Of all the responses she had expectedtricks, lies, forcethat had never been one of them. “Dont taunt me!

“Im not. He was tracing his finger over the ridges of her ear, touching her as he always did, as if he couldnt stop, couldnt get enough.

“Its crazy, she said. “I wont.

“You know, Allegra, he said wryly. “Most women, upon being told they are to become a queen, dont say, Its crazy. I wont.

“Dont be cruel.

“Making you queen is cruel?

“You cant make me a queen. You arent a king.

“Consort to the Prince Regent, then. Its essentially the same thing. His voice lightened. “Unless you plan on marrying the atajazid. Then you could be queen.

“This isnt funny.

“Taking you as my wife isnt supposed to be funny.

“And you just had this idea?

“Actually I decided this morning after we made love. After a moment, he said, “No, I think I decided when you threw wine in my face.

Allegra blinked. “That makes no sense.

“I know. Markus sounded as confused as she felt. “Nothing about my reactions to you makes sense. He rested his cheek on top of her head. “I need to marry someone. I am thirty-six years old and have no heirs. Youre a good choice.

“I cant imagine one reason why I would be a good choice.

“Youre perfect, he said. “A man in my position needs a woman who will give him strong, tall, intelligent sons. Thats how we pick our wives. Its why all the men of the House of Onyx are strong, tall and intelligent.

“Well, goodness, she said. “That was a moving declaration of love. Then she added, “Besides, Im neither strong nor tall.

He rubbed his cheek on her hair. “I like your size. You fit just right with me. And strength can be of character rather than physique. A man should marry a woman who makes him more than he is. As much as I hate it, you do that, even when I wish you would be quiet.

She felt as if she were sinking into a quagmire. “Im not a brood mare. And Im not a mirror for your reflection.

“You see, no one else would dare tell me that. I wouldnt tolerate it from anyone else. He blew out a gust of air. “With you, I dont know what happens. Something is wrong with me. I would think you used a spell, but you obviously hate me, so why enchant me? None of this is sensible. Yet I cant think of anything else. Only a few days with you, and Im turned upside down.

“You want to marry someone who hates you?

“Apparently so.

How did she feel about him? He angered herand made her laugh. Just when she was convinced he was hopeless, he would surprise her with his sensitivity. She could see the true leader in him, not the hard exterior he presented to his men, the severity his culture demanded, but a greater man within. And yes, she desired him. He was the most sensuous man she had ever met. Unfortunately he was also the most overbearing and arrogant.

“Im afraid of you, she said. “And I hate the way you control everything I do. But II dont hate you.

“Its a beginning, he murmured. “Maybe in time youll come to care.

In time. He had never intended to offer her a choice. She felt as if walls were closing in. “You let me think I could leave.

“If you could convince someone to help you. He held her close, one hand on her stomach under the blanket and the other around her shoulders. “I doubt any sane man in Jazid would help my consort leave. Hed know I would execute him.

“Markus, no! You mustnt.

“I would kill any man who took you away from me. He lifted her chin so she was looking into his face. The moon had set, leaving only a cold brilliance of stars to silver his features. “When we see the atajazid, Ill ask for his blessing. Then Ill march our men into Taka Mal and put the atajazid on the Topaz Throne. When weve added their army to our own, well drive Cobalts forces out of Jazid and retake the Onyx Throne. For my king. My brother. The boy I swore to protect. We will do this, Allegra, and you will sit by my side.

“No! I dont want any part of it.

“Yet you have one. His voice quieted. “When Im with you, it changes me, and I dont like it, but for some reason I dont want it to stop.

“Why? Why me?

“I dont know. He touched his fingers to hers under the blanket. “You challenge me. You defy me. You demand I be more than I am. And yes, damn it, I want you so much, I cant think when youre near me.

She felt as if she were drowning. “I cant handle this.

“Youll have a good life, anything I can provide.

“I want to provide for myself. Not be your bird in a cage.

“But youre a beautiful night bird. He brushed back a curl that had straggled into her face. Then he leaned against the wall, holding her in the warmth generated by his body. “Sleep if you can. Tomorrow Ill have the documents prepared.

“You want to sleep here?

