Chapter Twelve

The ride back to the apartment was silent, each one preoccupied with their own thoughts. A subtle hum of anticipation hovered in the air. Hugh brought the Hummer to a stop directly behind her truck, blocking the exit. As long as he was there, she would be going nowhere. He wondered if she caught the subtle meaning of his actions.

He took the keys out of the ignition, walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. She grabbed her rose and slide out onto the pavement. Taking her elbow, he closed the door and escorted her up the stairs to the apartment.

At the door, she placed her key in the lock and then leaned her back against its solid strength, denying him entrance. “I had a really good time tonight. Thank you."

Wondering what game she was playing, he arched an eyebrow at her. “It's still early. Aren't you going to invite me in for coffee and dessert? We never did get around to eating the chocolate chip cookies."

"I don't know. My parents aren't home. I'm not allowed to have company when they're out.” The tone was young and innocent, but the expression on her face was wicked.

He braced his arms on the door above her head and leaned forward, bringing his face even with hers. “Let me in, baby. I'll be good. Trust me. They'll never know I was here.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her, his tone cajoling, more than willing to play her game.

She bit her bottom lip, and glanced around uncertainly. “I'm not sure. You saw what happened at the movies. We almost got caught. If I let you in, you have to promise to be very, very good. And you have to leave when I tell you."

He placed his hand over his heart and solemnly promised, “Oh baby, I promise you, I'll be sinfully good.” He twisted the key in the lock and opened the door in the same motion, and then backed her into the apartment.

As he closed and locked the door, Mary Elizabeth headed toward the kitchen. Hugh reached out an arm and snagged her by the waist, pulling her back into his hard body. “Where do you think you're going?” He plucked the rose out of her hand and tossed it onto the couch.

"To make coffee, of course. Didn't you say you wanted some?” Her voice came out breathless. Hugh had found the spot on her neck that made her weak in the knees and was plying it.

"Forget the coffee.” He unbuttoned her sweater and slid it off of her shoulders.

"How about dessert? I have some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.” The camisole Hugh was pulling over her head muffled her voice.

"I don't want any cookies.” He unsnapped her bra, pulled it down her arms and let it drop to the floor with the rest of her clothes. He kissed the underside of her jaw, working his way down her neck as his hands caressed and massaged her breast.

Her earlier arousal came roaring back. She reached back and circled her arms around his neck. Arching her back, she pressed her breast firmly into his hands. “How about some ice cream? Don't you want something sweet to eat?” She moaned as her breasts swelled and her nipples tighten.

He unbuttoned her jeans and lowered the zipper. Sliding his hand inside, he cupped her sex, drawing a ragged breath from her lips. “I want some of this honey that's been driving me crazy all night.” His fingers were flexing and rubbing, trying to go deeper, but his movements were hampered by the tight fit of her jeans.

With his other hand, he tugged on her jeans, trying to pull them down without dislodging the hand between her legs. She helped push them until they were below her knees. She raised her leg, trying to get the jeans off and almost fell over sideways. Only the hand he had cupped between her legs kept her from falling.

"Whoa, take it easy there.” He steadied her as she clutched at his arm, trying to regain her balance.

"Oops. Forgot about the boots. They have to come off before the jeans can.” She couldn't believe she'd done something so stupid. Before she could feel self-conscious about her non-sexy move, Hugh spun her around. He bent over, pressed his shoulder against her stomach, and then lifted her into a fireman's hold.

She gave a shriek of surprise and grabbed a hold of his belt to balance herself. He held her legs as he turned toward her bedroom. Wanting to impress her, he bounced her up and down a little on his shoulder.

"Hey! Stop that!” She smacked his butt, hard. Then, impressed with the shape and feel of it, cupped it with her hands, giving it a small squeeze. Nice. It was high and firm, not flat or non-existent like some men. She couldn't believe how bold she was being.

Her world went topsy-turvy as Hugh flipped her off of his shoulder and onto the bed. “Oomph!” She landed with a bounce, arms spread wide in an attempt to catch herself. She giggled, amazed that he was being so playful.

Her laughter brought a smile to his face. He grabbed the heel of her boot, turned and straddled her leg. Getting a good grip on it, he pulled—hard—attempting to pull it off. The boot stayed in place but her body slid to the edge of the bed. He rolled his eyes as Mary Elizabeth laughed like a lunatic.

"Brace yourself so that I can pull off your boot.” She propped up on her elbows and braced her other foot against his rear as he tugged. With a small suctioning sound, the boot came off and he tossed it to the side. “Give me the other one."

She slowly dragged top of her stocking foot along the ridge of his arousal, between his legs and across his balls until she had it braced against his left cheek.

"Careful. You're playing with fire,” he cautioned as her action caused fire to streak through his veins.

"Oooh, burn me,” she playfully responded. She slid her other foot through the opening in his legs and held it aloft until he grabbed a hold of it.

