Chapter Eleven

Mary Elizabeth was totally engrossed in the movie when Hugh made his move. He began by placing small kisses against her temple, working his way down to her ear. He nibbled and played with her earlobe, running his tongue around the outer edge. Keeping her eyes focus on the movie, Mary Elizabeth tilted her head to the side, giving him easier access.

Her focus shifted from the movie to Hugh when his kisses began traveling toward her neck. Just for fun, she tried pretended that it was the movie that held her attention. She ignored the goose bumps breaking out on her skin and tried to control her breathing. She didn't know that Hugh could scent her rising arousal.

Getting into the game, Hugh decided to see how long she could keep up the act. While he suckled and nibbled on her neck, he unbuttoned her sweater. When it lay open, he laid his hand on her stomach directly below her breast. He let his hand lay there, building her anticipation of what he would do next.

He ran the tip of his tongue up her neck to the underside of her jaw. From there, he placed small kisses along her jaw line, working his way toward her mouth. Still, she ignored him. There was a small smile on her mouth that told him she was enjoying this. Time to up the ante.

He eased his hand up until it lay against the underside of her breast. With his thumb, he lightly stroked her breast, causing her nipple to pucker. At the same time, he teased the corner of her mouth with the tip of his tongue. He smiled when she turned her face toward him, trying to capture his mouth with her own.

Playing with her, he moved his lips away from her mouth and kissed along the underside of her jaw. When she turned back to the movie, he kissed his way back to the corner of her mouth. She waited a little longer this time before turning toward him for a kiss. Once again, he veered away from her mouth. This time, traveling back to her ear. She gave a little huff of frustration as she once again returned her attention to the movie.

He slid his hand until it covered the whole breast. Then he cupped it, playing with its weight. A small shiver shook her body. He used the fingers of the hand that lay across her shoulders to lightly stroke her neck while he kissed his way back to her mouth. Once again, he teased the corner of her mouth, this time with small kisses.

No response. She locked her jaw and kept her eyes on the movie, stubbornly refusing to rise to the bait. He backed up a few inches and stared. Nothing. She didn't so much as glance in his direction. Hmm, a challenge. This was going to be fun.

How much could she take before she broke? It would be his pleasure to find out. Watching her reaction closely, he allowed his hand to drift from her breast to her waist. He slipped his hand under the blanket and toyed with the button on her jeans. No reaction. She didn't even blink. He pulled it loose, then ran his finger along the zipper, keeping the pressure light.

Her pupils dilated, but other than that involuntary reaction, nothing. He let his finger glide lower, past the zipper and onto the seam running between her legs. He went back to playing with her neck. She had a hot spot where she was particularly sensitive right below and slightly behind her earlobe. He worked that spot as he increased the pressure of his hand, which was rubbing back and forth, right over her clit.

Her legs relaxed, falling open to give him better access as her head fell back to lie against his supporting arm. Her chest moved up and down as her lungs struggled to get more air. She bit her lower lip to hold back the moan he could hear at the back of her throat. But still, her eyes never left the movie screen.

The scent of her arousal caused his control to slip. It was making him crazy, causing his beast to rise. He wanted to lay her down and taste the sweet honey he could feel dampening her jeans. He wanted to remove her shirt and suckle the nipples he could see poking proudly through her shirt. He scraped her neck with his teeth, resisting the urge to bite down. The game he was playing backfired on him as he was caught in a trap of his own making.

He lowered her zipper and slid his fingers within, needed to feel her skin-to-skin. His finger glided between the folds of her sex, causing her back to arch as pleasure ripped through her body. He dipped his finger lower, lubricating it and then rubbed her clit. With a whimper, she caved. She reached up and grabbed him by his hair, pulling his face down to hers for a kiss. He never even thought to resist. Playtime was over.

His mouth devoured hers. She draped her leg over his thigh, opening herself for more of his torture. Her hips were pumping, trying to force his hands deeper to the emptiness inside. The hand that was stroking her neck slid down her shoulder, taking the thin straps of her camisole and bra with it. Her top and bra slid down until it barely covered the tip of her nipple. His hand pushed it the rest of the way as he cupped her bare breast, gently stroking and pulling her nipple.

With his upper body he leaned forward, slowly forcing her body back until she almost reclined on the seat below. He tore his mouth from hers and dropped it down to cover her breast. Freeing his hands, he grabbed the waist of her jeans in preparation of stripping them from her body. The sound of her ragged breathing drowned out the movie soundtrack playing through the speakers of the radio. Right when his hands had a good grip and he was ready to pull, the high power beam of a flashlight cut through the darkness of the interior of the vehicle.

