Chapter Thirteen

“So when do we get to sleep in your bed?”

Jessie put the last dish in the dishwasher and turned. Justice sat at the table with his laptop open. He’d slept every night at her house for the past four days but in the evenings he still had hours of work to complete. In the mornings he was gone before she woke and stayed gone all day. He left the office in time to share dinner with her and she appreciated it, knowing he was a workaholic. Her father hadn’t ever been that considerate when she’d lived with him and Justice obviously made the effort to spend time with her.

He didn’t look up. “We can’t.”

She frowned. “I haven’t seen your house yet and I’d like to.”

He finally glanced up from his screen. “Jessie, I have too many people visiting my house. They are always dropping by for one reason or another and I have a Species male who cleans my home. You can’t go visit or sleep there.”

“Why not?”

“Anyone who entered my house would scent you and know you’d been there. The male who cleans my bedroom would definitely know we were sharing sex when he changed my bedding or grow suspicious if I began washing them myself.” He gave her an apologetic look before dropping his attention back to his computer. “No one has any reason to come here and it’s safe.”

She watched him type until his cell phone rang. He blindly reached for it and answered. He spoke softly to someone about a banquet dinner and the security arrangements for about ten minutes. The phone rang a few minutes later—someone trying to set an appointment with Justice for an interview from what she could determine from his part of the conversations.

Jessie left the kitchen while he dealt with them and sank onto her couch. She tried not to feel a little self pity. He’d be on the phone and his computer until at least ten o’clock the last few nights. He used her dining room table for his home office and she sighed when memories of her childhood surfaced. She’d sworn she’d never fall in love with a man who was obsessed with his work the way her father was but Justice made all other workaholics pale in comparison. It was ironic as hell and she hated irony.

She smirked. At least workaholics who had girlfriends could give valid reasons for taking a night off. Justice couldn’t allow anyone to find out about Jessie. She couldn’t see his house or spend one night in his bed. It had been her brain child to stealth date but the reality of it sucked.

It will get better, she consoled herself. He’s used to living alone, maybe he’s catching up on some of his workload to take a full night off again…and you’re so full of shit. He’s not going to change and if anyone knows it, it should be me.

She stood, stretched and strolled to the sliding-glass door. There was a slight breeze as she slid it open and stepped into the backyard. Her gaze lifted to the starry sky, the nearly full moon and she crossed her arms over her chest.

Relationships were hard, she knew that, and she’d fallen for a guy with a lot of responsibilities. It was part of the reason she loved him and it made him who he was.

To expect him to drastically change would be wrong. She’d learned that firsthand with her marriage to Conner. He’d married the daughter of a senator—the image—but the real person hadn’t been quite to his liking. He’d bugged her to be more similar to the public figure she’d had to be for her father’s benefit until their relationship fell apart.


She turned to watch Justice step outside, frowning. He was off the phone and away from his computer. She smiled. “Hi.”

“Dinner was great. I loved it. Thank you.”

“I figured you did since you ate all of it and when I filled your plate again, you polished that off too.”

“I’m sorry I was on the phone the entire time but it was an important call. We’re trying to buy some property in New Mexico. It’s never simple for us. We not only have to buy the land but we have to win local support and make sure the state is willing to work with us before we buy it. That’s why, so far, the only two properties we own are in California. We’re having issues with some states.”

“It sounds like a big hassle.”

“You have no idea. Why are you outside?”

“I’m hot. Maybe I’ll go soak in the tub.”

Justice closed the distance between them, smiled and grabbed her hand. “Come with me.” He walked her deeper into the backyard toward the wall of the house next door.

“Where are we going?”

He chuckled. “Next door.”

She stared up. “Why?”

“There’s a pool and you said you were hot.”

Jessie laughed. “Um, Justice? I think someone would mind us using their pool.”

He turned and released her hand. “I’m going to lift you up. Straddle the wall. I’ll hop over first and I’ll lift you down. Ready?”

