In the sunset, the Pyramid Foothills resembled ruddy towers. The armies made camp across the border from Taka Mal where the Saint Verdant River turned south. The Rocklands of Taka Mal lay to the east. The main battle of the Sun-Dragon War had been fought there, but now the rocky plains lay empty and barren, blistering during the day and icy at night. Tomorrow the armies would travel northeast, cutting across a corner of the Rocklands and venturing deep into Taka Mal, headed for Quaaz.

Allegra expected Cobalt to insist she remain in the custody of his army, but Jarid convinced him to let her stay with Aronsdale because he had given her asylum. The tents used by the Aronsdale army were far less opulent than their desert counterparts. Jazid tents had furs, carpets, cushions strewn around and gem-encrusted chests; Aronsdale tents had pallets on the floor, riding bags or a duffel, and maybe a table and chairs. It made sense to Allegra; Jazidians lived in their tents, but the Aronsdale structures were only temporary shelters. Aronsdale was also relatively poor, whereas Jazid was saturated with gems and precious metals.

Several warriors escorted her to a tent and remained outside, guarding the entrance. Sitting on the pallet, she pulled the thin blanket around her shoulders, chilly in the night. When a rustle came from the entrance, she tensed, wondering what else would happen. The grizzled captain pulled aside the flap and stood there, his face impassive. The blood drained from her face. But instead of threatening her, he stepped asideand Markus walked into the tent.

Allegra exhaled, her shoulders easing down. After the captain dropped the flap, Markus stood rubbing his wrists as he scrutinized the tent, studying everything.

“Markus? she asked. “Are you all right?

His expression softened as he came over and dropped down next to her. “It was a long ride. He showed her his wrists, which were bruised from the manacles. “Not so comfortable.

Allegra took his hands and pressed her lips against his skin. “They shouldnt restrain you. She couldnt imagine going all day with only her legs to control a horse. “Did you see Ozarson?

“They let me tell him good-night. He put his arm around her shoulders and drew her close. “Hes all right, I think. Tired. It upset him that they wouldnt let him come with me.

Allegra could tell it hadnt only upset Ozarson. “Do you know where he is?

“Not too far. A few tents over.

Relief trickled over her. She would have rather he stayed with them, but at least he was close.

Markus lay on the pallet behind her, on his back. “Sing to me, night bird, he said wearily. “Sing your magic.

She turned toward him, sitting on her hip, her weight on one hand. He had closed his eyes, but his body remained tense.

“I can sing, but I wont be able to make a spell, Allegra said. “That guard captain took my shapes.

His eyes snapped open. “Did he hurt you?

“Im fine. He didnt do anything except growl.

Markus threw his arm over his eyes. “This is a nightmare.

“Why do you say that? The ride was unpleasant, certainly, but compared to the dungeon, it seemed like a gift.

“Well reach Quaaz in a few days, Markus said. “My army will also be there. Even if theyve taken the capital, Yargazon wont be ready for Cobalt. He rubbed the heels of his hands in his eyes. “I hadnt expected the emperor to raise this many troops so fast. Especially not from Harsdown.

“He may not have, Allegra said. “No one knows if Harsdown or Aronsdale will fight for him.

Markus looked at her. “Did Jarid tell you anything?

“Not a thing. She smiled slightly. “I believe his exact words were, If I wouldnt answer that for Cobalt, I certainly wont tell the wife of the man whose army were going to fight.

Markus rested his arm over his eyes again. “The dragon only knows what Yargazon will do when he learns Cobalt has both Ozi and me as hostages.

“Do you think he will trade?

He spoke uneasily. “After the way we argued before we split up in Jazid, Ive been wondering.

“Hes doing this for Ozi. Surely he must have wanted you to explore every possible avenue to find him.

“Yes. He does. But he was angry that I defied him. Tiredly he said, “Hell negotiate for you and Ozi. I dont know if he will for me.

Allegra wondered how he could be so intelligent and miss the obvious. “He will. Believe me. He was angry because he doesnt want you hurt, Markus. He sees you as a son. With a grimace, she added, “I hope he doesnt negotiate for me.

He pulled his arm down so he could look at her. “He will.

