Chapter Fifteen

Two weeks of misery had passed since she’d kicked Justice out of her house. He’d left her alone, had managed to avoid her completely. She forced her attention on Breeze.

The big building loomed behind the Species woman and excitement shone from her eyes.

“This is it. You’re going to have fun, Jessie.”

“This is your big hangout, huh?”

“Yes. It’s a bar and a dance club rolled into one. This is where we hang out with friends or hook up with a male if we would like to share sex. I will introduce you and you will make new friends. The dancing is fun and we are getting good at it. Ellie loves to dance and she taught us how. It will be good for you to do more than work or stay inside your home.”

“I love Ellie,” Jessie admitted. She’d met the woman who ran the women’s dorm, had instantly hit it off with her and become fast friends. Ellie was the first human woman to marry a Species male. She only worked a few hours a day at the dorm but she ran it smoothly. Jessie spent all her time at the dorm when she wasn’t sulking at her house. It seemed her NSO job consisted of hanging out with the women and being their friend.

“I love Ellie too,” Breeze admitted.

“She’s fun but I hope she feels better soon. That stomach flu thing worries me. She threw up again today.”

“She is under a doctor’s care and will be fine.” Breeze changed the subject. “Do you see why she is my best friend?”

“I do.”

Loud music blasted from the interior of the building before they reached the double doors. Breeze opened one side and waved Jessie in, her grin wide at sharing the Species club. It highly amused Jessie, who secretly figured it would probably be the lamest bar and dance club ever because these people were new to the party scene but she swore she’d try to have fun.

The room was large, open and dimly lit. They had a bar running along one wall near the front door and tables set up in the same area. Pool tables and pinball machines had been added. At the back of the building, down some steps, a dance floor filled with moving bodies drew her attention.

It stunned her to see dozens of women from the dorm there along with even more men. There had to be over a hundred and their ability to dance seemed pretty advanced. She watched them swaying gracefully, their movements sexy and not dorky at all. Her eyebrows lifted but she kept her smile in place as the door closed behind them and Breeze gripped her hand, tugging her toward the bar.

“We love to dance,” Breeze shouted over the music. “Let’s get a drink.”

Jessie ordered a mixed drink, wanting to get a little buzzed after the weeks she’d had, but noticed most of the patrons were sipping sodas straight from cans. They took seats at the bar. Breeze twisted in her seat sipping her soda and stared with longing at the dancers.

“Go dance, Breeze. I can tell you want to.”

Breeze glanced at her. “You come with me.”

“I will in a bit but I want to finish my drink first.”

“Just come out and find me when you are done. Our males are polite and won’t attack you. You have to tell them you want to share sex with them if you want to take one home with you. I love to dance!” Breeze shot off her seat, leaving her soda, and nearly ran toward the dance floor.

Jessie was glad she hadn’t been swallowing her drink when she’d heard the other woman’s parting words. Share sex? Take someone home? Shit! She took a gulp of her drink, hoping her new friend didn’t expect her to hook up with some guy for a one-night stand. She’d had plenty of talks with the women, knew they did that often but she hadn’t expected Breeze to think she might enjoy that pastime. She finished her drink with that grim thought hanging in her head.

The bartender was a female Species named Christmas. She was a naturally happy person and smiled all the time. She walked up to Jessie with another drink then walked away. Jessie shrugged and took a sip, admiring their customer service. They didn’t exchange money, obviously they didn’t wait for someone to reorder a drink and they made sure their patrons were never thirsty.

Jessie turned on her seat, studied the dancers and spotted Breeze dancing with a tall Species male near the front. The grin was instant. The couple moved together, chest to chest and they flirted outrageously. She could almost imagine them having sex as the tall woman turned in the taller guy’s arms, shoved her ass against the front of his jeans and wiggled in his arms. Jessie took another sip of her drink, realized she’d probably be driving herself home since Breeze had found a hookup and decided to quit at the second drink. She didn’t want to drink and drive, even if it was just a golf cart.

She finished her second drink and Christmas met her eyes. Jessie shook her head no. The bartender moved on and Jessie faced the dance floor again. Breeze and the male had danced four songs together, the music all fast paced but when the song ended, the next one was a slower melody, geared for slow dancing.

