Chapter Ten

Jessie knew she pushed Justice to the breaking point when his catlike eyes fixed on her every movement as though she was the most fascinating thing in the world to him.

His breathing grew erratic. The soft sounds he made were purely animalistic and turned her on further.

He had admitted to being dangerous but she didn’t believe for a second that he’d hurt her. It might be nuts but her instincts were always something she counted on. No alarms were triggered when it came to the New Species leader. Her attraction to him wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever felt but she refused to deny it. She wanted him enough to fight for him. That meant being provocative in bed and making him break his iron control.

He grabbed her finger without warning and pulled it to his lips. Jessie was stunned when it disappeared into his mouth, he snarled, and he sucked. It was erotic watching his reaction. The need tightened his features and pure desire shone in his gaze as he stared at her. He eased his tight hold with his lips and tongue on her finger, slowly pulled it out and glanced down at his lap. Her gaze followed his to appreciate the rock-hard condition of his sex.

He moved suddenly and his hand shot out to grip her shoulder but his hold was gentle. He pushed against her skin, urging her back and disappointment hit. He was refusing her again. She didn’t need the words to know this was one battle of wills she’d lost. She sat back on her ass on the bed, ready to draw her knees up to her chest to cover her body since he didn’t seem to want to see it any longer.

He released her shoulder and both of his hands gripped her calves. She was too shocked to do anything but fall back. Her legs fell open when he yanked her flat, dragged her toward him a good foot and spread her knees farther apart.

Jessie gasped when Justice leaned forward to bury his face in her lap. He nuzzled in tightly and purred loudly. He released her legs to grab her inner thighs, spreading her open for his tongue to brush over her clit. He lapped at the bundle of nerves in a rapid lash of his strong, raspy tongue and she cried out at the instant pleasure.

Her fingers grabbed for the bedding near her hips, dug into the comforter for something to cling to. The urge to grab his head wasn’t easy to resist but she clutched the soft material instead of grabbing fistfuls of his hair.

“Oh God,” she panted, hearing how loud her voice sounded but couldn’t have cared less. Justice felt too good. She couldn’t think and didn’t want to. “Yes!”

He was relentless, finding the exact spot that made her gasp, groan and grind her pussy against his mouth. She wanted to come and knew she was about to. Her body tensed, every muscle tightened. Her back arched off the mattress as the pleasure turned to near pain, the climax building to the point of no return.

He stopped and she cried out in protest. She had been so close. His tongue lowered instead and drove into her pussy before she could utter real words to convey that she didn’t want him to stop tormenting her clit. The sensation made her throw her head back and a different kind of pleasure tore through her body. No guy had ever done that before, fucked her with his mouth and she realized she’d been missing out on a lot. He slid his tongue a little deeper, moving in and out of her slowly and his nose nudged against her clit.

“Justice,” she moaned. “Please?” She wasn’t above begging. She just wanted to come, needed to. Her body burned. “Please, baby?”

His tongue withdrew and his lips nibbled higher, sealed around her swollen clit.

His tongue pressed down against it and he purred loudly. The vibrations and manipulation of her sensitive nub as he began to suck on her drove Jessie insane. It felt too good, too intense and she couldn’t take it. She whimpered and moaned. Panted. Her body bowed and she sucked in air as ecstasy struck with blinding intensity.

“Justice!” Her body jerked hard.

His mouth tore away from her clit while she shook, reeling from the strongest climax she’d ever experienced in her life. It barely registered to her blown mind when his hands released her inner thighs and one dug under her ass to cup a butt cheek in his big hand while his other one curved around her hip. Jessie didn’t have the strength to express her surprise when Justice flipped her over onto her stomach. His hands adjusted, gripped her hips and her body slid down the bed as he pulled her closer to him. She didn’t care why he did it or what his intent was. Her body was still tingling with pleasure from his amazing tongue skills. The mattress moved when his weight left it as he slid off the end of the bed.

Justice pulled her until her legs were off the bed, made her stand and leaned forward to keep her bent over the mattress. One of his feet hooked around her ankle, spread her legs and the crown of his cock pressed against her pussy.

Pleasure filled her as his thick shaft slowly penetrated her from behind. Jessie moaned as he stretched her vaginal walls. He pushed in deeper, going so slowly that it almost felt like torture. The sexy sounds he made matched hers as she urged him on, her fingers fisting the bed to brace. He withdrew a little and slowly began to rock in and out of her. Loud purrs filled her ears when his hips thrust faster. Jessie wanted more.

