Chapter Eighteen

Mary Elizabeth eyes bounced from object to object, instinctively looking for a way of escape. “I've got to get out of here. I need to think. I only met the man three weeks ago and now you're telling me I'm married to him?” She began to pace, too agitated to stand still.

Kiesha reached out and caught her by the arm. “Mary Elizabeth, calm down. Don't do anything rash. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the Creator doesn't make any mistakes when it comes to true mates. I think if you just give yourself some time to get used to the idea, you'll find out that everything is okay. Believe me, I know how you feel. I wasn't any more accepting of this when Alex told me about it than you are right now. I think when you have a chance to get over the shock, you'll find that Hugh really is the perfect man for you—your soul mate. That's how it was for me with Alex. You just need time to adjust your thinking."

She pulled her arm away and went back to pacing, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. “And when am I suppose to find time to do that? The man is practically living in my apartment. He knew I only wanted an affair. I was very clear about that. I told the man I couldn't handle anything more serious."

"He's just waiting you out. Bears are very intelligent and cunning creatures. He knew if he hung around long enough, the mating fever would take over and before you knew it, the mate bond would have you both. Once the mating fever kicks in, the only way to stop things is for one of you to die before the bond can be completed.” Shannon continued, “I could tell at the party that the two of you were in the grip of the mating fever. I didn't know at the time that you had no idea what Hugh was. He should have at least told you that much about himself."

"He probably thought that at best she wouldn't believe him or at the worst, the information would scare her away. I'm sure neither option appealed to him. He still should have told Mary Elizabeth. That's men for you. There's a lot I wouldn't have known until it was too late if Carol hadn't told me about it first. People in love do some strange things when that love is threatened."

Mary Elizabeth held her hands up protectively in front of herself. “Whoa, back the horse up. No one said anything about love."

Shannon and Kiesha both looked at her like she was stupid. “What do you think we've been talking about? The mate bond is synonymous with love. It's love in its highest form. He may not have said the words to you but you can't tell me he hasn't been showing you how he feels about you. Based on my experience with Alex, I have no doubt that it's love, and not sex that's motivating everything that Hugh does for you."

Mary Elizabeth thought over everything Hugh had done. The way he fed her and took care of her. The way he was concerned about her safety and did what was best for her, even when it meant denying himself something he really wanted. She'd been in denial. The man was in love with her. His love showed through every word he said and every action he took.

Suddenly she was overwhelmed. This was just one truth too many for her mind to handle. She needed to get out of her. Shoulders hunched protectively, she told Kiesha, “I've got to go. I need to think. My mind's about to burst. I know this is short notice but I need to take off a few days. Go somewhere where I can get my head together. I need space. I'm suffocating.” She turned to walk out of the door, breathing like someone having an asthma attack.

Kiesha grabbed her by the shoulders. “Wait! Don't leave. At least, not yet. I agree that you need time to think and you won't be able to do that here with Hugh, but you can't just run off willy-nilly. You need a plan. Where will you go?"

"Go? I don't know. Just away. I need to get away from here."

"I understand. Listen to me. I have an idea. You can get the space you need and take care of business at the same time. This is something I was going to have you to do anyway, so you might as well do it now. Go around to all the neighboring towns and check out their thrift stores. Find out what's selling and what's not. We need an idea of what the people around here like so we don't stock the store with a bunch of useless merchandise. I'll give you the business credit card and you can charge your gas, lodging and meals on me. This way you can kill two birds with one stone. Get a jump on business while taking time to get your head together, okay?"

Mary Elizabeth didn't hesitate. She took the lifeline Kiesha offered her with both hands. “Deal. I'll leave as soon as you give me the card. I won't even go home to pack. I'll buy what I need while I'm out. I can't face Hugh right now."

"I understand. Do what you have to do. I'll go get the card. You wouldn't have been able to do much here anyway. Now that the computers have arrived, there isn't much we can do with them until Shayla comes to set up the systems. This is the perfect time for you to be away.” She turned to go and get the card.

While she was gone, Shannon said to Mary Elizabeth, “I can't say I know how you feel but I've heard about true mates all of my life. One thing I know, no matter how things start, they always end up being the most dedicated, committed and loving relationships anyone has ever seen. It's what all shifters pray for, that they might find their One—the only one they can truly be happy with. You take this time you need to think about things but know this, now that Hugh has found you, he'll never let you go. He can't. You hold his heart in your hands. Be careful what you do with it."

Mary Elizabeth nodded, indicating that she understood. Kiesha returned and handed her the card. “Be careful and stay safe. What do you want me to tell Hugh when he comes looking for you?"

"Just tell him that I needed time to think, and not to call my cell phone. I'll have it off unless I need to make a call."

"Okay, I'll do that. You make sure you check in every day with me or I'll tell him how to track you down."

Mary Elizabeth shuddered, knowing Kiesha meant what she said. He'd do it, too, and drag her back to Refuge, kicking and screaming. “I will. I'll call and tell you where I am and what I've found.” She gave Kiesha a hug and turned and walked out of the store.

