The royal pavilion wasnt larger than Bladebreaks, but what it lacked in space it made up for in opulence. Diamonds sparkled in its jeweled curtain, unusually large gems of a remarkable clarity that could have bought an entire farm in Aronsdale. They splintered the rays of the setting sun into rainbows. The roof rose in terraces, light and airy.

The honor guards held the curtain open for Markus and Allegra, also for Yargazon, Bladebreak and Jasmine. Inside, red and gold rugs covered the wooden floor, designed with dragons that roared gold-threaded fire. She saw no chairs; like his brother, the atajazid seemed to prefer low tables surrounded by cushions. Two curved swords were crossed on one wall, their hilts carved from ebony and adorned with gold. Red-glass lamps shaped like dragons sat on black lacquered stands. Dragon braziers glowed in the corners, and incense burned in red-glass stands, giving the air a bittersweet odor that made Allegra wrinkle her nose. It wasnt unpleasant, just different.

Four of the guards entered with them. Even with ten people in the room, it didnt feel crowded. However, Allegra saw nothing resembling an atajazid, a boy or a shadow dragon anywhere.

The chains of a jeweled curtain in the back wall clinked as a fifth guard entered. Another man followed, and they took posts bracketing the entrance. Allegra stood by Markus, with Bladebreak to her right, and then Jasmine. Yargazon stood on Markuss left. As they waited, the back curtain swayed and then parted.

A boy walked into the room.

Allegras breath caught. His black curls tousled over his collar just like Markuss hair. He had Markuss large, dark eyes. His red shirt was very much like the one Markus had worn the first time she had seen him, and he wore black trousers with a belt studded by gold. He was tall for his age and slender, though judging from his size, Allegra suspected he would someday fill out with the muscular build so valued in Jazid men.

The brothers didnt look exactly alike, however. Although Ozarson had a childs softer features, it was obvious that when he grew up, he would have a blockier chin, larger nose and heavier brows than Markus. She didnt doubt his appearance would be compelling, but with less of Markuss sheer masculine beauty. It didnt surprise Allegra, if men of the royal family chose wives for strength and intelligence and concubines for beauty. The boys regal posture had a charming modesty, as if he hadnt quite learned the nuances of presenting himself. When he saw Markus, his smile flashed like the sun breaking through clouds.

One of the guards spoke. “His Magnificence, Atajazid Daz Ozarson of the House of Onyx.

Markus had his hand on Allegras shoulder, exerting a subtle pressure. As she sank to her knees, he went down on one knee with his arm folded across his thigh. In her side vision, she glimpsed Yargazon and Bladebreak doing the same, their heads bent in deference to their king. It bemused her to watch these powerful, arrogant men kneel to a child.

Footsteps whispered on the carpet, and Allegra looked up to see the atajazid walking toward them, flanked by two men in uniforms. When she met the boys gaze, he faltered and looked confused. At first she thought it was because he didnt know her. Then one of his guards frowned, and she realized everyone else had their eyes averted. Remembering her promise to Markus, she lowered her gaze.

The boy came to stand before Markus. “You may rise. He had a rich voice, but he sounded so very young. His bodyguards stood a step back, towering over his slender form.

Markus lifted his head and discreetly took Allegras hand, drawing her to her feet with him. He grinned at his brother. “My greetings, Your Majesty.

“And mine to you. Ozarson was trying to be formal, but a childs eagerness underlaid his words. He glanced at Allegra, and a blush reddened his face.

Following the boys gaze, Markus said, “Ive come to ask your permission to marry.

So this was it. Allegra wondered what he would do if his brother said no.

Ozarsons smile burst out like a candle lighting. “A wife? Shes so pretty, Markus! You must marry her right away.

From the boy, the words were sweet rather than coercive, and Allegras heart softened. She had expected to dislike the boy, but instead found herself charmed. She wondered, though, if he would soon gain the harsh edge of the men here.

“Marrying her right away was my thought, Markus said.

“We can have scrolls drawn up immediately, Ozarson told him, his eyes lit with delight. Then he turned to Yargazon and spoke more formally. “Good evening, General.

Yargazon bowed. “You honor us with your presence, Your Majesty. He sounded like he genuinely meant it.

“Ive heard your recruiting efforts on this last trip were successful. Ozarson seemed stilted with the General, as if he were trying to sound older. “The men told me you nearly doubled the size of the company. Very good.