He chuckled. “My tent is full of smelly, snoring men.

Allegra smiled wanly. She couldnt sleep in this place of stone, especially not after what he had just told her. Yet despite everything, almost the moment she leaned into him and closed her eyes, a blanket of exhaustion settled over her.

Cold prickled Allegras face, bringing her awake. The blanket had slipped off, and the nights chill bit into her. She and Markus had slumped to the ground, she with her back against his front, he with his arms around her. A stone ridge jutted into her thigh, and she tasted dust. She lifted her head, remembering what Markus had told her. Consort. It seemed little different from pleasure girl, except their children would be legitimate. She had a feeling that mattered a great deal to him.

Markus was asleep, perhaps an aftereffect of her spell or maybe simply because exhaustion had overcome his insomnia. In slumber, his face relaxed, gentling his features, bringing out the beauty that his normal visage disguised. Such a handsome man. Confusing, though. She didnt understand why he wanted her. Insulting him seemed to have had the opposite effect from what she had intended.

She lifted her hand to touch his face, then stopped. Yesterday he had given her pleasure. She may not have fully realized it was him until they were nearly finished, but at some level she had known it wasnt Tanner in her dream. She had yet to sort out how she felt about it. That didnt matter, though, for he was fast asleep and she wasnt, which meant she could leave. She stood up and headed for the entrance to the hollow. She needed to find a shape and sing his guards to sleep.

“Allegra? Markus pushed up on his elbows. “Bah, he grumbled. “I have dust in my nose.

She stopped halfway to the edge of the hollow.

“Ive a guard at the top of the path, he said, watching her. “And I checked myself. No curves, circles or spheres are anywhere on top of the Anvil. Nothing except you, me and rocks.

She went back and knelt next to him. “You have dust in your nose because we slept in the middle of the wildlands.

He pushed at his bangs, tangling them on his forehead. A whiff of his soap drifted to her. At least he kept clean. Given the way some of his soldiers smelled, she appreciated such favors. She would have liked to dump the rest of them in a big tub.

“Why are you smiling? Markus asked. “Its luminous, like seeing the sun at night.

Allegra touched her lips, surprised to find them curved. “I was thinking your men needed baths.

He laughed quietly. “Probably. Stretching his arms, he cracked his joints. “Itll be dawn in less than an hour. We should get back.

Allegra didnt move. For once, he wasnt pressuring her. Without that influence, she might find out if what had happened yesterday was a fluke. Did she want him? Maybe it was only the miradella affecting her, but she wanted to know. Before she had time to change her mind, she leaned forward and kissed him.

Markus went very still. For a moment, he didnt react. Then he put his arms around her and pulled her forward until she was straddling his lap, her knees on either side of his body. When she felt his erection through his trousers, a mixture of arousal and panic flickered through her.

Just see what happens. It wouldnt change her wish to go home, but her life with him would be so much more bearable if she didnt feel forced every time he came to her as her husband.

Markus opened the jerkin and slid one hand around her waist, but he kept her in his lap with the blanket around her body. She held him close, her arms around his torso, and breathed in his scent, soap and musk. He smelled good, even his sweat. She was too nervous to know what to do, but her lack of experience didnt seem to bother him. He grasped her hips and rubbed her against his erection while he dusted kisses down her neck. When he reached down to unfasten his trousers, though, she caught his hand.

She tugged up the hem of his undershirt. “Take this off.

He regarded her with a drowsy, sensual gaze. Bedroom eyes. “You really want me to undress?

When Allegra gave a shy nod, he pulled the undershirt over his head. His muscles flexed in the process, and watching them, she felt warmer than she had all night. He lifted her off his lap, setting her at his side, and pulled off his boots and trousers. He started to pull her back into his lap, but she put her hand against his shoulder.

“Lie down, she murmured. “On your back.

“Why? He kept trying to lift her to straddle him. His eyes were only half-open, and his breath was coming faster.

“I want to look at you, she said.

“You do?


“Oh. He seemed startled, then intrigued. “All right.

He spread out the ocelot blanket and lay down on his back. Starlight sheened his body. Allegra sat next to him, supporting her weight on one arm, and took in the sight as if he were a draught of wine: his wide shoulders, muscular chest and flat stomach. His erection in its nest of black curls. She had never realized an aroused man looked that way, and it excited her.