Quite a few of the dancers left the dance floor to head toward the bar. She could attest after watching them dance that they had to be thirsty. As the bodies thinned a couple dancing caught Jessie’s eye. The smile slipped from her face and pain shot through her heart.

Justice danced with Kit, a female Species she’d talked to often at the women’s dorm.

Her light red hair fell to her shoulders. She stood about six feet tall and had beautiful catlike eyes. She wore a black leather miniskirt and a half shirt to reveal her taut belly.

Jessie spied shapely legs that seemed to go on forever down to her sexy spiked heels. It probably accounted for why she appeared to be almost as tall as the man who held her tightly in his embrace as they moved together.

Justice was a great dancer. He’s a panther, Jessie remaindered herself. They were graceful animals and it showed in the seductive way he moved. His muscular arms were exposed since he wore a tank top and tight, formfitting, faded blue jeans. His hair was down, not bound in his usual ponytail and he looked sexy as hell.

Kit moved closer to him and turned until her back pressed against Justice’s front.

Justice reached out and grabbed her hips, moving erotically against her as if they were making love. Kit turned her head, peered back at Justice and smiled. They looked like the perfect pair and Kit was some mix of cat, just like Justice. There was his ideal mate.

Jessie’s stomach heaved at the realization that Kit might be the one he moved into her house one day. Jessie fought back the tears that filled her eyes but she refused to cry over the asshole and clenched her teeth to fight it. The image of them in bed together was vivid as their bodies moved to the music, touching, with Justice’s hands on Kit’s hips. One of his arms slid around her waist to tug her closer and Kit laughed. The woman turned, wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and rubbed her body along the front of his with their lips nearly touching.

Jessie turned away, hooked her feet on the bottom of the barstool and lifted up from her seat to lean forward. She frantically peered down the bar and caught Christmas' attention. She mouthed one more please. Christmas waved.

Jessie sat back on the stool and turned her head, unable to look away from the train wreck of her shattered heart. Justice still danced with Kit clinging to him. As Jessie watched, the woman lowered her body, rubbing against Justice’s front and his hands splayed on her bare belly. Jessie forced herself to turn away, finding it too painful to watch, just in time for Christmas to drop off her drink. Jessie forced a smile to thank her, waited long enough for the bartender to move on and downed the thing in a few big gulps.


Flame stepped to her side, grinning. “You are here.”

“I am. How are you?” She ran her gaze over him, happy he blocked her view of the dance floor with his big body. He wore a tank top like most of the men there and black slacks. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

“I’m great. You never called.”

She hadn’t. “I’m sorry. This is the first night I’ve come here. Breeze brought me.”

He sat down on the barstool next to her. “How is your job?”

“It’s easy. I sit around all day talking to women and getting them to open up to me.

I’ve taught a few cooking classes and showed them how to use the internet.” She shrugged. “I like it.”

“Have you made friends?”

“I have.” She meant that. She’d made a lot of female friends. Not that she could tell them her problems since her main one was Justice North. “How is your job going?”

He grinned. “We started harassing the protestors back and they don’t like it. Some of them have left.”

She laughed, more than a little tipsy and happy to latch onto another topic that would keep her from glancing over her shoulder to see what Justice did with Kit.

“That’s great.”

“Dance with me.” He held out his hand. “Don’t be afraid. If you can’t dance it won’t matter. Half of us can’t but we enjoy having fun.”

Jessie hesitated. Her gaze shifted to the dance floor with dread but Justice wasn’t there anymore. He’d left with Kit, a sweeping glance around didn’t find him and she realized he’d left the bar entirely. If he was gone she wouldn’t have to worry about running into him. Maybe dancing would take her mind off wondering what he was doing with the tall, sexy feline female. She put her hand in Flame’s larger one. His skin was hot, reminding her of Justice. She pushed that thought away, not wanting to burst into tears.

Jessie realized she was the shortest person on the dance floor as it dawned how much taller all the people around her were. Flame grinned and started to dance, better at it than he’d implied. She let go of everything but the music and just felt the beat. The alcohol helped and when Flame moved in, she didn’t hesitate to dance against him.

Justice left the bathroom and walked to the bar where Kit had said she’d meet him after she used the women’s room. She’d ordered him juice and waved to a few people.

He sensed someone coming up behind him and turned to welcome Breeze.

“Hi, Justice. How are you tonight? You are taking a night off work for a change?”

