Eadwin. Verin’s sweetheart before she went to the White Tower.

Eadwin Deosin. A Murandian man who was on Moiraine’s list as the father of a possible Dragon Reborn. His wife was Saera.

Eadwina. Verin’s nom de guerre in Far Madding.

Each Castle. A biography that Min studied.

Eadyth. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She served as a Sitter for the Blue and First Selector when Moiraine and Siuan were raised to the shawl.

Eagan Padros. An Illianer who led a group of soldiers following Lord Brend. He had a long runny nose, a narrow face and dark eyes, but was brighter than he looked. When told he and his men must lay down their arms or join Rand, he chose to join Rand. He later tried to kill Rand with a crossbow, and was in turn killed by Asha’man.

Eagle’s Reach. A fort in Coremanda, in the Splintered Hills. Doreille was thought to have written many of her best poems there.

Ealsin. Perrin’s unmarried great aunt. She had a sharp nose and sharper eye for discovering what everyone around her was up to. She was killed by Fain, along with much of the rest of the Aybara family.

Eamon Valda. A high-ranking officer of the Children of the Light. He was a blademaster. His primary goal was self-aggrandizement, though he professed to be—and perhaps believed he was—a model Child of the Light. He hated Aes Sedai, considering them all Darkfriends or dupes of Darkfriends, and in his book, a dupe was just as guilty as anyone else. If he had had his way, he would have killed every Aes Sedai, razed Tar Valon and the Tower and salted the ground to remind people of the horror that had been there. He commanded Whitecloaks in the vicinity of Tar Valon, then brought soldiers back to Amador at Niall’s order. There he entered into a conspiracy with Rhadam Asunawa, the High Inquisitor, which resulted in the assassination of Niall by Abdel Omerna and Omerna’s death at Valda’s hands. Valda became Lord Captain Commander and faced down Asunawa over Morgase; Asunawa supported someone else for Lord Captain Commander until Valda revealed that other Lords Captain in the Fortress of Light supported him personally—since he had brought half a legion inside the Fortress walls. He allowed Asunawa to have Morgase for Questioning. After a time, he offered Morgase to make it stop if she slept with him, which she did. He rode out to take on the Prophet the day before the Seanchan invaded Amador. Valda eventually took what he considered a pragmatic view of the Seanchan. At first he fought them as invaders, but their far greater numbers and their use of damane in battle made them very hard to match. They were humans, not Trollocs, and no more likely to be Darkfriends than anyone else. Most important of all, in a way, they collared women who could channel; that wasn’t quite as good as killing them, but then again, using them—making them pay for their sins while alive, in a way—was perhaps even better. Valda didn’t find it that hard to convince himself to make an agreement. He was killed in a duel with Galad after Galad challenged Valda over his treatment of Morgase.

Earth. One of the Five Powers. See Five Powers

Earth Singing. The Talent of controlling movements of the earth. It could be used to cause or prevent earthquakes or avalanches, among other things.

Earwin. A soldier of the Children of the Light. He was a big man with gray eyes and a long mustache. Bornhald commanded him and then sent him to the Questioners. He, Wuan and Questioners attacked a village on Almoth Plain and hanged thirty people, some of them children.

Easar Togita. The King of Shienar and High Seat of House Togita. His sign was a white hart. His nickname was “the Lion of Kabila,” for a battle he won against Trollocs at very heavy odds. He was born in 940 NE and married in 960 NE; his wife died in 989 NE. He was said by many to still be grieving her death many years later. Easar wrote poetry for her, though he hardly looked a poet. He had sons old enough by Borderland standards to ride to war with him; they accompanied him to Tarwin’s Gap in 998 NE, when Easar won over Shadowspawn with Rand’s aid. He was about 5'7" tall, and slim, with a square, unwrinkled face and a shaved scalp except for a white topknot. He was a fine soldier, wise ruler and skilled diplomat. Easar, Ethenielle, Paitar and Tenobia joined together and left the Borderlands seeking Rand. They met with Elayne in Braem Wood. When Rand met with the Borderlanders at Far Madding, Easar backhanded Rand hard enough to draw blood while trying to determine if Rand fulfilled the prophecy from Paitar’s ancestor; Rand stumbled, but did not strike back, as the prophecy had indicated. He swore fealty to Rand in exchange for his Aes Sedai being taught Traveling so that he could fight in the Last Battle. He did so, alongside Lan at Tarwin’s Gap.

Easing the Badger. An inn located in Illian. Its innkeeper, Nieda Moroso, was one of Moiraine’s eyes-and-ears. This was a lower-class establishment, suited to sailors and dockworkers, built of green-veined stone and having a green tile roof. A dangerous offer was made to Bayle Domon at the inn, in fact a plot to have him killed. When Moiraine, Lan, Perrin, Loial and Faile stayed there, awaiting boat passage to Tear to intercept Rand, six Gray Men attacked Perrin. He and his group killed them and fled on horseback, pursued by Darkhounds. Moiraine learned there that Sammael was in Illian.

Eastern Sea. One of the Seanchan names for the Aryth Ocean.

Eastern Marches. The territory along the Spine of the World.

Eastpoint Lighttower. A tower located on the eastern part of the bay in Ebou Dar. It had beacons to guide ships entering the bay.

Eawynd, King. The ruler of Safer at the signing of the Compact of the Ten Nations.

Eazil Forney. A bleary-eyed Andoran farmer who had drunk too much to drive his cart home from the inn in Arien to his farm the night before, and was thus available to give Mat and Rand a ride out of town the morning after they had performed at the inn.

Eban Vandes. The author of The History of the Stone of Tear. Rand learned about the Stone by reading this book.

Eben Hopwil. An Andoran Dedicated, later raised to Asha’man by Rand. He was born in 984 NE; he claimed to be twenty when he first appeared at the Black Tower, but he was really four or five years younger. Eben was skinny when he arrived, but later filled out considerably. The blotches on his face lessened as time passed, but his nose and ears were markedly on the large side, and he was still far from stocky. He was about 5'9" tall. Among the first to come at Rand’s call for men who wanted to learn to channel, he was chosen to accompany Rand after Dumai’s Wells. Eben was not part of the attack on Illian; he stayed with the army, fighting at the hillforts. Eben was sent to scout around Amador after Rand heard reports of the Seanchan from Lord Gregorin via Illianer merchants; there he encountered a Seanchan patrol with a damane and sul’dam. He had to kill the patrol, later burning to ash their bodies, the horses, everything, with the Power. After that, he spent a lot of time staring “at something beyond the horizon” and looked at people without blinking, sometimes seeming to look through them, all of which Rand at first thought was because he had had to kill two women. Eben accompanied Rand when he went to talk to the large group of men from Sammael’s former army. After the attack on Rand in Cairhien, Eben was uncertain of returning safely to the Black Tower and remained in Cairhien, where Daigian Moseneillin, one of Cadsuane’s Aes Sedai, persuaded him to be bonded a Warder. Taim placed him on the deserters list. Eben died at Shadar Logoth at the age of sixteen, fighting Aran’gar.

Ebou Dar. The capital of Altara. It lay on the southern coast of Altara at the mouth of the River Eldar. In earlier times, it was the site of the city of Barashta. Most of the buildings in Ebou Dar were white; some were banded with strips of color, but white prevailed.

The Tarasin Palace, east of the Eldar, was the seat of the King or Queen of Altara and the home of the Throne of the Winds. Mol Hara Square, in front of the palace, held a statue of Nariene, a long-dead queen.

The Rahad, the roughest section of Ebou Dar, lay on the far side of the River Eldar from Ebou Dar proper. It was dangerous enough that the Civil Guard stepped lightly there. Even an Aes Sedai could have a knife in her back there before she knew it, from someone wanting to steal her fine clothes, although if the clothes were fine, a very narrow blade was used so there would be little blood. The Rahad residents didn’t always kill the one they robbed. The victim could wake up in an alley or on a heap of refuse, stark naked, since even stockings and smallclothes had some value. Buildings in the Rahad were made of brick and rose five or six stories high. They were crowded together and covered patchily with flaking white plaster.

There were lighttowers on each side of the bay to assist ships in navigation.

On the south side of the city lay the Moldine Gate; other gates included the Three Towers Gate and the Dal Eira Gate. The Circuit of Heaven racetrack lay north of the city, the Cordese Hills lay to the west and the Rhannon Hills to the southeast.

Ebou Dar, like Illian, had many canals. Here the bridges were ornate with buildings on them and statues at the ends, at least in the better parts of the city. The canals in the city proper, on the west bank of the river, were heavily used for barge traffic. Those on the east side of the river, in the Rahad, were largely silted up and unusable.

Ebou Dar workers wore clothes that identified their guilds. A police force called the Civil Guard kept order. Duels were a way of life in the city; they tended to be more formal in the city proper, and resembled basic knife fights in the Rahad.

Ebou Dari. Of or from Ebou Dar, Altara.

Ebou Dari guilds. There was a guild for almost everything in Ebou Dar, even for those who swept the squares at night, and woe to anyone who trespassed on a guild’s rights. Each guild had distinctive markings and signs. For laboring guilds, this often consisted of a vest of a particular color or colors. Some guilds had as much power as any noble or, indeed, as the ruler. There were guilds of boatmen, of fishermen, of bearers for sedan chairs, of carters and wagon drivers. Even the beggars had a guild, the Fellowship of Alms, identified by a brass ring. The names of the guilds were never simple; the fishermen’s guild was the Ancient and Honorable Guild of Nets, and wager takers were known as the Illustrious and Honored Guild of Bookers. There was no guild of innkeepers, but innkeepers had their own informal connections and, as a group, sometimes displayed as much power as any guild.

Ebram. A tall, well-made young Domani who served Graendal. He would have become one of her pets had he been more than a merchant’s son. He gave Graendal news of Ituralde’s arrival, and his reverent expression faded slightly when she took on the appearance of Lady Basene.

