Chapter Ten

Hugh pulled strings, offered overtime and got out of the diner early. It was six o'clock when he let himself into Mary Elizabeth's apartment. A soon as he opened the door, the scent of chocolate chip cookies with an underlying scent of fear hit his nose. Closing the door quietly behind him, he went looking for his mate. The fear was emanating from her.

She was in the kitchen. He would have smiled at the picture she presented if he wasn't so concerned. There was flour on her sweatshirt and pants and a streak of chocolate on her face. Hair escaped from her ponytail, leaving strands in disarray around her face. She was pulling a pan of cookies out of the oven.

"What's wrong?"

She jerked and the pan of cookies dropped onto the counter. Hmmm, must not have heard him enter.

"Damn it, Hugh! You scared me. What are you doing here? Why aren't you at work?” She was screeching. There was definitely something wrong.

"I left early. You didn't answer my question. What's wrong? You're tense."

Mary Elizabeth closed her eyes and visibly gathered her resolve before blurting out, “Hugh, I'm sorry, but this won't work. I know I agreed to your terms, but I simply don't have what it takes to handle an affair. I mean, look at me. I'm a nervous wreck. I have no idea what I'm doing, or how to proceed."

She had the most beseeching expression on her face. He widened his legs and crossed his arms over his chest, leveling a look on her. “Well, you did agree and I'm not letting you loose. I told you last night, this isn't a one-night stand.” He said nothing about her misconception that they were involved in an affair. If she was already panicking, she'd run scared if she knew what he really wanted—forever.

She transferred the cookies to a plate, avoiding his gaze. “We never discussed birth control, disease, and the like. You didn't use any last night and I didn't think to ask. How do you know I'm safe? How do I know you're safe? What if I'm pregnant?"

Her bashfulness amused him. He needed to put her at ease. That wasn't going to happen as long as she was in this kitchen. “You're right. We do need to talk, but we aren't doing it in here.” He took her hand and dragged her into the living room. He sat on the couch and pulled her onto his lap, locking his arms around her when she tried to squirm off.

"Be still. I'm not letting you up."

He waited until she settled before starting. She looked everywhere but at him. His mate had a definite problem with intimate conversation. “Now, first things, first. You are not pregnant."

This got her attention and made her look at him. “How do you know?"

"I know.” He didn't tell her he would be able to tell by the change in her scent. “Now on to your second issue. I'm clean. We're tested regularly in the military and I haven't been with anyone since I've been out. The few sexual encounters I have had, I used protection. What about you?” He didn't tell her that as a shape-shifter, he couldn't catch any disease. His body was resistant to them all.

She blushed and ducked her head. “There was only one,” she mumbled.

He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head so he could see her face. “One what? Lover?"

"Yes, well, no. It was only that one time. I don't think that qualifies him as my lover."

"You've only had sex one time? I thought you were engaged?"

"You know about that? I'm surprised Kiesha told you. I never slept with Charles. I wasn't attracted to him in that way. In hindsight, I guess I shouldn't be surprised Babs stole him from me. We were more friends than anything else."

"You're engaged to your brother-in-law Charles?” He was missing something here. He planned to keep digging until he got to the bottom of the story.


She must have saw his confusion and elaborated. “I met Charles in college. For reasons I won't go into, I hadn't dated much growing up. We met in a study group and started hanging out. He was nice and everyone was pairing up. When he asked me to marry him, I said yes. Then he met Babs, and that was that."

He could see something in her eyes. Some information she was withholding. “So that was it? No harm? No foul?” There had to be more to the story than this.

He could see her debating whether to tell him the rest and held his breath, willing her to trust him. “No, that wasn't all. Babs followed me to the university. I introduced her to Charles after we were engaged. You know, the whole, ‘this is my family’ thing? It was time for end of semester finals and I had a heavy class load. There wasn't a lot of free time, so I didn't see much of Charles. He said he understood. He was studying, too. When the semester was over, he was coming home with me to meet my parents. I was going to surprise them with my engagement. When we got home, I was the one who was surprised.” She shrugged ruefully. “Babs and Charles announced their engagement to our parents. I had no idea they were seeing each other. I still had the ring Charles gave me in my purse so my parents wouldn't see it until after we made our announcement."

Hugh's hands were digging into her waist by the time she finished. “Son of a bitch! No wonder you didn't want to go into detail. Someone should have beaten the shit out of both of them. What happened then? Do you still have feelings for this chump?” What kind of man did something like that? And that sister. What kind of bitch must she have been?

"No, I don't have feelings for him anymore. I wouldn't have sex with him when we were together. I had this quaint notion of saving myself for marriage. I realize now if I really loved him, I wouldn't have waited. After they betrayed me, I took the ring he gave me and sold it. I used part of the money to finance a vacation for myself and banked the rest of it. I had to get away from all of them. That's when my little one-night stand happened. I was angry with Babs and Charles, but angrier with myself. I figured since there wasn't going to be a wedding, there was no need to hold onto my virginity. The experience was so awful that I didn't bother repeating it."

His mate wasn't a virgin, but she was close. He liked knowing he was her first, and if he had anything to do with it, only lover. The clown that took her virginity didn't count. He shifted slightly, repositioning her on his legs to increase the circulation. He thought over all he'd learned. “You said you hadn't dated much. Why was that?” He wanted to know everything about her that he could.