He smiled. “Everyone should have a night off.”

“Have you heard from Tammy and Valiant? How are they doing?”

“They are good, Breeze. I’m happy to say they no longer terrorize anyone’s sleeping habits.”

Breeze grinned and turned, watching the dance floor. She laughed. “Good. She’s having fun dancing. She does it really well too.”

Justice took a sip of the drink Christmas handed to him. “Who is? Did you bring the new one here?”

“Kind of.” Breeze laughed. “She’s new but it’s not Beauty. I brought Jessie Dupree.”

Justice nearly dropped his glass. He twisted on his seat and scanned the dance floor, not having to look hard to find Jessie. She danced with Flame at the outside edge of the group. Justice’s eyes locked on the pair. Jessie’s hair was down, brushing against a tight pair of jeans that hugged her ass and the black, low-cut, tight shirt displayed a lot of creamy cleavage.

She danced so well that jealous rage filled him instantly as he watched Jessie wiggle her ass and move her arms above her head. Flame grabbed Jessie’s hand and spun her in his arms until she fell against his chest, her hand gripped his shoulder and Flame dared to dip her. The sight of the male bending his female back and pressing tightly to her, tore a growl from his throat. He shot to his feet so fast the barstool hit the floor.

Breeze and Kit jerked their heads toward him. Breeze spoke first.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

He glared at Breeze. “You brought a human in here?”

She looked shocked. “It’s Jessie. Nobody would bother her.”

“She’s safe here,” Kit confirmed. “Everyone loves her. The males will behave.”

“She shouldn’t be here.” He managed to leash his temper enough not to snarl at both women. His furious gaze returned to Jessie in time to see more of her breasts than he wanted anyone else to view. “Get her out of here now.”

Breeze gasped. “But Justice, I swear no one will hurt her.”

He snapped his head in her direction and glowered. “She’s human and under our protection. Not all of us like humans. Get her home now where she will be safe.”

“She’s with Flame. No one will dare go near her with him. He’ll defend her in the off chance there is a problem.” Breeze bit her lip. “She’s safe with me and she’s safe with him. Flame would never allow anything to happen to Jessie. He likes her.”

Kit snorted. “Flame likes Jessie? That’s putting it mildly. She is all he asks about when I see him. He talks about her endlessly. You don’t need to worry, Justice. I would bet, if Flame gets his way, he will guard her body all night long in every conceivable way. The only thing he would let touch her tonight is himself.”

Justice saw red and stormed toward the dance floor. Flame had released Jessie but they still danced too closely together. Justice watched Jessie and the way she moved reminded him of her the first night they had been together when she’d climbed on top of him when he was buried inside her.

Justice reached the dance floor when Jessie’s back was turned toward him. She put her hands above her head, her wrists together and wiggled her body. Justice’s gaze locked on her shapely ass and he wanted her so badly his pants grew painfully tight.

His heart raced, blood rushed to his ears and he knew at that moment if Flame reached for his woman the damn male would lose his hand.

Jessie was having a good time. Flame was a great dancer. He’d dipped her a few times and spun her again. Jessie loved the song playing, it was one of her favorites, and she put her hands up to sway to the beat.

A large hand suddenly clamped around both Jessie’s wrists over her head. She gasped as strong fingers shackled them and she couldn’t pull her arms down. She wrenched her head around and was stunned by Justice’s enraged features.

Jessie was shaken to discover him still in the bar. She’d been certain he’d left with Kit. He stepped around to her front, kept her arms pinned above her and continued to glare. Rage poured from his gaze, which seemed darker than normal—none of the usual blue hints showed. She sobered fast.

“Hi, Justice.” Flame yelled to be heard. “Is there a problem?”

Justice finally shifted his gaze from hers to address Flame. Dark eyes narrowed, his nose flared and a snarl came out instead of words when his lips parted. Flame paled and stepped back. Justice ignored him to stare at Jessie again.

“You need to go home. This is not a safe place for a human.” His voice came out harsh, gruff and not quite human.

She gritted her teeth as her own anger rose. Justice was just pissed that she was there and dancing with another man. She didn’t have to read minds to know where his thoughts lay—his body language screamed jealous outburst. The son of a bitch was a hypocrite.

“Bullshit. I’m having fun with my friends and I’m dancing.”

“You’re leaving now.” Justice’s nose flared.