Watching her drive off, Kiesha asked Shannon, “What do you think?"

"I think Hugh is going to have a shit fit when he finds out she's gone. I wouldn't want to be around when that happens. Although, it's no less than he deserves for not being honest with her."

Kiesha agreed. “That's exactly how I feel about it."

They shared a look that women have shared throughout the ages. One of sisterhood and camaraderie, steeped in the knowledge that sometimes women had to stand together just to be able to hold their own against the men in their lives.

* * *

Hugh was feeling great, as great as only a night of mind-blowing sex with the woman he loved could leave him feeling. The mate bond was working. Each time they joined as one, the cords binding their souls together became stronger. Soon, his mate would be totally his. Right now, she was actively resisting the idea that they might be more to each other than just a temporary amusement. Somewhere in his mate's past she'd learned to be leery of love; probably the fault of her messed up childhood and her screwed up mother and sister. She didn't have a high opinion of love, something that her brief relationship with Charles had reinforced.

If it hadn't been for her getting sick that night, she would never have let him close enough for a relationship to develop. She'd spent the last couple of years keeping men at arm's length. She knew exactly what to do to keep men away. This last week had been a delicate dance of pushing inside her boundaries yet giving her space to be free. Although he was living with her, he allowed her to believe that he was simply a nightly visitor.

Unnoticed by her, they'd already fallen into a routine. Each morning they ate breakfast together before she left for work. After work, she had time to herself to unwind and enjoy her privacy. He'd noticed that his mate was a very private person and needed plenty of personal space. His working evenings allowed her the time she needed alone to recharge her batteries.

When she was ready for company, she came down to the diner and sought him out. He gave her the excuse she needed by providing food for her to eat. In reality, she came down because she wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her, and not for the free meal. He knew it was the truth because any woman that loved to cook as much as Mary Elizabeth did would never have turned over all the cooking to him. That she had was simply her mind's way of giving her a valid reason to do what her heart wanted to do. She wasn't ready to admit to herself that she loved him.

She definitely wasn't ready to hear that he loved her. In her mind, love had to be earned. She didn't consider herself worthy of being loved. It's a lesson she learned from her parents when she'd had to earn her place in their affections. She wasn't taught that she was lovable just as she was. The message she drilled into her since early childhood was that the beautiful people were given love, everyone else had to earn theirs. She didn't see her own beauty. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, more importantly, she was beautiful on the inside. Her inner beauty radiated out of her like sunshine, visible for all to see.

There was so much he needed to tell her that she wasn't ready to hear. She still had no idea that he was a shifter. She had no inkling that they were mated, which in his world was more binding than marriage and more permanent than death. She thought she was involved in an affair, something that could be ended at any moment.

Somehow he was going to have to find a way to force her to face her feelings. She needed to know that what they had was forever, but he had to get the timing just right. If he confronted her before she was ready, she'd run. He'd rather face her temper than have her run from him in a panic.

"Hey, Hugh. Where's your lady? Shouldn't she be here by now?"

Hugh looked at the clock. It was way past the time when Mary Elizabeth usually joined him. “Yeah, she should. Maybe she took a nap. I'll give it another hour before I call her,” he told Ralph, his other cook.

Business picked up in the diner and before he knew it, another two hours had passed. Realizing she still hadn't arrived, he fixed a “to go” dinner to take to her. “I'm taking a break. I'll be back in an hour."

"Okay, boss."

He went out the back door and started up the stairs. He was halfway to the door before he realized her truck wasn't in the parking lot.

Stopping, he turned and started back down the stairs. Surely she wasn't still at work. It was after eight o'clock. She should have been home hours ago. He crossed over to the Hummer, put her food on the passenger seat and drove the few short blocks to the store. Mary Elizabeth usually parked in front. There was no sign of her vehicle and the store was locked up tight. All of the lights were off inside.

He sat in the vehicle, trying to think of where she could be. She was still new in town and didn't know too many people. That left Kiesha, Mary Elizabeth's best friend and the reason she was here. He backed out of the parking space and made a u-turn in the middle of the street. He was going to find the one person who would know where his mate was.

* * *

Kiesha was jumpier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Every time the phone rang, she expected it to be Hugh, demanding to know Mary Elizabeth's whereabouts. Alex informed her that no one was allowed to interfere in the bonding process between mates, not even Alphas, a rule she'd forgotten. Those who did ran the risk of being ostracized by the Pack. When Hugh did come calling, and she had no doubt that he would, she would have two angry males on her hands.

They both looked up at the sound of a vehicle in the drive.

Alex said, “That sounds like Hugh. Wonder what's so important that he had to drive all the way out here instead of picking up the phone and calling.” He headed to the door.

Kiesha got off of the couch and began to ease up the stairs. She knew it was useless to run but she had to try any way. There was no way she could just sit there, knowing what was coming. She was halfway up the stairs by the time Alex opened the door for Hugh.

