Chapter Eighteen

Jessie turned when the hand gripped her waist with force. The male was a little aggressive to hold her that tightly while dancing but she knew no one would hurt her.

She looked up and gasped. Justice glowered at her. He was at the party and he didn’t seem happy to see her, judging by the way rage glinted in his dark eyes. She glanced down when his other hand reached out and both of them locked around her hips. He wore a dark-navy suit, a black, silk tie and appeared civilized from the neck down.

“You need to go home right now.”

Jessie met his gaze again, taking in the extent of his anger as she studied his harsh features. He’s livid. His nose flared, he softly growled and his fingers tightened their hold, to confirm her assessment. She frantically turned her head to search over her shoulder, spotted Breeze and didn’t see surprise on her face. She had a sinking feeling that her friend had set her up and had known Justice would be at the party.

“You are leaving,” Justice demanded harshly, his voice gravel rough.

Breeze stopped dancing, shook her head and gave her a fist sign. Her dark gaze flicked around the dance floor, and she winked when she glanced back at Jessie. She smiled, almost seeming to want to assure Jessie she was safe.

“Jessie? Did you hear me? Look at me now.”

She turned her head back, stared up at Justice and frowned. He wouldn’t dare create another scene similar to the last one. Other humans were there and he’d have to back off if she stood up to him. He was mad she’d been dancing. It didn’t take a genius to figure out he probably didn’t approve of how she was dressed and he wanted her out of the bar.

“No. I’m having fun and I’m not leaving. Humans are welcome at this party and I was invited.”

His eyes narrowed and his fingers flexed on her hips. “I won’t tell you again. Go home.”

Her anger stirred. “Look, if you want to dance, ask me and we’ll do that. Otherwise release me so I can have some fun. That’s all I’m doing. I came with Breeze and I’m leaving with her.” Her voice lowered. “There’s no need for this chest-beating routine, so knock it off. It’s not as though I’m allowing any of the men to run their hands all over my body the way you let Kit do to yours. None of them are grinding their hips against my ass.”

He jerked his hands away from her body as if she’d burned him, backed up and his eyes widened with shock at her refusal to obey or her blatantly calling him out about the previous night. Jessie turned away, presented him with her back and stepped closer to Breeze. It didn’t surprise her in the least that he’d refused to dance with her. It was too public, people would see him with his arms around her and that wasn’t something he’d do. At least not with a human. She wondered if Kit was around again, to paw him and rub her body against his.

She reached Breeze, frowned and shot her a dirty look. The Species smiled in response but her gaze lifted to stare at something behind Jessie. All the color drained from her face and she nearly stumbled into another dancer in her haste to put space between them.

What the hell? Jessie spun around to see what had obviously frightened Breeze and slammed into a solid body draped in an expensive, soft suit. She glanced down at his hands clenched at his sides, her chin jerked up, and on the journey to peer at his face she noticed his extremely tense stance. Rage showed in his eyes as their gazes met, his lips parted and he flashed the sharp points of his teeth.

“I said go home.”

“Stand up for yourself,” Breeze called out just loud enough to be heard over the beat of the song. “Don’t bully her, Justice.”

Yeah. Stand up for yourself. This is bullshit and while he’s my boss, I’m off the clock. She straightened her shoulders and didn’t look away from his hostile glare.

“Thank you for your concern but I’m safe and having fun with my friends. With your busy schedule, I’m sure you should be doing something besides harassing me.

This is a dance floor so dance or leave it. I already know the answer to that so good night, Mr. North.”

“Jessie,” he snarled, “go home.”

Movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She flicked her gaze to the right, inwardly winced when she realized that not only were the other people keeping a wide berth but they’d stopped dancing to openly watch her and Justice. She turned her head to the left and found more people staring at them from the bar area.

Jessie stared up at Justice, hated him a little for doing this and realized he wasn’t going to stop until she left. It would definitely be as embarrassing as the last time, perhaps even worse, and she felt her temper slipping. She closed her eyes, took deep breaths and counted slowly to ten. One. Two. Three. Four. Fi—

“Jessie? Move your ass out the door and go home. Don’t come to this bar ever again.”