With a succinct curse, he yanked Mary Elizabeth upright, pulling up the strap of her top at the same time. Cupping her head with his hand, he pulled her tight against his body, in an attempt to shield her from prying eyes. The guard tapped on the foggy window, indicating for Hugh to lower it.

After making sure that the blanket covered their lower bodies, Hugh slightly lowered the window. “How you doing, Bobby?"

"Just fine, Hugh, just fine. Mighty good movie, don't you think? Of course, you might be having a hard time seeing it with the windows of this here Hummer all fogged up like they are. Maybe you should cut on the defroster. Help yourself out a bit.” He smiled wickedly and halted his motion to get a gander at the woman Hugh was with when he heard him growl.

Hugh gave Bobby a look that promised retribution. Bobby was a shape-shifter. As soon as the window opened, he would have smelled the scent of their arousal and know that watching the movie was not what they were doing. “I'll do that. Like you said, wouldn't want to miss such a good movie."

"Well, I'll be going now. Got to make my rounds. You know how it is. Got to make sure nobody's doing anything illicit or indecent-like. This here's a family operation. Got to think of all the little kiddies here with their families. Wouldn't want to shock anyone, now would we?"

"You go on and make your rounds. I'll be talking to you later.” The warning was given without heat. He was caught flatfooted and he knew it. The last time he'd been caught going at it hot and heavy, he'd been a teenager testing out his sexual prowess right here at this very drive-in. It was just as embarrassing now as it had been then.

He powered up the window and turned to Mary Elizabeth. They looked at each other and then burst into gales of laughter. Mary Elizabeth laughed until her side hurt. When the laughter faded, she lay against Hugh, totally exhausted. “I can't believe we got caught like that."

Hugh smiled down into her face. “Just be glad he came when he did. A few minutes more and I'd have had you naked and screaming my name.” At the thought of it, his face hardened in renewed arousal as heat filled his eyes. He reached for her, intent on finishing what he'd started before they'd been so rudely interrupted.

"Oh, no, you don't.” She scrambled backwards, trying to evade the hands reaching for her. “You're not starting that again. We almost got caught the last time.” She slapped his hands away from her.

"We'll be quick. We could be done before he makes his next rounds.” He smiled winningly at her, still attempting to grab her and pull her to him.

"No, no, and no. Once was enough.” She laughed as he tried to mess up the clothes she was straightening. While she zipped up her jeans, he was baring her breasts. When she pulled up her top and straighten her bra, he undid the zipper on her jeans. The struggle turned into a wrestling match, with lots of laughter on both sides.

She wriggled and twisted away until Hugh finally managed to pin her down on the seat. He captured her hands and pinned them above her head. He laid half on the seat and half off, his body cradled between her thighs. Things turned serious when she felt his erection pressing against the heat centered between her legs. She wanted him in her and she wanted him now. Her body still pulsed with arousal. He'd lit a flame in her that he had yet to put out. Groaning, she arched up against him, rubbing her pussy against his arousal.

"Do that again and I won't care where we are or who drops by.” His teeth were gritted as he fought a battle with himself to resist what she offered. Now was not the time, but they would definitely be finishing what they started.

She rubbed against him again, tempting him. “If you don't want me tempting you then you need to get off of me. I can't think with you like this.” She arched against him again, wanting him to say to hell with everyone. She never knew lust could be so consuming. She was almost to the point where she didn't care where they were or who was watching. She just wanted him to finish what he'd started.

His chest rumbled at the picture she made laid out under him. Her lips were swollen and wet from his kisses. Her hair had come loose from the braid and was tousled around her head. Her eyes were shiny with need. In the struggle, her straps had lost the battle to stay on her shoulders and lay down around her elbow. The only thing preventing her breast from showing was his weight upon her body.

He hated to quit but he knew Bobby. Bobby would come by just to make sure Hugh was doing the right thing. And he was right. This wasn't the place for it.

"We'll finish this later.” He sat up and pulled Mary Elizabeth with him. He kissed her lightly on the mouth, pushing her away when she tried to deepen it, before helping her to straighten her clothes. Cracking the windows to let in some air, he pulled her back into his arms and settled back to watch the rest of the movie. He had no clue what was going on, having lost the thread of the storyline a long time ago. He did it to gain a measure of self-control. He was looking forward to getting her home and concluding what they'd started.