"Come in and tell me what's wrong."

"Alex, sorry to disturb you but I need to speak to your mate. It's extremely important."

Alex gestured toward the living room. “Sure, she's right in here. Where did that woman go? She was right here a minute ago."

Kiesha flinched when one of the stairs creaked under her foot, knowing they'd heard.

"Kiesha, there you are. Hugh is here to see you."

Kiesha slowly turned around, knowing the look on her face screamed her guilt.

Seeing her expression, Alex asked, “Kiesha, what have you done?"

She straightened up her shoulders and held her head up high, deciding to brazen it out. “I didn't do anything. I was simply heading for the bathroom."

"Then why do you look guilty?"

Hugh butted in. “Kiesha, do you know where Mary Elizabeth is? She's not at home, nor is she at the store. I was hoping she was here."

Kiesha began to fidget. The moment she dreaded was at hand.

Alex got a suspicious look on his face. “Kiesha, you know where Mary Elizabeth is, don't you?"

"Well, technically I don't, not really.” She wasn't lying. Mary Elizabeth hadn't checked in yet, so she didn't know where she was. She just knew where she wasn't, and that was in Refuge.

Hugh, obviously holding onto his patience, asked, “Why don't you tell us what you do know.” His voice was strained, like he was trying not to yell.

"Watch how you're speaking to my mate,” Alex said with a hard look.

Hugh returned his look with one of his own. “As soon as your mate tells me where mine has disappeared to, I'll leave and be out of your hair."

"Your mate? Mary Elizabeth is your One? Damn, that's great news. I was hoping this would happen.” Alex grinned from ear-to-ear and slapped Hugh on the arm, congratulating him.

"It would be fantastic news except for the fact that she seems to have disappeared, and your mate is the only one who knows what happened,” Hugh said dryly.

At this, they both directed their attention to Kiesha, who had managed to climb up two more steps. “Love, don't you move, not one more step, you hear? Otherwise I might be forced to come and get you. Where's Mary Elizabeth?"

Kiesha stopped, knowing he wouldn't hesitate to do exactly as he had said. She could occasionally push Alex, but she'd learned not to cross him. She took a deep breath and blurted, “She left town.” Her hand gripped the rail and her body was tensed to run. If they came after her, she wouldn't have much of a head start.

"What do you mean, she left town?” The question came from Alex. Hugh was too busy growling, not a good sign. She had no desire to see an angry bear. Shannon's words came back to her.

"Well, she sort of found out by accident that she was mated to a shifter, a fact she didn't know,” she turned to glare at Hugh and quickly turned back to Alex when she saw how furious Hugh was. “She freaked out and needed time to think, so I sent her on a business trip.” Seeing the looks on both men's faces, she spoke faster. “She was just going to run but I slowed her down and gave her something constructive to do while she was gone. She'll be back once she's had time to settle down."

Hugh was so furious his eyes shifted and his jaw elongated, making his face look funny.

Alex was in Alpha mode. “And how did she, as you put it, ‘accidentally’ find out that she was mated to Hugh?"

"Well ... she came into the store and Shannon was there. I asked her if she was wearing new perfume because she smelled different but Shannon recognized Hugh's scent. Mary Elizabeth mentioned that she and Hugh were seeing each other and well, you know how it is. One thing lead to another and before it was all over, it came out that Mary Elizabeth and Hugh had done the whole bonding thing only she didn't know about it and when she found out about it she freaked.” Kiesha dragged in a huge breath of air. She'd gotten all of that out without stopping to breathe, wanting this over and done with.

Hugh closed his eyes and looked a little hopeless. “Do you know where she went?"

Seeing the anguish on his face, Kiesha felt her heart melt. This man really loved her friend. She was sure he had a good reason for keeping what he was a secret. “No, I'm sorry Hugh. She's supposed to be going around to the neighboring towns to check out the area thrift stores, seeing which items really sell so we know how to stock our store. I made her promise to call each night and check in or I told her I would send you after her. For what it's worth, I think she really does love you. She just needs time to get her head straight and think things through. She would never have allowed you this close to her if she didn't care."

Hugh's shoulders dropped in defeat. “Promise me you'll call as soon as you hear from her."

"I will, Hugh. I'm sure she won't be gone long,” Kiesha tried to reassure him as he walked out the door.

Once Hugh was gone, Alex turned to her with a look on his face she didn't like. “I see we need to have a little talk about staying out of other people's business.” He locked the door and started up the steps toward her.

Kiesha turned and ran, knowing he'd catch her but doing it any way. Alex would never hurt her, but the man had a way of getting his point across that left a deep impression, one to be avoided at all cost. She'd barely made it to the door of their room when she felt him behind her. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind them.

"Let me give you a refresher course on how we do not interfere in the lives of mates and see if I can make it stick this time."

He did and it was a lesson she wouldn't soon be forgetting.