She could sense he was holding back and she didn’t want him to.

“Faster. Justice, you feel so good,” she panted. “More. Give it all to me.”

His face buried in her neck and it muffled the snarl as he seemed to give up whatever restraint he had. He drove into her deeper, his hips slapped against her ass and the rapid drag of his cock against her nerve endings sent her to heaven. It swamped her senses, her body tensed again and she cried out when a second climax struck. She bucked under him, her muscles clamped down tightly around his sex and sharp teeth bit down on her skin at the top of her shoulder. He groaned loudly and jerked against her, his cock going deep and staying there as she felt the warmth of his semen bathing her inside.

Jessie couldn’t move. She was so sated she didn’t know if her body was flesh and bone anymore or pudding. Justice’s body kept her from sliding off the edge of the bed to collapse into a limp mess on the floor since her legs wouldn’t have held her up for anything. They panted, his teeth eased away and hot breath fanned her skin while they recovered. It was apparent that he kept his weight from totally crushing her, allowing her to catch her breath.

The haze of sexual bliss cleared, normal function returned and she grinned, wishing she could see his face. She said the first thing that came to mind. “That was a fifteen on the one-to-ten-wow-factor scale.”

“I’m so sorry, Jessie. I never meant to lose control. You’re so small but I wanted you to the point that I couldn’t think. Can you forgive me?”

She laughed. “You’re apologizing to me? Seriously? There’s nothing to forgive.”

She turned her head just enough to meet his concerned gaze and kept the smile in place.

“That was perfect, amazing and wonderful.”

He broke eye contact, lowered his face and brushed a kiss on the back of her neck.

“You are delicate and just don’t seem to know it. I could have really caused damage to your body.”

“I’m small, I can’t dispute that, but your version of thoughtlessness was mind blowing.”

Justice breathed on her neck, keeping his face where she couldn’t see it. “You need to trust me when I say that you are fragile compared to me. Are you sore? Was I too rough?” His voice softened. “Do you need me to call the doctor?”

“I don’t need a doctor. You’re making too much out of this.” She wanted to laugh again at his overblown concern—it bordered on ridiculous—but she didn’t want to risk hurting his feelings. It touched her deeply that he’d be so anxious over her well-being.

A growl rumbled from his chest. “I took you like you were one of our women but you’re not. Thankfully I didn’t lose all control.” Justice moved back from her, withdrawing his weight completely. “I don’t know what is wrong with me when it comes to you. I’m not myself.”

Jessie rolled over to stare up at him, admiring the view of tan, tall and sexy. She just knew the sight of his sculptured muscles and strong build would always affect her.

“Maybe that’s the problem. You took on this big responsibility of becoming the face of New Species.” She sat up, comfortable in her nakedness and peered at him with compassion. “I know what it’s like to pretend to be someone you’re not. My father is a senator. I was raised around politicians and other idiots and had to don this perfect image my father demanded.” She shrugged. “The truth is, I’m not really that polite. I’m a tomboy more than a lady and what I really wanted to do was smack most of the people I was forced to carry on polite conversations with.”

Justice sat down on the edge of the bed, turned his body sideways, and watched her, a little confused. “I don’t understand.”

“You stand before those cameras, the reporters, and the world pretending to be totally human but you’re not. You can just be yourself with me, Justice. I accept you for who and what you are. You’re the guy who purrs and growls, gets a little out of control when we kiss and there’s nothing wrong with that.” She pushed forward, her hands flattened on the bed and she rose to her knees. Her gaze held his as she tried to show him she meant every word. “There’s nothing wrong with you, Justice North. I think you’re amazing and I don’t want you holding back with me. I want to get to know the real you, not some image you’ve tried to perfect for your job. You’re off the clock and it’s playtime. I’m going to teach you how to have fun and tear down those walls you’ve built. I’m safe, Justice.”

Justice wanted to reach out, pull Jessie into his arms and hold her. She offered him acceptance, understanding and the opportunity to be the male he’d been before he’d volunteered to represent his people. Longing gripped him to the point of pain and he knew in that instant what had to be done. A sharp jab stabbed his heart but he’d made a promise, sworn to do the job and too many were counting on him for him to follow his heart.