“Youre beautiful, she said.

Markus groaned as if she were tormenting him. He rolled on his side and pulled her down onto her back. As he stretched out on top of her, he pushed apart her thighs. Even with the miradella affecting her, she wanted to pull away. She had never felt attractive, yet he treated her as if she were irresistible temptation. He got up on his knees, drawing her with him, until he was sitting on his haunches with her thighs on either side of his hips, her back arched over his arm and her head hanging back, leaving her nipples pointing upward like an invitation. He suckled her breasts, and ripples of sensation went through her.

“Markus, please. She didnt know whether she was asking him to slow down or go faster.

“Thats it, kitten, he whispered. “Stay with me. He brought her up and embraced her, then he lifted her hips and brought them down, entering her. She held on, hugging him while they rocked together, slowly at first, then faster. She kept building, wanting him more, until she couldnt take it any longer.

When Allegra cried out, Markus groaned into her hair and laid her down, on her back, lowering his body on top of her, still moving, steady and fast. He gave a final, huge thrust and pinned her to the ground while his hips jerked. Then, with an exhale, he collapsed on top of her.

Allegra closed her eyes as the tremors in their bodies subsided. For a while she didnt think. She felt languorous. Content. Eventually he slid over to her side and laid his head next to hers. “Beautiful night bird, he murmured. “So lovely.

She rolled her head against his. “I cant be both a bird and a kitten. Cats hunt birds.

“Then Im a satiated lion. He pulled the blanket over them, throwing his leg across hers so they could both fit under the half of it they werent lying on.

As Allegra drifted, Markus lay still, breathing deeply. He gave a snore, then jerked his head and mumbled, “Mustnt sleep. After a while, he sighed. “We have to go.

Markus slowly sat up, letting the blanket fall over Allegra. She watched him dress, wondering if he had any idea what aesthetic things his muscles did when they flexed. When he reached for the jerkin, though, she tugged it away.

“Its so cold, she said, sitting up so she could pull the jerkin around her. “And I cant get that skirt on.

“You can keep the jerkin. I have a lot of them. He smiled at her. “Ive never removed my clothes that way with a woman. It was odd. But pleasant. I love the way your skin feels on mine.

“You never undress when you make love?

“No man does.

“Of course they do!

“Not in Jazid.

“Why ever not?

He started to answer, then stopped. “Youll get mad at me. And right now I feel quite fine. I dont want to argue.

So it was one of those things. “Is this something you came up with, or something thats true for all men here?

“All men. His smile turned languid. “Though I doubt Im the first to discover how pleasant breaking that custom can be.

Well, the customs of a country werent his fault. “I wont get mad at you.

“Humans wear clothes, he said. “Animals dont.


“You said you wouldnt get mad.

“You take mine off when you make love to me. In fact, he was always taking them off.

“Men are human.

“And women are animals? It was astonishing that he could actually look her straight in the eye and spout such horse manure.

“Legally a woman is above a goat but below a horse.

“I cant believe you said that.

“Ah, night bird, lets not argue. He drew her into his arms, sitting side by side with her.

She pushed back from him, her palms against his shoulders. “You just called me an animal.

“It is Jazid law, he said firmly.

She glared at him. “Yes, well, then men must be below pigs.

His grin flashed. “Oink.

“Oh, stop.

“Allegra, of course I think youre human. He tried to pull her back. “But the laws have been with us for centuries.

Although she kept her hands on his shoulders, this time she didnt push back. “Its about control. If youre dressed and Im not, it makes me vulnerable.

“I suppose. If we were attacked, I would be better prepared to defend us.

“Attacked? She gaped at him. “You think youre likely to be attacked when youre with a woman?

“Of course. A man is vulnerable then. He shrugged. “I never thought much about it. I just like being dressed when youre not.

“But why?

“Maybe for the reasons you said. Your vulnerability is erotic.

“For you, maybe. Not me. She lifted her hands, then dropped them in frustration. “Its this country. Its too harsh, too cold. It hurts all of you, even if you cant see that.

“Contrary to what you think, Im not a blind idiot.