Jessie hated him at that moment. She really did. He was there with another woman, one she’d had to watch him rub against and yet he had the nerve to order her to leave.

“I’m sorry, Mr. North,” Jessie defiantly stated. “I would have asked your permission but I saw you dancing with Kit. I didn’t want to interrupt you with the way you two were touching and rubbing against each other.”

Justice paled slightly and something in his eyes changed, softened. His hold on her wrists eased and she jerked them down, took a step back and put space between them.

“We’ll discuss this later. Go home.”

“Actually, we don’t have anything to discuss. Trust me. I came here and I totally learned my lesson. I will never make this mistake again.” She fought tears. “You have a good night with Kit. You look so…picture perfect together.”

Justice stared into her eyes and took a hesitant step closer. Jessie blinked rapidly at the tears that filled her eyes and spun away, totally ready to fall apart in her inebriated state but too proud to do it. She’d only gotten a few steps when a big, warm hand halted her by gripping her upper arm. She peered up at Justice.

“I’m sorry for tonight but it’s the way it has to be. There are times when we must do certain things for the good of all.”

What did that mean? She got the sorry part. The rest of it was Greek to Jessie. She didn’t understand a word.

“I didn’t get that last part.”

He watched her for long seconds and his fingers let go. “We’ll discuss this tomorrow.”

Tomorrow. He wasn’t going to his house or he was going to have company that would keep him from talking to her that night. Pain tore through her at those implications. Kit and Breeze headed their way. Kit stopped next to Justice and put her hand on his arm.

“Justice, she was just having fun. Leave her alone and come dance with me.”

Breeze stared. “I swear if you let her stay I will help Flame guard her.”

Flame hurried to jump on that. “I will protect her with my life, Justice.”

Justice addressed Breeze. “Take her home now.”

Flame held his hand out to Jessie. “I’ll take you home.”

Jessie saw Justice’s nose flare and he glared at her. Her gaze lowered when Kit’s hand massaged his biceps and he didn’t pull away from her touch.

That’s how it is. He is allowed to sleep with Kit but I can’t talk to other men. Jessie forced a smile as pain ripped through her. “I’d love for you to take me home, Flame. Thank you.” She gripped his hand and turned her back on Justice. “I drank too much and shouldn’t drive.”

“Jessie?” Justice snarled.

She glanced over her shoulder.

“Do you remember what I said about interaction with Species males? I had that talk with you. You better remember what I said carefully.”

She gaped, released Flame and slowly turned to face the man she loved. She remembered how he’d sworn to kill any man she let touch her. Kit pressed her body against his side, ran her fingers down his arm to rest on his stomach, rubbing him just above the waistband of his jeans. It was a familiar thing to do.

“Calm down, Justice,” Kit purred. “You worry about her because she’s under your protection but Flame wouldn’t hurt her.”

“Breeze, take her home. Flame, stay here.” It was an order given harshly in a no-nonsense, threatening tone.

Anger flared in Jessie. The bastard! “Mr. North, I’m a big girl and I’m single. I don’t have anyone to answer to, especially someone I don’t know. I had an ex-husband but he was a cheating bastard who didn’t know how to be loyal. He slept around but expected me to sit home all alone. I divorced him because it doesn’t work that way and it never will with me. When a man cheats with someone else he has no right to get mad if I have sex with someone else. I’ll go home now but thank you for your…” She hesitated, knew she’d said too much but didn’t care. “Concern.” Jessie turned away. “Let’s go, Flame.

I’ll give you a tour of my house since you’re being nice enough to drive me home.”

They got a few feet when she realized she wasn’t too steady on her feet and Flame gripped her arm, laughing. “You drank too much, little Jessie.”

“Probably. I had three and I’m not much of a drinker.”

“When is the last time you drank?”

“Oh, about a year ago. It was the first—”

An arm hooked around her waist, jerked her right off her feet and she slammed into a warm, hard body. She was too stunned to do more than gasp as her feet touched the floor again. Strong arms held her pinned and unable to move. A loud snarl deafened her in one ear, the one closest to Justice’s mouth, and Flame spun to see what had happened to her.

“She’s drunk and you aren’t taking her anywhere.” Justice snarled again. “Go, Flame. I’m protecting her and it’s not up for discussion. Her father would be furious if anyone touched her while she wasn’t in her right mind from drinks.”