Clarity hurt more. He was falling in love with Jessie Dupree, probably had been since the moment he’d torn her from the arms of another male, shielded her with his body and she’d smiled. She believed she embodied safety to him but she couldn’t be more wrong. The adorable redhead with her quick smile, generous heart and welcoming arms had to be the most dangerous yet beautiful temptation that had ever crossed his path.

“Are you hungry? Did you eat? I could make you something.”

He took another hit to his heart. She wanted to feed him a meal, cared that he might be hungry and was nurturing. It also reminded him that she definitely wasn’t Species—their females preferred that the males totally tended to them after sex.

“Hello? You’re staring at me but you’re not answering.” She leaned closer. “Are you tired? I have to warn you that I like to sleep skin to skin. I plan to wrap around you and get close.”

He was going to snap again, lose control and kiss her soft mouth. The urge to knock her flat on her back and make love to her raged through his veins again. His fists clenched as he fought the desire to return to her heavenly embrace. It wasn’t just his own life he needed to remember but what being with him would do to hers as well. He blurted out words that would make her withdraw.

“My kind bite during sex and it would hurt since you are much less tolerant to pain. I had the urge to sink my teeth into your skin until I tasted your blood, Jessie. I don’t want to scare you but you wanted honesty. I’m really strong and you wouldn’t stand a chance against me if I ever lost control. I could accidentally break your bones or I might not stop if I get out of hand. I’m dangerous.”

“You’re not going to hurt me.” No fear showed in her blue eyes and she didn’t jerk away. “I’m not into pain but I’m not afraid of your teeth either. You won’t bite me hard enough to break my skin. I refuse to believe you’d do any of those things. You’ll totally get that after a few nights with me.”

He needed to leave, to get away from her, before he gave in to his desire to be selfish. His people depended on him to be strong, expected it, and he’d made the promise to do so. Nothing good would come of them being together for Jessie either.

Her kind wouldn’t understand and her father wouldn’t support the NSO anymore.

Everyone would suffer.

She’ll grow to resent you when she’s stuck living at Homeland after the hate groups target her. Don’t forget about Valiant telling you how Tammy’s best friend cut ties when she refused to leave him. Who will Jessie lose? How long will it take before she hates me? It’s better to give her up now, before either of us get hurt more.

“There will never be another night of us being together. I’m sorry but we can’t do this again.”

Her shocked expression made him wince.

“What?” The surprise quickly turned to anger as her gaze narrowed and her nose flared. “No way. You’re attracted to me and I feel the same. You’re being paranoid.”

“It’s for the best. We were drawn to each other but it must end.”

She withdrew finally to collapse on her ass on the bed. Her chin lifted and she stared at him. “You just wanted a two-night stand. Got it. I read things wrong by thinking there was something between us but obviously there’s not. I read you loud and clear now.”

He’d hurt her and knew it. She tried to hide the pain but her expressive eyes gave the emotion away. She mistook his words to mean that what he wanted from her had just been a passing flare of lust. A smart man would have allowed her to believe it but his heart had other priorities. He’d rather be honest than leave her feeling rejected.

“I don’t trust myself with you and you scare me, Jessie. I’m always in control but I wasn’t tonight. The other part of me wanted to posses you in every sense. I wanted your scent and your…feel. I—” He took a deep breath. “I don’t know how to explain it but damn it, I lost control and I’d rather never touch you again than risk hurting you.”

Her gaze softened and her tense shoulders relaxed. “You won’t hurt me.”

“I don’t know that and neither do you, Jessie.”

“I’m really trying to be patient with you but you’re starting to make me mad. I’m a big girl, an adult, and if it’s risky, I’m willing to deal with the consequences. I trust you and that’s the bottom line.”

“You’re human.” He welcomed anger over the sadness of giving her up. “This is why I never got involved with one.” He ran his fingers through his hair, clenched his teeth together and tried to center his thoughts. “It’s best if we end this before it begins.”

“You’re honestly frightened.” She suddenly smiled. “Of me. That’s kind of funny.”

Her gaze raked down his body before returning to his eyes. “We said we’d sleep together and I’m holding you to it.” She patted the bed. “What side do you prefer?”

He wanted to stay, to hold her and to know what it would be like for the first time in his life not to sleep alone. His females never wanted to be held for longer than necessary. He wavered on his need to leave and his desire to spend more time with Jessie. Desire won out. It was one night, the last they’d ever share and he refused to deny himself that pleasure.