Echiko. An Accepted who died in a fall some time between 968 and 975 NE, thinking that she had developed the Talent of flying.

Echoes of His Dynasty. A book read by Cadsuane.

Edarna Noregovna. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 64 to 115 NE. Edarna was a strong Amyrlin, which she managed by being very deft in her political manipulations.

Edarra. A Wise One of the Neder sept of the Shiande Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 12(+1). She had pale yellow hair and blue eyes. Edarra was 5'7" tall and looked not much older than Rand, apparently twenty-four to twenty-five years old, although she could have been anywhere from seventy-eight to 140 years old. She had an apparently unshakable calm and a straight-backed presence to match any of the other Wise Ones. When Sorilea learned that Nesune Bihara was poking around, looking for information on the seals, she sent Edarra, Colinda and Aeron to the Royal Library in Cairhien to try to find the information first. She went to Dumai’s Wells. Edarra was the nominal leader of the Wise Ones who accompanied Perrin to Ghealdan; they were sent to keep an eye on the Aes Sedai, and she watched Masuri in particular. Edarra assisted in the forging of Mah’alleinir. She stayed with Perrin’s army during the Last Battle, and told him it was evil to enter the World of Dreams in the flesh.

Edder. A Redarm tasked with looking after Setalle Anan and Olver.

Edelle Gaelin. The Wisdom in Watch Hill. She was slender and gray-haired and the oldest of the Two Rivers Wisdoms. She resented Daise taking the lead among the Wisdoms, since she was the eldest and the longest serving. Edelle sent Perrin some dried apple tarts.

Edesina Azzedin. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 24(12). Born in 944 NE, she went to the White Tower in 959 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 980 NE. About 5'6" tall, with dark eyes and black hair to her waist, she was slender, and handsome rather than pretty.

Edesina was sent by the rebels with Afara and Guisin to Tarabon; while there she was captured and collared by the Seanchan. The Seanchan took her to Ebou Dar, where she and Teslyn were freed by Mat Cauthon. Edesina traveled with Luca’s show until Mat moved on; she accompanied Mat to Caemlyn, sometimes helping and sometimes hindering, and then went on to the White Tower.

Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel. Lan’s carneira. Her personal sigil was a crouching lioness ready to spring. She was born in 934 NE. Her black hair had touches of white at the temples; she wore it long until the death of her daughter, when she cut it short. She had big dark eyes and wore the white ki’sain of a widow. Her brother was Cowin Gemallen, Cowin Fairheart, who betrayed Malkier. Had Lan died, she would have had the strongest claim to the Malkieri throne. She took Lan as her lover when she was a widow of thirty-five and he fifteen; that did not stop her from trying to persuade Lan to marry her daughter Iselle. Plotting a return to some degree of power, Edeyn rode through the Borderlands trying to gain support for reclaiming Malkier, but the death of her daughter devastated her and caused her to withdraw from public life.

Edorion Selorna. A Tairen nobleman. He was plump and pink-cheeked with a sharp mind—more serious and intelligent than others and more observant, though still with the opinions and attitudes of his class. He always pretended that his cards were bad, but he won more than he lost. When Mat’s cards came to life and started attacking, Edorion was frightened. During the siege of Cairhien, Edorion lost weight and hardened; he and some others managed to escape Cairhien and went to Rand for help. He joined the Band of the Red Hand and became an officer. His men in the Band called themselves Edorion’s Hammers, though they were in fact the First Squadron (later the First Banner of Horse). He was the first given charge of Olver in Maerone. Edorion was with Talmanes when they caught up with Mat in the forest in Altara.

Eelfinn. A race of beings, largely human in appearance but with fox-like characteristics, who would grant three wishes, although they asked for a price in return. If the person asking did not negotiate a price, the Eelfinn chose it. The most common price in such circumstances was death, but they still fulfilled their part of the bargain, although the manner in which they fulfilled it was seldom the manner the querent expected. Their true location was unknown, but it was possible to visit them by means of a ter’angreal that was located in Rhuidean. That ter’angreal was taken by Moiraine Damodred to Cairhien, where it was destroyed. They could also be reached by entering the Tower of Ghenjei. They spoke a harsh dialect of the Old Tongue, mentioned treaties and agreements, and asked if those entering carried iron, instruments of music or devices that could make fire. They have existed as long as the Wheel. See also Aelfinn

Efalin. A woman of the Shaido Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She had short graying hair and hard gray eyes. Efalin led the Shaido Maidens and the group of Shaido that captured Faile and her party. She worried what Sevanna thought because some of the Shaido Maidens went to join those around Rand; she provided Sevanna with a guard of Maidens, as if Sevanna had been a Maiden, though she never had been. Efalin suspected Sevanna’s ambitions, but spoke of them circumspectly to Sevanna and not at all to anyone else. Efalin was not Jumai, but she went with Sevanna anyway when the Shaido were scattered, using the excuse that Sevanna “spoke for the chief.” She was all but sure that Galina admitted killing Desaine. Efalin showed distress when their Seanchan captive died, which annoyed Sevanna.

Efraim Yamada. A Seanchan member of the low Blood who was a Banner-General. He was tall and handsome with broad shoulders and lean hips. He wore his graying hair in a bowl cut with a tail. His singing voice enamored Lady Riselle, an attendant at the Tarasin Palace; they became engaged and later married. Yamada reported to Captain-General Galgan and remained with the Ever Victorious Army.

Egeanin Sarna. A Seanchan ship captain. She was born in 965 NE, as counted east of the Aryth Ocean. Egeanin’s father was a soldier, her mother a very high-ranking naval officer—a Captain of the Gold, the highest rank of Admiral, and later so’jhin to the Empress, the Hand of the Empress at Sea. Egeanin was about 5'7" tall, with sharp blue eyes, black hair and a very pale complexion. Her face was attractive but stern. Egeanin’s hands were slender, with swordsman’s calluses. As part of the Corenne, she captained the Fearless and sailed to Falme. There she captured the Spray, and took Bayle Domon and his treasures to High Lord Turak. After the Seanchan loss at Falme, she was sent to Tanchico, where she spent considerable time at The Garden of Silver Breezes in disguise, as an agent provocateur and spy. She was also hunting for deserters from Falme, including runaway sul’dam and damane. In Tanchico, she met Elayne and Nynaeve, and began to question the Seanchan attitude toward channelers.

Egeanin sailed with Domon when he went to drop the male a’dam into the sea and their ship was taken by the Seanchan. Her quick talking resulted in the a’dam being handed over to the Seanchan and Domon being made her da’covale instead of them both being imprisoned. She was raised to the lower levels of the Blood for her actions and became Captain of the Green Lady Egeanin Tamarath, and was granted a sigil of a sword and a fouled anchor. Because of a Seeker’s report that told of her consorting with the enemy, maybe with Aes Sedai, in Tanchico, she remained under suspicion, and was ordered to Ebou Dar. Suroth supposedly believed that she only made errors of judgment, but the Seeker had deep suspicions; he arranged to keep a close eye on Egeanin and see what she did, rather than simply take her for questioning. He thought there was some wider plot, because of odd events in Falme and Tanchico. Egeanin’s leaving the city with three sul’dam and three damane on the very night that the Windfinders made their escape, and Tuon’s disappearance, only confirmed him in his belief. After leaving Ebou Dar, Egeanin remained with Mat, who took her to visit Tuon; Tuon stripped her of her name, renaming her Leilwin Shipless. In Jurador, Egeanin was stabbed by Renna, a sul’dam; Teslyn Healed her. She married Bayle Domon, and the two traveled to the Tower with the Aes Sedai, and then made their way to the Field of Merrilor, where Egeanin offered herself as payment for turning over the male a’dam. She swore to serve Egwene, but Egwene did not trust her; after Egeanin rescued her from the Sharans, she was more trusting. After Gawyn’s death in the Last Battle, Egwene bonded Egeanin as her Warder. Egeanin fought by her side for a period, and Egwene told her when the seals needed to be broken and released the Warder bond, sending Egeanin through a gateway to safety before she, Egwene, died.

Egoridin, High Queen. The ruler of Jaramide at the signing of the Compact of the Ten Nations.

Eguilera, Celestin. See Celestin Eguilera

Egwene al’Vere. An Emond’s Field woman born in 981 NE, the fifth daughter of Bran and Marin al’Vere. She and Rand were sweethearts. She was about 5'3" tall, with large brown eyes and dark hair. Her strength level was 8(+5). Egwene possessed the Talent of Dreaming and was an accomplished dreamwalker. She had many other abilities and Talents, including abilities with metals and ores and the making of cuendillar. Whatever Egwene did, she did to the hilt. She was keen to learn above all, and so she was as much Brown as Green in her temperament, with a strong dose of Gray besides. She showed some of the same Old Blood effects as Mat, though not as strongly.

Egwene left the Two Rivers with Moiraine, Lan, Rand, Mat and Perrin. While they traveled, Egwene learned that she had the ability to channel, and Moiraine began teaching her. The party became separated at Shadar Logoth, and Egwene joined Perrin, met Elyas Machera and was captured by the Whitecloaks; Nynaeve, Lan and Moiraine rescued her. She journeyed with them to Caemlyn, then via the Ways to Fal Dara and thence to the Eye of the World. From Shienar she went downriver to the White Tower, where her name was entered in the novice book. She made friends with Elayne and Min. She was winkled out of Tar Valon by Liandrin, taken via the Ways to Toman Head and turned over to the Seanchan, who kept her for some time as a damane.

