When Allegra was sure Markus wouldnt wake, she lifted his arm away from her legs and slid off the bed. Her clothes lay scattered on the floor. She crumpled to her knees and picked up her tunic. She didnt try to dress, though. Oil from his chain mail and dirt from his armor were streaked all over her body.

Her arm was trembling so much, she dropped her clothes. She stared at them, then rose to her feet. Surely a royal suite would have a bathing room. She went to a door on the other side of the room and opened it into a chamber with a small bathing pool. The water steamed, and the scent of box-blossoms drifted in the air.

Allegra went to the pool and let herself down into the bath. She didnt know how they brought in warm water, but she was immensely grateful. She wanted nothing more than to wash away the traces on her body of Markuss fury. She had expected him to yell or strike out; it had never occurred to her that he would spend his anger sexually. The more she knew him, the less she understood men. Or maybe it was just Jazid men.

It was a while before her pulse calmed enough that she could think clearly. In Aronsdale, what Markus had done would be considered an act of violence against his wife. In Jazid, not only was it acceptable, but he would have been expected to beat her and to feel justified, even encouraged, in forcing her. For a Jazidian man he had shown incredible restraint; for an Aronsdale man, he had shown a frightening lack of control.

Allegra rubbed her eyes. She was an Aronsdale woman. Markus was wrong for her in so many ways, she couldnt count them, yet he compelled her thoughts. She didnt see how this union of theirs could work. But he was trying, in the best way he knew how. And whatever she thought of him as a husband, she didnt doubt he was a good father to Ozarson.

She had tried to stop a war, but it had come out all muddled. In the process of her escape, Ozarson had come to mean more to her than her freedom. She couldnt turn her back on him. Which meant somehow she and Markus had to work out matters between the two of them. If they couldnt find a middle ground, she didnt know how they would manage, but for Ozarsonand yes, for herselfshe would try.

After Allegra finished bathing, she toweled herself dry. She found some fresh clothes in the bedroom, a soft gray and blue tunic with leggings. Then she went into the main room. Ozarson was curled up on the couch, sleeping, and Della was in one of the armchairs, reading a book.

The mage mistress looked up. “My greetings, Your Highness.

Allegra winced. “Dont call me that, please. We have enough highnesses and majesties here already.

Della gave a wry laugh. “We do seem to have accumulated quite a few.

Allegra sat on the couch by Ozarson. “Has he been out long?

“A while. Della indicated a book in his hand. “He picked that out of the library after he ate. She chuckled. “Im not surprised it put him to sleep. He probably didnt understand any of it.

As Allegra gently took the book, the boy sighed and settled deeper into the cushions. She peered at the title: Geometry for the Natural Sciences. It was a treatise for scholars who studied the earth and stars.

“Actually he probably does understand some of this, she said. “Hes unusually bright.

“Thats amazing. Della closed her own book. “How is his brother?

“Asleep. She hesitated. “Do you know how many people heard what Ozi told me on the stairs?

“Jarid, Iris and Brant, Della said. “Iris told me. The men in the foyer and the other boy were too far away. They saw Ozarson crying and talking to you, but that was it.

Allegra smoothed Ozarsons bangs off his forehead. “So much has happened to him. I cant turn away, not even if it means letting the emperor know Im married to a man hes sworn to kill.

“Are you sure? Della said. “Dont expect the prince regent to change just because you both love the child.

“I know. We can only do our best.

“Allegraabout the auction. Della paused awkwardly.

She looked up at Della. “Go ahead.

“Was Markus Onyx the man who bought you? When Allegra nodded, Della asked, “Who was the other man? Onyx isnt likely to be involved in an auction with just anyone.

Allegra folded her arms, feeling cold. “Dusk Yargazon.

Della stared at her. “Saints almighty. You really landed right in the middle of it all.

Allegra started to answer, then stopped when Ozarson stirred. It wasnt something she wanted to talk about in front of him.

His lashes slowly lifted. “Allegra?

“Im here, she said.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Wheres Markus?