“I’ll lock up and get the lights. I’ll hurry.”

She grinned. “I’ll turn down the bed.”

He fled before he could reconsider his decision. He secured her house, turned off everything and briskly strode back to her bedroom.

Jessie watched him go and her smile faded the second he left her sight. Justice was stubborn, paranoid and incredibly cute. His reasons for calling it quits before anything could develop between them were valid ones but she wasn’t one to shy away from a challenge. They had a good time together, she’d missed him and he had invaded her thoughts ever since they’d talked.

She climbed off the bed, dragged down the bedding and hopped back onto the tall mattress. He hadn’t told her what side he wanted so she lay down in the middle, her ears straining to hear his approach but she shouldn’t have bothered. Justice moved with stealth as he sauntered back into the room. A grin threatened to surface again. Did he have any idea how sexy he looked when he walked with that graceful, fluid motion, stark naked? She doubted it. She enjoyed the view of muscles and bare skin before blackness enveloped the room with the flick of the light switch under his finger.

The bed dipped as his weight settled to her right. She turned, blindly reaching for him and her fingertips encountered hot skin. There was no hesitation as she scooted closer, threw one leg over his and pressed herself along his length. He rested flat on his back while she lay on her side. Her head adjusted until his chest pillowed her cheek, his heartbeat a steady throb in her ear. She smiled in the darkness.

“I want to hold you in a different way. Would you mind?”

It was cute how gruffly he spoke. “Sure. How do you like to sleep?”

“Roll over. I want to curl against your back.”

She hated to release him but did as he’d asked. His arm slid under her head to cushion it, the other arm wrapped around her waist and he dragged her flush against his body until they were firmly spooned.

“I like this,” she admitted.

“Are you cold? Should I cover us with the sheet?”

“It’s a nice night and you put off a lot of heat. I’m comfortable. Are you?”

“Very.” He breathed on her neck and nuzzled her bare shoulder. “I enjoy this.”

“Me too. That’s why I vote we do this again in the near future.”

His arm around her waist tensed. “It’s best for both of us if we don’t, Jessie. I don’t trust myself with you. You make me go a little crazy from wanting you. I would scare you if I let go of my inhibitions completely and acted on how you make me feel.”

She frowned, wishing he would give up his iron control. “I don’t want to fight with you but you’re being way too protective. Nothing you’ve said so far is making me leery unless there’s something else you’re not saying.”

“When I come inside you, I want to shout out. It was so hard to fight the urge this time.”

“People make sounds when they have sex.” She grinned. “I make lots of them if you’ll remember. I happen to like the ones you make.”

Jessie suddenly turned in his arms to twist onto her back and hooked her legs over his curved thighs. Her palm found and caressed the side of his face before running her fingernails through his hair to massage his scalp. A soft purr filled the room.

“Yeah. I like the sounds you make. That’s sexy to me. You have to see me sometimes since I’m working and living at Homeland, right? I’m warning you now that I’m not going to let this go, Justice. It would be another story if I didn’t believe that you were really attracted to me and that this could possibly go somewhere. That’s not the case though. You’re spooked and it’s because you care, isn’t it?”

His body tensed and the purr deepened into a slight growl.

“Yeah. That’s what I thought.

“Jessie,” he rasped, “I’m sorry but this is the last night we can spend together. I have a long list of reasons in my head besides the ones I’ve mentioned.”

She bit her lip and sighed. “You’re just upset right now. You’ll change your mind, and when you do, you know where I am.”

“You would face danger being associated with me. We can’t do this again.”

She wiggled her ass against his thighs, could feel his cock respond by hardening, growing thicker. She smiled into the darkness. His mouth might say one thing but his body and hers were right in tune.

“Okay,” she said to placate him. He was a big ole worrier but she’d deal with that later. Her immediate goal was to make love to him. Maybe after a few dozen times he’d get over his me-big-strong-Species-you-fragile-human-woman bullshit. She managed not to laugh at that analysis. “We’ll talk later.”

Her other hand opened on his belly. She wished he was flat on his back and she could touch more of his body. She traced his bellybutton, dipped her fingers lower and used her nails to lightly scratch him. Justice growled.

She turned to her side, ground her ass against him and pressed her back to his chest until no space remained between them. She loved the heat he put off. With his body wrapped around hers and his arm firmly around her waist it had never felt more right to be in someone’s arms.

