jethari Moondancer. Birgitte’s name in another life. In that life, Gaidal Cain received a head wound and she took him to the Tower of Ghenjei to save him. Although she had prepared well, she wandered lost until her supplies were gone and she died.

Jezrail. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She was dark with a square face. She was with Katerine when Egwene was given her second dose of weak forkroot, and seemed uncomfortable about it; either she disliked being a serving woman even by association, or she disliked having anything to do with forkroot. Egwene dividing her flows fourteen ways impressed Jezrail. She objected to Katerine continuing to strike Egwene with flows of Air in an effort to force her to run to Silviana’s study. Jezrail was one of those who accompanied Pevara to the Black Tower to bond Asha’man. The reason she was chosen was that she kept a painted miniature of the boy she almost married rather than coming to the White Tower and spoke fondly of him still, though his grandchildren would be grandparents. She was Turned to the Shadow in the Black Tower.

Jhamara. A battle of the Children of the Light against Murandy and Altara. Because of a tickling in the back of his head, Niall set a third of his army to watch mountains said to be impassable; an Illianer army that was supposed to be a hundred miles away came out of those impassable passes.

Jharen, Mistress. The innkeeper of The Light of Truth in Sienda, Amadicia. She was plump, with gray hair in long curls and a warm smile, and her dark eyes were quite searching. Nynaeve and Elayne stayed at her inn. Mistress Jharen believed that if the Horn of Valere were not found, the Last Battle could not start.

Jheda Palace. The royal palace of Ghealdan in Jehannah.

Jheran. A man of the Haido sept of the Shaarad Aiel and of the Sovin Nai society who was clan chief of the Shaarad. He was married to the roofmistress Turolin. Jheran was 6'3" tall and weighed 180 pounds, a slender man, as a steel blade is slender. He had gray-streaked brown hair. The water at Chain Ridge Stand was one of the bones of contention between him and Bael, but he was always calm once the Shaarad’s four-hundred-year blood feud with the Goshien Aiel ended with Rand’s coming. He had been with Rand since the beginning, in the Waste, and was sent to Tear with his spears. Jheran was a signer of the Dragon’s Peace at the Field of Merrilor before the Last Battle.

Jhirad. A sept of the Goshien Aiel.

Jhondar, Eldrith. See Eldrith Jhondar

Jhoradin. A Mera’din who joined the Shaido and was Rolan’s friend. Squat for an Aielman, with blue eyes and red-gold hair, he caught and bound Lacile and also canoodled with her later. He helped rescue Faile and her people from Galina’s trap at Malden, but when Perrin appeared, Jhoradin reached for his spears and Lacile stabbed him in the back.

ji’e’toh. Aiel term meaning honor and obligation (ji = honor, e = and, toh = duty or obligation). There were no excuses under ji’e’toh. If saving your child brought an obligation to a blood enemy, you paid the price without quibble. The most honor came from touching an armed enemy warrior and leaving him or her unharmed. Less honor came from taking an enemy captive, making him or her gai’shain. Least honor came from killing, because any child or fool could kill. Like Shienarans, the Aiel believed that shame was worse than guilt, the worst thing there was. And yet, shame had to be endured if required to meet toh. Failing to meet toh was the greatest shame of all; any other shame was preferable.

It was not possible to live one’s life without occasionally incurring some sort of toh. There was no shame in incurring toh, only in failing to meet it properly. Lying, for whatever reason, incurred considerable toh. Just letting someone believe a lie incurred no toh, not at all like telling the lie directly. You could be told or be reminded that you had toh, though this was shaming, but asking whether you yourself had toh meant you did not know, and that was deeply shaming, and considered embarrassing to hear. An Aiel might well have pretended not to have heard the question at all. You decided whether or not you had toh, no one could decide that you had and require you to meet it. On the other hand, others could and usually would know that you had toh, so even if no one told you that you had it, if you failed to meet it, you suffered a loss of respect and of ji. You had to decide how to meet your toh, in effect, how much your honor was worth. Setting too high a worth on your ji for yourself was considered boasting. Setting it too small, however, meant that you did not consider your honor to be worth much. To stop someone from meeting their toh was to shame them deeply. There were a few ways to incur toh toward a gai’shain, but that was considered the hardest obligation of all to meet. Sulin chose to meet it by accepting a greater shame, in Aiel eyes, than she had given; that is, by becoming a wetlander servant. Shaming somebody, in and of itself, did not incur toh except in certain defined instances.

