It is, as Time magazine will point out, a discovery that would "change the nature of medicine every bit as fundamentally and as importantly as the discovery of penicillin."

"What if," says Jeff Goldblum, playing the adult Rajit in the biopic, "just-what if you could reset the body's genetic code? So many ills come because the body has forgotten what it should be doing. The code has become scrambled. The program has become corrupted. What if…what if you could fix it?"

"You're crazy," retorts his lovely blonde girlfriend, in the movie. In real life he has no girlfriend; in real life Rajit's sex life is a fitful series of commercial transactions between Rajit and the young men of the AAA-Ajax Escort Agency.

"Hey," says Jeff Goldblum, putting it better than Rajit ever did, "it's like a computer. Instead of trying to fix the glitches caused by a corrupted program one by one, symptom by symptom, you can just reinstall the program. All the information's there all along. We just have to tell our bodies to go and recheck the RNA and the DNA-reread the program if you will. And then reboot."

The blonde actress smiles, and stops his words with a kiss, amused and impressed and passionate.