After she was rescued, she traveled back to the White Tower, where she was raised Accepted before leaving again on Siuan Sanche’s orders with Elayne and Nynaeve to hunt the Black Ajah. She went downriver to Tear, masquerading as a Green sister, then by Portal Stone to the Aiel Waste, where she studied with the Wise Ones, as both Aes Sedai (which they thought she was) and apprentice. She crossed the Spine of the World with Rand and the Aiel to witness the retaking of Cairhien, and she traveled physically through Tel’aran’rhiod to Salidar, where she was raised Amyrlin. Egwene had no Ajah, since she was never in a position to choose one, going straight from Accepted to Amyrlin. She was selected with the notion that she could be manipulated, an assumption that was dead wrong. She moved the rebel Aes Sedai north to the White Tower. While blockading the Erinin with cuendillar, she was captured by Elaida’s minions and subjected to almost continual penance at the Tower. The situation changed when the Seanchan attacked the White Tower—they captured Elaida, and Egwene was instrumental in turning the battle around in the Tower’s favor. The united Hall selected her Amyrlin of the White Tower, also hoping that she would be easily guided, a mistake on their part.

Egwene fell in love with Gawyn, idealizing him (romantic that she was), and took him as her Warder and married him, making her the first Amyrlin ever to marry. After Gawyn’s death she bonded Egeanin as her Warder for a short time, releasing the bond shortly before she died during the Last Battle, wielding the Flame of Tar Valon against Taim’s balefire.

Eharon. One of the Ten Nations. Its king was Temanin at the signing of the Compact. Eharon’s capital was Londaren Cor; other cities included Barashta (later Ebou Dar) and Dorelle Caromon (later Illian). Mat had memories of an Eharoni High Prince.

Ehvin. A Murandian man working as a servant with the rebel Aes Sedai. He was stout and graying, with a permanent smile.

Ehvon. A Sea Folk Windfinder. Talaan was her apprentice. She punished Talaan even when Talaan performed her tasks as well as Ehvon did.

Eianrod. A small town in western Cairhien that was abandoned during Cairhien’s civil war. Eianrod had a bridge in the center of town, and stone-paved streets laid out in a grid pattern, cutting through hills as necessary. Its hills were terraced with stone. The stone buildings here were slate-roofed, though many had been burned. Merchant buildings were wide three-story affairs of marble. The town had two squares. When returning to Cairhien from the Waste, Rand and the Aiel stayed here. Rand was to sleep in one of the merchant houses; on entering his bedroom, he came upon Aviendha bathing naked; she fled through a gateway and he followed.

Rand and the Aiel clans, who had just gone through the Jangai Pass, were camped just outside Eianrod when Kadere, a merchant traveling with them and secretly a Darkfriend working for Lanfear, received a Darkfriend message.

In the town, Rand received Tairen and Cairhienin delegates who asked his help against Couladin and the Shaido who were besieging the city of Cairhien.

Einar. An Asha’man protecting the dragons in the Last Battle. He was balefired by Demandred.

Einion Avharin. One of the three most famous First Councils in Far Madding history. A statue of her stood in Avharin Market in Far Madding, pointing to the Caemlyn Gate.

Einone. Sister to Queen Ethenielle of Kandor; she was married to one of Tenobia’s uncles.

Einor Saren. An officer in the Children of the Light and a Questioner. He was second-in-command to Carridin on Almoth Plain. A tall man with a hooked nose, he met Geofram Bornhald and his forces in Alcruna, and later escorted Morgase to a meeting with Niall. On their journey they passed Darkfriends being hanged, including Paitr, who had been trying to help Morgase escape.

el’Leanna ti Arathdar Mandragoran. See Leanna ti Arathdar Mandragoran

Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 13(1). Born in 950 NE, she went to the White Tower in 967 NE. After spending three years as a novice and three years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 973 NE. Elaida was born to a minor noble House on an estate not much more than a farm in northern Murandy. She had dark eyes and dark hair to her shoulders. Some called her handsome rather than pretty; others called her beautiful at first glance, but her expression was permanently severe. She was 5'6" tall.

Although Elaida’s potential strength was fairly high, she was not among the very highest with respect to sisters then living; but on the other hand, her time spent as novice and as Accepted were records, equaling or bettering the best ever before. For that, she was considered quite remarkable. She also had the Talent of Foretelling. Although it was erratic, she was the first sister since Gitara Moroso to have this Talent. While still an Accepted, she had the Foretelling that the royal line of Andor would be the key to winning the Last Battle. At that time, Mordrellen of House Mantear was the Queen of Andor, but she died shortly thereafter, and her heir, Tigraine, went missing. By 974 NE Elaida had identified Morgase Trakand as the likely winner in the Succession in Andor and attached herself to the young woman. From then on her focus was on protecting and controlling House Trakand, the royal House of Andor.

Siuan and Moiraine were novices under Elaida when she was raised Accepted, and Accepted under her as Aes Sedai. Elaida was not easy on them; while she did not particularly like it that they equaled her speed in reaching the next level, she pressed them very hard, expecting only the best from them and accepting nothing less. They had a potential equal to hers, and they had an obligation to live up to it—and an obligation to live up to her standards in other ways as well. While Elaida was in Andor for the most part from 974 NE onward, she visited the White Tower often while they were in training and always took an interest in them and their progress. Elaida was called back to Tar Valon along with many other sisters when it seemed the Aiel were threatening the city in 978 NE, and she remained for a short time afterward. After Siuan and Moiraine passed their tests for the shawl, during the night they were supposed to spend in contemplation and meditation, they decided to play a trick on Elaida, who caught them. Where another sister might have let go two Accepted who were to be raised in the morning, Elaida promptly took them to the Mistress of Novices, Merean Redhill, who was not pleased at being roused from her bed in the night and made sure that their last punishment as Accepted was particularly memorable. Elaida’s dislike of Siuan came later, beginning when Siuan was chosen Amyrlin over her and exacerbated by the plans surrounding Rand which led to Siuan being deposed.

Elaida and Meidani Eschede were entered in the novice book within weeks of each other, and soon became pillow friends. Elaida broke off the relationship when she was raised, but considered herself Meidani’s friend, though she showed it by giving her the same sort of attention and pressure that she did to Moiraine and Siuan.

Elaida was not deeply involved personally in the male channeler pogrom in 979–985 NE, though she learned of it from other Reds and supported it wholeheartedly, partly because the leadership of her Ajah was behind it and partly because she considered a man who could channel dangerous enough for her to violate the law, even to do murder on suspicion; at least, she would not herself have taken part in a killing, but she would turn a blind eye. Her one involvement was seeing that Thom’s nephew was gentled on the spot when he was caught; this was at the very tail end of the pogrom. Once she became Amyrlin, she hardly cared whether anyone discovered her involvement with Owyn. Those Sitters who dared to openly oppose her would not have the nerve to suggest any discipline against the Amyrlin Seat herself, not even for so dire a violation of Tower law—not when it was so long ago, not when making it public even among the sisters could damage the Tower in its battle against the rebels, and most of all, not when attaining consensus against her would be impossible.

Elaida once met Cadsuane, during the Aiel War, the first time that Cadsuane had seemingly come back from the dead. Among other things, Cadsuane told her that she was too hard, that good steel had some give in it, and what was too rigid was too easily shattered. Cadsuane also told her that she allowed her anger too free a rein, that an Aes Sedai had to be the mistress of her emotions, not they of her. It was a cold chewing-out, in fact. Elaida had had the shawl for a few years then, but the meeting left her feeling like a novice wanting to run back to her room from the Mistress of Novices’ study.

Elaida knitted for relaxation, as much as she could ever be said to relax. She sometimes used it to try putting people off guard; someone knitting would not look at all threatening and might simply be discounted. She also liked to examine her collection of carved miniatures, sometimes doing so while giving an audience to make the person attending know that he or she was not as important as the carvings.

In 999 NE, Elaida learned that the Amyrlin, Siuan Sanche, and her Keeper, Leane Sharif, had secretly met with the Dragon Reborn, and she orchestrated a coup. She had Siuan and Leane removed from office and stilled, and she was raised Amyrlin, with Alviarin Freidhen as her Keeper.

As Amyrlin, Elaida made many mistakes: She kidnapped sitting kings and the Dragon Reborn; she initiated an attack on the Black Tower that failed miserably and led to Aes Sedai being forcibly bonded; she came under the control of a member of the Black Ajah and caused the Tower to nearly fall apart. It could be argued that her biggest mistake was ignoring the warning of a Seanchan attack. When that attack occurred, Elaida was captured, made a damane and given the name “Suffa.” Suffa was not a good damane.

Elaiva Walfor. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 19(7). Born in 806 NE, she went to the White Tower in 822 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 840 NE. Elaiva was part of the expedition to capture Rand in Cairhien. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Verin’s Compulsion she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she did before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding.

Elam Dowtry. A boyhood friend of Mat in Emond’s Field. He had a long nose and a cowlick; when young, he aspired to have more sheep than anyone in the Two Rivers. Elam helped Perrin in the defense of Emond’s Field. Later, with Ewin Finngar and Dav Ayellin, he ran off to see the world.

Elamri den Rendalle, Ballin. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of Nine.

Elan Dapor. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Elan Morin Tedronai. Ishamael’s name in the Age of Legends.

Elandria Borndat. An ancient scholar and the author of Seeing Through the Breaking.

Elansu. Agelmar’s shatayan in Fal Dara. She was black-haired and sharp-faced. There were few men she could not bully—some even said she could bully Agelmar.

Elayne Traemane. An Andoran noblewoman; she was Ellorien’s grandmother, and Elayne Trakand was named after her.

Elayne Trakand. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a potential strength level of 8(+5). Born in 981 NE, she went to the White Tower in 998 NE. After spending less than a year as a novice and less than a year as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 999 NE by Egwene’s decree. Elayne was also Queen Morgase’s daughter, the Daughter-Heir to the Throne of Andor. Her sign was a golden lily. She became Queen of Andor and Cairhien, and participated in the Last Battle.