Speaking to a man of his father-in-law or to a woman of her mother-in-law—second-father and second-mother, in the Aiel way—was considered hostile enough to justify drawing weapons unless they had mentioned them first. If the offended party instead touched you after you spoke, it was the same as touching an armed enemy without harming him. That gained much ji and incurred much toh, but the one touched could demand to be made gai’shain to lessen the other’s honor and their own obligation. By ji’e’toh, a proper demand to be made gai’shain had to be honored, though one that was considered improper could be denied. This denial was shaming to the one denied. The shame was greater than being beaten publicly, and about equal to being forced to appear nude in public.

Jianmin. A place in Seanchan that came up in conversation between Almurat Mor and Karede. Mor referred to Karede’s honors for serving during the Jianmin Incident.

Jidar. A Saldaean soldier under Bashere in Caemlyn. He had odd ideas about Aes Sedai, as did his friends Vilnar and Rissen; they all thought they knew what Aes Sedai were like and looked like, but none would have recognized one if he saw her. Jidar thought Aes Sedai were all so beautiful that they could kill a man by smiling.

Jillari. A captured damane from Seanchan who was sent to Elayne in Caemlyn. She stuck to the party line: Women who could channel needed to be collared, must be collared, for their own safety and everyone else’s as well. Her stance softened over time, but she still could not be trusted.

Jillie Lewin. A girl from Emond’s Field. When Egwene first carried water for the annual shearing, Jillie was seventeen and her long dark hair was braided. She helped fold fleece.

Jillien. A plump Ebou Dari goldsmith who was at the Kin’s farm outside Ebou Dar. She fled along with Elayne and Nynaeve when the Seanchan arrived. Since she was late and one of the last ten to be ready to leave the farm, she was made to do kitchen duty.

Jimar Chubain. High Captain of the White Tower Guard. He was a good soldier and a good enough general, but overly impetuous. He always thought he deserved more glory and more recognition than he received; he was a great believer in glory. He served in Illian, as a mercenary, before entering the Tower Guard, and fought in the Whitecloak War and the Aiel War. Elaida wanted to replace him with Gareth Bryne. Chubain was injured when the Seanchan attacked the Tower, but was Healed. After the Tower was unified, he kept his position as High Captain, although he worried that Gawyn would try to take his place. Gawyn disabused him of this notion, and Chubain agreed to take unbonded Younglings into the Tower Guard. He fought in the Last Battle.

Jindo. A sept of the Taardad Aiel.

Jini. A Seanchan damane who belonged to the Lady Morsa. Rand and Aviendha encountered her and other Seanchan when they Traveled to Seanchan. She had short yellow hair and looked almost motherly. Along with everyone else in the party, she was taken into custody by the Seeker to be put to the question.

Jinjin. One of two damane present at Morgase’s meeting with Suroth. The other present was Pura.

Jinsiun, Stedding. A stedding located in the Mountains of Mist.

Jisao Hamora. A Youngling with Gawyn. He had a boy’s grin, but wore the silver tower on his collar that marked a veteran of the fighting when Siuan Sanche was deposed. He was also present at Dumai’s Wells and helped Gawyn scout out Bryne’s troops. After the Tower was reunited, he became a Warder.

jo-car. Short-range transportation from the Age of Legends that used anti-gravitational technology. It came in a four-wheel design and a hovercraft (floater) design, and their shapes were like beetles and flattened water drops.