“Thank you, Sire. Yargazons face showed a paternal fondness Allegra hadnt thought him capable of feeling.

Ozarson nodded to Bladebreak. “You look well, Colonel. He stole a glance at Jasmine, then blushed and looked away.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Bladebreak was as formal as Yargazon. It was surreal to see them act this way with a child.

“Well. Ozarson pushed an unruly curl out of his eyes. He sounded relieved to have the protocols done with. “Lets eat!

“As you wish, Your Majesty, Markus said.

Allegra glanced around for signs of the boys mother or other children, but she saw nothing. The pavilion could have belonged to any officer of the army.

“Oh, wait, Ozarson said. “Markus, I have to sign something, dont I? Before you can marry her.

“Thats how it works, Markus said. His voice had a gentler quality than his usual cocky self-satisfaction.

The boy indicated the back entrance. “Shall we do it now? I have parchments and quills, I think.

“That would be good, yes, Markus said.

Ozarson turned to one of his guards. “Please make sure my guests receive every anemity He paused, looking uncertain, then said, “Every amenity while I tend to the documents for my brother.

The guard bowed to him. “As you wish, Sire.

“Thank you. Ozarson swung back around to Markus, his face bright with excitement. “Lets get started!

Allegra had a sense Markus wanted to reach out to his brother. He took her hand instead, though, and followed the atajazid to the back entrance, leaving the guards in the outer room.

The chamber beyond the curtain was far different from the other room. Pillows lay heaped up in a play fort, and blocks had tumbled into a haphazard pile, sparkling. With a start, Allegra realized gems encrusted the toys. Quills lay scattered across one table, and a sheet of parchment amid the clutter bore the carefully drawn letters of a penmanship exercise. The slate next to it was covered with algebra exercises she wouldnt have expected from a child Ozarsons age.

As soon as they were out of the other room, the boy threw himself at Markus, and the prince regent caught him in a hug, laughing, his face more at ease than Allegra had ever seen. Then he set the boy back a step and beamed at him.

“By the dragon, Markus said. “I do believe youve grown just in the month Ive been gone.

Ozarson pulled himself up to his full height. “I did. He held up his hand with his thumb and finger a short distance apart. “This much, Major Gaizz says.

Markus tousled his hair. “At this rate, you will be taller than me. Just like Father.

Some of the light dimmed in the boys face. “I should like to honor his memory that way.

Markuss voice quieted. “It would be good.

“Oh, look, I almost forgot. Ozarson waved at the toys in the corner. “I took out everything with curves and circles, just like your messenger said. But why, Markus?

The regent shifted his feet. “We can talk about that later.

“Dont wait on my behalf, Allegra murmured. “Do tell this delightful young man. Naughty Markus, hiding his discovery about her abilities from his brother.

Markus glared at her, and she smiled sweetly. He had no idea. A wealth of pyramids, cubes, tetrahedrons and other shapes were strewn everywhere. Some were too powerful for her to use, but cubes she could manage. Nor had Ozarson eliminated every circle. A cart filled with blocks had round wheels. They had ridges and dents, but they might be round enough for a spell. She looked away from the cart, not wanting Markus to notice her interest.

Allegra spoke to Ozarson. “It is a great honor to meet you, Your Majesty. She had to admit a certain satisfaction in being the only person outside Jazid to see this boy everyone wanted to find.

Blushing furiously, the boy said, “We are m-meeting, um, pleased to you.

She held back her smile. “Thank you, Sire.

Markus surveyed the cluttered room. “Do you have somewhere we can sit in all this?

Ozarson went to the table with his schoolwork. He brushed most of it to the floor, then stopped, squinted at the mess and retrieved a blank parchment, which he spread on the table. He almost knocked the ink bottle over, too, but he caught it before ink splattered his gorgeous, rumpled carpets.

Markus settled at the table, piling cushions behind him for support. Allegra sank onto the pillows next to where Ozarson had scattered his lessons. Her bridal finery clinked and rattled, and she had to sit carefully to keep from pulling the chains of her skirt. A parchment rustled as she leaned back on a large cushion. Curious, she picked it up. Neat script covered the sheet.

Allegra showed it to Ozarson. “Is this your schoolwork?

He froze in the process of sitting and shot a panicked look at his brother.

“She does that a lot, Markus told him.

“Does what? she asked. It seemed a reasonable question.

“Perhaps, Markus added to Ozarson, “you might give her permission. To speak.