Hugh tugged the last boot off and without letting go of her leg, turned to face her. She watched to see what he would do next. He got a good grip on the legs of her jeans and tugged, pulling them completely off of her body. When he was finished, she lay there dressed only in a pair of lace-top, thigh high stockings and a matching pair of lacy, black, boy-cut panties.

A man on a mission, he reached for her panties to take them off. She slapped at his hands, causing him to draw back in surprise. “Not so fast, buster. You are seriously overdressed. How about evening things up a bit?"

His eyebrow arched as he considered her words. He looked down at his attire, then back at her. “What would you like for me to remove?"

Oh, she liked this. Smiling broadly, she looked him up and down slowly from head-to-toe as though searching for something. “Get rid of the shirt."

He pulled his shirt free from his jeans, grabbed the hem and pulled it over his head before letting it drop to the floor next to her jeans. He stood awaiting her next command.

Mmm, look at all those muscles. Her eyes traced his bulging shoulders and biceps, straight down to a flat stomach that rippled with muscles. Although he'd been bare-chested with her before, she hadn't been in any condition to appreciate it. She planned to enjoy every minute of it this time.

To Hugh, she appeared to be in a trance. He placed his hands on his waist and waited for her to snap out of it. Finally, tired of waiting, he asked, “Would my lady like me to remove anything else? Or can I get back to what I was doing?"

His words caused her to snap out of her daydream in which she was running her hands and mouth all over his body. She squirmed uncomfortably as her heat index rose and surreptitiously checked her mouth to see if she was drooling. “Your pants.” Her voice broke and she had to say it again. “Take off your pants."

She watched avidly as his hands went to his belt and undid the buckle. He undid the button and pulled down the zipper. Sliding his thumbs into the waistband of his pants, he pulled them down. Once around his feet, he hesitated, clearly remembering what happened to her. “I need to take my boots off first."

"Let me.” She jumped up from the bed and pushed him down to sit on the edge. She bent over with her breasts hanging and grabbed the heel of his boot. Getting a good grip, she gave it a fierce tug. Nothing happened. She looked down, surprised.

"Perhaps if I unzip them first?” he suggested dryly. She looked at him, then at the boot in her hand. His foot hit the floor with a thud as she propped her hands on her hips. Arching her brow, she asked sarcastically, “You couldn't have said anything sooner?"

"I was enjoying the view.” He unzipped both boots and kicked them off before standing and stripping off his jeans. Then he stood before her totally nude. The retort she was going to make died on her lips as she got a good look at him. The man was huge. Talk about being well hung. She didn't see how he had managed to get that monster inside of her.

He watched her eyes grow to the size of saucers. “Don't worry. It will fit."

She looked at it doubtfully. “I can't believe you got that inside of me last night.” Fully erect, his penis reached to his navel. She wasn't an expert on these things, but he had to be at least nine inches.

He hooked an arm around her waist and fell back onto the bed with her on top. He quickly flipped them so that she lay on her back with him on top. He made a place for himself between her legs, bracing on his forearms above her. “We fit. We were made to fit together.” Not giving her any further opportunity to think about it, he lowered his head and kissed her. He already knew that she loved his kissed. His kissed her deeply, pouring all of his passion for her into it.

She forgot about everything but his mouth on hers, and the feel of his hard body pressing into hers. She wrapped her legs around him, rubbing her cloth-covered mound against his erection. Her hands came up and cupped the sides of his face, holding his mouth against hers as she fell head long into the passionate kiss.

Their mouths stayed fused together until their oxygen supply ran short. She snatched her mouth away from his, needing to breathe as his mouth traveled down her body to her breast. When his mouth latched onto it, she gave a keening cry as her back left the bed. Oh god, she hadn't known her breast were so sensitive.

She pushed against his head, trying to push him off. It was too much. The sensation was too intense. Hugh grabbed her hands and pinned them to the bed above her head. Holding her in place with one hand, he went back to plundering her breast. Back and forth he went, suckling deeply on one and then the other, while Mary Elizabeth went crazy beneath him.

She bucked against him, her chest heaving. Her head thrashed from side-to-side. Hugh tightened his grip on her hands and suckled more deeply on her breast, until with a scream she came violently beneath him. Damn, that was hot. He loved that he could make her come just by sucking on her breast.

"Again!” He commanded her. “Do it again.” He continued playing with her breast until she came again, sobbing beneath him.

As she was deep in the throes of her second orgasm, he released her hands and ripped the underwear from her body. Settling back on his heels, he grasped her beneath her knees and pulled her body forward until her pussy lay open and exposed. Lifting her by her hips, he thrust forward, trying to ram himself all the way home. She was too tight. He only sank a couple of inches before he was forced to stop.

Her orgasm was working against him, tightening muscles that were already tight. He began pumping his hips, working his way in a little bit deeper each time. Mary Elizabeth lay at an angle with his thighs supporting her back, and her shoulders touching the bed. Her arms were spread out to the sides, helping her balance. Had Hugh been a smaller man, in this position her feet would have touched the bed, giving her a little bit of leverage. As it was, her legs dangled in the air behind him.