"I might as well tell you the rest. Babs was the beauty in the family, and extremely popular in school. Whenever anyone befriended me, I never knew if it was me they were interested in or if they were just using me to get to Babs. And it wasn't just the guys. Girls did it, too. When most girls were going out on dates and learning how to handle themselves with boys, I was home studying or baking. It's the reason I had my choice of four-year scholarships to several colleges after high school. I didn't have much of a social life."

He pulled her close and laid a long, lingering kiss on her lips. “Here's what we're going to do. We are going to go back and pick up a few of the things you missed out on. Go, take a shower, and get dressed. Put on some jeans. When I come back, we are going out on a date. We are going to neck and fool around, and if you play your cards right, I just might let you get to second base."

She looked at him and smiled. It was like the sun coming at the end of a dark, gloomy day and warmed his heart just as much. “Really? That sounds like fun."

She hugged him tight before jumping up off of his lap, and rushed to go get ready. Before she reached the bedroom, she turned back. “How long do I have?"

He looked at his watch. The movie started at seven-thirty. “Can you be ready in an half an hour?"

"Yes. I'll be ready and waiting.” Then she turned and rushed into the bedroom.

He watched her enter her room before leaving. He had a half an hour to get ready and put his plan into motion.

* * *

Mary Elizabeth couldn't believe how excited she was. She felt like a teenager who's been asked to the prom by the one boy she's secretly has a crush on for years. What to wear? Hugh said jeans. Should she go with the jeans or should she try to “wow” him? She'd better stick with the jeans. She didn't know where they were going. Hadn't even thought to ask. She'd been too excited.

She pulled out a pair of low-riding, hip-hugging, black jeans with bootleg cut legs that flattered her. She paired it with a boxy, v-neck, black cardigan that buttoned in the front. Underneath it she wore a vibrant red, scoop-necked camisole. She stumped into a pair of black, cowboy boots with a low heel, threw her hair into a braid, added a touch of makeup and she was ready to go.

Not a moment too soon. A very commanding knock sounded at the door. Had to be Hugh. She wiped her suddenly sweaty hands on her thighs and then went to answer the door. Her mouth drooled at the sight of him. He looked that good. He was dressed in basic black. He had on a long-sleeved, black t-shirt that lovingly clung to his every muscle, and he had a lot. His jeans were form-fitted, drawing her eyes to the enticing bulge between his legs.

While she was checking him out, he'd been doing the same. He whistled and handed her a rose. “A flower for my lady. Are you ready?"

She smelled the flower then ran the petals across her lips, feeling its softness. Hugh moved the flower from her lips and replaced it with his own. The kiss was soft and sweet, very romantic.

She sank into the kiss, wanting more. He deepened the kiss and then pulled away before things could get out of hand. Resting his forehead against hers, he asked again. “Are you ready? ‘Cause any more of this and we'll be staying in.” He rubbed his erection against her stomach for emphasis.

Though she was tempted, she really wanted this date. “I'm ready. Just let me grab my purse.” She turned to retrieve it from the bedroom.

He caught her by the hips and turned her back around. “You don't need it. Just bring yourself. I'll take care of the rest."

He was serious. She always took her own money, but this wasn't about money. It was about trust. Would she trust him to take care of her? That's what he was asking. She took her house key and slipped it into the pocket of her jeans. “I'm ready."

He smiled approvingly before escorting her out the door. He led her to a green Hummer, helped her inside before walking around to the driver's side and getting in.

She waited until they pulled off before asking, “Where are we going?"

"To the drive-in movie theatre.” He smiled wickedly. “Think of all the fun we can have. There are some rules though. No removing of clothes and no sex. It's a family owned operation. They have guards that walk around with big, powerful flashlights to keep the couples from getting out of hand."

He reached out and took her hand, holding it while he drove. She never realized how special something simple like a man holding your hand while he drove could make her feel.

Tonight's movie was a Disney Pixar film that was geared toward families. The drive-in was packed. The back parking spaces were filled with teenagers who were probably more interested in making out than in watching the film. There were quite a few families and a few seniors spending the night out on the town, as well. Hugh found a place near the front and off to the side, but not too close. He parked and tuned in to the radio station on which the soundtrack was broadcast.

He pulled his seat up as far as it would go, told her to do the same, and then motioned for her to climb into the back seat. Raising an eyebrow at him, she did as he instructed. Once they were back there, he pushed the back of the bucket seats forward as far as they would go. Hugh reached behind the backseat and into the cooler. “Dinner is served. There's fried chicken, potato salad, veggies and dip, and sodas to drink. I also picked up some chocolate chip cookies for dessert, although I'm sure they are not as good as yours."

"Wow, you thought of everything.” She watched as he pulled out plates and utensils and distributed them.

"I told you I would take care of you.” He pulled the food out, one container at a time until both plates were filled. Stacking everything back into the cooler, he pulled out the drinks and placed them in the cup holders. By this time the movie was starting. He leaned forward and adjusted the radio volume to a comfortable level and then settled back to eat.

They sat in a companionable silence as they ate and watched the film. When she was finished eating, Hugh took her plate and placed it into the trash bag he'd brought. Reaching back into the cooler, he pulled out a moist wipe for her to clean her hands and did the same when he was finished.

Once more he reached back, this time coming out with a blanket. “What else do you have back there?” She couldn't see a thing, but obviously he could because he didn't hesitate or scrounge around for anything. He stuck a hand back and came up with whatever he was aiming for.

"Just the things we needed for tonight. I believe in being prepared. Come over here."

She slid across the seat until she was snuggled up next to him and he laid the blanket over them. He slouched down in the seat, finding a position that was comfortable. Placing an arm around her shoulder, he pulled on her until she laid head against his shoulder.