“Markus, I dont think youre an idiot. If he wasnt so smart, it would be easier to escape.

“Gods, he said. “One and a half compliments in one night. Ill fall over in shock.

“One and a half?

He murmured in her ear. “First you say I have a beautiful body. Now you tell me Im not stupid. The second counts as half.

She smiled. “Id better be careful. Youll get cocky. As if he wasnt already the cockiest man she had ever met.

He stared pensively past her at the night beyond the hollow. The hint of dawn showed in the lightening of the eastern horizon. “The thing is, I see the problems we have in Jazid, but not a solution. Except to conquer Taka Mal.

“How does it solve Jazids problems to attack Taka Mal? she asked. “I dont understand why men always think they have to kill each other.

His voice softened. “Youre so naive.

She frowned at him. “Calling people like me naive is the excuse kings always give for not finding peaceful alternatives.

“Tell me, how many people do you think live in Jazid?

She blinked at his change of topic. It didnt sound like he was evading her comments, though just coming at them obliquely. She considered his question. Although Jazid was huge, it consisted mostly of inhospitable peaks or the killing desert. Beyond these mountains, a barren wasteland went on and on, a place where no one lived or traveled, until many leagues in the east it met the sea. From the geography she taught her students, she knew most of the population lived in the western edge of Jazid, either as nomads or scattered among villages. They had no centralized capital like Crofts Vale in Aronsdale or the legendary city of Quaaz in Taka Mal.

“The population is about a million, isnt it? she asked.

Markus gave a bitter laugh. “You arent even close.

“I thought I had heard that number.

“We let people believe it, he said. “But its closer to one hundred thousand.

She stared at him. “For the entire country?

“Its a hard land. No one wants to come here. Especially not women, and without women you cant have children. He let out a breath. “Our infant mortality rate is the highest of any country because we have the fewest healers and midwives. We have no guilds to train doctors, as you do in Aronsdale, so we have no doctors. Girl babies die more than boys because boys get better care. Most people never question that bias, and I think many dont see it. Girls who survive into adulthood are sold. More die in childbirth than in any other country because of our execrable medical system. And some situations He stopped.

“Yes? she asked.

He spoke tiredly. “If a man loses a woman due to mistreatment, the law considers it the same as if his livestock dies.

“Thats horrible.

“Im not defending it. He shook his head. “But you have to understand, many of my people feel the way you live in Aronsdale is perverse, like giving inheritance rights to animals.

Saints almighty. “Is that what you think?

He touched her cheek. “No. Youre very human to me.

Berating him for centuries of traditions wouldnt solve anything. He was a product of all that he described, yet he seemed able to step outside of it and look at the effects.

“Im surprised your women dont run away, she said.

“Some do, he admitted. “A few go to Aronsdale, but most choose Taka Mal because the cultures are similar. The numbers that leave arent huge, but its enough to increase our imbalance. Weve had very few wars in modern times. Except for the losses in the Battle of the Rocklands two years ago, none of our men die in combat.

“Thats an awful way to balance a population.

“Yes. It is. He rubbed his eyes. “Now consider this. Our brutal, inhospitable land has incredibly rich deposits of jewels and minerals. We supply almost all the gems and precious ores in the settled lands. But without anyone to mine them, what good does it do us? Hell, my father used to give away huge tracts of land to anyone who would immigrate. In return, they gave him twenty percent of their profits. Even with that, it is the most lucrative trade in any land. Do you have any idea of the wealth owned by some Jazid miners? We have a constant influx of men. Some return to their own countries when theyve made their fortune, but many stay.

“So the imbalance grows.

He nodded. “If it happened only in one or two generations, it wouldnt be a disaster. But this has gone on for centuries. He leaned his head against hers. “Seventy thousand men live here. Most are old enough to want a woman. Those with power and wealth have first choice, and many take the younger women, which leaves a population of angry, restless young men. This, in a country with thirty thousand women, less than ten thousand of marriageable age. You do the math.

“Its impossible, she said. “Jazid cant survive.

“So you see. Taka Mal also has an imbalance, but their population is forty-five percent female. And theyve over two million people. He lifted his head and looked over the desert, toward the border. “The solution is obvious. We conquer Taka Mal.