Elayne had red-gold curls and big blue eyes. Her face was a perfect oval, her lips full and red. About 5'7" tall, a little shorter than Aviendha, she was quite tall for an Andoran woman. Her brother Gawyn was a head taller than she. Elayne was slim, but not too slim; curvaceous but neither overly busty nor under-endowed. She had a dimple in her cheek when she smiled; Mat thought that dimple hadn’t failed her very often in getting her own way. Her voice was not particularly high, but she believed that it was not suited for shouting, for one thing, because in her opinion her shouts came out sounding like shrieks.

As a child she had a nursemaid named Lini, of whom she was very fond; Lini had also been her mother’s and grandmother’s nursemaid.

Although basically a good and decent person, Elayne was the Daughter-Heir of Andor, born to wealth, power, position and prestige. While she was ready to bend (e.g., novice training), she usually wanted and expected her own way, and was really shocked or surprised that she could be hurt even when she had taken a risk. She was quite willing to consult with others, but truly expected the decision to go her way. She was stubborn, but willing to see when or where she was wrong, though often only after a long resistance (as with Thom), and she was not likely to say “you were right and I was wrong,” only to adopt the new position.

Elayne was by nature a peacemaker; she tried to smooth over roughnesses between people. On the other hand, if she was roused, there was no peacemaking in her.

As a commander, she expected those under her to do as they were told. She had a weakness for sweets, especially hard candies, and colorful language. Elayne had the mind of a development engineer: she was not particularly good at discovering new principles, but she was a whiz at figuring new ways to use those already known and at reverse-engineering things. These abilities were particularly well suited to making ter’angreal, and she was the first after the Breaking to be able to do so. She tried to teach others how to make ter’angreal, but no one showed much skill or success in doing so. She had real abilities with weather.

Elayne met Rand at the Royal Palace in Caemlyn when he first arrived there from the Two Rivers. She was already a novice at the White Tower when Egwene and Nynaeve arrived, and they became friends. She tested for Accepted at about the same time Egwene did. She was winkled out of Tar Valon by Liandrin, taken via the Ways to Toman Head, escaped being turned over to the Seanchan and helped to rescue Egwene, who had been captured. She traveled back to the White Tower, leaving again with Egwene and Nynaeve to hunt the Black Ajah on Siuan Sanche’s orders. She traveled with the other two young women to Tear; on the way they met Aviendha. In Tear they stayed with Mother Guenna, who introduced them to Juilin Sandar; he agreed to help them find the women of the Black Ajah, although he was not aware that the women were Aes Sedai. He was caught by the Black sisters and betrayed Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve. The three women were taken prisoner by the Black sisters and jailed in the dungeons of the Stone of Tear. Egwene used her dream ter’angreal ring to work toward freedom; Mat and Juilin arrived and freed them.

After Rand won the Stone, Elayne and Nynaeve then headed to Tanchico, accompanied by Thom Merrilin and Juilin Sandar, aboard the Wavedancer, a Sea Folk ship. Elayne learned that Jorin, the Windfinder, could channel; Jorin taught Elayne how to weave weather, and Elayne taught Jorin how to weave with Fire. In Tanchico, Elayne and Nynaeve met Bayle Domon again and Egeanin for the first time. They learned that the Black Ajah was in the Panarch’s Palace and sneaked in. While Nynaeve fought Moghedien and found the male a’dam, Elayne and Egeanin freed the Panarch. They gave the male a’dam to Domon and Egeanin to drop into the ocean, and tried to make their way back to Tar Valon. In Mardecin, they saw a signal for a Yellow Ajah eyes-and-ears, Ronde Macura. They talked with Ronde, who dosed them with forkroot tea so that they could be taken to the Tower. Thom and Juilin rescued them, and they continued on their way in disguise.

In Sienda they encountered Galad, who wanted to take them to Caemlyn. To escape him they joined Valan Luca’s show; Elayne performed as a tightrope walker. They met Cerandin, a Seanchan who had been left behind at Falme; she gave Elayne an a’dam. Elayne studied it and figured out how it worked and thought that she could make other ter’angreal. After Birgitte was ripped bodily out of Tel’aran’rhiod by Moghedien, Elayne bonded Birgitte as her Warder to save Birgitte’s life. In Samara, Nynaeve asked both Masema and Galad to get them a ship so that they could go to Salidar; although the Whitecloaks fighting the Prophet’s men caused a great riot, they made it to the ship, Riverserpent, and sailed for Salidar. After Nynaeve captured Moghedien, Elayne created an a’dam out of Birgitte’s silver arrow to hold her.

Egwene raised Elayne, Nynaeve, Faolain and Theodrin Aes Sedai by decree when she became Amyrlin, and then sent Elayne, Nynaeve and Aviendha with other Aes Sedai and Mat to Ebou Dar to find the Bowl of the Winds. In Ebou Dar, Elayne and Nynaeve discovered the Kin, made a bargain with the Sea Folk and found the Bowl of the Winds, although they had to fight the Black Ajah and a gholam for it. Elayne, the Sea Folk and the Kin went to the Kin’s farm and used the Bowl of the Winds to heal the weather; just as they were finishing, the Seanchan arrived and they fled through a gateway to Andor. Elayne, who created the gateway, attempted to unravel it; the attacks by Seanchan damane caused her to lose her grip and a great explosion resulted, killing all of the Seanchan and injuring Elayne, Birgitte and Aviendha. Nynaeve Healed them, and they accompanied the Kin back to Caemlyn.

Elayne laid claim to the Lion Throne. Dyelin supported her; Elenia, Arymilla and Naean opposed her, leaving her in need of more Houses to support her. She became first-sisters with Aviendha, who began teaching her Maiden handtalk, though she said it was forbidden.

Dyelin and Doilin Mellar saved Elayne from an assassination attempt; though suspicious of him, she made Mellar the captain of her new group of Guardswomen. When Rand and Min paid a surreptitious visit to the palace, she, along with Aviendha and Min, bonded Rand as a Warder. Elayne and Rand slept together and she became pregnant with twins. After following Mellar to a house on Full Moon Street, Elayne and others surprised some members of the Black Ajah, and were in turn surprised by more of the Black Ajah. Sareitha, Vandene and Careane were killed, and Elayne was captured. With help from the Sea Folk, Birgitte rescued her, killed Asne and captured the other Black sisters and Mellar. At the same time, Arymilla attacked the city of Caemlyn; Elayne joined the battle and won. Pelivar, Luan, Arathelle, Ellorien, Abelle and Aemlyn then went to Caemlyn; all but Ellorien stood for Elayne and she became Queen of Andor.

Elayne made arrangements with the Kin for them to have a headquarters in Caemlyn to help with Traveling and Healing, and arrangements with Mat for use of the dragons and the Band of the Red Hand. She attempted to fool the captive Black sisters and get information from them; she was captured again and stabbed but was Healed and managed to escape. Elayne put forth a claim to Cairhien, and after some political feints won the Sun Throne. When the Trollocs entered Caemlyn through the Waygate at the start of the Last Battle, she set fire to the city and led her troops north, eventually taking over allied command of the campaign against the Shadowspawn.

She was almost killed by Daved Hanlon on the Field of Merrilor, but was saved by Birgitte, already dead but returned as a Hero of the Horn.

Elbar, Zaired. See Zaired Elbar

Elber. A Queen’s Guard at the Royal Palace in Caemlyn who was hired by Gaebril. He was rude and fat with eyes like a rat. He was at the gate of the palace in Caemlyn when Mat attempted to deliver Elayne’s letter to her mother.

Eldar, River. A river flowing east and south from the Mountains of Mist to Ebou Dar and the Sea of Storms. It formed the western boundary of Altara.

Eldase Takashi. A Kandori Kin and a member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. Her strength level was 41(29), not strong enough for her to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. She was fierce-looking and had a temper, though better controlled than when she was young. She had two streaks of white, like plumes, across the top of her head. Born in 665 NE, she went to the White Tower in 683 NE. After spending thirteen years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was put out of the Tower because of her temper, which had made her a severe discipline problem. Cemaile Sorenthaine was Amyrlin then. At the time the Seanchan invaded Ebou Dar, she sold lacquerware to merchants for export. Eldase traveled to Caemlyn with Elayne from the Kin farm.

Eldaya Tolen. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 533 to 549 NE. Eldaya was an Amyrlin of below-average strength, though not entirely weak; she was willing to let the Hall have its way in most things as long as they went along with the manipulations she planned in various countries, which she engaged in more than were usual for the Tower, which is saying a great deal. The result was that the Hall had effective control of the Tower itself and most affairs among the sisters.

Elders, Council of. The ruling body of each stedding.

Eldin clan. A Two Rivers family. See Get, Marce and Whatley Eldin

Eldone Market. A town or village on the other side of the river from Tar Valon in Andor. A guard outside Tar Valon told Verin and her companions that Whitecloaks had tried to move into Eldone Market, but were driven off by Tar Valon soldiers.

Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan. The last Queen of Manetheren and wife of Aemon. She was also known as Ellisande, the Rose of the Sun. Eldrene was so beautiful that it was said the flowers bloomed to make her smile. When Tetsuan betrayed Manetheren out of jealousy of Eldrene and Aemon and his armies were falling to the Shadow’s armies, Eldrene organized the flight of the people of Manetheren into the forests and mountains. From the city of Manetheren, Eldrene felt Aemon die, and her heart died with him. Driven by grief she reached out to the True Source, and hurled the One Power at the Trolloc army. All the Dreadlords burst into flame, and the Trollocs fled. But Eldrene had drawn to herself more of the One Power than any human could wield unaided and as the enemy generals died, so did she; the fires that consumed her consumed the empty city of Manetheren, even the stones of it, down to the living rock of the mountains.

Eldrid Methin. A cook in the Sun Palace in Cairhien. When Loial and Karldin visited, Eldrid talked of how dangerous and deadly Rand was.