Flame backed away, looking shocked and rushed away without another word.

Jessie drew in a deep breath, her stunned brain trying to take in what had just happened but hot breath fanned her skin as Justice lowered his head to whisper in her ear.

“I will kill him, Jessie. Is that what you want? To see me rip Flame apart, limb by limb? Think before you speak or act. I’m not fucking Kit. I haven’t shared sex with anyone but you since we met. It was for appearances only, to make my people feel confident and believe everything is well.” His arms loosened. “Go home. I have a helicopter to catch in an hour and must attend a meeting at Reservation first thing in the morning. We’ll finish this discussion after I fly home in the afternoon.” His big body trembled behind her. “Be happy I must leave because you don’t want to talk to me right now anyway. I’m dangerous. I’d teach you why you’ll never accept any male but me.”

He released her as swiftly as he’d grabbed her, backed up and shot a glare at Breeze. “Take her home and keep her away from all males. She’s had alcohol, needs to be protected and isn’t sober. Smell her and you’ll understand. If anything happens to her it’s your ass.” He stormed toward the front door.

“Justice?” Kit cursed. “Damn!” She approached Jessie and put her hands on her hips. “You made him mad,” she pouted. “We were having fun and I don’t like your father if he puts such worry in Justice over your safety.”

Breeze came forward, looking confused. “Let’s go, Jessie.” She sniffed. “How many drinks did you have?”

Talk, she ordered her reeling mind. “Um, a few.” She closed her mouth.

Breeze led her outside to the golf cart and drove her home. The silence stretched between them. Jessie still felt hurt over Justice’s dancing date, humiliated by the scene he’d created and really drunk. She shouldn’t have had that third drink.

“I’ll walk you inside.” The other woman studied her. “Species rarely drink alcoholic beverages. They taste and smell bad.”

“You’re politely saying I stink, aren’t you?”

A laugh answered her and Breeze helped her stand. The world swayed a little for Jessie and she remembered she didn’t drink often for a reason. Lightweight. The hand tightened on her arm and steadied her.

“You are small and shouldn’t drink that awful stuff, Jessie. You’re smart and don’t need it. You should see how uncoordinated you are and your eyes are all shiny.”

“Not a good look for me, huh?”


Jessie laughed, loving how blunt Species were. She tried to unlock the door but the darn keyhole kept moving. Breeze softly growled, jerked the key out of her hand and opened it. She turned the lights on.

“I’ll help you get into bed.”

“I can do it myself. This isn’t my first drunken rodeo.”

“What does that mean? We didn’t have any bulls at the bar.”

Another chuckle came from Jessie as she peered up at the tall woman. “It’s a saying.

I’ve gotten shitfaced before. Thank you for bringing me home but I can handle it from here.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Thank you.” She spun, stumbled and focused on putting one foot in front of the other. The door closed loudly behind her, assuring her that her friend had left.

Depression hit hard.

Justice and Kit had looked good together and he might not have slept with her recently but the familiar way the Species woman had touched him left no doubt they’d been lovers in the past. He’d probably been living it up and flirting with other women while Jessie had been staying home, miserable. It made her mad and worse, really hurt.

She wasn’t sure if he’d told her the truth. For all she knew he could be banging the hell out of every Species woman at Homeland.

Hot tears filled her eyes and she regretted getting drunk since it made her more hormonal and less rational. Justice was a jerk but he’d been a hot one. She’d loved being in his arms and the guy could make her come screaming. There was the part about her falling in love with him too but she snorted over that.

“I have bad taste in men,” she sniffed. The sound of her broken voice and the pain in it shattered the last bit of bravado she had as the sobs hit. She staggered to her bed, climbed on it, curled up and pulled her knees up.

She had fallen in love with a workaholic guy, the leader of New Species, her boss. It had spelled disaster from the moment she’d seen him looking so sexy in his tank top.

The tight jeans hadn’t helped either. A woman would have to be blind and dead not to notice Justice.

“Jessie?” Bright light flooded the bedroom as Breeze rushed into the room. “Did you fall? Are you harmed?”

Shit! She wiped at her face, sniffed and forced her body to move. She sat up but refused to glance in the direction of the door. “I’m fine. I cry when I drink. It’s just a human thing,” she lied. “I thought you left.”