She inhaled the wonderful scent that was Justice and listened to him purr. I’m falling in love, she admitted. Hard and fast. The memory of skydiving flashed in her mind. The fear of stepping out of the plane had been overwhelming but she’d wanted to fly. She’d taken the plunge then spread her arms and dived headfirst without hesitation. Justice beat that experience any day and she wanted to take the plunge again. A broken heart had to be a better risk to take than a chute not opening, and far less dangerous.

The twitch of the hard length of his cock that was trapped between them pulled her away from her thoughts. The decision wasn’t difficult to make—it was that simple. She ran her hand down to his hip, slid it back and cupped his firm ass. He purred before softly cursing.

“Damn it, female. Stop doing that.”

She wiggled, suggestively rolled her hips and gripped his wrist. He didn’t resist when she lifted it and laid it over her breast. Her hand slid up, covered the back of his and squeezed, forcing his fingers to close around the mound. Jessie ground her ass against his now-straining cock, turned her head to expose her neck to his mouth and licked her lips to wet them. Her body didn’t need any foreplay. She was primed to go and ached to have him inside her again. The memory of his tongue doing wonderful things to her clit and the way he’d felt fucking her was enough to take her there already.

“Take me again,” she whispered. “I need you, Justice. Don’t deny me this.”

His hand massaged her breast without her help this time. “Damn it, Jessie.” His lips brushed her exposed throat and his hips moved, rocking slowly against hers.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“Hold still. We’ll go slow.”

Jessie spread her thighs and refused to obey his order or to take it slow. He was too careful, thought too damn much, and she wanted him to let go. She wanted the real Justice, the man who growled and snarled, who wanted to get loud during sex. She released the back of his hand, reached between her legs and wrapped her fingers around his rigid shaft.

“Jessie,” he growled.

“Fuck me, baby. Hard, fast. Give it to me.”

She used her leg hooked over his thigh to tilt her hips, guided the crown of his cock to rub along the seam of her pussy, rolled her hips as she found the right spot and used the leverage she had to join them. The feel of being stretched, taken by him, spiked her desire.

Teeth suddenly gripped the top of her shoulder when Justice bit down on her skin hard enough to send a jolt straight to her groin. He didn’t break the skin but it was a fine line between pleasure and pain. Jessie moaned louder but the sharp points jerked away as he released her with his fangs.

“Hold still,” he snarled.

“No.” She used her free hand to grab the arm pillowing her head to gain traction and bucked her hips frantically, forcing him to move inside her. She increased the pace and pulled with her hand on his ass to take his cock deeper. “Don’t torture me,” she panted. “Forget slow.”

Justice made a scary sound—a deep, vicious snarl—and his teeth clamped down on her shoulder again. The feel of his bite didn’t hurt but it amped her passion higher.

Pleasure shot through her body and his hand gripped her hip in a tight hold. She thought he might use his grip to still her hips but she was never happier to be wrong.

Justice drove his cock into her deeply, his hips rocked faster and pounded against her ass hard enough to shake the bed and slam the headboard into the wall. Jessie couldn’t think. She was too caught up in ecstasy and the erotic feel of him keeping hold of her shoulder with his teeth. He didn’t slow, didn’t stop and her muscles tightened in anticipation of the pending climax.

Justice drove into her over and over—fast, hard, deep. He angled his dick a little, hit a spot that made her see stars and he seemed to know it. He kept dragging the crown of his cock against it, not going as deep as before and that did it. Jessie threw her head back against his shoulder and came hard. Her lips parted and she barely registered that she’d screamed.

His teeth tore away from her skin, the hold on her hip tightened and he followed her over. Hot jets of semen filled her. She could feel every drop as her vaginal muscles milked him. A thunderous roar nearly deafened her, her ear too close to his mouth.

They panted in the aftermath, his hold on her eased and his fingers massaged her hip. Jessie wanted to laugh but couldn’t muster the strength. That was the Justice she’d wanted to see. Her hearing might not ever be the same in that ear but it was worth it.

She grinned.

A hot, wet tongue licked her shoulder and she opened her eyes to stare into the dark room. He was so sweet. First he was rubbing the slightly sore spot from where he’d kept hold of her and now he was using his mouth to soothe the area he’d clamped his teeth over. It was a bit weird but not unpleasant. She could get used to it.