“Hes sleeping in the other room.

Ozarson regarded her as if she were a vase that might break. “I didnt hear any yelling.

She smiled. “He didnt. Weworked it out.

“You dont have any new bruises.

“No. Then she said, “Did you expect it? What he answered would tell her a great deal about Markus. Ozarson hadnt been the least surprised that Yargazon had beaten her.

“No, Ozarson said. “But Ive never seen him so angry.

“Well, Im fine. And so is he. Neither statement was true, but it would do. She glanced at Della. “Do you think someone could bring up some clothes for Markus? The trousers and shirts in the wardrobe arent going to fit him.

“Ill check, Della said.

A door creaked in the outer entrance. Then a man in violet and white livery entered the room and bowed to them. “His Majesty, Jarid Dawnfield.

Allegra sat up straighter, and Ozarson shot her an alarmed look. “Its all right, she said, and hoped it was true.

Jarid entered with Brant and several guards. Allegra started to rise, uncertain how to greet the king, but he waved his hand for her to stay put. Ozarson sat tensely at her side.

“I need to speak with the two of you and the prince regent, Jarid told them. His face was unreadable. “As soon as possible.

“Ill go get Markus, Allegra said, uneasy.

In the bedroom, she found Markus was still asleep in his chain mail and armor. He looked as if he had been transplanted from a less civilized age into these cultured environs.

Allegra sat next to him. “Wake up, she coaxed.

No response.

She shook his shoulder. “Markus?

He gave a snort and then snored.

Allegra laid her hand on the circles engraved in the headboard and sang the lilt she had used to wake Ozarson. After several verses, Markus rolled onto his back. He rubbed his eyes, then blinked at the canopy overhead. “How long have I been asleep?

“About an hour. She smoothed back a lock of hair that had fallen into his eyes. It was exactly like the one she had brushed out of Ozarsons eyes. “Jarid is in the other room. He wants to speak to us.

Markus sat up, rubbing his neck. Then he wrinkled his nose. “I need a bath before I meet with a king. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “That rest felt good, though. I never sleep that well.

Allegra doubted he was usually that furious before he went to sleep, either. She said only, “You seemed tired.

He glowered at her. “Im still angry with you.

In truth, he no longer looked at all angry. But she just said, “I know.

“I need to say something else.

She tensed for another onslaught. “Yes?

He took a breath. “It took courage for you to escape that way. I hate that you left, and that you took Ozarson. He lifted his hand, then dropped it. “But it took courage. Then he added, “And, Allegrait hasnt missed my notice that in support of my brother, you offered to stand as my wife in front of Emperor Cobalt, though it means you also risk execution.

She spoke quietly. “Ozi told me what happened. Everything. How he lost his mother.

“Its good he can talk to you. Hes never spoken about it to anyone else that I know of. Markus shook his head. “Its a blur in my memory. Cobalts men thought I was brain dead. Well, no one in that much damn pain could be dead. Though when Yargazon had me carried down to the gorge, I thought I would die. But I didnt. He exhaled. “Ozis mother. And Nanna

“You knew his nurse?

“She was mine, too, when I was his age.

“Im sorry, she murmured. “For all your losses.

His gaze turned fierce. “She and the queen gave their lives so he could go free. I wont let their sacrifice be in vain.

“And when will it ever stop? Allegra asked. “Would you have Ozi grow up into another Cobalt?

“Thats what Cobalt fears.

“Yet twice, when Cobalt could have killed him, he let Ozi live.

Markus stared at her, his head tilted to one side. It was a moment before he said, “I wonder why.

A knock came at the door. Allegra went over and found a man in Dawnfield livery holding a stack of mens clothes. He bowed to her. “For the prince regent.

She accepted the pile. “Thank you.

When she returned to the bedroom, Markus was standing by the bed, unfastening his chain mail. As he let it drop to the floor, she showed him the clothes. “I hope these are all right.