She shifted uncomfortably. “Hes that angry?

Markus pushed up on his elbows. “He was in those chains for sixteen hours. He demands sixteen hours with you in recompense, to apply whatever punishment he deems appropriate.

The blood drained from her face. “Markus!

“Dont look at me like that, kitten, he murmured. Sitting up, he shifted position so he could put his legs around her body. Then he pulled her into his arms. “I wont let him touch you. He spoke grimly. “But if he takes Quaaz before your kings warning reaches the royal family, he will execute the queen and her heir.

“How can he be so cold? Allegra asked. “Were talking about the murder of a mother and her two-year-old child.

“Of course he should let them live, Markus said bitterly. “Every conflict fought since Cobalt went on this rampage of his has been the result of heirs left to live when someone should have killed them.

“It has to stop somewhere. She gave him a good, long look. “Cobalt let you live.

He bent his head over hers, cradling her in his arms. “Ive no wish for Vizarana or her baby to die. But what do you expect in wartime? That well all get together for a tea party?

What an image. She smiled wryly. “You and Cobalt, with tea and scones.

“That would be a sight. He let out a breath. “King Jarid swore, in his treaty with Taka Mal, to defend the Topaz Throne. If Yargazon takes the throne for Ozi, then what? Jarid has sworn asylum to Ozi, of all the bizarre developments. If Ozi becomes king of Taka Mal, what will Jarid do?

“His treaty is to defend the royal family of Taka Mal, Allegra said. “Thats not exactly the same as defending the throne.

“Well, no. But if Yargazon kills the queen of Taka Mal, will your king attack my army? If he does, Harsdown may follow. Then they would be supporting Cobalt. The Taka Mal army would probably stop fighting my army and join us, because they would rather have Ozi on their throne than Cobalt. And here is Jarid, sworn both to protect Ozi and fight for Taka Mal. What does he do? His breath stirred her hair. “If Cobalt ends up with both the Onyx and Topaz thrones, hell control every country in the settled lands except Aronsdale. Jarid knows that. He would be mad to fight for Cobalt. But if he fights against him, he will be fighting against the empresswho is his kin. His House will be going to war with itself. The dragon only knows what would happen.

“Youre right, she said, subdued. “Its a mess.

He tangled his hand in her hair. “We have too many rulers and too few thrones. Some of us will die.

“The solution is easy. She laid her head against his shoulder. “Cobalt should give the Onyx Throne back to Ozi.

He gave a strained laugh. “So he should.

Allegra sighed. “It would be so much easier to hate Cobalt if he were a monster. But hes not.

Markus put his hand under her chin and tilted up her face so she was looking at him. “What power do you mages have? What do you doyou, the empress, this man Drummer, that fire opal girl? How do you quench the fires in those of us with violent hearts?

“I cant do anything.

He kissed her. “You do more than you know.

She hesitated. “Fire opal girl? Who is that?

“Ginger-Sun. She was the girl who escaped Yargazon after he put her on the rack. Shes the consort of Baz Quaazera, the cousin of Queen Vizarana. He commands the queens army. After a moment, he said, “Ginger-Sun is the reason Yargazon wanted an Aronsdale girl with fiery hair. Hers was like that.

“And shes a mage?

“Apparently. She escaped Yargazons camp by starting fires. The men think she used spells.

“Its possible. Small flames were simple to do. Allegra had lit a candle as her first spell. But escaping an armed camp would require a far more powerful blaze. “It wouldnt be easy.

A smile ghosted on his lips. “Maybe she used this mysterious kindle-powder Yargazons spies say Taka Mal isnt inventing.

“How can they be not inventing it?

“Well, I dont know. Supposedly theyve tried, but it doesnt work. He eased her down on the pallet, on her back. Mischief flashed in his gaze. “Kindle my fires, night bird.

She put her arms around his neck. “Youve already teased me with water. During their interlude in the pool this morning, she had felt as if he had played her to a crescendo and then left her alone before the music finished.

He kissed her while he slid his hand under her tunic and over her breasts. Her nipples hardened when he rolled them between his fingers, and her body responded with a surge of desire. But when she pulled his shirt out of his trousers, he caught her hand.