“I know some people get sick and throw up when they drink. I’m your friend and I was left in charge of you by Justice.”

Hearing his name only hurt more and sobs racked her body. She shoved her hands over her face, swore to never drink ever again and tried to talk.

“I’m fine. Just go home, Breeze. I’ll be great in the morning.”

“What is it, Jessie? You are always so happy and now you are red, wet and sad.”

Breeze gripped her shoulder and forced her hands down by shoving at them to search Jessie’s gaze. Breeze softly cursed. “I see pain. Who has caused it?”

“It’s nothing. No one hurt me.”

“You just glanced away from me,” Breeze accused. “You’re lying. Don’t do that.

We’re friends but I refuse to have a dishonest person around me. You must be honest.”

Guilt ate at Jessie hard. Breeze had been nothing but honest and kind to her. She’d shared secrets about Species, had trusted her, and she wanted to do the same but this was too big to tell. “I wish I could blurt it all out but I just can’t.”

Anger suddenly filled Breeze’s face. “Did Flame cause you pain? Did he touch you in a bad place? Was he coming on too strong at the bar? I will cause him such great pain he will―”

“No,” Jessie shook her head. “He was a total gentleman while we danced.”

Breeze was baffled. “What has caused you pain? Are you ill? Do you need a doctor?”

“You have no idea how much I need someone to talk to but I just can’t.”

“I understand. It is classified. We have these things too.”

Jessie cried harder. That fit her and Justice’s relationship all right. No one was ever supposed to know. Breeze said soft, soothing words and put her arms around Jessie.

She patted her awkwardly on the back as she hugged her. Eventually Jessie stopped crying.

“I’m sorry I fell apart. I shouldn’t drink. Usually I can control myself when I’m like this.”

“It’s fine, Jessie. We all have moments when we cry.”

“You cry?” Jessie studied her.

Breeze hesitated. “I did when I was young but I learned that tears don’t ease the pain or change the reasons for it. I do envy you the ability to release some of that hurt through the physical exertion of crying. You should be tired now and will sleep after that much crying. I will tuck you in and stay with you until you fall asleep. Our females who you bring to us enjoy having that done. It makes them know we care and I care about you, Jessie. You are my friend.”

“Thank you. You’re my friend too. I appreciate you letting me fall apart on you the way I did. It really helped not to be alone.”

“Any time.” Breeze hesitated. “Just try to give me warning next time you feel this way. I will wear a thicker shirt so your tears don’t soak my skin.”

A laugh burst out of Jessie. “I apologize for getting your skin wet. I promise, I will tell you immediately if I feel advance warning the next time I cry.”

“Thank you.” Breeze winked at her.

Breeze pulled back the covers and Jessie climbed in. Breeze disappeared into Jessie’s bathroom and came out moments later with a hairbrush and tissue. She handed the tissue to Jessie.

“Blow your nose.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Breeze laughed and pointed to Jessie’s hair. “I will brush it. It will soothe you and everyone enjoys having it done.”

“That’s so nice. I appreciate it.”

Jessie relaxed as the other woman draped her hair down her back, applied the brush at the bottom and slowly worked out all the tangles. It did feel nice. Her body relaxed and she yawned. The brush paused and the bed dipped as Breeze shifted. One of her hands shifted Jessie’s hair to lay it over her shoulder and a soft growl tore from her.

“Who did this to you?”

Confused, Jessie turned her head to frown at her. “Did what?”

Breeze gripped her shoulder, shoved the shirt out of the way and revealed more of her skin. She glanced down, saw the almost-healed red marks that remained from when Justice had bitten her hard enough to break the skin and knew the color drained from her face. There would probably be a faint scar there for the rest of her life once the redness faded.

“Jessie? Who did this? This is from one of our males.” Breeze uttered a foul word.

“There are only two ways for a male to bite like this. He either mounted you from behind and you fought so he bit into you to force you to stay under him or one of my kind mounted you and is going around biting humans. Some of humans who have slept with Species beg our men to bite them. They think it would be a turn-on but it is strictly forbidden for our males.”

“Leave it alone,” Jessie urged softly.

Breeze released Jessie’s shoulder, stood and glared at her. “You’ve been mounted by a Species male. It was either by force or one is biting females for the novelty of it.

That wound isn’t that old. Is this why you were crying? I want a name now.”