“As long as they fit. He pulled off his tunic and left it in a heap by his mail. Allegra wondered if he always treated his armor that way, or if someone usually picked it up for him. She set the fresh clothes on a table by the door.

He came over and cupped his palm around her cheek. “Just touching you calms me down. I dont know why.

Flustered, she drew away. “You must be very calm, then.

He gave her a startled smile. “Was that a joke?

“I do make them sometimes.

“Not with me.

She could tell he was about to embrace her. “I should go back to the other room. King Jarid is waiting. She made a quick exit, before he started kissing and confusing her again.

Jarid and Della were relaxed in armchairs, deep in conversation. Ozarson sat at a round table by the long window, showing Brant Firestoke a school problem. Outside, clouds scudded across the sky.

“See, its a square root plus a constant, all inside another square root, Ozarson said. “You set it equal to this term. Then square both sides. Sometimes it works, but you have to solve a quadratic and only one root is good. Sometimes it doesnt work. It depends on the numbers.

“Thats clever, Brant said.

Allegra blinked at the sight of the fugitive Jazid king doing number games with a kings advisor from Aronsdale. Hearing a nine-year-old talk about quadratics was almost as strange. Few of her students ever reached that level before they left school to marry or work their farms. Lord Firestoke must have studied it, though. She wondered what it was like for Ozarson, when even so few adults could follow where he went with his intellect.

Jarid glanced at her. “Is he awake?

Allegra nodded self-consciously. “Hell be out as soon as he cleans up. She remained standing, unsure how to act. She gathered she wasnt expected to kneel every time Jarid came into the room, but she had little idea how court protocols worked. Della had hinted in her letters that Allegra could learn at the guild, but Allegra hadnt believed they were considering her as a bride for Aron, so she hadnt thought much about it.

“Please sit. Jarid indicated the couch.

“Thank you. She sat across from him and Della.

“Your bruises are almost healed, Jarid said.

She touched her face. “Theyre much better.

He spoke awkwardly. “What happened to youIf I offend in my questions, please accept my apology. Youre the only person from outside of Jazid who has been with this outlaw army, at least who has returned to talk about it. Youve had contact with Dusk Yargazon. No one else outside their army can say that.

Allegra felt ill. She didnt think Ozi or Brant could overhear their discussion, but she spoke in a low voice anyway. “Yargazon wanted to kill me. No, not kill me. Just hurt me until I wished I were dead.

They stared at her, and Dellas face paled.

“Im sorry, Jarid said.

She couldnt answer. He was right. She knew the size of the army, where it had hidden, which commanders did what. She had lain in Markuss tent while he discussed strategy with his advisors. She had listened at dinner while they talked over the war. But she was Markuss consort. For her to tell Jarid any of that would be treason against the House of Onyx. Yet she had come here to warn her king about the army. She hadnt known she would feel this fealty to Ozarson, and she couldnt sort out her confused response to Markus. She had agreed to stand by him, yet if she withheld knowledge about his forces, she was turning her back on her own people. No matter what she did, she betrayed someone.

She was grateful Ozarson was here, though, rather than with his army. Yargazon couldnt have left him behind; the Jazid army was his protection, the reason he survived. He would have stayed with the thousand or so tenders while the army fought, but if Taka Mal defeated Jazid, the tenders couldnt protect him. If she were willing to admit it, she also cared that Markus was here instead of marching with his forces. He probably hated it. But seeing him safe and alive mattered to her.

“Allegra? Jarid asked.

She took a breath. “What did you want to know?

“Do they plan to kill the queen and her family?

She had expected him to ask about tactics, supplies, troops. Then she remembered; his kin had married into the royal family of Taka Mal. At least she had no qualms about answering that question. “Markus wants them as hostages. Yargazon wants them dead. Theyve targeted the queen, her child, her consort and Baz Quaazera, her cousin. Then she said, “Even Yargazon wants her consort alive, to use as a hostage against Cobalt.

Jarid exhaled, then glanced at Della, whose face had gone as white as linen sheets. She shook her head. “The treaty leaves no room for interpretation.