“That was the best sex ever,” she murmured. “I like you licking me but if you want to take requests for locations where I’d enjoy that tongue more, just let me know.”

He stopped lapping her skin and his breathing had slowed. “I’m cleaning your wound. Damn it, Jessie, this is why we can’t be together. It was the best sex ever but I’ve hurt you.”

“What wound?” She turned her head but couldn’t see a thing.

“I bit into your shoulder.” He sounded sad. “I’m sorry, honey. Doesn’t it hurt?”

“No. It can’t be too bad. Don’t worry about it.” She could live with a little love bite.

She’d enjoyed it.

He tensed. “Don’t worry about it? I bit you, damn it. I drew blood.”

Loud alarms sounded in the distance and Justice cursed.

“It’s okay,” she murmured, a little surprised that she was bleeding but it didn’t hurt. “It’s probably just a car alarm.”

“It’s not.” He withdrew his still-hard cock from her body and rolled her onto her stomach to free his arm from under her head so quickly that she gasped. The bed moved as his weight left it. “They heard us at the security gate.”

Light blinded her when he turned on the lamp on the nightstand. She waited for her vision to adjust. She could only stare as Justice jerked his boxers up his hips, bent and came up with his belongings clutched in his hand.

Anger radiated off him. “Jump into the shower right now or they’ll smell me all over you.”

Jessie sat up. “I don’t care if someone knows.”

“I do. Don’t allow them into your room when they come to the door or they’ll smell me in here too. Tell them you were in the shower and didn’t hear anything when they ask you questions. Move it, damn it. You have about three minutes or less before they arrive. They have master keys to all the homes and will come in if you don’t get the door.”

He walked to her window and yanked it open. Jessie watched him in astonishment while he shoved at the screen with an elbow to force it out of the way and stepped over the windowsill. He reached back inside, pulled the window closed and pushed the screen back into place hard enough that it made the window rattle. He stepped away from the window and disappeared into the darkness. Her mind shifted into gear.

“Damn it,” Jessie hissed, nearly falling out of the bed in her haste to rush to the bathroom. She tried real hard not to feel hurt.

Oh, it hurts so don’t bother to deny it. It was clear he didn’t want anyone to know about them. Was he embarrassed by her? She flipped on the light, lunged for the shower stall and didn’t bother to adjust the temperature as she stepped under the strong spray of icy water.

“Son of a bitch,” she hissed, grabbed the bottle of body wash and dumped out nearly half of it to rub furiously on her skin. “Men! I can’t believe this. What an ass.”

She paused, wondering why she was doing what he’d asked. He might have a problem with people knowing they’d slept together but she didn’t. The cold water beat down on her, she shivered and cursed again.

A burning sensation made her wince and she twisted her head enough to locate the source. Red from the noticeable bite marks mingled with the water. She could see the punctures from his fangs and a red outline of his front, flatter teeth. She turned her shoulder into the water, washed off the soap irritating it and the burning stopped.

Maybe that’s why he didn’t want anyone to know they’d slept together. Justice North, the mighty face of New Species, had lost his composure enough to sink his teeth into one human. The press would run with a story that big, make it in to some kind of nasty, twisted scenario the way they usually did and there would be hell to pay.

“Shit!” She turned off the water, stepped out and grabbed a towel to dry off as fast as possible.

A bottle of perfume she’d unpacked sat on the counter and caught her attention.

She never worn the stuff, her father had handed it to the checker while they’d been paying for her new clothes. Maybe it wasn’t as useless as she’d thought. New Species hated artificial smells and it would mask Justice’s scent. She dropped the towel, grabbed the box and tore it open as she rushed into her bedroom.

She gagged a little as she heavily sprayed the floral perfume into the air around her, closed her eyes and stepped into it so it misted down her body. She couldn’t get her bandage wet and the Species had amazing noses. They might pick something up from her hair but now they’d just pick up the scent of gardenias.

“Yuk. If that doesn’t mask his scent, nothing will.”

She tossed the bottle on the bed, quickly dressed in the clothes she’d taken off earlier and remembered to snatch the bottle up as she ran out of her room when a pounding sounded at the front of the house.

Jessie sprayed perfume as she rushed toward the door then chucked the bottle toward the couch. She waved her arms wildly to spread the horrible smell, smoothed down her half shirt to make sure her breasts weren’t showing and unlocked the front door.