That was it. Jessie’s eyes snapped open and she gave up on trying to keep it cool. “I work for you but this is my time off. I know everyone is afraid of you because you’re Justice North but guess what? You’re not my leader. I quit if this is how you’re going to treat me every time I go somewhere. Will that make you happy? I’ll go home and pack right now. I don’t need this, Mr. North. I’ll be off Homeland within the hour and you won’t have to watch out for me ever again.”

Jessie spun and stomped across the dance floor toward the door. New Species moved far out of her way, making her feel as if she’d suddenly contracted leprosy, the way they cleared a wide path to avoid getting within ten feet of her. She was so enraged that tears threatened to spill but she held them back. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing how deeply he’d affected her.

Son of a bitch! I just quit my job. I loved working with the women and living in that house.

No more soaking in that glorious tub but that’s fine. I’ll get another job and Justice can go screw himself. He―

“Jessie?” Justice snarled.

She jerked to a halt, shocked at the loudness of his voice and turned. The last bit of her restraint snapped. Anger burned brightly and she was done dealing with his temper tantrum. She loved him but he was being a complete ass. She wasn’t taking that shit from any man, even him.


He’d followed her and only feet separated them when he paused to glare, seemingly oblivious to the people who gawked. She wished she could forget that probably two hundred Species and dozens of humans were witnessing this argument.

The music cut off and the room grew as quiet as a church all of a sudden. Shit.

“Come here.”

She stared, stunned. “Excuse me?”

“Come here.” He pointed to the floor in front of him.

Oh, hell no. She spun and headed for the door again. If he wanted to yell, he could do it without an audience. Maybe it was a Species thing to verbally ream someone’s ass in public when they were angry but she wasn’t going to walk over to him to take that kind of treatment.

Someone moved into her path and she winced. Tim Oberto looked thunderous as she met his furious gaze, certain he’d shout at her once they were outside for mouthing off to the precious NSO leader. He blocked the door and there wouldn’t be a way to avoid him.

Trey stepped next her old boss, gripped him by his arm and hissed something in his ear. Her teammates drew in closer to the two men, shooting nervous glances around them and the tension was clear in their faces. They were expecting trouble and wanted an out from the building. It was standard operating procedure.

Jessie wanted to scream in frustration and anger. How could my night turn so bad, so fast? She and Breeze were going to have words. She was sure the woman had meant well but all she’d accomplished was to get Jessie into a ton of trouble. Her father would hear about this and he’d probably lecture her about disrespect, tell her she should have left the first time Justice had asked and she’d just have to silently take it without protesting unless she told her father the truth. That wouldn’t go over well. Her dad wouldn’t be happy that she’d slept with Justice. He always preferred to pretend she was a little girl instead of a woman with needs.

“Get back here!” Justice roared.

Jessie’s heart raced, she halted again and wasn’t sure what to do. Everyone in the room had heard him. Hell, they probably heard him at the front entry gate. It stunned her that he’d make such a huge spectacle out of their argument. Everyone was going to be talking about it for weeks, if not months. Jessie turned slowly. Justice stood in the same spot as before, he hadn’t moved an inch and his finger still pointed at the floor where he wanted her to be.

She took a deep breath and clenched her teeth as she slowly put one foot in front of the other. His finger relaxed, fell to his side and his other hand unclenched from a fist.

She paused three feet in front of him to stare up into his exotic eyes.

“What? You’re causing a scene. You told me to leave and I am.” She kept her voice soft and hoped no one could hear her.

“You never do what I tell you.” He didn’t lower his voice, spoke loud and clear, and the sound easily carried across the room.

Jessie dropped her gaze to his black tie, remembering to avoid eye contact now that she had calmed a little. She didn’t want to challenge him. She doubted it could get any worse but she wasn’t about to test that theory.

“I’m doing what you want, leaving. I’m going home to pack.” She kept her voice low. “Everyone is staring at us. I wish a hole could open up under me to get me out of here and I refuse to allow you to humiliate me ever again.”

Jessie turned and made it three feet before Justice grabbed her. He spun her around by her elbow and his other arm wrapped around her waist. She gasped when he yanked her up against his body. Jessie jerked her head up to stare at him with shocked, wide eyes. He jerked her tighter against his long frame, pinned her flush to him and released her elbow. That hand drove into her hair at the base of her neck, fisted a handful of it and gently pulled until her head tilted back.