Joal Ramedar. The last king of Aldeshar, a nation from after the Trolloc Wars, and the father of Endara Casalain.

Joana. A name Birgitte went by in a past life.

Joao. One of the group of Shienaran soldiers who joined Lan in eastern Kandor as he traveled toward Tarwin’s Gap. Andere told the protesting Lan that he had run into Joao and the other soldiers before meeting Lan, and had told them to wait along the southern roadway for Lan and his men to come along.

Joar Addam Nessosin. Asmodean’s name in the Age of Legends.

Joelin. A Child of the Light. Dain Bornhald sent him and Gomanes with Ordeith to find out what he was up to; Ordeith reported that they were the only two killed in a skirmish with Trollocs. Dain suspected correctly that Ordeith had killed them.

Johanin. A king of Ghealdan. He stripped Logain of his land and titles when Logain declared himself the Dragon Reborn. Johanin supposedly died in a hunting accident; he was actually killed because he ignored the Prophet until it was too late.

Joinde. A woman of the Black Rock sept of the Shaarad Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She laid a bridal wreath at her gai’shain Garan’s feet the day he took off white. She was happy with her decision, but her fellow Maidens thought she had gone mad.

Joiya. A child that Egwene had with Rand, during her Accepted test.

Joiya Byir. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth, with a strength level of 28(16). Born in 828 NE, she went to the White Tower in 844 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and eleven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 864 NE. She was a handsome woman with a friendly face, dark gray eyes and dark hair and was one of the first thirteen members of the Black Ajah to be identified. She was captured in the Stone of Tear; when questioned she claimed that Liandrin intended to free Mazrim Taim, let him wreak havoc and blame it on Rand. Isam murdered her, but only after nailing her tongue to the door of her cell.

Jol. One of Kin Tovere’s apprentice lensmakers in Cairhien. He helped set up the large looking glasses on a tower before the battle for Cairhien.

Jolien. A woman of the Salt Flat sept of the Nakai Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She had red-gold hair and blue eyes. Sent across the Spine of the World to find He Who Comes With the Dawn, she helped rescue Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne from brigands and a Myrddraal near Jurene. In the battle for Cairhien, Rand’s collapsing tower broke her neck. Rand added her name to the list of women who had died for him.

Joline Maza. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 899 NE, she went to the White Tower in 913 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 925 NE. About 5'4" tall, with dark brown hair worn just below the shoulders and large brown eyes, she was slender and quite pretty. Her Warders were Blaeric Negina and Fen Mizar. Joline was raised a Sitter for the Green in 999 NE, replacing Faiselle Darone; she served on Elaida’s advisory council. She was given penance by Elaida, to be devised by Joline herself and increased if insufficient. That penance was to abstain from embracing saidar during the time of her penance, partaking of only unsalted broth, bread and water, spending several hours each day kneeling on a stone floor and praying aloud to be made more worthy of being Aes Sedai, spending several more hours a day at hard, demeaning, physical labor and being visited in her apartments each morning by Silviana, who physically chastised her.

She was unchaired by Elaida shortly thereafter and ordered to go with Teslyn to Ebou Dar. When they learned that Elayne and Nynaeve were going to leave the city, Teslyn gave Joline forkroot so she would not get in their way. The Seanchan invaded the city and Joline went into hiding, helped by Setalle Anan. Mat agreed to get her and others in danger out of the city, which he did, and they joined up with Valan Luca’s circus. They all eventually joined up with the Band of the Red Hand, continuing their travels, and Joline took part in fighting a large Seanchan force that was looking for Tuon. After helping to fight off the crazed citizens of Hinderstap, Joline and others departed from the Band by horse, and returned to the White Tower.

jolly-bag. A Taraboner term used to signify a jumble or mass of confusion.

Jolvaine Pass. A passage in the Maraside Mountains, on the southern border of modern-day Cairhien. It was the site of a famous battle between Artur Hawkwing and Guaire Amalasan.