“We’re going to get caught.” Jessie warned.

“Are you ready?”

She grinned, thrilled that he was doing something so spontaneous and risky to spend time with her. He gripped her hips and lifted her easily to set her on the wall. She threw her leg over and watched Justice remove his dress shirt after unbuttoning it. His tie and jacket were in her dining room, along with his shoes, which he always removed as soon as he came home. His swift, graceful leap over the wall took her breath away, impressed her deeply and she grinned when he lifted his arms to her.

He gripped her hips, she leaned over to brace her hands on his shoulders, and he lifted her off the wall to slowly drag her body down his tall frame. It was sexy, so was he, and her libido instantly fired into overdrive. He wasn’t all business now and attached to his laptop or phone. He was the man who looked at her as if he wanted to ravish her, get her naked in a pool behind a dark house and she hoped he wanted to have his way with her.

“We’ll go swimming.” He eased his hold. “Nice cool water awaits us.”

She wouldn’t mind forgoing the pool to kiss him. A grin formed at the prospect of him naked and wet. The kiss could wait until then. “Don’t blame me when we get busted for trespassing if the owner comes home. You’re springing for bail money,” she teased.

“I’m Justice North. Who’d arrest me at Homeland?” He chuckled.

She lifted her arms when he gripped the bottom of her shirt and tugged it over her head. Jessie laughed and helped him get her out of her clothes. He discarded his pants and boxers, bent and swept her into his arms. She knew what he was going to do, grabbed her nose as he hesitated at the edge and met her gaze.

She nodded and he stepped into the deep end. Cool water submerged them and he released her so they could swim to the surface. She laughed, throwing her hair back from her face and the moon shone enough to make it easy to see him. She treaded closer until he wrapped an arm around her waist, towing her toward the shallow end where he could stand. He held Jessie a foot from him with his hands on her hips.

“Cooler now?”

She smiled. “Nope. I’m hotter.”


Jessie reached between their bodies until she cupped his cock. She massaged it until it grew thick and hard. He closed his eyes in pleasure and a purr rumbled from his throat. Jessie twined her arm around his neck and wrapped her legs loosely around his hips and kept stroking him.

“You make me hot,” Jessie whispered.

Gorgeous eyes opened to stare at her. “You make me burn.”

Her hand gripping his shaft positioned him under her and she used her legs to adjust her body. Justice threw back his head as Jessie took him inside her. He purred softly as she tightened her thighs around his hips, taking him deeper inside her pussy.

“Just looking at you makes me wet. Feel?”

“Yes.” Justice walked backward as Jessie moved on him, using her hold on his shoulders and hips as leverage to slowly fuck him. She moaned, moving faster and marveled over how good he felt driving in and out of her, hitting all those nerve endings. He felt hard and large inside her. Justice growled softly. He suddenly grabbed her and unwrapped her legs from around his waist. Jessie protested with a groan as Justice withdrew his cock. Her eyes flew open.

“What’s wrong?”

He flashed his teeth as he grinned and sat down on the stairs in the water. He turned Jessie in his arms until her back pressed against his chest. He eased her down on his lap slowly. Jessie moaned as he slid inside her again. Justice spread his thighs, forcing hers open wide since they were on the outside of his. Strong hands gripped the insides of her thighs from around her waist. Justice thrust upward. Jessie threw her head back against his shoulder.


One hand slid lower and Justice brushed his finger over her clit from the front. He thrust upward at a faster pace, pressing against her bundle of nerves harder and moans tore from her lips. Justice purred from behind her, his hot breath fanning her shoulder as he lowered his head and bit her shoulder. Jessie came screaming when the sharp nip of pain sent her over the edge. Justice tore his mouth away and roared out his own release.

Justice’s hands wrapped around her waist, hugged her tightly and nuzzled her neck. His sharp teeth scraped her shoulder and his tongue lapped at her skin. She smiled, glad he held her or she’d probably have melted right off his lap into the pool from how relaxed her body grew.