“What are you doing?” she hissed. “Have you lost your mind?”

Justice leaned his face closer, peered deeply into her eyes and all the anger faded from his. “I almost lost something. I’m doing what I should have done from the beginning.”

Jessie flattened her palms on his chest to gently push away but his arm didn’t loosen around her waist. “What are you talking about?”

His voice came out a husky rumble. “I’m claiming you publicly, Jessie. I’m letting everyone know you are mine.”

Jessie was glad he held her because her knees gave out under her. His strong arm kept her from collapsing to the floor as she reeled from his words, her mind fumbling with the meaning behind them.

“But…” She couldn’t find words.

“I nearly lost you.” His voice grew gruff, louder and he rumbled the words, “You’re not walking out of my life. You’re mine, Jessie. You belong with me.”

He ran his tongue over his lips, his gaze dropped to her mouth and she realized he intended to kiss her as he slowly dipped his head closer. She couldn’t move, too astonished to do anything more than watch his mouth descend closer to hers.

His lips brushed hers and she closed her eyes, tense. Justice’s tongue swept inside, forced her mouth open wider and he growled. The passion he hit her with overwhelmed her in seconds. She melted against him, her fingers gripped the lapels of his jacket and fisted the expensive material just for something to cling to. It had been weeks since he’d touched her, her body remembered and missed his touch and everything faded except Justice.

She kissed him back, meeting his need with her own and moaned against his tongue. The hand gripping her hair loosened to cradle the back of her head and Jessie forgot about the room full of people witnessing them entangled in the middle of the room. She forgot she was mad at him. There was just them, they were together and he didn’t want her to leave him. Her hands released his shirt to slide up around his neck and her feet left the floor as Justice lifted her higher up his body.

Justice finally broke the kiss. Dazed, Jessie stared up at him, panting, her body turned-on and then she remembered where they were. A blush heated her cheeks and she didn’t dare look away from his sexy gaze as they stared at each other. She wasn’t prepared to deal with the reactions of the room. The only thing that mattered was right in front of her, holding her tightly.

Justice looked away from her and adjusted his hold until he swept her up into his arms to cradle her against his chest with her legs hooked over one of his strong arms.

She clung to his neck and realized he’d carefully captured her skirt when he’d lifted her legs to keep her from flashing anyone. She braved glancing around to see what he did.

Every face, both human and Species, appeared utterly stunned.

“This is Jessie.” Justice paused, turned his head and seemed to want to address everyone. “She’s human. I know some might have a problem with that. I’m sorry if you do but I won’t give her up regardless of your reactions. She’s mine and she’s going to be my mate.”

Jessie was glad he held her. Her arms tightened around his neck and she darted a glance at her old boss. Tim’s mouth hung open, his face was red and his eyes were filled with disbelief. She quickly glanced away. Trey still gripped the older man’s arm, jerked hard on him to move him away from blocking the door and her old team leader smiled when he caught her eye. He dragged Tim toward the bar, waving the rest of the team back with a jerk of his head.

“I know it’s going to cause problems with some humans because of my position.”

Justice paused and Jessie stared into his eyes. He glanced away. “I’m more than willing to step down if that is what you think should happen. Just let me know tomorrow after you make a decision. Right now I’m taking my mate home to make wedding plans.

Have a great party and have fun.” He strode for the door.


Justice stopped walking, his hold on her tightened and he slowly turned to acknowledge the deep male voice that had called out his name. Jessie studied the room, searching all the faces for the speaker. A tall male stepped forward—a big guy with a broad chest and massive arms. His catlike eyes locked on Justice as he lifted a hand to brush back straight black hair from his ear. Justice growled low, a threatening sound, and Jessie didn’t need to be told he was ready to fight.

“You may have the job if you want it, Brawn. I won’t fight you and put my mate in danger.”

“We welcome your mate,” Brawn announced loudly. “No one could take your place so don’t expect a call tomorrow asking you to step down. She’ll make a welcome addition to our family.” His cat eyes focused on Jessie. “I don’t want to fight him but I do admit to being a little envious. Take care of him, Justice’s mate.”