Jom. A man from the Age of Legends. He was wide-shouldered with a narrow beard and dark hair that hung to his shoulders and was gathered at the back of his neck. He ran into Charn on the street, and was irritated until he realized that Charn was Aiel.

Jon. A blacksmith in Jarra, Ghealdan. Rilith, who was young enough to be his daughter, suddenly asked him to marry her, and he did, setting off a rash of weddings. All were precipitated by Rand passing through town.

Jon Ayellin. A Two Rivers farmer. He was bald and hulking. Jon and Thad Torfinn went to Faile to settle the boundaries of their fields; since neither knew the true boundaries, she told them to split the difference. Jon joined Perrin’s army at Malden and was present when Mah’alleinir was forged.

Jon Gaelin. A Two Rivers farmer. His farm lay on the North Road. When Perrin convinced Jac al’Seen to go to Emond’s Field for safety during the Trolloc incursion, Jac said that he could reach Jon’s farm before sunset. Jon later joined Perrin’s army at Malden.

Jon Skellit. A barber in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn who served in the palace under Morgase. He was later identified as a spy in the pay of House Arawn; he was twice seen accepting a purse from men known to favor House Arawn. He was convinced to spy for Elayne by Reene Harfor.

Jon Thane. The miller of Emond’s Field and a member of the Village Council. His son Lem also saw the Fade that Mat, Rand and Perrin did. Jon sold Cloud, the horse that Rand rode out of Emond’s Field, to Lan. A lone Trolloc who wandered off from his fist attacked Jon and another man; Alanna and Verin Healed them. During the defense of Emond’s Field, Jon and Samel Crawe led the forces east of the town; Jon had seen the smoke of his mill burning earlier, and was grimly determined to prevail over the Trollocs.

Jonai. A Da’shain Aiel man who lived at the time of the Breaking. The son of Coumin, he married Alnora, a Dreamer, and they had three children: Adan, Esole and Willim. Solinda had Jonai lead the Aiel out of Paaran Disen, taking wagons filled with chora cuttings and objects of the Power to a place of safety. He began with thousands of wagons, but was occasionally forced to leave some behind, which he hated. Esole died young, and Willim was sent away when he began to channel. Alnora died shortly before Adan encountered an Aes Sedai who told them that Ishamael still touched the world. Adan and Jonai encountered Ogier who were seeking their stedding. Just before dying of a heart attack, Jonai told Adan to take the Aiel south and to keep the Covenant.

Jonan Adley. An Asha’man from Altara. He was born in 974 NE in the north near the border with Andor and Murandy. He could channel just enough to make a gateway of usable size. Jonan was about four years older than Rand. He tilted his head when he asked a question, or listened. His hair was nearly black, and his eyebrows were as thick as caterpillars; he worked them when thinking. Jonan was chosen to accompany Rand after Dumai’s Wells, was a soldier as of the attack on Illian and was raised to Dedicated by Rand afterward. He went from the Illian invasion army to tell Rand that the army had reached the hillforts and that Sammael was there. Jonan was killed in the hills between Ebou Dar and the Venir Mountains during the attack on the Seanchan in Altara, when Rand’s last attempt to call lightning down with Callandor went wild.

Jonasim. A queen of Saldaea whose son had a gambling problem. Faile used her as an example to Perrin when she was arguing that no leader was perfect.

Jondyn Barran. An old Two Rivers man who was respected by the Aiel as a skilled woodsman. A grizzled fellow who liked to spit, Jondyn was the best bowshot in the Two Rivers except for Tam and a better hunter than anybody. Jondyn liked the forests and hunting, but he was considered disreputable because he hadn’t tended a flock or plowed a field since he had been old enough to leave his father’s farm. He drank too much on feastdays, but he could track yesterday’s shadows. He was one of the few older men who went with Perrin when he left Emond’s Field the second time. He fought at Dumai’s Wells. Jondyn, Get and Hu went after the fleeing inhabitants of Malden, but all they got was some information and a sketched map of the town.