“Did you make me bleed again?” She didn’t care if he had. “It’s okay if you did. It felt good.”

“I didn’t break the skin,” he answered softly. “But I’m certain security will be knocking at your door again.” He grew solemn. “I think we were too loud. We need to get you back inside your house before they check on you. Leave the back slider unlocked for me and I’ll—” Something squeaked loudly and Justice tensed. His reflexes were quick as he jerked her off his lap, spun her in his arms and dragged her into deeper water. Her back hit the side of the pool, his big body pinned her there and he leaned in close, shielding her.

“Get out,” Justice growled.

“We heard a disturbance,” a man spoke from the other side of the yard.

“Leave now.” Justice sounded furious.

“But we heard you, Justice. Is everything all right? We heard a female scream.”

“I’m not alone. Now leave,” Justice snarled.

The gate slammed and Justice softly cursed. He sank lower into the water, allowing her to breathe more easily, and hung his head. She worried. He’d admitted to being with a woman in someone’s pool, to trespassing, but he’d kept the officers from hanging around.

“Tomorrow I’m going to talk to them about the difference between doing their jobs and being annoying. I won’t have them rushing to find me every time I roar.”

She hesitated. “Do you think he saw me?”

“No. We are upwind and got lucky. The two males didn’t know it was you, Jessie.

They will assume I drove one of our females through the back entrance to avoid them seeing her. I have a private way into the community.”

“Look at the bright side. We aren’t in trouble for trespassing since we’re not under arrest.”

“It’s my house and pool.” He suddenly grinned. “We were never in any danger of that.”

Surprised, Jessie stared up at him. Her gaze shifted to the large, dark house. It was the largest one in the community and she felt a little dense for not guessing who it belonged to. Of course it would be his.

“You moved me in next door to you?”

“I wanted you close to protect.”

She studied his face as he peered at her until he grinned. “I was hoping that you’d want me back in your bed. You have to admit this makes it easier for us to be together without anyone knowing. The cottage nearest to you is empty and nothing is on the other side of my house. It was designed this way for privacy for these two homes.”

Jessie wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. “Why is there a house right next to yours if you were so concerned with not having a neighbor on the other side?”

His smile faded. “I wanted a mate eventually and knew a female wouldn’t live in a home with me. I had the cottage built to house my mate when I decide to take one.

Women need their space and freedom. I just hope that she won’t have a problem being this close to me but I’d want her near enough to protect.”

Jessie felt pain stab her heart. He’d moved her into a house that one day his wife would live in. She knew exactly why a female would want her own home and the freedom to live away from Justice. He was counting on his mate being Species. She’d caught the way he’d worded his last sentences—the source of her heartbreak. He had said hope, as in still wanted it. He’d never consider Jessie as someone to keep around.

She was just sex to him.

Jessie released his shoulders. “I’m tired and need to get home.” She pulled away from him to wade through the water toward the stairs.

“Jessie? Is something wrong?”

Besides you being a bastard? She wanted to say that aloud but didn’t, too afraid she’d reveal how much his words wounded her. “What could be wrong?” Pain twisted at her as she trudged up the steps. The air seemed chilly as she left the heated pool and rushed to her discarded clothing.

“Jessie? What is wrong?” Justice sloshed out of the pool.

She assessed the wall as she jerked on her shirt and pants, shoving her underwear into a pocket. It was too high to climb so she turned and spotted the lawn chairs. She lifted one, carried it to the wall and easily climbed it. Pain shot through her ankles a little when she landed on the soft grass in her yard and rushed to get inside, away from him.

Justice easily leaped over the wall after her. “Jessie? Damn it, what is wrong?”

She glanced over her shoulder. “What could be wrong?”

She stepped through the still-open sliding-glass door and headed toward the dining room. A naked Justice followed closely behind, dripping water on her carpet but she barely noticed as she focused on her target. She closed his laptop, leaned down to grab the handle of his briefcase and laid it open on the table.