Jessie was too stunned to reply but Justice didn’t have that problem.

“Thank you.”

The man lowered his head and his gaze toward the floor. Justice turned away and strode quickly for the door. An officer rushed to it, smiled and held it open wide to allow him to carry her out into the night air.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” Jessie whispered.

Justice grinned when he glanced at her. “Me neither, but I’m glad I did. I’m taking you home to pack your belongings. You’re moving into my house tonight and you’re never leaving.” He stopped walking and his gaze held hers. “We’re getting married and that isn’t up for debate.”

“You could ask me.” Amusement filled her, and happiness.

He cocked his head. “I could.” He looked away, laughed and carried her to his Jeep to deposit her in the passenger seat.

Jessie heard the music start up again inside the bar as the man she loved jumped into the driver’s seat. He tore off his tie and turned in his seat to dangle it between them.

“Before you answer, let me tell you a few things. I won’t take no for an answer. I will use this to bind you to my bed until you change your mind if you don’t answer the way I want you to.” He chuckled again. “Will you marry me?”

She grinned. “I don’t know.” Her attention fixed on the tie for a few seconds before she met his gaze again. “I might be tempted to say no just to get you to tie me to your bed. It sounds fun and kinky.”

“Jessie,” he purred.


“Yes to your name or yes you will marry me?”

She bit her lip, giving him a teasing look. “I’m still thinking about what you’ll do to me when you have me naked and bound on the bed. Give me a minute.”

He dropped the tie into his lap and started the Jeep. “We’ll settle this at home.”

She laughed. “So, if I’m your mate doesn’t that mean I get to keep my house? You had it built for whoever that would be. That would make it mine still to live in.”

He shook his head. “I had it built for a Species mate. You will live with me and sleep in my bed every night or I’ll burn that house down.”

“But it’s such a beautiful house.”

He turned his head to grin at her. “You should hate to see it destroyed. Remember that if you ever think about leaving my bed for your old one.”

“I’ll marry you.”

“I wasn’t worried. I was serious about tying you to my bed until you changed your mind. I told you it wasn’t up for debate.”

* * *

Breeze approached the table slowly, glanced at the four males sitting there and put her hands behind her back. She waited until she had their full attention before she spoke.

“Thank you,” she said softly, sincerely.

“You said he cared for her,” Brawn grumbled. “You didn’t tell me he was obsessed to the point of going feral. He nearly took my head off when I told him I planned to claim her.”

Cedar laughed. “He might not have overturned the table or wanted to tear your head off if you’d just said you were going to claim her. Breeze asked to make him jealous to get him to admit to his feelings for the human. You provoked him into wanting to kill you.”

Bestial grinned. “I did like the part about taking her home, mounting her and fucking her until she screamed. Justice sure didn’t, but I was amused.”

Jaded chuckled. “Yes. Let’s not forget that classic line that finally broke his barely contained control. What did you say, Brawn? You were going to fill her with your seed and plant it? That was a nice touch.”

Breeze reached out and squeezed Brawn’s wide shoulder. “You said all that to him?”

He sipped his juice. “I about lost my head. As your councilperson, I’m here for you always when you need a favor. Next time though, warn me if you might get me killed so I at least see it coming. I expected anger but he honestly wanted to rip me to shreds.

Next time you need a favor, I want to be the Species who lies for you and makes the call, pretending to be Justice’s secretary.”

Breeze stepped closer to his chair. “You’re my hero. Would you like to dance? You feel tense and I know how to relieve that.”

Brawn’s gaze widened and he grinned. “I would love to.”

Breeze lifted her fingertips to rub the exposed skin at his neck. “Let’s go.”

Brawn stood and winked at the other three men. “Risking my ass paid off, so don’t laugh too hard. You sit here while I dance with a beautiful female.”

“We helped,” Bestial said and laughed. “Do you have any friends who want to dance with us?”

Breeze wiggled her finger at them. “It’s party night. We’re all in the mood to have some fun.”

Cedar stood. “Good deeds do pay off.”

Jaded finished his drink and stood. “I love party night.”

“Me too,” Bestial growled. “Let’s go have a few hours of fun with our females.”