“Markus, listen. You cant destroy all those peoples lives, killing their men and taking their women. She wanted to shake his shoulders. “The obvious solution is to change what causes the problems. Treat women like human beings. Give them a reason to stay. Make Jazid a place where men are willing to bring their families. Instead of spreading the problems to other countries, why the bloody hell dont you try to solve them?

He met her gaze, his own dark and angry. “Why should we be the ones to change? Taka Mal betrayed us, and my father died. They live as if they are right and we are wrong, and who the bloody hell are you to say thats true? To us, your people are immoral.

“Thats crazy.

“Why is what I believe crazy and what you believe right? He exhaled and went on in a quieter voice. “I see why you hate this way of life, even if sometimes I seem as dense as that proverbial pig. But even if I wanted to change Jazidand Im not convinced I shouldI cant just decree it to happen. Taka Mal has taken centuries to reach the point where they are now, and her people have resisted every step of the way. Their queen seeks even more changes, but she walks an edge and she could fall so easily. She knows that. She takes great care in changes she brings about, maybe even more than a man because she faces such hostility for holding a throne in a country where traditionally women have had much less power than men.

Allegra knew she was out of her depth. In her short life, she hadnt thought much about politics even in her own country. “You need a wife with the experience to sit by your side and help you. Not a girl some nomads found in the woods.

“Youre exactly what I need. He gave a wry smile. “Youll berate me every time I make a decision you think is stupid. I may even have to admit youre right.

“I dont want that role.

“I know. But you have it.

“No! When it came to nations and dynasties and wars, what could she say? The last crisis she had dealt with had been an argument between two dairymaids that her mother asked her to help settle so the girls would go back to work. “Im no queen, Markus.

He watched her pensively. “Do you know why I want to marry you when Ive never wished to take a wife before? It isnt only that Ive never desired a woman as I do you. Its not even your mage abilities, though that turned out to be one hell of an extra. Other women I took to my bed thought aboutwell, I dont know. It was hard to talk to them. They spent a lot of time making themselves beautiful and trying to please me, but they had so little to say. What they desired most seemed to be riches, pretty baubles and an ease of life. What do you say? That I need a woman by my side who can help me with the problems Jazid faces. That, Allegra, is why you should be my wife.

She didnt know how to answer. She had thought he wanted a woman who spent all her time trying to please him. This wasnt the unfeeling overlord she had seen in the auction tent. Behind that facade lived a man of intelligence and courage. And he had chosen her as his queen.

She spoke quietly. “You should tell the atajazid how you feel about the problems Jazid faces. Youre his guardian, yes?

“So will you be, after were married.

That threw her. “Im not qualified.

“You mentioned something last night about reading to your students. Do you teach children his age?

“Well, yes. But thats not the same.

“It doesnt need to be. He stretched out his arms. “If we are going to see him today, we should get going.


“Yes. Then he said, “Today youll meet the most fortunateand unfortunatechild in the settled lands.

Allegra didnt realize they had reached their destination until Markus indicated a large ridge that cut across their path. It buckled up into the bright daylight like a fat wrinkle in the land. Beyond it, the Fractured Mountains rose as if the Shadow Dragon had thrown them down from the sky, cracking them against the desert in gigantic broken spires.

“The atajazids camp is on the other side, Markus told her.

Camp. Allegra suspected the boy had many soldiers with him, perhaps as many as rode with Markus, possibly even more.

Sitting astride Shadow with Allegra in front of him, Markus rode up the slope. The air smelled different than in Aronsdale, more arid, wilder. The wind increased near the top of the ridge and tossed her hair against Markus, a bright contrast to the sun-darkened skin of his arms. His company rode around them, and the thunder of hooves on the stony ground vibrated through her. It seemed to come from everywhere, growing louder each moment. After the silence of the last three days, the noise was unsettling. She would have thought a freak thunderstorm had hit the land, but the washed-out sky remained relentlessly clear.

They reached the top of the ridge.

Markus reined in Shadow and surveyed the land below. His company halted, as well, fanning out around and behind him. Allegra stared outand felt the blood drain from her face.