“Not here, he said. “Not in the middle of a war camp.

“I want to see you. Her breath was quickening. “ Feel you.

He finally let her take off his shirt. When he sank between her legs, the rough cloth of his trousers scraped sensually against her inner thighs. The muscles of his chest shifted against her skin, the wiry hair brushing her erect nipples. As his passion built, she felt like a leaf caught in a whirlpool. He needed no miradella to make her want him; he was his most potent aphrodisiac. When he lost control, she let go, as well, and drowned in the sensations that shuddered through her body.

It almost let her forget the fires of war poised to consume their lives and leave only ashes.

The second day of their ride passed like the first. Allegra remained under the hostile gaze of the captain as they crossed the Rocklands. The sun beat down on terracelike formations stepping endlessly across the desert, and the broken land sweltered.

That night, they camped beneath rocky peaks where the Citadel of the Dragon-Sun sat high above the desert. On the third and fourth days, they forged through low mountains. In the evening of the fourth day, they reached the great basin that for more than a thousand years had served as home to the ancient city of Quaaz.

A harsh voice woke Allegra. She lifted her head in the dark, groggy and confused. Markus lay at her side, his front to her back, his arm around her waist. She thought he was sleeping, but then he said, “Did you hear someone?

“I think so, she said.

He rose to his feet, looming over her, dressed in his pants and boots. As she pulled on her tunic, the flap of the tent swayed. Light filtered through the walls, and the smoky tang of a torch drifted to her. Markus had just taken a step forward when the grizzled captain fastened up the flap and entered the tent. Despite the late hour, he wore full armor and chain mailand he had his sword drawn. The torchlight outside glinted on the blade.

“Come with us, the captain said. “Both of you.

Sweat gathered on Allegras hands, though the air felt chilly. Her pulse raced as she stood up by the pallet.

“Go where? Markus asked. He stood with his arms by his sides, ready to fight. Bare-handed, he faced an armored man with a sword, and more armed warriors stood outside, visible in the torchlight. Allegra came up to him, and he put back his hand, stopping her.

“You will come with us, the captain repeated. “Now.

“On whose orders? Markus asked.

The captains face clenched, and he jerked his hand in a signal. Nine men entered the tent. Markus pulled Allegra to his side, his arms protectively around her, and she held him around the waist, her fingers clenched on his belt. They stood half-dressed and unarmed in the midst of ten Chamberlight warriors in full battle dress with their swords drawn.

The captain stepped toward them.

“Well go! Markus said. He kept his arm around her shoulders as they stepped forward, and she held on to his waist, half-awake and bewildered. The soldiers swept them out of the tent. The rocky ground stabbed her bare feet, and icy starlight frosted the camp. The Chamberlight men led them past dark tents until they reached a large one where the light inside turned the walls silver.

“Wait here, the captain said. Allegra thought if a mans voice could have become a weapon, his would have stabbed Markus. He disappeared into the tent, but reappeared almost immediately and motioned to them. She stumbled as they entered the tent, and Markus tried to catch her as she fell. She landed on one knee with a cry. In the muted silence, even that small noise sounded loud.

“Get up, the captain said.

“Help her, for saints sake, a man said.

As Markus helped Allegra to her feet, she strained to see who had spoken. It sounded like Jarid. Smoke drifted from the torches and curled around many people in the tent, stinging her eyes after the dry, chill air outside. The guards prodded her forward. Markus walked with his arm around her shoulders, and she had both of hers around his waist. With the two of them bleary-eyed and confused, she didnt see how anyone could think they posed a danger.

As her eyes adjusted, she saw Jarid sitting on a heavy chest. Her relief was short-lived, for Cobalt was behind him, pacing back and forth. Other men stood around the tent. Some were Chamberlight officers, but most were Aronsdale. Many of the Aronsdale officers looked strange, though. Something was wrong with their uniforms.

One man in particular caught her attention. He was standing by a tent pole, his arms crossed. Although she had never seen him before, she knew him. He had the yellow hair, blue eyes and graceful build common in southwestern Aronsdale. The same traits people called “angelic in the women, they tended to call “too pretty in men, but she doubted anyone would use those words for this warrior. He wore armor, a burnished breastplate and glinting mail. Gray streaked his hair, and his face had the character of a man who had endured much in his life and survived.