Eldrin Cauthon. Mat’s younger sister. She was born in 984 NE. Plumply pretty, she had a grin similar to her sister Bodewhin’s. As children, she and Bode spied on Mat and told their mother everything. She, her mother and her sister were arrested by Whitecloaks and freed by Perrin. During the defense of Emond’s Field, when a Trolloc grabbed Bodewhin, Eldrin thrust a boar spear through its chest.

Eldrin Hackly. A big wagon man who once almost killed Deni Colford. Not normally a rough man, he was very drunk when he tried to break her neck.

Eldrith Jhondar. An Amadician Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in public and of the Black Ajah in truth. She had a strength level of 16(4). Born in 884 NE, she went to the White Tower in 901 NE. After spending twelve years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, Eldrith was raised to the shawl in 920 NE. Her Warder was Kennit; he was not a Darkfriend. She was about 5'4" tall and plump, with a round face and brown eyes and hair. She was a little vague sometimes; she could have risen faster as a student, but she was dreamy and absentminded even then. Eldrith was one of the first thirteen members of the Black Ajah who fled the Tower, killing sisters and Warders and stealing ter’angreal. She went to Tanchico; she disliked having cats in the house and secretly disposed of a number of Marillin’s cats there. She then went to Amador, where the group was co-opted by Moghedien. Moghedien ordered Eldrith, Asne, Temaile and Chesmal to follow her to Samara. Eldrith failed to keep her bond to Kennit masked, and he tracked her down in Ghealdan and tried to kill her. She didn’t want him killed, given the effect that would have on her, so she and her companions fled to Caemlyn hoping to find Elayne, and maybe Nynaeve, both of whom they believed Moghedien very much wanted. Asne, Chesmal and Eldrith were all intimidated by Temaile, who took control over the group despite the fact that Eldrith stood higher in the Power; Temaile’s preparation of Liandrin for her fate had frightened them. Eldrith was not at Lady Shiaine’s house when Elayne and her allies went to arrest the Black Ajah members, but she arrived soon after and helped take Elayne captive. Eldrith was captured when Birgitte and her forces rescued Elayne. When Elayne went to the prison disguised as a Forsaken to try to gain information, Eldrith was not fooled. She was killed by Mellar in the fighting that followed.

Eldros, Nemaira. An Aes Sedai who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.

Elegar, Lord. A minor Andoran nobleman. He was thin-lipped and nervous, at least eighteen years older than Rand. He was one of Gaebril’s sycophants and a Darkfriend, a toady and errand-runner. Elegar retched when Taim was led into the courtyard of the Royal Palace. He fled after Rand and Dyelin reached an accommodation.

Elenar. An apprentice Wise One of the Daryne Aiel. She was the apprentice furthest along in her studies; Amys thought she ought to be encouraged to take the final step to being a Wise One so that she could go to Rhuidean and see if Aviendha’s visions of the world after the Last Battle repeated themselves. Bair didn’t believe she was ready to be a Wise One.

Elenia Sarand. An Andoran noblewoman and the wife of Jarid. He was the High Seat of House Sarand, but all the ambition came from her. She was a shrewish woman about 5'5" tall, with honey hair and a vulpine face. Elenia was a pseudo-populist who in truth despised the common people, though she never actually thought that she did. She believed that a High Seat, or a queen, stood atop a tower, the bottom layers of which were made of the common people; they were of a base clay, but if enough of them crumpled, the tower would fall. She had opposed Morgase during the Succession; Elenia wanted the Lion Throne herself. She seldom missed a chance to point out her knowledge of Andor’s history, especially in areas where not much was known, often adding justifications of her claims to the Lion Throne. She declared for the throne after hearing of Colavaere’s coronation in Cairhien; Dyelin had her arrested and imprisoned. Arymilla freed her, but forced her to sign a letter supporting Arymilla for the throne. After Elayne defeated Arymilla, Elenia was imprisoned; Jarid planned to free her but lost his mind and men. Elayne stripped her of her titles and properties, but intended to give her properties elsewhere.

Eleyan al’Landerin. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah of ancient times. A statue of her and her Warders was located on the southwestern side of Tar Valon.

Elffin, Aleria. An author of humorous tales.

Elfraed Guitama. A leader who tried to seize Hawkwing’s empire after his death. He was the third leader whom Jalwin Moerad, Hawkwing’s advisor, advised shortly after Hawkwing’s death; those three came closest to seizing all of Hawkwing’s empire.

elgilrim. A horned animal. A chair could be fashioned from its horns.

Elidar, Mistress. An alias used by Egeanin in Tanchico.

Elienda. A Maiden of the Spear who accompanied Perrin to Ghealdan. She had wide shoulders, green eyes and graying hair and was about 5'9" tall. Though she looked almost motherly at times, Perrin saw her knock a man down with her fist. She went with Sulin and was killed while taking out the Shaido sentries to the northwest of Malden so the carts could get through.

Elin Warrel. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Born in 953 NE, she went to the White Tower in 971 NE. After spending fifteen years as a novice and fourteen years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 1000 NE. Skinny and short for an Andoran, she was still taller than Moiraine. Elin was on duty in the anteroom of the Amyrlin’s apartments when Gitara had her Foretelling and died. Before being raised, she was the oldest Accepted that Nynaeve knew, and was seen walking with Marris Thornhill and Doraise Mesianos in the White Tower.

Elinde Motheneos. A supporter of Amalasan who tried to free him from the White Tower; he failed and died.

Eliris Mancuri den Rhomin. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of Nine.

Elis. A maid in Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Kandor. She was pale-haired and overly solicitous when escorting Moiraine through the palace.

Elisa al’Seen. A motherly-looking Two Rivers woman. She was the wife of Jac.

Elisa al’Vere. Egwene’s third-eldest sister. She was born in 973 NE and wasn’t allowed to braid her hair until 992 NE. Elisa was given to offering advice and homilies. After Perrin left the Two Rivers, she married a maker of musical instruments from Tarabon who was twenty years older than she, and took to wearing Taraboner clothes when she wasn’t wearing Domani. She also might have been able to learn to channel.

Elisane Tishar. An Aes Sedai at the formation of the White Tower. She was mentioned in public records as the Amyrlin Seat, the first to hold that title, which she apparently had held for at least several years at that point.

Elise Marwin. A girl from Two Rivers with the ability to channel. She was about sixteen, and was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. She was later taken to the rebel camp.

Elise Strang. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 223 to 244 NE. Elise was a very weak Amyrlin who had to literally beg to get most things she wanted from the Hall.

Eliya. A Seanchan morat’raken flying over the Kin’s farm when Elayne and her party were leaving. She fell off the raken and died when the gateway exploded. The woman with her, Chulein, survived.

Ella. Daughter of Soong, mother of Covril, thus Loial’s grandmother.

Ella. A serving woman at The Bunch of Grapes in Cairhien. She informed the innkeeper, Zera, that two of Barthanes’ men had been asking after Thom the previous night.

Ellaine Mariseidin Alshinn. The translator of The Karaethon Cycle: The Prophecies of the Dragon.

Elle. A girl from Watch Hill with the ability to channel who was quite fair-haired for someone from the Two Rivers. She was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. Elle was one of three born with the spark—the other two being Bode and Jancy—who, in Verin’s estimation, would be quite strong.

Ellid Abareim. A beautiful Accepted with golden hair and sapphire eyes. She wanted to join the Green Ajah and bond six Warders. She went to be tested for the shawl shortly after the end of the Aiel War; she never emerged from the ter’angreal.

Ellisande. See Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan

Ellisar, Lord. A nobleman who had an encampment outside Tar Valon west of the River Erinin during the Battle of the Shining Walls. Willa Mandair had given birth to a son in his camp on the day of Gitara’s Foretelling.

Ellisor, Chin. See Chin Ellisor

Ellizelle. A queen of Ghealdan. After the Prophet went to Ghealdan, the nation fell into chaos. King Johanin was killed in a supposed hunting accident, and Ellizelle took the throne. She ordered the army to disperse the crowds that came to see the Prophet, but his followers routed her army. After the humiliating defeat she died of poison; it was said to be a suicide.

Ellorien Traemane. An Andoran noblewoman and High Seat of House Traemane. She was about 5'5" tall, with dark hair and brown eyes, and plumply pretty, or would have been, if not for her determinedly stony face. She was a few years older than Morgase and was Morgase’s first supporter in the Succession. Morgase under Gaebril’s influence exiled her and had her flogged because she demanded to know why she was being exiled. These events poisoned her attitude toward House Trakand and she wanted Dyelin to take the throne. She and three other nobles—Dyelin, Luan and Pendar—met with Rand, when Rand told them he wanted Elayne on the Andoran throne. Even after all the other powerful Houses stood for Elayne, she refused to and left in a fury.

Ells, Lady. A Saldaean noblewoman with the Borderlander forces in the Last Battle. Lan saw her and Agelmar speaking.

Ellya Mowly. A girl child born to Careme Mowly close to the Battle of the Shining Walls.

Elmindreda. A woman in a story who sighed after men, and vice versa, for whom Min Farshaw was named.

Elmindreda Farshaw. Min Farshaw’s full name.

Elmora. A town in Tarabon, west of Serana and the Amadician border. It was about halfway between Tanchico and Amador.

Elnore. 1) Nynaeve’s mother. She was, in Nynaeve’s opinion, a very difficult woman to live with, especially as a mother. Elnore never raised her voice; she didn’t have to. She told people what to do, and they obeyed, even the Coplins and the Congars; she asked, and people complied. The Women’s Circle always asked her to speak first, so everyone else could hear her opinion before opening their mouths. Every woman in the district wanted her advice, and most of the men, too. Elnore never ever lost her temper, but even Doral Barran, the old Wisdom, jumped to apologize as soon as one of Elnore’s rare frowns appeared. 2) Nynaeve’s daughter in her Accepted test.

Elonid, Lydel. The woman in Ebou Dar who purchased The Wandering Woman from Setalle Anan.