He hit a spot that caused her breath to catch. Recognizing it for what it was, he adjusted his grip on her body and began working her g-spot, over and over. As he manipulated her body, her hands clawed the bedspread as she tried to gain purchase. She wanted to move, to thrust, to do something, but she was afraid is she did anything she'd cause him to miss that spot, the one that was making her crazy with pleasure.

"Please. Just a little bit more.” She could feel the pressure building. Everything in her began tightening. It was a little bit scary, how intense everything was. She unconsciously began to fight against him.

"Oh, no, you don't.” Hugh locked her body against him, preventing her from moving as he worked that one spot mercilessly.

"Stop! Please, Hugh. It's too much. I can't take it. I can't.” It would kill her. No one could handle this much pleasure and survive. Already her heart was trying to beat its way out of her chest.

"You can, baby. You will. Come for me.” He wasn't about to stop now, not when she was this close. He wouldn't allow her to give into fear and draw back from him. “Come now,” he demanded in a growl.

As though his permission were all she needed, she felt her body bear down hard on his cock. Her eyes went wild as she felt something break loose inside and a gush of fluid released. She shook all over, like a person in the midst of a seizure.

Hugh lost it as he felt her ejaculate. His beast broke free as he partially shifted. His eyes changed and began to glow. Claws sprouted from his fingers and he grimaced as his incisors lengthened and sharpened. His cock increased in mass and size as he pounded into her, using every bit of the strength in his body, his balls slapping against her behind with each forward thrust. He was out of control.

Mary Elizabeth closed her eyes, gripped the bed and hung on for dear life. With each thrust, her breasts bounced. He was so deep it felt like he was at the back of her throat. With each thrust, he butted against her cervix. She couldn't decided if it was pleasure or pain she was feeling, possibly a complicated blend of both. She opened her mouth to tell him to take it easy, to explain that he was hurting her and screamed instead. Another orgasm crashed over her from out of nowhere. She clawed at the bed, her body strung tight as a bow as he continued to hammer.

No more. She couldn't take any more. Her vision darkened as she edged toward unconsciousness. She barely felt it when, with a window rattling roar, Hugh rammed in to the hilt and held himself there as his seed pumped inside to her waiting womb. His back was arched, his head thrown to the ceiling.

Already hovering on the edge of unconsciousness, she shuddered as her body climaxed again, milking the seed from his body. Thank God it was a small one this time. She didn't think her heart could have handled another violent one.

Hugh took a deep, shuddering breath and pulled his beast back inside. This was not the time for his mate to find out what he was. He closed his eyes and willed his claws to retract and waited for his teeth to change back to normal. He'd never lost control like that before. Yes, he liked his sex a little rough. Most shifters did, but he'd never lost control of his beast and partially shifted while making love. He never thought it would happen to him, even though he knew that any strong emotion brought his beast to the surface. In the past, he'd always exerted tremendous control over his emotions, and therefore his beast. Mary Elizabeth blew his control to hell and back.

Once he knew his beast was back in its cage and all signs of it were gone, he looked at his mate. While he had been regaining control, she'd fallen asleep with his cock still embedded inside. His passion had been too much for her. He needed to remember that his mate was human, and therefore fragile.

He was still hard; ready for round two. It appeared, however, that his mate was going to need some time to recover from round one. His moan barely covered the sucking sound her body made as he pulled slowly out of her snug sheath. She fit him to perfection and he hated to give it up, even temporarily. Hugh looked down, wanting to see what he was feeling.

His heart pounded hard in his chest when he saw the blood. It was smeared on his cock. Her inner thighs and pubic hair were full of blood and other body fluids. He gently settled her body onto the bed and went into the bathroom for a washcloth. He did not want Mary Elizabeth seeing this. He wet the cloth and returned to room, cleaning her gently but thoroughly. She barely stirred during the entire process.

Hugh moved her further up on the mattress, and checked to see if there was any blood on the covers. There wasn't. Good. She was sure to freak if there was and she saw it. Returning to the bathroom, he quickly washed off before leaving and turned off the light. He walked through the rest of the apartment, making sure everything was locked and lights off. Noticing the phone was still unplugged, he debated with himself for all of one second before deciding to leave it that way. Last of all, he lowered the heat on the thermostat. With him lying beside her, Mary Elizabeth wouldn't need as much heat.

Coming back into the room, he crossed over to his sleeping mate. She'd rolled to her side and curled into a ball. Lifting her up into his arms, he pulled the covers back before laying her back down. She murmured something that he didn't catch and curled back into a ball. He climbed into bed beside her and pulled her into his arms.

"Hugh,” she mumbled sleepily and wrapped herself around him. H reached out and turned off the lamp. As he drifted off to sleep, he made a vow to himself. Never again would he lose control and hurt his mate as he had tonight.