He wore no insignia to indicate his rank. Instead a jaguar emblazoned his breastplate. She didnt understand why someone in the Dawnfield colors wore a jaguar. It was, she realized, why some of the other officers looked strange. Their armor bore a jaguar instead of the crossed swords of Aronsdale.

Markus stopped in the middle of the tent with his arms around Allegra. “What do you want with us? he said.

Cobalt pointed to a low chest. “Sit.

As Allegra sat on the chest with Markus, sweat beaded on her forehead. She pulled her tunic farther down over her thighs, painfully aware that she was the only woman in the tent.

Another Chamberlight man strode inside, and someone else pushed another person after hima boy.


The atajazid tripped on the rug exactly as Allegra had done and stumbled forward. He was wearing the soft black trousers and shirt he slept in, and his curls were tousled all over his head. He stared around with wide eyes.

The guard shoved Ozarson down onto the carpet next to the chest where Markus sat. Kneeling, the boy stared up at the towering guard, then turned a bewildered gaze to his brother. Markus put his arm around Ozarsons shoulders and sat holding him and Allegra, looking around at the gathered warlords. The grizzled captain and two other men stood behind them with their swords drawn.

A child cried somewhere deeper in the tent. It sounded like a baby or a toddler, perhaps one or two years old.

“What the hell? Markus said.

The man with gold hair spoke curtly. “You would know. Youve created your share of hells.

The child whimpered, and a woman murmured to it in the shadows behind the officers. Allegra tried to peer into the darkness back there, but she could only catch a glimmer of light. A gauze drape hung between this main area and whatever lay beyond.

Cobalt came over to them and stared at Ozarson. “So, the emperor said coldly. “Not only are you a Shadow-Dragon King, it seems you now also rule Taka Mal.

Ozarson looked up at him, his mouth opening.

Satisfaction flickered on Markuss face. “Then your armies were too late. Quaaz has fallen.

Saints almighty. It had happened? In all the epics, the rescuing army galloped onto the scene just in time to save the beleaguered heroes. They werent supposed to arrive too late, after the enemy had already won.

Fast on the heels of that thought came another: Where was the royal family? The warrior with gold hair and the jaguar on his breastplate couldnt be Drummer Headwind. Drummer was younger than the queen, who was in her mid-thirties. This man looked fifty. He wore Dawnfield colors, but with the wrong emblem.

Then it hit Allegra: This was Muller Dawnfield, the king of Harsdown. Jarids cousin. He wore the Harsdown jaguar, which had once symbolized Cobalts throne. Cobalts father had attacked Aronsdale and lost, and in doing so, he had lost his throne to the House of Dawnfield. Now Muller claimed the jaguar.

The gauze at the back rippled and a woman stalked forward with feral grace. She was the most furiously beautiful person Allegra had ever seen. Wild black curls tumbled around her face and shoulders, disarrayed as if she had been riding in the wind. Her upward-tilted eyes were huge and black, and fierce with anger. She wore the riding trousers of a Zanterian merchant, the suede dyed a rich crimson. Her red jerkin had a fringe with ruby balls, and gold rings hung from her ears. In the sheath on her belt, a dagger glinted with a topaz in its hilt. She came to stand in front of Markus, and he watched her with recognition.

Then she spit in his face.

Markus jumped upand every man around them lifted his sword. Cobalt drew his with an uncanny speed, faster than anyone else, though he was the largest man by far, the heaviest, and Allegra would have thought the least agile. Before Markus was upright, Cobalt had the tip of his sword at the prince regents throat.

“Sit, the emperor said.

Markus stared at the sword, the tip of which just touched his neck. Then he sat slowly, with care, as Cobalt lowered his sword.

The woman turned her blazing gaze on Ozarson. Her husky voice simmered with fury. “You will never sit on my throne.

The boy stared as if he were seeing a goddess. He didnt seem to know whether to be terrified or in awe. If Allegra hadnt known better, she would have thought he had just fallen in love.