They had come upon an ocean of soldiers. Men filled the land, from the bottom of this ridge to the distant base of the Fractured Mountains. Humanity swirled around great, jagged columns of stone in rivers of people.

“Saints almighty, Allegra said.

“Thats my little army, Markus said.

She gave a ragged laugh. “Little?

A fierce satisfaction saturated his voice. “About three thousand men. Another five hundred tenders. He raised his hand, and when he gave a shout, his company surged down the ridge. Two color bearers rode up to flank him, each carrying a flag with the gold dragon of Jazid on a field of red and black triangles. They rode gorgeous, long-legged Jazidian Blacks, the most coveted horses in the settled lands. Allegra had never known anyone who could afford such a spectacular animal. But then, these were the people who bred and raised them.

Markus untied Allegras robe and pulled it off her shoulders.

“Dont! She grabbed at the robe. “Everyone will see.

“Thats the point. He tugged off the robe and tossed it to Izad, who was riding on their left, behind the flag bearer.

Allegras face burned. She had on nothing except fur boots, a translucent violet skirt that barely reached her thighs, and a skimpy halter encrusted with jewels. Gold bands circled her upper arms, and a gold collar curved around her neck. Markus wore a black jerkin and trousers, boots, a belt encrusted with gold and a huge sword on his back. A massive armband circled his left bicep. It all felt surreal to Allegra, as if some capricious trickster had thrust her into this world of violent, barbaric splendor.

He displayed her like a trophy. No, not “like. She was his trophy. Bah. She had hoped she might use the armbands or collar for spells, but with his savvy intellect, he had guessed that if he bent the shapes until he distorted the curve, it rendered them useless. Even without the distortion, the armbands wouldnt have worked because they didnt form a complete circle, and she couldnt fix the collar because she couldnt take it off. He might have decided to call her a queen instead of a slave, but she saw no difference in how he treated her.

However, he apparently hadnt guessed she could use shapes besides curves. She kept a lookout for boxes or similar forms she could touch. She had tried with the faceted gems on her clothes, but either they werent ideal enough shapes or she didnt have the skill for such unusual forms.

They passed sentries, men in leather and metal armor. High on the rock pillars, more sentries stood with bows and arrows. It didnt surprise her that the soldiers wore only short leather kilts with jerkins, thin robes over their clothes, and hoods or scarves for their heads. In this heat, they had to protect their skin, but anything more could cause heatstroke. In the basin, the army overflowed the land, men, horses, carts and tents everywhere. The soldiers saluted Markus as he rode past.

“So many people, Allegra said.

“Before the war, my father had five thousand, he said. “Taka Mal lost many men, too. They have about two and a half thousand left, and also a thousand men that Emperor Cobalt moved from Jazid to Quaaz in Taka Mal. He ruffled her hair. “Youll like the Topaz Palace in Quaaz. Its beautiful, especially the mosaics.

She didnt want to hear that, for she would see that palace only if his army took the Topaz Throne for their boy-king.

Yargazon rode up alongside them. “Its good to be back, he said to Markus. He glanced at Allegra with eyes as hard as onyx, then looked away as if dismissing a detail of no consequence.

Allegra wished he would leave. Ever since she had touched his mood and felt that terrifying mix of hatred and lust, she had wanted to stay as far from him as possible.

“We need to bring in the outlying companies, Markus said. “We should be ready to ride soon.

“Two years was a long time, Yargazon said. “It will be a relief to take action.

“A long time to wait for vengeance.

“Your father was a man above all others, Yargazon said. “His name will be remembered.

Markuss voice warmed. “My brothers, too.

Although Allegra couldnt see Markuss face, she could almost hear his smile. She had thought he might resent the boy who had inherited the throne that should have been Markuss by the timing of his birth. It sounded, though, as if he genuinely liked his brother.

“Indeed, Yargazon said. “Did you know he bested Major Gaizz at sword practice last month? Hes going to be as good as your father. Maybe better. The General shook his head. “Cobalt was lucky to defeat Ozar. Your father was an unparalleled swordsman.

“It wasnt luck, Markus said. “I saw their fight. Saints, Dusk, Ive never seen a man move as fast as Cobalt. It was unreal. He put out eleven of my fathers men first. Granted, he was on horseback and they were on foot. But it was unnatural. He seemed to know where they would strike before they moved.