Jongai, Stedding. A stedding located in Saldaea.

Joni Shagrin. An Andoran man who was once a Senior Bannerman of the Queen’s Guards. He was big, and what little hair he still had was white. He looked as hard as an oak stump. When Siuan, Leane and Min were being taken to Bryne’s estate after their trial, Logain knocked Joni out with a stone to free them. Joni went with Gareth Bryne to track down Siuan; despite the lump on his head he held no animus toward the three women. After they reached Salidar, Bryne sent Joni to Ebou Dar to recruit. He was made a captain, fought in the Last Battle, and was killed on the Kandor-Arafel border. Joni had always wanted to die in battle.

Jonine. A sept of the Shaido Aiel.

Jonneth Dowtry. A young man from Emond’s Field. He was the grandson of Buel Dowtry. Taim recruited him and he became a soldier at the Black Tower. His entire family moved to the Black Tower village when he went. He joined with Androl to oppose Taim. When rescuing Logain, Jonneth shot Coteren with his Two Rivers bow and killed him. Logain promised to raise him to full Asha’man. Theodrin followed him around during the Last Battle and Healed him when he was injured; Pevara thought that she would bond him. When he and Androl and their party went after the seals, Jonneth disguised himself as an ordinary Darkfriend. Instead of searching for Sakarnen, Demandred’s sa’angreal, as Logain ordered, Jonneth went with Androl to protect the dragons; they eventually captured Alviarin and several Darkfriend Asha’man in a stedding.

Jophil. Lan’s bald Malkieri standard-bearer in the Last Battle.

Jorath, Widow. A woman in Jarra, Ghealdan, who dragged old Banas through the wedding arches after Rand passed through town.

Jorgin. A purported chandler who was actually a talented torturer; he worked for Milisair Chadmar.

Jorhald, Tesien. See Tesien Jorhald

Jori. Morvrin’s Warder. He was about 5'4" tall, and almost as wide as he was tall. Bald and square-faced, he carried one sword on his back.

Jori Congar. A Two Rivers man. He was skinny although he ate twice as much as anyone else and looked as if he had not had a bite in a week. An excellent shot with the bow, he also liked to drink until he could not stand, and to steal small objects. Jori followed Perrin to Caemlyn; he was at Dumai’s Wells and went to Ghealdan with Perrin. When Perrin found his brandy and poured it out, Jori was proud that he couldn’t put anything over on Lord Perrin, but after he heard the rumor that Perrin had slept with Berelain, he spat when Perrin passed. He fought in the battle at Malden, and was a bannerman in the fight against Trollocs sent by Graendal. In one of the scenarios created by the Dark One while he was fighting Rand, Jori was killed by a deathswarm of insects. In the Last Battle, Jori was trapped under the body of a Trolloc and bled to death.

Jorille Mondevin. The Royal Historian to the Court of Ethenielle of Kandor; she wrote the introduction to “The Strike at Shayol Ghul.”

Jorin Arene. A Darkfriend merchant in Amador, and the husband of Amellia. His mind was profoundly damaged by Temaile when Liandrin and the Black Ajah were making a point. Jorin, according to Liandrin, should not have thought that his oaths to the Great Lord could be conveniently forgotten. He lay beneath blankets all day, in the heat, shivering and weeping when anyone touched him or spoke above a whisper. Chesmal thought that he might be able to accomplish small tasks in a few months, as long as no one raised a voice.

Jorin din Jubai White Wing. The Sea Folk Windfinder of the Wavedancer and sister to its Sailmistress, Coine. Jorin could channel; she had a very small ability with Fire and almost none in Earth, but she was very strong in Air and Water, and had a very great ability with weather. She wore three earrings in each ear and had tattoos on her hands of stars and seabirds surrounded by the curls and whirls of stylized waves. Elayne and Nynaeve approached Jorin and Coine to ask for passage to Tanchico; they agreed. While they were sailing, Elayne learned that Jorin could channel. She wove much thicker flows than Elayne had ever seen woven before, but that was characteristic of Windfinders; she was not nearly as strong as Elayne. Jorin taught Elayne about weather, and Elayne taught her about Fire. After dropping Elayne and Nynaeve in Tanchico, Coine and Jorin planned to sail to Dantora and Cantorin to spread news of the Coramoor.