Queen Vizarana took a deep breath. Then she spun around and stalked to the other side of the tent. After a moment, she turned and came back. Fury still seethed in her gaze, but she had it more in control.

She considered Allegra. “Youre the mage?

“Yes. Allegra barely controlled her stammer. She didnt know what she had expected from the queen of Taka Mal, but she hadnt been ready for this force of nature. The child who had cried in the back of the tent must be her heir.

Markus looked around the tent, his forehead furrowed. “Is your consort here?

“No. Vizaranas voice turned harsh. “Most of him is in the camp of your army, Markus Onyx. She said his name as if it were a curse.

Allegras palms felt clammy. “Most of him?

Cobalt motioned to one of his officers. The man came forward with a scroll and an ivory box tiled in gold and onyx. Cobalt took both and handed them to Markus. “Look.

When Allegra saw Markuss expression, her unease grew. He knew or at least suspected what that box heldand he dreaded it. She wanted to look away as he opened the container, but she made herself watch. The interior was padded and lined with black silk.

A mans bloodied large toe lay on the silk.

Ozarsons face paled. “Markus? He looked up at his brother as if willing him to say this was a mistake.

Face drawn, Markus closed the box and carefully set it on his knee. Then he untied the scroll. As he unrolled it, Cobalt spoke. “Read it aloud. Let the boy hear what his generals do in his name.

Markus read in a flat voice. “To His Imperial Majesty, Cobalt Escar. The screams of your kinsman are most satisfying. If Queen Vizarana reaches the Aronsdale king before we catch her, show her the toe. She will recognize it by the birthmark. Assure her that I intend to send all of her consort back to her. Whether or not he arrives piece by piece depends on you. Send me Allegra, and I will stop cutting Drummer apart. Send Ozarson and I will stop interrogating Drummer. Send Markus, Ozarson and Allegra, and I will return Drummer. Each day you delay, I will cut another piece off Vizaranas pretty consort and send it to you. Dusk Yargazon, General of the Army.

“Gods, Allegra said. “He cant mean it.

Markus looked ill. “We never planned this.

“He cant! Ozarson spoke frantically to Cobalt. “Give me a parchment and pen. Ill write to him. Command him to stop.

Cobalt stared at the boy, his face impassive. “And he will say we coerced you. He shifted his dark gaze to Markus. “You claim this wasnt part of your plan. You expect me to believe you never intended to take Drummer hostage?

“A hostage, yes, Markus said. “But not like this.

“It makes no sense, Allegra said. “What can he hope to gain?

“I should think its obvious, Vizarana said coldly. “Your husband. You. She turned her fiery gaze on Ozarson. “This child who mistakenly believes he can usurp my throne.

“But it will antagonize Drummers kin, Allegra said. “Even if you get Drummer back, this will only make Aronsdale and Harsdown more likely to join Cobalt. Which works against the Jazid army.

Cobalt glanced at Jarid and Muller. “It is a conundrum, yes? Avenge Drummerand give me the Topaz Throne.

“You will not have it, Vizarana told him calmly.

Cobalt turned his formidable stare on her. “If I rescue your consort and take back Quaaz, I keep the throne.

Vizarana crossed her arms. “Youve done neither. She scowled at him. “My army isnt defeated. After we bring down this force that came sweeping out of Jazid, maybe I should take your throne.

“That would prove interesting, Cobalt said dryly.

Allegra suspected “interesting was far too mild a word for a challenge between Vizarana and Cobalt. She spoke with deference to the queen. “You escaped the Jazid army?

Vizarana lowered her arms. “We received King Jarids warning in time. We almost made it out before Yargazons men stormed the city walls. When they breached the palace, Drummer misled them long enough for Ginger, my daughter, and me to get out.

“Ginger? Markus asked. “You mean the fire girl?

Cobalt jerked his chin toward the curtained area at the back of the tent. “Shes with the queens child. She wont come out here. Shes a Dragon-Sun priestess.

Muller came to stand with Cobalt. “Would it be so wrong to let Allegra go back? If Yargazon keeps his word, Drummer might survive longer.

“No! Markus said. “You cant send her back without me.

Vizarana stared at him, incredulous. “You would let him torture my husband just so you can be with your wife?