Elora. An Ogier. The daughter of Amar daughter of Coura, she wrote Men of Fire and Women of Air.

Elricain Tavolin. A young Cairhienin lieutenant who escorted Rand from Tremonsien to Cairhien. His con was a blue field crossed by two white bars. He wore the front of his head shaved, and it looked as if he had dusted the front with white powder. The farther south they rode, the stiffer he grew, and he spoke disgustedly of the peasants in the Foregate. While riding he used a quirt to move peasants out of the way.

Elsalam. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Elsbet. The queen of the whole world, in a tale from the Age before the Age of Legends. Legend said that she fought wars with Mosk and was the sister of Anla the Wise Counselor.

Else Grinwell. A flirtatious Andoran farmgirl whose family Rand and Mat stayed with while heading for Caemlyn. She went to the White Tower and became a novice before Egwene and Nynaeve, and was soon known as a girl who spent all of her time—including time when she should have been studying—at the Warder’s yards, watching the men practice. Else was very much taken with Galad, as was every other woman in the White Tower, including even Reds, but he did not notice her. She didn’t want to work at learning. Her potential was very low, though, which was the reason the Tower was willing to let her go in under a year. She was impersonated by a Forsaken, and Mat posed as her brother to Rahvin.

Elsie. A maid for House Matherin in Andor, a House loyal to Elayne, who saw a ghost.

Elswell. An Aes Sedai who after the Last Battle told Rodel Ituralde that he had to take the throne of Arad Doman.

Eltring, Lini. See Lini Eltring

Elvaine Martan. A gray-haired Andoran noblewoman who was the wife of Brannin, High Seat of House Martan. They were relatively poor, living in a manor that was more like a large farmhouse. They were loyal to Elayne and brought armsmen to help her win the throne. A third of their armsmen were family.

Elver Shaene. A longboat captain in Cairhien harbor. He was skinny, with only a fringe of gray hair, and wore a coat of Murandian cut. Elver took Rand, Aes Sedai and Asha’man to meet with the Seafolk on the River Alguenya. He told Rand that he was honored, but he was obviously terrified.

Elward, Moria. See Moria Elward

Elwin. A Jenn Aiel boy who lived after the Breaking. His parents were Adan and Siedre; his brothers and sisters were Rhea, Malind, Sorelle and Jaren. Elwin died of hunger at age ten.

Elwinn Taron. The Wisdom of Deven Ride. She was a round person and had a motherly smile that she wore even when she was making people do what they did not want to.

Elyas Machera. A wolfbrother called “Long Tooth” by the wolves, for his knife/shortsword. Elyas was about 5'10" tall, and rawboned, with golden eyes and graying brown hair which hung to his waist, gathered at the nape of his neck with a leather cord. A thick beard fanned across half his chest, and a faint, age-faded scar from a knife ran along his jaw, given to him by a Saldaean woman named Merya. A long knife, almost a sword, hung at his belt. He also carried a bow and quiver. Elyas was born in 943 NE in Tear, the son of poor farmers. In 957 NE, he ran off to the Borderlands seeking adventure. By 959 NE he had become a soldier in Shienar, serving along the Blightborder, and was bonded by Rina Hafden in 965 NE. He met Lan in 969 NE, during the last year of Lan’s training in Shienar. Rina allowed him to go because of the circumstance of his becoming a wolfbrother, but she never freed him, and she masked the bond so he wouldn’t know if she was coming. She may actually have been his wife. Elyas did not really approve of Aes Sedai being apprenticed to the Wise Ones, though he tried to pretend it made no difference to him. Elyas was always uneasy about meeting any sister, since if she recognized him as a renegade, she could very well make his life hell until she could hand him over to Rina. The Seanchan angered Elyas; he didn’t like the idea of leashing women who could channel. His feelings about Aes Sedai, despite his pretense of being rather coldhearted and practical, were very divided, and without much real animus toward any sisters except perhaps Reds. Elyas thought there were some sisters who could do with a swift kick in the rear now and then, but on the other hand, they were Aes Sedai and he was still a Warder.

After Perrin and Egwene became separated from the rest of their party at Shadar Logoth, they met Elyas and his wolf friends. Perrin, Egwene and Elyas traveled with Raen’s band of Tinkers for a time, and then Elyas led them south. After being chased by hordes of ravens, they made it to the stedding where Hawkwing’s great city was to have been and took shelter. When the Whitecloaks arrived, Elyas was injured but escaped, and Perrin and Egwene were captured.

Elyas rejoined Perrin in Ghealdan; Gaul and Elyas became friends after Elyas sneaked up on Gaul undetected. Elyas was much respected by all of the Maidens, too. Elyas counseled Perrin about Saldaean women, and helped in the rescue of Faile at Malden. Just before the Last Battle, he headed north to join the wolves. Perrin encountered him in the wolf dream and told him of Graendal’s Compulsion of the great captains. Elyas and the wolves saved Ituralde’s forces during a Myrddraal attack, and kidnapped him before he could cause too much damage.

Elynde. One of Setalle’s married women friends. Elynde told Setalle that she was not firm enough when Jasfer spoke out of line and that she needed to provide a good example for her daughters.

Elza Penfell. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. A member of the loyalist contingent, she had a strength level of 25(13). Born in 874 NE near the Altaran border, she went to the White Tower in 891 NE. After spending twelve years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 913 NE. Shortly after being raised, she joined the Black Ajah. She was a very dissatisfied woman at that time, because of her slow progress, and had been considered ripe for recruiting for several years. Her Warder was the Darkfriend Fearil; Elza led people to believe that she and Fearil were married so they would not find odd her wish to be private with him. She was 5'5" tall, with brown hair and brown eyes, and was a pleasant-faced woman, usually cool, but fervent, even rabid, when it came to Rand. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Compulsion from Verin, she found a reason to swear oath to Rand; she was one of the first five to do so. She traveled with Cadsuane to Far Madding and then to Shadar Logoth. During the cleansing, Elza linked with Merise and Jahar and used Callandor to fight off the Forsaken; Elza killed Corlan Dashiva, not knowing that he was one of the Forsaken. Under orders from Shaidar Haran, Elza took the Domination Band to Semirhage, who used it on Rand. He touched the True Power, and killed both Semirhage and Elza.

Emain, Renna. See Renna Emain

Emar Dal. A city during the Age of Legends.

Emara. An Illianer Accepted with the rebel contingent, with a potential strength level of 30(18). Born in 968 NE, she went to the White Tower in 985 NE. After spending nine years as a novice she was raised Accepted in 994 NE. A slight woman, she had gray eyes and a quick grin. Her voice was high-pitched. She did not like Siuan and Leane, but aside from that was pleasant. Emara was one of those who tried harassing Siuan and Leane when they first arrived in Salidar; she was made to weep for it. She shared a bed with Ronelle in a room with Mulinda and Satina, a pair of serving women, in the same house with Elayne and Nynaeve in Salidar. She didn’t resent Elayne and Nynaeve’s extra space or the maids. In the bubble of evil, she and Ronelle were wrapped in the bedsheets and had to be unwound, which made her too ill to join the circles to combat it. Egwene called Emara down for not showing proper respect to Theodrin; Emara did not approve of Theodrin’s raising by decree.

Emares, Lord. A Tairen nobleman who fought in the Aiel War. Emares sent Lan word that he was following five or six hundred Aiel, and asked him to form an anvil with his men so that Emare’s men could be the hammer and take out the Aiel. There were actually two thousand Aiel, and though Lan formed the anvil, Emares never showed. The Aiel did not engage, and Lan spoke of his intention to have words with Emares.

Emares, Carniele. See Carniele Emares

Emares, Rosana. See Rosana Emares

Emarin Pendaloan. A Tairen nobleman. He was the younger brother of Algarin; the two were very close. Emarin could channel and was captured by Cadsuane and gentled at the White Tower. He lived for ten years after that; Algarin credited Cadsuane for making that possible. Algarin assumed Emarin’s name when he went to the Black Tower. See also Algarin Pendaloan

Emela. A doll that belonged to Tuon when she was a child. She gave it to Karede for saving her life; he lost it in the Great Fire of Sohima.

Emerald Cliffs. A geological feature of Seanchan.

Emerys. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 22(10). She was about 5'6" tall, with large, pretty gray eyes. She was one of Sevanna’s inner circle. Emerys was one of two Shaido Wise Ones who accompanied Sevanna on her trip to the tents outside Cairhien, where Sevanna tormented Egwene. She went with Sevanna when they saw Rand beaten, and took part in, or at least was present at, the murder of Desaine. At Dumai’s Wells, she went with Therava. She also sided with Therava when Therava took some power from Sevanna.

Emond’s Field. A small one-inn farming village in the Two Rivers. It lay at the juncture of the old Quarry Road, leading from a forgotten quarry somewhere in the mountains, and the North Road. The village was bounded by Westwood on the west and Waterwood on the east. The main street opened out on to the Green, covered with grass. The Winespring on the west end of the Green gushed water to create streams flowing east past the inn to the swampy Waterwood. Two low footbridges crossed the water at the Green, as well as a larger bridge that could accommodate horses and wagons. Most dwellings were frame houses with thatched roofs. Aemon fought his last battle on the site that the town grew upon. While the Two Rivers was technically a part of Andor, the village had not seen a tax collector in six generations, nor the Queen’s Guards in seven. Few people in the Two Rivers knew that they were supposed to be part of Andor, and even those seldom thought about it.

The government in Emond’s Field consisted of the Village Council headed by the Mayor, and the Women’s Circle headed by the Wisdom. The vote for Mayor was by secret ballot; women chose the Women’s Circle by consensus, and they chose the Wisdom the same way. The Women’s Circle always included two or three women from the surrounding area, but the number fluctuated, as did the number of women in the Circle. The Village Council always had the same number of men, and one was always from outside the village, to speak for the surrounding farmers.