“Oh. Ozarson sat down and regarded Allegra, obviously trying to appear dignified. It was sweet and awkward and funny, and she thought it a shame that Jazid might someday wring the charm out of this boyif someone didnt assassinate him first.

“It would please me, Ozarson told her earnestly, “to give you permission to speak.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, Allegra said. “May I read your school papers?

The boy shot another bewildered look at Markus. Allegra wondered if he ever spoke with women. She had seen no indication of his mother or a nanny, and the only person he had mentioned was a Major Gaizz, which hardly sounded female.

“She can read, Markus said.

Ozarsons mouth fell open. “Truly?

“Truly. With satisfaction, Markus reclined in his cushions.

It seemed incongruous to Allegra that in a place where women were deliberately kept illiterate, their prince regent considered his brides education a point of pride. Granted, it benefited him and any children they had together, but that was true for most anyone. Markus was one of the few who acknowledged it. That his family sought intellectual as well as physical strength for their progeny spoke to their foresight. Unfortunately it also manifested in her grooms maddening ability to anticipate her actions.

Ozarson spoke shyly to Allegra. “You may look at my lessons if you like. Major Gaizz teaches me.

“Thank you, Allegra said.

As the brothers talked about Markuss trip, she went through the boys schoolwork. Not only was he doing algebra, but he also appeared to understand it well. And more. At the bottom of a sheet of classic Jazid poetry, he had solved problems with right triangles inscribed in circles. In the margins of a long treatise about ancient military strategies, he had penned sophisticated games of number theory. “Smart hardly began to describe it; if Ozarson had done all this, he was brilliant.

When Marcus began to discuss the marriage contract, Allegra quit reading and listened. The logic behind the requirement that he obtain Ozarsons permission soon became clear. Markus was next in line for the throne. Until Ozarson grew up, married and had a son, Markus was his heir, which meant any son Allegra bore him would be second in line. It was a strange and unexpected thought, that her child could inherit the Onyx Throne.

Markuss relationship with Ozarson had a different dynamic than she had expected. From their references to the past, she soon realized Markus hadnt just assumed guardianship of the boy after the death of their sire; he had always acted as a father to Ozarson.

Although their father had died two years ago, his presence filled the room. It was soon obvious, from Ozarsons comments, that he longed for the affection and attention of his sire, the man he considered greatest of all men. She wasnt so sure about Markus. The boy who would have done anything to please his demanding father had grown into a more cynical adult. She had no doubt Markus had loved Ozar, but she had the impression he no longer saw his father with the shine of childhood worship.

Their comments about the late kings friendships startled her. He had counted Stonebreaker Chamberlight as a blood brotherKing Chamberlight, who had ruled the Misted Cliffs. Emperor Cobalts grandfather. Stonebreaker had raised Cobalt. She didnt understand how Cobalt had ended up killing a man his grandfather had considered a sworn brother.

She hoped Markus and Ozarson would say more about their father, but they concentrated primarily on phrasing for the contract. Markus did most of the work, explaining it to his brother. The sections about succession and inheritance fascinated Allegra, but when they reached the portion about the expected behavior of the consort, her ire rose.

“Shouldnt it say She must obey? Ozarson asked. “She must ever obedient be sounds strange.

“I know. Markus penned the second phrase on the parchment scroll in a bold script. “Thats the historical wording, though.

“And what is the historical wording for the husband? Allegra asked. “Must obey? Or Ever obey?

They both looked up with a start, and Ozarson flushed. He didnt seem to know whether to be aghast or enthralled by her.

“It doesnt say either, Markus growled.

She bestowed him with her most dulcet smile. “To remedy that, I suggest Always and ever obey his wife, the Princess Consort.

Ozarson gave a startled laugh. “Markus would never put that in his marriage contract, Lady Allegra.

“Markus takes many risks, Allegra said.

“Does he now, my soft little bird? Markus reclined in his cushions. “Perhaps it would suit his fancy to fly his warbler to the top whenever she interrupts. She would be too distracted to sing then.

Fly her to the top? What the blazes did that mean? Knowing him, he was talking about sex. She gave him an unimpressed look. “Maybe his fancy isnt so formidable as he thinks.

“Formidable fancy? Ozarson asked, confused. “What does that mean?

His brother picked up the quill. “Nothing important. Lets finish.

“Markus. Allegra spoke quietly. “There is something I would like to put in.