Jarid spoke grimly. “I know.

“I dont understand, Allegra said.

“He means his treaty with Taka Mal, a deep voice rumbled.

Allegra turned with a start. Markus was walking toward them, toweling his hair, dressed in dark trousers and a dark red shirt. He had shaved, and despite the toweling, it looked like he had brushed his shaggy hair. Lowering his arms, he considered the Aronsdale king. “Will you march with or against the emperor when you go to Taka Mal?

Jarid met his gaze. “I havent said Im going to Taka Mal.

“If you dont support Taka Mal against the Jazid invasion, youre violating your treaty with them, Markus said. “And if you fight against Jazid, youre fighting for Cobalt.

“Ive made no decisions, Jarid answered coolly.

“Do you have news of Cobalts army? Allegra asked Jarid.

The king nodded, and he suddenly looked tired. He glanced at where Ozarson sat with Brant. “Perhaps you should bring the atajazid over here.

Unease washed over Allegra, and she saw her tension mirrored in Markuss face. Without a word, he went to the table. As soon as Brant looked up, his smile faded. Fear surged across Ozarsons face, and Allegra wondered if he had really forgotten it or just kept it at bay by playing with numbers, which were always either right or wrong, with no moral ambiguities.

Ozarson came to sit on the couch between Markus and Allegra. Brant sat across from them in an armchair. Although Ozarson looked composed, his fear seemed like a tangible presence to Allegra.

“The envoy I sent to Cobalts army has returned, Jarid said. “The situation is even more complicated than we thought.

Markus tensed. “Why?

“It isnt just his army cutting across Aronsdale, Jarid said. “My cousin has brought over a thousand men.

A thousand? “But how? Allegra asked. She understood how Cobalt could marshal his men; he had kept forces in Shazire, the country just south of Aronsdale, since he took over that country. But Harsdown was farther west, with the Boxer-Mage Mountains dividing it from Aronsdale. Unless Muller had his army near the southern border of Harsdown, it would take many days to bring it south and join Cobalt.

“My cousin, Muller, has had his men ready for a year, Jarid said. “Since the assassination attempt against Queen Vizarana. Theyve been doing maneuvers in southern Harsdown near the Shazire border in case they had to march unexpectedly. His gaze turned cold as he regarded Markus. “This army you claim doesnt exist invaded Taka Mal five days ago. Theyve already taken a portion of the country. Theyre expected to reach Quaaz soon.

Allegra felt as if she were falling into a whirlpool. No wonder Jarid hadnt asked about their plans. He already knew.

“I have no idea what this supposed army is doing, Markus said. “Ive been looking for my brother and my wife.

Jarid clenched his fist in frustration. “Damn it, Onyx.

Markus said nothing. Ozarson sat between him and Allegra, his posture stiff, his face worried.

“What are you going to do? Allegra asked.

“That depends, Jarid said. “The empress and her son are with Cobalts army. He doesnt intend to take them to Taka Mal. He spoke tiredly. “He had, in fact, planned to leave them here.

Ozarsons face paled. “But were here.

“Let Ozarson go, Markus said, his voice urgent. “Im the one Cobalt wants. I command the army.

“So you admit it exists after all, Brant said.

Markus never took his gaze off Jarid. “Let the boy go.

“You know I cant do that, Jarid said.

Ozarson looked up at Markus. “I wouldnt leave you anyway.

Allegra suddenly realized what Jarid hadnt said. “Does Cobalt know Markus and Ozi are here?

“I havent yet told him. The king exhaled. “And there, Im afraid, lies another of our complications.

“ Dont tell him, Markus said.

“I have to, Jarid said.

“You gave asylum. Allegras pulse surged. “You gave your word.

“I intend to keep it. Jarid raked his hand through his long hair. “But you see, we have a new problem. He looked around at them all. “My envoy didnt return alone.

“No! Ozarson cried. “He cant be here.

“Im sorry, Jarid said. “But Im afraid he can. Cobalt has arrived. Hes in the castle.