Emond’s Field was the hometown of Rand, Mat, Perrin, Nynaeve and Egwene. Trollocs attacked the village in 998 NE, shortly after the arrival of the Aes Sedai Moiraine and her Warder Lan. In 999 NE, the Children of the Light arrived in the Two Rivers and arrested the Luhhans and Natti Cauthon and her daughters. Tam al’Thor and Abell Cauthon escaped being arrested, but were forced into hiding. Trollocs came again to trouble Emond’s Field; the Whitecloaks were of some assistance in fighting them, but were more trouble than they were worth. Perrin Aybara returned and organized a resistance that freed the Whitecloak prisoners and defeated the Trollocs. Perrin became lord of the Two Rivers, much to his surprise and dismay. A large number of refugees from other lands arrived in Emond’s Field, bringing new ideas and customs to the village, and it grew and prospered accordingly.

Emond’s glory. A plant having purple flowers. It was found in the gardens of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.

Emry, Chesmal. See Chesmal Emry

Emry Lewin. A buxom Two Rivers girl with the ability to channel. When she was fifteen years old, she was among the young women recruited by Verin and Alanna whom Rand saw and terrified at Culain’s Hound in Caemlyn. She was later taken to the rebel Aes Sedai camp.

en Shereed, Mabriam. See Mabriam en Shereed

Enaila. A woman of the Jarra sept of the Chareen Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She was about 5'2" tall, which was very short for an Aiel, and was sensitive about it. Her fiery red hair matched her temper. Along with Somara, Enaila was one of the worst of those who mothered Rand, although she was no more than a year older than he. She spent a lot of time guarding him, and her concern for him was evident. She liked jokes, although she didn’t understand Rand’s. Min saw a wreath of some sort for her in Caemlyn. Feran tried to attract her interest, but Leiran, who thought a joke of Enaila’s funnier than his own, succeeded. The other Maidens thought it was really his strong hands that attracted her. She laid a bridal wreath for him during the Last Battle, but she was killed by Trollocs before the marriage took place.

Endara Casalain. Artur Hawkwing’s governor in the province of Andor. Her daughter Ishara was the first queen of Andor.

Endelle, Caren. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 37(25). She was part of the expedition to kidnap Rand; she escaped with Covarla.

Endersole. A village located on the southern border of current-day Cairhien. It was the site of the Battle of Jolvaine Pass, where Artur Hawkwing fought Guaire Amalasan.

Enid. The head cook at The Wandering Woman in Ebou Dar. She was a very round woman with olive skin and dark eyes. Enid wielded a long-handled wooden spoon like a scepter and directed three other people at the cooking and baking. Her marriage knife bore a full dozen stones.

Enkara. A famous battle in the history of the Borderlands, mentioned by Birgitte to Uno.

Enkazin. A skinny Saldaean soldier at the Black Tower. Just short of his middle years, he had a broad nose, tilted eyes and something of the look of a clerk about him, a bit of a stoop as if from hunching for long hours over a writing table. Enkazin was at the gate of the Black Tower when Pevara and the other Red sisters arrived.

Eram Talkend. An Andoran nobleman who was High Seat of his House. His sign was a golden Winged Hand. He supported Elenia Sarand for the Lion Throne.

Eramandos, Medanor. See Medanor Eramandos

Eran. A Saldaean soldier who served under Bashere in Bashere’s first command. Bashere later made him his daughter Faile’s footman. Eran taught her knives and other fighting techniques.

Eri. A member of Jarid Sarand’s personal guard. Eri had been loyal for many years, but became critical of Jarid as his insanity grew. Eri mocked Jarid, and Jarid threatened to cut out his tongue, stripped him of his pay and put him on latrine duty; Eri left the camp.

Erian Boroleos. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 951 NE, she went to the White Tower in 966 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 978 NE. Erian was 5'5" tall, with pale skin and long black hair. Sarene thought of Erian’s face as “pale marble framed by raven’s wings.” Galina lusted after her, though Erian was not aware of this. She was part of the mission to kidnap Rand. When he tried to escape he killed two of her four Warders; Rashan and Bartol survived. Her anger caused her to beat Rand severely before he made his getaway at Dumai’s Wells. She was captured there and named da’tsang, but swore allegiance to Rand. She accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and then to Shadar Logoth, where during the cleansing, she was made to protect the nonchannelers, such as Harine and Moad, a task that did not make her happy. After saidin was cleansed, Erian was part of Cadsuane’s group that rested at the Pendaloan estate in Tear. She was one of many Aes Sedai tasked with maintaining the shield on Semirhage after her capture, and was present when Cadsuane spanked the Forsaken.

Eriff, Demira. See Demira Eriff

Erim. A man of the White Mountain sept of the Chareen Aiel who was clan chief of the Chareen. He was 6'7" tall and weighed about 235 pounds. He had red hair with white streaks, green eyes and a pugnacious jaw. His Wise One was Morena. Sulin thought that Morena had a great deal of influence with him. Erim battled the Shaido in Cairhien, and he participated in the invasion of Illian.

Erinin Inn, The. An inn in Maerone, Cairhien. When Mat and Edorion went there while making the rounds of drinking halls to visit men from the Band, a gleeman was declaiming The Great Hunt of the Horn.

Erinin, River. A river beginning in the far north and flowing south through Tar Valon, Aringill and Tear into the Sea of Storms. See also Osendrelle Erinin and Alindrelle Erinin

Erith daughter of Iva daughter of Alar. An Ogier from Stedding Tsofu. She was shorter than Loial, about eight feet tall, but with the same broad nose and big eyes, the same wide mouth and tufted ears; although her features were more delicate, and her voice was the softer rumble of a smaller bumblebee. Loial met her at Stedding Tsofu and was quite taken by her. She gave him a flower and said that he was handsome. Loial said he thought her ears were beautiful, which was akin to a man saying a woman had beautiful breasts. She, Covril and Haman went looking for Loial; when they found him, Erith and Loial were married. They fought together in the Last Battle.

Eronaile, Mierin. Lanfear’s original name.

Ershin Netari. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of Nine. He fought against the Seanchan; in the last engagement, he was under the command of Semaradrid.

Esandara. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Escanda, Suilin. See Suilin Escanda

Escape, the. The name the Sea Folk used for their exodus from Ebou Dar, begun by Mat releasing a Sea Folk damane, and ending with the death of many people and the destruction of many ships.

Escaralde Hamdey. A Far Madding Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 23(11). Born in 927 NE, she went to the White Tower in 942 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 959 NE. Although she was only 4'10" tall, she seemed to loom by sheer force of will. She was a stubborn woman who refused to believe that anything was beyond her until she had proved it to her own satisfaction. Escaralde was raised Sitter for the Brown in Salidar in 999 NE. Although it was very rare for a woman to be raised Sitter at an age under one hundred, Escaralde, at just over seventy, was the oldest of the Sitters raised in Salidar. She insisted on trying to learn to make ter’angreal when she was not strong enough. Escaralde, Malind and Moria proposed an alliance with the Black Tower.

Eschede, Meidani. See Meidani Eschede

Eselle Najima. A Kandori girl whose mother was interviewed by Moiraine in her search for the Dragon Reborn. A young teen, Eselle had long black hair and blue eyes that were level with Moiraine’s. Her father and brothers had been killed by the Black Ajah.

Esmara Getares. A woman who tried to conquer Andor and re-create Hawkwing’s empire in the War of the Hundred Years. She failed, and spent the last twelve years of her life as the “guest” of Queen Telaisien of Andor. Esmara was later assassinated for reasons unknown.

Esne. A serving woman in Aesdaishar Palace who served Lan when he visited. She had a square face; Lan thought she might be one of the daughters of Anya, another servant in the palace. Edeyn coopted her loyalties.

Esole. A Jenn Aiel child during the Breaking. She was the daughter of Jonai and was still young enough to play with dolls when they left Paaran Disen. She fell ill during their journey, and because there was no Aes Sedai to Heal her, she died.

Espara Soman. A woman from Toman Head who sought refuge in the Two Rivers. She was an herbalist, and sought Faile’s permission to work as a healer. Faile sent her to the Women’s Circle to determine if she was able enough to be apprenticed to a Wisdom.

Essande. Elayne’s maid at the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, chosen after Elayne’s return to Caemlyn. She was slim, dignified, white-haired and slow-moving. She knew the job and did not waste time on chatter; in fact she said little beyond suggesting clothes, and made the same comment every day: that Elayne looked like and reminded Essande of Morgase. She wore Elayne’s Golden Lily embroidered large on her breast, and her gray skirts were trimmed in red. She reserved certain tasks for herself, such as dressing and undressing Elayne. Elayne thought that Essande’s joints ached, though she denied it and refused Healing. Her niece, Melfane, became Elayne’s midwife.

Essanik Cycle. Seanchan prophecies akin to The Prophecies of the Dragon.

Essays of Willim of Manaches, The. An ancient book known by many in the world; the author influenced the Saldaean philosopher Shivena Kayenzi.

Essays on Reason. A book from the Royal Library in Cairhien that Min found intriguing. Its author was Daria Gahand.

Essenia. One of the Ten Nations. Its capital was Aren Mador (later Far Madding); other cities included Delsande and Tear. First Lord Cristol was the ruler at the signing of the Compact of the Ten Nations.

Essonde. A senior der’sul’dam in Ebou Dar. Bethamin asked Renna, when they were checking the kennels, “Do you want to be reported to Essonde for laziness yet again?” and later told Renna to take her writing board to Essonde when she took her own reports to her.

Estair. An Aiel who was a Wise One apprentice to Aeron. She was a slender redhead with serious gray eyes. She seemed to look for rules to obey and always behaved as if a Wise One were watching her, which was odd, considering that Aeron was easygoing for a Wise One. She spoke reverently of the Car’a’carn; Egwene thought she could put on the siswai’aman headband.

Estalaine. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel. She was with Sevanna at Dumai’s Wells and was killed by lightning.