“What are you doing?” Justice sounded irritated and confused.

Jessie ignored him to slide his laptop inside his briefcase and carefully picked up the folders spread on the table. She shoved his cell phone in last and closed the case. She gripped the handle, spun around and lifted it toward him as her gaze finally met his.

“Take your work and go home.”


She stared into his beautiful, confused eyes. He had no idea why she was upset or why she wanted him to leave, that was as clear as the frown on his face. That was the problem. She shoved the case at him again.

“Take it or I drop it.”

He gripped it from the bottom. “What is wrong?”

She fought tears while glaring up at him. She was really hurt and worse, really mad. She shouldn’t have to explain it to him but she saw that he wouldn’t understand unless she did. She released his briefcase to place her hands on her hips, ready to tell him exactly what the problem was.

“I’m done, Justice. You didn’t want anyone to know about us because you knew we wouldn’t last. You said it was to protect everyone but I assumed that was for only as long as we were still getting to know each other. How naive of me to honestly think you wanted to see if we had a future. You moved me into the house of your future mate and you just made it very clear you’re set on a Species woman. Well, guess what? Fuck you, Justice. I have feelings. Do you get that?” She yelled the last part.

His eyes narrowed. He still appeared baffled by her outburst.

“Don’t look at me that way. There’s not a thing wrong with me. You’re the problem. This unworthy-of-you human female is fed up. You’ll sleep with me, make love to me, have me fix you dinner and yet you hide the fact that we’re together.”

“We discussed this and you know it’s to protect—”

“Bullshit!” She didn’t let him finish. “Yes, I get why we should hide our relationship but I thought once we grew closer, maybe realized this was long-term, that it would change. It’s never going to until you dump me when you decide to take a mate. Would you ever be with someone who refused to acknowledge you in public?

How about this one? Would you be with a woman who told you she was going to toss you aside the second she found a man she’d take seriously and made it clear that would never be you because she’s ashamed of being with you? Well, I won’t. Get the fuck out now.”

Jessie turned, stomped around him and out of the kitchen.

“Jessie! Wait. I’m not ashamed of you.”

She snorted as she spun to face him. “Right. That’s why I can’t sleep in your bed, or hell, even go in your house. Someone might find out you’re doing me. Isn’t that what you said?”

“I didn’t put it that crudely,” he growled. “We agreed to keep our relationship private. You said—”

“I don’t give a damn what I said. I didn’t know you planned to use and toss me aside regardless of whatever feelings we might share. That’s the bottom line. You don’t want anyone to find out the great leader of the NSO prefers climbing into bed with a human but only a Species is going to be your mate.” She glared. “Get out and don’t come back. I’m not doing this anymore, Justice.”

He followed when she entered the bedroom. She turned, saw him coming and tried to slam the door in his face. His hand shot out and his open palm hit it to prevent the door from closing. He shoved it back open.

“I’m not ashamed of you, Jessie. It’s just that I’m the person who is the face of New Species. What would that say if I let it be known I preferred a human? I’m risking a hell of a lot to be with you because I want you that much. I hadn’t even met you when I had the house plans drawn up. You can’t hold that against me. I put you here so we could be together.”

“You said you hope she doesn’t have a problem living this close to you. You HOPE!

Not hoped. HOPE! Present tense instead of past tense. I caught that. Now get out and go find yourself a Species woman to be with. Someone you want everyone to know about. Leave.”

Justice growled. “Damn it, Jessie. You’re missing the point. I’m risking a hell of a lot to be here.”

“Big deal. It’s not a risk when you know there’s not much of a chance of anyone finding out. That’s why you had me live next door to you. You can just hop the back wall the way you did the other night when your men came to the door. That’s what you did, isn’t it? Just jumped the wall and you probably answered your own door when they checked on you. I can’t do this, and more importantly, I won’t unless you’re willing to tell everyone we’re together. Otherwise, I don’t want to be with you again.