Jorlen Corbesan. An Aes Sedai from before the Breaking who made wondrous ter’angreal; he was killed when the Sharom was destroyed.

Jornhill. A village in Andor, somewhere near Kore Springs. When Siuan’s group was on trial in Kore Springs, Maigan Nem, the wife of the victim, said she wanted Bryne to whip Siuan, Leane and Min and ride them to Jornhill on a rail.

Jorshem. 1) A man who taught Malidra to use a nail to scrape meat from a bone in Aviendha’s viewing of the future in Rhuidean. 2) A clan chief of the Aiel. He was small and hawk-faced with some Andoran blood, seen in another of Aviendha’s viewings of the future in Rhuidean.

Josaine. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent. A search of her rooms revealed an angreal which she had found some years before and never turned in, as the law required. This search was carried out on Alviarin’s order to Elaida, and the result was that Josaine was ordered birched, a very heavy penalty for what would usually receive no more than a slap on the wrist. Adelorna was caught in the same raid and received the same punishment. The apparent instigators of the search—at least, they were praised and rewarded that same morning for unspecified “adherence to the law”—were Kiyoshi of the Gray Ajah, Farellien of the Yellow Ajah and Doraise of the Brown Ajah; the result was an instant rift between the Greens, and the Gray, Yellow and Brown Ajahs. Josaine was killed in the Seanchan attack on the White Tower.

Josef Najima. A Kandori man who was always lucky. His son was on Moiraine’s list of potential Dragons Reborn. The two were killed in a barn fire, victims of the male channeler pogrom. Josef’s luck included being given the barn by his Lady after returning from the Aiel War; that was apparently his last bit of luck.

Joslyn. Egwene’s nom de route while aboard the Darter on the way from Jurene to Tear.

Joslyn Aybara. Perrin’s mother. She was killed by Padan Fain along with the rest of her family, although most thought that Trollocs had killed them.

Journal of the Unknown Scholar. A book that spoke of the days leading up to the Last Battle.

Journey to Tarabon, A. A book by Eurian Romavni that Egwene used as a reference before the first time she used her dream ter’angreal ring. It had useful drawings.

Jovarin, Master. The head mason building a new wing on the White Tower library. Danelle was supposed to be watching him; Siuan thought that he must be distracting her with books because she did not question the number of workmen that Jovarin claimed to have hired. In truth, the masons were there to try to take the Tower after Siuan was deposed.

Jowdry. A victim of the gholam. He was found in Farrier’s Green with his throat ripped out and his body drained of blood. Jowdry owed Chaser, a man with whom Mat was dicing, two crowns when he died.

Jualdhe. A bridge town outside Tar Valon on the Alindrelle Erinin, on the road to Maradon. Zerah was questioned by the Black Ajah hunters in the Tower about her claim that she came from the north. She said that she had ridden down the bank of the Erinin to Jualdhe, but they had evidence that she had ridden from the south. There was also a Jualdhe Bridge out of Tar Valon.

Juarde, Famelle. See Famelle Juarde

Juendan. An ancient Ogier woman who was the grandmother of Moilin, the author of A Study of the War of the Shadow, which was mentioned by Loial when he was speaking of Be’lal.

Juerissen, Angharad. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who was Sierin Vayu’s Keeper of the Chronicles.