Estanda. A High Lady of Tear. Rand gave Tedosian into her care when he sent Alteima, Tedosian’s wife who had tried to poison him, to Cairhien. An agent of Sebban Balwer working for the Whitecloaks later persuaded Estanda to join Darlin in open rebellion. Merana and Rafela negotiated a settlement with Estanda and the other rebels; that settlement made Darlin king.

Estean Andiama. A Tairen nobleman who was the son of High Lord Torean. He was plain-faced with a large nose and ears and lank hair that fell over his forehead. He looked like a farmer’s son although he was incredibly wealthy. He drank as much as any three men. When he was playing cards with Mat and the cards came to life, he was frightened. Trapped in Cairhien when the Shaido attacked, he and some others managed to escape and went to Rand for help. He joined the Band of the Red Hand and became an officer. Estean was anxious to please Mat, but he was not terribly swift nor bright, although he was not exactly stupid. He was excitable and did not learn from his mistakes. King Roedran of Murandy hired the Band to help him gain control and build an army; Talmanes left Estean in charge of the horse there while they completed their mission and moved north into Andor, because Estean would listen to the more capable Daerid, who was in charge of the foot. In the Last Battle, he led the Band’s cavalry.

Ester Norham. A hairdresser in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn who was uncovered as a spy by Reene Harfor. Reene knew that she wasn’t stealing, but that she had over fifty crowns of gold hidden under her floorboards. Instead of firing her, Reene and Elayne saw that she was given incorrect information.

Ester Stepashin. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 955 NE, she went to the White Tower in 972 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 987 NE. Her father was a shipowner in Illian; she came from a line of shipowners, ship captains and shipbuilders. She was under five feet tall, with large brown eyes, a short cap of dark brown curls and a small, upturned nose. She was cute, almost doll-like, which she did not like having pointed out, any more than she enjoyed anyone referring to her height. Ester arrived in the White Tower a few months before Moiraine and Siuan, but was quickly outstripped by them. In fact, she admired both women, though when Siuan was raised Amyrlin she expressed her doubts concerning Siuan’s youth openly enough to earn her a stiff penance. She did not resent this, having decided that she had indeed overstepped the bounds, that discipline had to be maintained. Ester had one Warder to whom she was married, a man in his early forties, a little younger than she. She was part of the rebel fifth column sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower (aka ferrets). Like all of the sisters chosen for the fifth column, Ester was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. In addition, the general belief was that she harbored resentment because Siuan rose so much faster than she herself did, a belief aided by her comments back then and the penance they earned her.

Estevan Tonarma. A Tairen Lord of the Land sworn to Sunamon. A lanky man, he had a hard jaw, harder eyes and a peremptory manner with servants. He was with the army gathering to invade Illian.

Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu. Her Most Illumined Majesty, By the Blessing of the Light, Queen of Kandor, Protector of the Land, Shield of the North, High Seat of House Materasu. Standing about 5'4" tall, and buxom, with blue eyes and a few gray hairs dusting her black hair, she was stately with a considerable regal dignity. She was born in 946 NE and married Brys Noramaga in 963 NE. It was a love-match in large part, though there was a political consideration, of course. She ascended the Throne of the Clouds in 966 NE. She and Brys had eight children, seven of whom survived. Diryk, their second-eldest son, was killed along with his father in 979 NE. Ethenielle was a wise ruler who considered that her job was to think, lead and command; she left the soldiering to those who had the skill to do so. She married a second time just before the Last Battle; her husband was Tenobia’s uncle, Kalyan Ramsin. She took part in the Last Battle, attached to Lan’s army.

Ethin. An old serving man at Lord Algarin’s manor in Tear. He was bony and white-haired, and had trouble with his joints. Ethin disapproved of Logain’s manners.

Eurian Romavni. The Kandori author of A Journey to Tarabon, a book Egwene used as a guide to Tanchico.

Eval Ramman. Balthamel’s name in the Age of Legends.

Evanellein Lorn. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah in public but of the Black Ajah in truth. Part of the loyalist contingent, she had a strength level of 20(8). Born in 855 NE, she went to the White Tower in 872 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 885 NE and raised Sitter for the Gray in 997 NE. About 5'4" tall with a medium build, she had dark brown hair, which she wore in ever-changing styles, and thought one of her best features. Her eyes were large and brown, which she also took pride in. She wore low-cut dresses because she also admired her bosoms; they were not large, but they had a very good shape. She was very concerned with her looks, and with clothes. Evanellein often wore the latest fashions, though only when they were flattering, as she saw it. She was a fairly pretty woman, though not among the prettiest of the sisters. She was far more concerned about whether other women saw her as beautiful than whether men did, despite the low-cut gowns. She worried about the size of her bottom, though no man who saw it had ever complained; in fact, her worries were all in her head, and her bottom was just fine.

Despite what might have seemed overconcern with her looks and clothes, she had a first-rate mind and was a good mediator, though only fair at negotiation. Evanellein was considered politically very astute even for a Sitter. Before the tensions began among the Ajahs, she used her mediating ability to advantage in the Hall. She stood to depose Siuan, and was a member of the council advising Elaida. Her name was not in Verin’s book, but she disappeared with the other members of the Black Ajah. She was killed by Egwene in Tel’aran’rhiod.

Evard Cordwyn. An Andoran mercenary captain who was hired by Elayne. He was square-jawed and wore a ruby in his left earlobe. A pair of swords on his back indicated he had spent time in Arafel. Arymilla bribed him with gold to turn traitor, and he died from wounds sustained while trying to seize the Far Madding Gate.

Evasni. A Far Dareis Mai who went with Rand to Maradon. She was lanky with dark red hair.

Evelle, Lady. An aunt of Catalyn Haevin. She told Catalyn to leave the swords to men.

Evening Star, The. A respectable inn in Chachin, Kandor, with a female innkeeper. It catered to merchants of middling rank, especially women unwilling to be bothered by noise or rough sorts in the spacious common room. Siuan and Moiraine stayed there while searching for the infant Dragon Reborn.

Ever Victorious Army. The not-quite-accurate name the Seanchan gave their army.

Evin Vinchova. A young Asha’man Dedicated from Kandor. He was a pretty, pink-cheeked lad; Toveine doubted he shaved twice in the week. He was about sixteen years old when he went to the Black Tower. He mistakenly believed Logain and Taim were close until Logain set him straight. He associated himself with Logain, and was with Logain when the latter took Toveine. Evin was angry about two recruits, boys of maybe fourteen years, among the Two Rivers men. Logain told them all to watch out for the Two Rivers men, but not too much, so the others wouldn’t turn on them. Evin was trapped in the Black Tower by the dreamspike and captured and broken by Taim’s men. He was Turned to the Shadow, but his taint madness made him vulnerable to paranoia, which Androl used to make him attack Abors, another Darkfriend Asha’man. Taim killed Evin.

Evon. The cook in the Arene household in Amador. He was fat and balding, and Liandrin thought he had piggy eyes. Liandrin didn’t like him looking at her, so she spoke sharply to him and made sure he sweated bullets while avoiding looking at her. Once she was turned over to his employer for punishment by Moghedien, though, he was not only able to do considerably more than look, he was encouraged to do so.

Ewal Coplin. A young man in Emond’s Field. Rand once punched him in the nose for making fun of his gray eyes. When the Whitecloaks first came to the Two Rivers, Ewal liked them, but he later accompanied Luc to tell them that Emond’s Field was closed to them.

Eward Aybara. Perrin’s stout paternal uncle. He and his wife Magde had three children. Fain killed them along with the rest of Perrin’s family, although it was believed that they were killed by Trollocs.

Eward Candwin. A stout cooper from Emond’s Field. During the Trolloc attack on Winternight, he received a slash down his back; Moiraine Healed him. He later took part in the defense of Emond’s Field.

Eward Congar. An Emond’s Field man who looked down his nose at others. He once fell off the Wagon Bridge and had to tramp home dripping wet, which took him down a peg for a month or so. Eward sucked up to the Whitecloaks when they came to the Two Rivers.

Ewin Finngar. A young man from Emond’s Field. Ewin shared the news of Moiraine and Lan with Mat and Rand; Moiraine gave him a silver penny. When Perrin returned to the Two Rivers, Ewin had grown a great deal, and helped Perrin in the defense of Emond’s Field. Later, with Dav Ayellin and Elam Dowtry, he ran off to see the world.

exchanger. A hollow cylinder from the Age of Legends found in Sammael’s room by the Asha’man. It kept the air pleasantly cool. The user had to supply the power, but his or her presence was not required to keep it running.

Exile, Long, the. See Long Exile, the

Eyal in the Marches of Maighande. A battle from Mat’s memories.

Eye of the World, the. A concentrated pool of pure saidin, created by Aes Sedai, using both saidin and saidar, during the Breaking. Many Aes Sedai died in its making. It was ultimately located in the Blight and guarded by the Green Man. It was destroyed when it fulfilled its purpose related to the Dragon Reborn.

Eyeless, the. See Myrddraal

eyes-and-ears. Each Ajah had informants, networks of agents in various parts of the world. In addition, some individual Aes Sedai had personal networks of varying sizes, and there was also an Amyrlin’s network. Some of these agents sent messages by merchants’ trains, others via pigeon. These informants were not very numerous, and were all extremely cautious, as it would not have been very healthy to be discovered working for Aes Sedai. Because of these informants, Tar Valon sometimes learned of events before closer cities, but because they were scattered, few and cautious, most information reached Tar Valon slowly, by more usual methods. News traveled faster in spring and summer than in autumn or winter, which was the slowest of all. Snows, rains and storms could all slow the speed of news.

Eyndel. A member of the Band of the Red Hand. In one of their attacks on the Seanchan, Mandevwin ordered Admar and Eyndel to take their crossbowmen up the north slope of a hill, where they would face off against Seanchan lancers.