Prove to me that I mean more to you than just someone to sleep with while you bide your time, waiting to take a wife.”

“I can’t go public with our relationship, Jessie. Not even for you.” His gaze darkened, anger tightened his features and a soft growl passed his parted lips. “I have an entire race of people who look up to me and who count on me to take care of them. I have to do what’s best for them and giving fanatics a reason to target us isn’t going to help them one bit. Those humans really hate it when they find out one of us is with a human female. You’d be in danger. You couldn’t leave Homeland without being harassed at best, killed at worst. Think of your father too.”

“Get out.”

Justice shook his head. “We’re going to talk about this. You need to see reason.”

Jessie counted to ten but it barely calmed her. “I’m getting a drink.”

“Let’s talk first. I want to work this out. You mean a lot to me, Jessie.”

“Do I mean enough for you to let people know we’re together? Do you care enough to risk getting some hate mail over our relationship?”

“You do mean that much to me but I just can’t do it. I’ve thought about it often and there’s no way I can let it be known we’re a couple. You’d be in danger and it would cause too many problems. We’re happy right now. No one needs to know we share a bed at night. I have no plans to take a mate any time soon and you’re reading too much into what I said.”

The pain was sharp to Jessie’s heart. He was never going to admit to being with her and just because he didn’t want to get married to someone else right away didn’t ease the burn of knowing it would never be her he planned a future with.

“I’m thirsty. Do you want a soda?”

“No.” He was irritated.

“I’m getting one.”

She walked around him and as soon as she reached the hallway, sprinted toward the living room at a dead run. Justice cursed loudly when he realized she planned to flee and she barely made it to the front door before he grabbed her arm. Her hand hit the button, it lit up and an alarm shrieked outside. She met his stunned, wide gaze.

“Why did you do that?”

She raised her chin. “You better grab your things and run, Justice. I’m going to let them inside and they’ll find you naked if you don’t leave. Try explaining that one to your officers.”

A snarl tore from his throat. He released her and grabbed his briefcase and jacket.

He remembered his shoes and tie and retrieved them before he fled out the open sliding door. Jessie ran for it and locked it behind him. She checked the windows and made sure they were locked too, until the doorbell rang.

Jessie grabbed the perfume bottle hidden inside the planter by the door and sprayed heavily. She coughed and made a face at the strong aroma of flowers as she tossed it out of sight and yanked open the door. Two officers stood there gripping guns.

It was obvious from their heavy breathing that they’d rushed to her home.

“I’m so sorry! I accidentally hit it and didn’t know how to turn it off.”

One of the Species officers frowned. He inhaled and jumped back with a sneeze.

“How did you accidentally set it off?” He reached inside, pushed the button and the alarm silenced.

“I stepped outside to get something from my golf cart that I forgot and came back in. I hit it instead of the light switch. I’m really sorry.” She suffered a twinge of guilt for using them to get Justice to leave but he might have talked her into giving him another chance. She deserved more than being someone’s temporary bed mate. “It won’t happen again.”

“Are you sure you are fine?”

“Yes. I’m really sorry for causing a disturbance.”

He hesitated. “You might want not to use so much…” He made a face. “What is that smell?”

“Scented candles,” she lied. You don’t like them?”

He sneezed again and backed up. “I think we’re allergic. Please find something else to use if you want to change the scent of your home.”

“I will. Thank you. I’m sorry about hitting the wrong button and making you sneeze from my candles.” She closed and locked the door.

Five minutes later she heard tapping on the glass slider and walked into the living room. Justice had put on jeans and a tank top. He silently stood on the other side of the glass and pointed to the lock. She shook her head and turned off the living room lights, not willing to discuss it anymore. She entered her bedroom.

“Jessie?” He was outside her bedroom window. “Let me in.”

“I’m calling security again if you don’t leave. Go away!” She pulled the curtains closed and turned off the lights.