Yargazon rubbed his chin. “You arent the only one who has said the way he fights seems unnatural.

“People claim his wife is a sorceress. Markus set his hand on Allegras shoulder. “I suppose he could be a warlock.

Yargazon laughed curtly. “Im sure the kings of Aronsdale would like to hear you say that, with all their nonsense about their wives being mages.

“Maybe it isnt nonsense, Markus said.

Allegra felt as if a band were constricting around her chest. She wished he would stop talking about it with Yargazon.

“Then why havent they overrun the settled lands with these mage queens of theirs? Yargazon shook his head. “Youve seen how weak Aronsdale men are. They let their women drain their vitality. He glanced at Allegra, and his mouth tightened. “A man must take a strong hand with such a woman.

Markus wound his hand in Allegras hair and jerked back her head so she was looking up at him. “What do you think of that, night bird?

She tried to pull away her head, but he kept his hold, forcing her head back. “Dont, she said.

“Dont what? Markus said, his gaze dark, his smile cold.

“Dont pull my hair. It hurts.

“Then be respectful, he murmured.

She wanted to slap him. “Dont, please, she said through gritted teeth.

Markus chuckled and let go of her hair. “Dusk, I do believe she doesnt like me.

Yargazon smiled, an expression far uglier than most scowls. “Good. You must be stern with her.

Allegra wanted to spit in Yargazons face. She even started to gather the saliva. Then she thought, Choose your battles wisely. If she spit at him, he would expect Markus to punish her, and Markus obviously didnt want to lose face. The result wasnt worth the energy the fight would take from her. So she swallowed the saliva. But Markuss behavior hurt, especially after how tender he had been with her this morning. In those moments, she had seen him in a different light, a man she could honor, perhaps even feel affection for. She had been a fool.

Get over it, she thought, angry at herself. She wanted him to be different because if she didnt escape this mess, she could be with him for the rest of her life. He had told his top officers he intended to marry her, but she had yet to see any documents changing her status. Of course none of them expressed open disapproval. She could tell, though, that Yargazon thought she didnt deserve the title.

Allegra couldnt imagine Markus as the husband she had dreamed ofa friend, partner and confidant. A lover, yes; even now, thinking of his hands on her body aroused her. But it wasnt enough. He wanted a prize. A trophy. She wanted a life.

Markus indicated a cluster of men riding in their direction. “Dusk, look. Its Ozis honor guard. His arm brushed Allegras cheek, and the faint smell of his sweat wafted over her.

Ozi? It sounded like an odd name for someone who merited an honor guard. “Who is Ozi? she asked.

Markus spoke near her ear, his breath stirring her hair. “You may never use that name. Unless he gives you permission.

She crossed her arms. “Well, since I have no other name, I cant call him anything else, can I? He was probably talking about his brother, but she wasnt going to acknowledge anything after the way Markus had treated her.

“God of the Dragon, Yargazon said. “Markus, just hit her.

Markus lifted his head. “Well, its true, you know. She doesnt know who were talking about.

“Its irrelevant, Yargazon said. “You need to teach her respect. Better yet, teach her not to speak at all.

“And you need to learn to speak to me, Allegra told him, “instead of talking about me as if Im not here.

Yargazons face hardened as he jerked up his arm. He caught his reflex before he landed the blow, but his icy gaze terrified her. If Markus hadnt been here, she had no doubt the General would beat her senseless.

“Allegra. Markus spoke in a low voice. “Not now. He motioned toward the approaching retinue. “They are part of the bodyguard for His Magnificence, Ozarson Falcon Onyx, Atajazid DAz of the House of Onyx, the Shadow-Dragon King. In a lighter tone, he added, “My little brother.

“Oh. She had no argument with their atajazid; he had done nothing to her. She felt sorry for him. Given the boys pivotal role in the politics of the settled lands, many powerful leaders wanted to find him, most so they could kill him. He was a threat to everyone: Cobalt the Dark, Queen Vizarana of Taka Mal, King Jarid of Aronsdale, and saints only knew who else.

“Come, Markus said. “Let us go meet the true king of Jazid.