“If he gets Allegra, Markus said grimly, “shes the one hell torture.

Ozarsons voice cracked. “I wont have this done in my name.

“Its you that Yargazon wants, Muller said to Ozarson.

“Im not so sure. Cobalt narrowed his gaze at Markus. “This is as much about you. Yargazon wants to control you, doesnt he? But its harder than he expected. He motioned toward Allegra and Ozarson. “Maybe you arent so much your fathers son after all. Otherwise, this remarkable woman would never have stood by you, nor would this boy love you as he does. He rubbed his chin, his expression thoughtful. “You went to Aronsdale without Yargazons support. You act as your own man even when he forbids it, eh? He cant control you, and if he cant control you, hell never control the throne.

Markus met his gaze. “Im no ones puppet.

“I still dont understand, Allegra said. “Even if his threats convince you to trade all three of us back, it works against him because it pushes Aronsdale and Harsdown into allying with you.

Vizarana snorted. “If he acted like a civilized human being, what motivation would Cobalt have to trade three people for one?

“They arent Cobalts damn hostages, Jarid said. He was sitting on the chest, one leg bent, with his elbow resting on his knee. “Theyre in my custody. The scar on his neck darkened in the torchlight.

“Either way, Cobalt said, “we have three people he wants and he has one that we want.

“Oh, Ozarson suddenly said. “No, thats not why he sent his ultimatum this way.

Cobalt looked down at the boy. “You know otherwise?

“Dont you see? Ozarson said. “Its obvious.

“Ozi, Markus began. He sounded worn-out.

“Let him talk, Allegra said.

“Look around, Ozarson told them. “At everyone.

Cobalt glanced around, then turned back to the boy. “I see many grim-faced soldiers waiting for you to get to the point.

“Youre here, Ozarson said. “The Dawnstar emperor. He indicated Vizarana shyly. “The queen of Taka Mal. He glanced at Jarid. “The king of Aronsdale. Then he nodded at Muller. “The king of Harsdown. And me. Thats almost every ruler in the settled lands, fugitive or not. King Jarids men went in to get Queen Vizarana and her family. I know how General Yargazon thinks. He doesnt care about codes of war. He probably had spies looking to follow

“Gods almighty. Cobalt swung around. “Everyone out of here! He grabbed Markuss arm and hauled him to his feet, then literally threw him toward the grizzled captain. “Split up the three of them. The only reason Yargazons men havent moved yet is because these three are in the tent. They needed to find out where we had them, so they waited until we brought them here. Now they know.

A warrior pulled Allegra up, and another had Ozarson. They strode to the entrance in ground-devouring steps, pulling her and the atajazid, and she had to run to keep up. A baby cried somewhere, and a woman spoke softly, urgently.

Then they were outside, running through the dark. Stumbling, with rocks stabbing her bare feet, Allegra bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying out. People were running past them in the darkness, men in armor.

Suddenly the man on Allegras right spasmed as if someone had struck him. He stopped and stared at her with shock. Then he crumpled to the ground.

She dropped next to him. An arrow had hit his neck, one of the few places on his body with no armor or mail. She laid her hand on the wound, on either side of the shaft, trying to stop the bleeding. She needed a shape! She couldnt heal him, but she could help him survive until the doctors

Then she realized it didnt matter. The man was dead.

“Saints, no, she whispered, taking her hands from his neck. Blood dripped from her fingers, but it no longer pumped out of his wound.

Ozarson spoke dully next to her. “This man is dead, too.

She sagged as people ran by them in the dark. Swords clanged somewhere. She and Ozarson stayed crouched by the fallen bodies of two warriors much larger than either of them, which in the darkness probably made it difficult to tell them apart from the dead.

“Ozi, she said. “Keep low. He was a shadow in the starlight, but she could see his frightened eyes. “Do you recognize the arrows that hit them?


“How could Yargazon sneak your forces up here? They would have to get past sentries from four different armies.

“I dont think he did, Ozarson said. “It was probably just a few men, enough to attack one tent.

“Thats suicide!

His voice shook. “Even if every man that he sent died, they had only to kill the people in that tent. Or just one of them. Cobalt.