He glanced up sharply, the quill poised. A drop of ink fell from its tip and splattered on the table. “You have no say. His voice had chilled. “None.

“Its important to me, she said.

“No. He turned to the parchment and began to write.

“Wait, Ozarson said. “Id like to hear what she has to say.

Markuss jaw clenched. He set down the quill and sat back with his arms crossed as he regarded Allegra implacably. “What?

“I would like you to write this, she said. “That you swear you will never turn me out for another nor ask me to share you. That you will never put another woman before me. An edge came into her voice. “That you will never break your childs heart by forcing him to see you treat his mother as if she means nothing.

Markus stared at her, a flush spreading across his face.

“Im not sure that goes in a contract, Ozarson said uneasily.

Markus spoke in a low voice. “He didnt walk away from her. Or from me.

“No? Allegra was suddenly angry for both him and Ozarson. “He only made you feel as if you were never good enough, that you had to vie for his attention every day of your childhood.

“Enough! He grasped the quill and began writing, his script jagged on the page. An inkblot spread as the quill scratched.

“Markus? Ozarson asked. “What does she mean?

“Nothing. Markus wrote a few more lines, then let out an angry breath and set down the quill. For a moment he just looked at Ozarson. He brushed a curl off the boys forehead. Gently he said, “Nothing, Ozi.

The boy watched him, his dark eyes bewildered.

Markus turned to Allegra. “I will put in thisI swear, as your husband, to honor the vows of our union. Also, I will never take our children or forbid you to see them.

Saints above. She hadnt expected him to agree to anything. That he felt the need to assure her access to her own children scared her. It would kill her if they had children and he tried to take them away. Honor the vows of their union sounded promising, but she didnt know what it meant in Jazid.

She said, “I dont under

“No. He held up his hand. “Dont push me. Or Ill write nothing.

Allegra let it go. He had given more than she had expected. Ozarson was listening to them with his forehead furrowed, but he made no protest when Markus penned the words on the parchment.

They finished the contract with less banter than before. One disturbing section outlined Markuss right to kill any man who took liberties that could impregnate Allegra. She went cold when she realized he could execute her, too, if he chose, even if she had been forced. At least the historical wording included an admonishment for the husband to look to the circumstances. It outlined less severe sentences he could impose against a man who took other freedoms with her. It surprised her how few such actions were punishable. Markus was expected to protect her if he didnt want anyone to touch her. Then she realized the subtext; if she wanted safety, she had to abide by whatever constraints he imposed on her life, because the law gave her almost no protection.

Several clauses exhorted him to see to his wifes learning. It was, apparently, the one exception to the laws forbidding the education of women. The reason was typically Jazidian; the mother of a royal heir should have the ability to teach her son, so he could become a better leader. Allegra wondered if some savvy queen from long ago had used that reasoning to convince her husband he should allow her education.

When Markus and Ozarson finished the document, they both signed it. After the ink dried, Markus rolled it into a scroll and tied it with a red-tasseled cord. Then he gave it to Ozarson. “Youll need to have three copies made, one for me, one for the archives and one for the court clerk.

“I will. Ozarson gave him a brilliant smile. “Now we can eat and celebrate.

The prince regent tousled his hair. “Indeed we can.

Ozarson and Markus rose with an ease Allegra envied. In her metal clothes, she found standing even harder than sitting down. She discreetly slipped her fingers under the bottom of the halter and pulled it out so she could breathe as she got up. She was beginning to flag. She and Markus had slept only a few hours last night, and the fatigue was catching up to her.

As they crossed the chamber, she glanced at Markus. “Do we have a ceremony?

“If we were at the Onyx Palace, among the Dragon Court, then yes, there would be a long, ornate and excruciating ceremony with guests from all over the country. He still sounded angry at her. “This is a military camp for an outlawed army. We dont have time for frivolities. The documents are signed, so were married.

“Oh. All right. She wasnt certain whether to be relieved or disappointed.

Glancing at her face, Markus relented. “We will dine with my brother, Yargazon, Bladebreak and Jasmine.

The last people Allegra wanted at her wedding dinner were the general and colonel. No, that wasnt true. The last person she wanted at this marriage was herself.

Are you sure? She couldnt sort out her feelings for Markus. She had no doubt about wanting to be free, though. Homesickness flooded her. She had always expected her marriage to be a joyous event with family and friends. But her chances of ever seeing her home again faded more each day.