Juilaine Madome. A Ghealdanin Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 21(9). Born in 903 NE, she went to the White Tower in 919 NE. After spending thirteen years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 937 NE. About 5'7" tall, dark-eyed and very attractive, she wore her almost black hair well short of her shoulders. Juilaine strode, and usually was thought not to be graceful, but the fact was that she moved in a mannish fashion. She was born with the spark and was a lesbian. She was a tomboy when she was found, climbing trees, running in the streets and wearing boy’s clothes much more often than dresses. She already knew her sexual preferences, and willingly wore dresses more often to get close to a girl she liked than for any other reason. She was raised Sitter for the Brown in 999 NE to replace Takima.

Juilin Sandar. A Tairen thief-catcher. Born in 961 NE, he served in the Aiel War as a common foot soldier. Juilin was about 5'10" tall, and lean. His complexion was as dark as old roots, and he had short-cut black hair that lay flat on his head. His eyes were dark and missed nothing. Thief-catchers worked semi-freelance, hiring out to people who had been robbed to recover the stolen goods and bring the thieves to justice. In Tear, they also had standing commissions called warrants from the High Lords and received payment for each thief or other criminal they brought in who was convicted. Juilin was accomplished in the use of the sword-breaker, a thumb-thick bamboo staff that was his height and which he used as a martial arts weapon, and cudgels. He could also use his hands and feet as weapons. He was skilled in ferreting out information and analyzing his findings for patterns. Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene hired Juilin to help them find the Black Ajah in Tear; he found them, but the Black sisters forced him to betray his clients, and Elayne, Nynaeve and Egwene were taken captive. Juilin felt guilty and helped Mat rescue them.

At Rand’s behest, he traveled with Elayne and Nynaeve to Tanchico, where he had a brief affair with their innkeeper, Rendra. He fell in love with Amathera during the short time in Tanchico after her rescue from Black Ajah and before she was restored as Panarch, while she was hiding out in the Three Plum Court. She hardly noticed Juilin except that he stopped men from pinching her and talked Rendra out of switching her for making a fuss. She, of course, never thought of him as a man, really, only as a servant. Juilin then traveled with Nynaeve and Elayne to Salidar and Ebou Dar. Juilin rescued Amathera from the Seanchan in Ebou Dar, and she was then unwilling to be parted from him. In the Last Battle, he commanded a squad of men and fought bravely.

Juin son of Lacel son of Laud. An Ogier in Stedding Tsofu. He broke up what almost became a fight when Rand and his party confronted Rhian and two other Maidens in the stedding.

Julanya Fote. A member of the Kin with a strength level of 16(4). She could make a gateway, but one only just large enough to walk through. Plump and pretty, with touches of white in her dark hair, Julanya spent twenty years as a peddler. She was at the Kin’s farm outside Ebou Dar when Elayne and her companions arrived, and accompanied Elayne to Caemlyn. Birgitte put her to work as a scout, sending her to villages in northern Andor and having her keep an eye on the six strong Houses who were uncommitted. Julanya and Keraille reported when Ellorien, Luan and Abelle broke camp, and returned to those camps as laundresses. When Mat trapped the gholam, Julanya assisted.

jumara. Beasts created during the Age of Legends, and known as Worms in the following Age. Huge, vicious creatures created by Aginor, they lived in the Blight and traveled in packs. Under certain conditions, they transformed in some unspecified way.

Jumara. The second month of the year.

jump up. A pink wildflower.

jumper. A form of short-range transportation in the Age of Legends that used anti-gravitational technology. It could float suspended above the ground at various distances.

Jur Grady. An Andoran Asha’man. Born in 972 NE, he was stocky and dark-eyed with a weathered farmer’s face. He could make gateways and had an ability with weather. He was married to Sora, and had a son, Gadren, who was four when they went to the Black Tower. Jur bonded his wife with a version of the Warder’s bond, as many married Asha’man did. The bond worked at a longer distance than did the female bond; in Ghealdan, Jur knew that his wife, back in the Black Tower, had a sore knee. At that distance, approximately a thousand miles, the Warder bond would only have given an Aes Sedai a general sense of direction. Grady was chosen to accompany Rand after Dumai’s Wells. He was raised to Dedicated and traveled to Ghealdan with Perrin. He exhausted himself making gateways in the effort to rescue Faile. He and Neald worked with the Wise Ones to learn how to link.