A chill went up Allegras spine. It probably couldnt have worked, but it wasnt impossible. If it had succeeded, then in one attack, Dusk Yargazon would have killed every sovereign in the settled landsexcept Ozarson. They would have been within reach of putting the boy on the throne of the Dawnstar emperor.

“Ozi, listen, she said. “Never, never tell General Yargazon youre the one who warned Emperor Cobalt. Never.

His eyes widened. “I didntIt didnt occur to me

“I know. She held her breath as more men ran past them.

“Allegra. Ozarson pressed something into her hand.

“What Then she realized what he had given her. The dodecahedron. “I thought I lost it.

“I found it in the travel bags.

“But why did you bring it?

“No one would search a Jazid boy for a mage shape. Softly he added, “Its a Platonic solid. Twelve sides, all regular pentagons. Surely that must be powerful.

“Yes, very, she whispered, hiding it in her pocket. “Thank you. A twelve-sided form like this might burn her abilities to ashes, but if she could control it, she could make incredible spells. It stunned her that he had figured out so much about her spells. But then, Ozi was no normal boy.

“Ho! someone shouted. “Theres children here!

A warrior dropped by Allegra and grabbed her arm. “Not a child. A woman!

Another man crouched by Ozarson. “Your Majesty! Dragons blessings, weve been worried.

As the man holding Allegra turned toward Ozarson, his grip on her arms loosened. She wrenched free and tried to lunge away, but he caught her easily around the waist and yanked her back.

“Give me a cord, he said to the other man. “Its her. The witch who took the atajazid.

“Dont hurt her! Ozarson said.

“We wont, the other man said. He was between Allegra and Ozarson, so she couldnt see the boy anymore. She fought the man holding her, raking her fingernails down his arm, but gauntlets protected his hands and forearms, and he had armor everywhere else. Her silk tunic caught on his mail and ripped.

“Your Majesty, well get you to safety, the other man told Ozarson. “Id lay my life down before I let anyone take you.

“Thank you, Ozarson said in a low voice.

The other man handed something to the one holding her, who then twisted her arms behind her back and bound her wrists together. “Help! she shouted, then choked as he shoved a wad of leather into her mouth. He pulled back two straps attached to it and fastened them together behind her head. Then he leaned over her, pushing her forward with his arms wrapped around her torso so she couldnt struggle. The stench of his sweat nauseated her.

“What did you do? Ozarson said.

“Shes fine, the man assured him. “We need to get you out of here, and if she shouts, shell bring Cobalts men. Grimly he added, “If she sings, the dragon only knows what shell do to us.

“She wont harm you, Ozarson said.

“We can reach the horses from here, the man holding Allegra said. They were crouched in the dark, and the sounds of battle had moved beyond them.

“Where is Prince Markus? the other one asked.

“Cobalt took him, Ozarson said. “Can you find him?

“I wish we could. The man spoke kindly to the boy. “But well be lucky if we can get the two of you out of here.

“Youll have to run with us, Your Majesty, the other man said. “Stay bent over as much as you can, and keep close.

“You have to guard Allegra, too, Ozarson said.

“We will, the man holding her said. “You have our word well get both of you back.

“All right, Ozarson said. “Lets go.

No! Allegra shouted, but it came out as a muffled grunt. Ozarson couldnt see well enough to realize what his men were doing to her. She didnt doubt, either, that he believed going with them was the right thing to do. Why the blazes wouldnt he? They were his army, who answered to her own husband. He didnt understand what would happen if they took her back without Markus to keep Yargazon away from her.

The man holding her stood, still bent over, with one arm clamped around her waist and his other hand gripped on her upper arm. The second warrior grasped her other arm and they took off running, dragging her between them. Rocks and stubby plants stabbed her feet. She fought their hold, to no avail. When she balked, they lifted her off the ground and ran holding her up so her feet dangled. It hurt her arms and shoulders so much that when they put her down again, she kept running.

They half slid and half ran down a rocky slope at the edge of the camp. Sentries should have been patrolling the hill, but either they had died or were fighting elsewhere. Allegra couldnt see or hear Ozarson. It was all happening too fast.

Then they were out of the camp and racing through the dark.