“Please, Breeze. It’s not that way. You need to drop it.”

“I’m calling for officers. You don’t understand the seriousness of this. If one of our males is forcing your females into sex or biting them for fun, they need to be stopped immediately.” Breeze spun for the door.


Breeze turned and Jessie gave her a pleading look, panicked at the idea of her friend making that call. “It’s not that way.”

A growl tore from Breeze. “How is it? I’m calling the officers.”

Justice would be furious. Their secret would be out if the officers were involved.

Every bit of pain she’d gone through would have been for nothing and he’d think she’d done it out of revenge. She wasn’t that petty. “If I tell you the truth will you swear to me that you will never repeat any of it to anyone?”

Breeze looked uncertain. “I won’t be silent if a male is harming females.”

“That’s not what happened. It wasn’t forced and…” She touched the bite mark. “It wasn’t just one of your men going around biting my kind for the hell of it.”

Breeze sat on the bed. “I give you my word. Talk.”

She bit her lip. “The day that Tammy and Valiant got married I met one of your males. I was attacked by a newly freed male and a guy protected me. We had dinner together and one thing led to another. It was mutual.”

“His name?”

She hoped to avoid answering. “We had consensual sex.”

“He bit you?” Breeze grimly frowned. “Did you change your mind during sex and he tried to force you to stay under him? They don’t have much control once they start.

I’m sorry, Jessie. Did he hurt you bad?”

“He didn’t hurt me at all.”

“You saw him again. Here?” Her gaze fixed on the mark on her shoulder. “It’s barely healed. You have been here about three weeks, right?”

“It was here.”

“How did the bite happen?”

“We were having sex.” She paused. “He gripped me with his teeth. He told me to hold still. Do I really need to say this out loud?”

“You will if you don’t want to explain it to our officers. Spill.”

Jessie’s cheeks warmed. “He was trying to be really slow and gentle with me so he didn’t risk hurting me but I wanted him not to be. I kind of forced the issue and he bit me. It’s that simple. It didn’t hurt and he was sorry but it wasn’t to hurt me.”

Breeze kept staring at her, silent, and kept the frown in place.


“Why were you crying before? Does he live at Reservation and had to go back? I know some of our men from there were here a few weeks ago. Tell me his name I will get him back here. You obviously miss him to shed tears at his absence.”

“We’re not seeing each other anymore. I broke it off with him.”

“Why are you crying? Did you change your mind and want him back?”

“I wish it were that simple.” More tears threatened to spill. “I need your promise you won’t say anything to anyone. I really need a friend right now, Breeze. I need someone to talk to. Someone I can trust.”

“You can trust me. What secret is making you cry? I won’t drop this.”

“I had to break it off with him because he doesn’t want anyone to know he would sleep with me.” Hot tears fell down her face. “He slept in my bed night after night but during the day if I had passed by him he probably wouldn’t have spared a glance. I’m so in love with him that it makes me sick. He has it set in his head that one day he’s going to get a Species woman as his mate. That’s his big plan and I’m not in it.”

Breeze softly cursed. “He is stupid. You are a fine female, Jessie. Any of our men should be proud to claim you. How long were you together?”

“He slept in my bed for four nights straight and he would probably still be in it if I hadn’t told him I couldn’t do this secret-lovers thing anymore. I just can’t live that way, Breeze. It hurts that he’s never going to openly acknowledge me.”

“He is stupid. Some of our men have mated with your kind and are happy. I have a plan. I will pretend to know nothing and make him spend time around Ellie and Fury.

He will see how happy they are and learn it can work between you. Tell me his name and I will do this.” Breeze grinned. “We will fix this.”

“He already knows them.”

That wiped the grin from Breeze’s face. “What is the problem? Everyone can see how happy they are. He should embrace the happiness he can have with you.”

Jessie’s heart pounded as she hesitated. “The problem is, he believes he’ll be letting your people down if he’s with me. He’s worried about hate groups going crazy, my dad pulling his support from the Species issues in Washington and that all hell will break loose. I think he’s also worried that he’ll be setting a bad example to your people if he picks me over one of your women.”

Breeze frowned. “No one has that much influence on all of us or your father.”

“There is one,” Jessie whispered.

The color slowly drained from Breeze’s face. “Justice.”

Jessie burst into tears and Breeze softly cursed.