In the Last Battle, Grady brought the people of Hinderstap to the field of battle.

Jura, River. A small river in Altara flowing south into the River Eldar.

Jurad Accan. A soldier under Lord Luan Norwelyn in Andor. When Jurad and eighty of his men were attacked by Lord Nasin, Doilin Mellar led a sortie to rescue them and brought them into Caemlyn, which displeased Elayne, because she was unsure of Luan’s support.

Jurad Shiman. An officer at the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Kandor. He had ridden with Lan in the south during the Aiel War, and welcomed Lan respectfully to the palace.

Jurador. A stone-walled salt town in Altara that lay three days east of Coramen and the River Eldar, with treeless hills to the east, and forested hills to the west. Iron-studded gates marked the entrance to the town. It was a prosperous, busy place with stone-paved streets, most of them wide and all lined with stone buildings roofed in reddish tiles. Houses and inns rubbed shoulders with stables and taverns, in a noisy jumble. Salt merchants’ houses were three stories of stone rather than two, covering eight times as much ground as any others, each with a columned walk overlooking the street and shielded by white wrought-iron screens between the columns. The lower windows on most houses had those screens, though not always painted. The Lady Aethelaine’s palace appeared no different on the outside than the salt merchants’ mansions, but it was located on the town’s main square, a wide expanse of polished stone where a broad round marble fountain sprayed water that smelled of brine into the air. Mat saw ghosts in Jurador while walking into town. It was also the town where Luca’s show was camped when Egeanin was knifed; Juilin urged Mat to leave Tuon there while the rest of them escaped. Mat took Tuon and Selucia shopping in Jurador, and Mat bought Tuon a prized horse there.

Jurah Haret. The innkeeper of The Star in Tear. He was stout with a round face and balding head. Moiraine, Lan, Loial, Perrin and Faile stayed at his inn; although Moiraine had told him not to let anyone in her room, he allowed two women to leave her a small gift; the women were Black Ajah and the gift was the hedgehog ter’angreal that trapped Faile in Tel’aran’rhiod.

Juranai. An Aielman who was leader of Aethan Dor. He was slender with streaks of white in his pale brown hair. Juranai sometimes joined Rand in practicing the Aiel method of fighting, and he accompanied Rand to the observation tower at the battle for Cairhien.

Jureen, Marasale. See Marasale Jureen

Jurene. A small village in Cairhien on the River Erinin. Jurene only had one-storied wooden houses and dirt streets. When Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene were traveling by river, their boat wrecked on a sunken ship, and Nynaeve insisted they leave the boat and walk six miles to the nearest village, Jurene, to pick up another boat. Later, Nynaeve went there in Tel’aran’rhiod, where, with Birgitte’s help, she captured Moghedien with an a’dam, and learned from Moghedien about the trap set by Rahvin for Rand in Caemlyn.

Juric. An Aielman serving as gai’shain to Amys. After his time as gai’shain was up, he refused to put off the white, and Amys beat him until her arm was sore; no matter how often she told him to put off the white, he was back in it by sunset.

Jurine Najima. A Kandori woman whose son was on Moiraine’s list of potential Dragons Reborn. Jurine was a hand taller than Moiraine, with long black hair and large blue eyes in a face shrunken by tragedy. Her husband Josef and son Jerid were killed in a barn fire as part of the male channeler pogrom.

Jurith Dorine. The Right Hand to the Queen of Almoren, and the author of Commentaries on the Prophecies of the Dragon in 742 AB, the Third Age.

Justice. Hawkwing’s legendary sword. The blade was long and slightly curved and the scabbard black with a lacquered red and gold dragon on it. Hawkwing wielded Justice to great effect in life and as a Hero of the Horn. It was lost for many years, but scholars found it under a submerged statue. Rand recognized it and took to wearing it.