He cursed but it grew silent. She waited a long time but he didn’t try to get her attention. She climbed into bed, tugged her underwear from her pocket and tossed them toward the floor. Tears filled her eyes and slid down her cheeks. She’d fallen in love with a man who would never allow himself to love her back. His job and people came first and always would. It really hurt.

Justice punched the wall and snarled. His knuckles split from the force as they drove through plaster. Jessie was hurting, she refused to speak to him and he had no one to blame but himself. He’d spoken without thought, mentioned the original plans he’d had and screwed up by answering her questions.

He yanked his fist back, studied the blood and pressed his other hand over it. The torn skin burned, ached and he relished the pain. He deserved it and so much more.

The memory of his Jessie’s pain had been so clear in her eyes that it haunted him. The urge to go to her, to hold her in his arms, became a physical need.

“Damn,” he rasped as he turned and leaned against the damaged wall of his home office.

It’s for the best, the logical side of him reasoned. The other side of him protested loudly when his body tensed, the urge to roar gripped him and he had to take deep breaths through his nose until it passed. Jessie was stubborn. She wouldn’t see him again unless he made their relationship public knowledge and she’d made valid points when she’d yelled at him.

He battled the desire to storm out of his house, leap the wall and tear through the slider to reach his Jessie. He’d do it if he believed he could seduce her into allowing him to sleep in her bed but she’d hate him in the morning. She’d made up her mind not to see him secretly anymore.

“Damn!” He snarled, closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall.

He wanted her, needed to be with Jessie as much as his next breath, but his people would suffer. She would suffer. He’d dealt with the hate groups and the press for far too long to be naive about how it would unfold. Reporters would run with the story, it would be worldwide news that Justice North was dating a human and there would be hell to pay.

Her image would be plastered on every newspaper and news station. They’d dig into her past, leaving no stone unturned to rip her life apart and offer it for public consumption. She’d then become a target of anyone who believed it was vile for a human to sleep with a Species, be labeled horrible names by them and some lunatics would wish her dead. She’d grow to hate him for the chaos her life became.

The senator would possibly lose his position or worse, keep it to rally against the NSO if he were upset his daughter had preferred a Species male over a human one. The support they still received from Washington would dry up. Money was coming in from the lawsuits against Mercile Industries but it was slow going and it might be years before they were a hundred-percent financially solvent. Their government contacts had assigned the human task force to help them recover captive Species and gave them access to track all the corporate financial records of the pharmaceutical company’s investors.

Species would die, never to be found, wherever they were being held if they lost the task-force teams. The Mercile employees who had avoided arrest would never be brought to justice if the teams stopped hunting them down. It would be a disaster, lives would be lost and he’d sworn to do everything he could for his people. Loving Jessie risked all that.

His knees buckled and he slid down the wall until he sat on the floor. He’d thought surviving the years in the testing facility would be the most painful heartache he ever suffered. He’d had no hope, no future to look forward to, but now he’d had something wonderful.

The loss of happiness left a bitter taste in his mouth. He just couldn’t keep Jessie. It would cost too much and the price wouldn’t just be his to pay. He’d die for her but it wasn’t just his life on the line.

Her father might accept you, his inner voice whispered. It might not be so bad. You could have her and keep the task teams. She might not care what happens in the outside world if she’s here where the ugliness can’t touch her. His eyes opened and he stared at the wall across the room. It was a risk, a huge one and he just couldn’t take the chance. Not for his people and definitely not with Jessie’s life.

Pain ripped through his heart and he knew it was best if he didn’t take the chance.

He’d rather lose Jessie than have her hate him when everything around her was touched by the ugliness the outside world could become. He’d rather she hurt a little than watch her suffer through losing all she held dear. He bent his knee, rested his arm there and dropped his forehead against it. He refused to allow the tears that filled his eyes to fall.

He’d found love but he couldn’t have her. It had to be enough to watch her from afar, his only comfort.