Two New Species officers stood there looking grim. Jessie kept back to put as much distance as possible between them and her. Both males were gripping their sidearms, their gazes on her before they swept the room behind her and one of them took a step to enter her house. She opened her arms, gripped the doorframe and blocked it.

“What is going on? What is that, a car alarm?”

The one who wanted in her house had to step back so they didn’t touch. “Did you scream?”

“No. I was in the shower and I only heard that racket when I turned off the water. If it’s not a car alarm, is there a fire?”

The two men glanced at each other and then stared at her. The second one took a deep breath, sniffed and grimaced. A hand shot up to his face to cover his nose and he took a huge step back. The other did the same. She didn’t have their enhanced sense of smell and the reek of gardenias almost made her eyes water.

“Can we search your house?”

“No one is here but me. Do you think I screamed? I didn’t. Nothing is wrong except someone’s alarm is going off. Maybe the wind set off a car alarm. It happens.”

They seemed unsure what to do but they backed up, probably not enjoying what they were smelling. “All right. We are glad you are safe. Lock your doors. If you hear or see anything, hit the alarm.” He pointed to the wall.

“Sure. Not a problem. Thanks!” Jessie closed the door and locked it. She leaned against the wood, her tense body going lax and closed her eyes.

She took a deep breath, grimaced and jerked away from the door. She needed to air out the house to get rid of the stink and shower again.

* * *

Justice swam another lap in the pool until he heard a squeak and stopped, treading water. He inhaled and turned, locating two security officers approaching from the side yard. They’d used the gate there to find him instead of entering his house.

“What is going on? What activated the alarm? I heard it going off a little while ago.

Is everything all right?” Guilt ate at him a little for lying, something he hated to do but he needed to protect Jessie. He doubted they would tell anyone but some of his people were friendly with human employees. One slip and it would reach the wrong ears. He wouldn’t take that chance with her. “Do we have a security breach?”

One of them shrugged. “We heard a scream and a roar.”

Justice had practiced his story. “I roared but I didn’t hear a scream.” He pointed to his clothes by the back door. “I tripped over that chair when I came out here to swim after a long, rough day. It hurt my toe and I was mad. I roared, took off my clothes and have been swimming to work away my anger.”

The second one shifted, frowning. “You didn’t hear a scream?”

“No. Maybe you mistook the chair hitting the wall as a scream. I broke it when I tripped on it.”

“We’re sorry we disturbed you, Justice. We thought maybe the human had been attacked.”

“Jessie Dupree? Is she all right?”

“She’s fine. We went to her home first but she wouldn’t let us search her house.”

“She smells,” the other one cursed. “Like bad flowers.”

“Perfume,” the other one growled. “You should make it a law that they don’t wear it here, Justice. My nose still burns.”

Justice hid a smile over Jessie knowing that trick. Strong perfume irritated their noses and confused their sense of smell. She had worked for Tim Oberto on the task force and was bound to pick up Species facts from the team members who worked so closely with his males.

“I’ll send her a memo.”

Both men looked confused. “Maybe someone was watching a horror movie. Human females in those scream all the time. We’ll have to ask everyone if they were playing one of those to track the source of the disturbance.”

“Don’t bother anyone else. The only female alone here is Jessie Dupree and you said she is fine.”

“Did you hurt yourself when you broke the chair, Justice? I could call for someone to come look at it.”

Justice shook his head, swimming toward the side of the pool. “I’m fine. It just pissed me off.”

The men hesitated. Justice climbed out of the pool and walked to a towel he’d thrown over a lounge chair days before. He wrapped it around his hips and arched an eyebrow when he faced them.

“Is there anything else?”

“Why is a human female living here? We don’t question your judgment but we are curious, Justice.”

“This is the most secure area of Homeland. Her father is someone who watches out for us and works through legal issues on our behalf. I gave my word to him that she would be kept safe. She’s also saved our females and brought them to us as her last job.

Jessie Dupree is a trusted friend.”

One of them spoke. “We understand. Thank you for explaining it.”

Justice waited until they were gone before he shook his wet hair, trying to dry off some. He turned to peer over the wall to the house next door. Jessie’s bedroom light remained on. He longed to hop the wall and knock on her window.

Frustration gripped him as he turned away. Wanting and doing had to be different things in her case. He’d lost control, drawn blood sharing sex and had attracted attention to them being together by roaring out his pleasure. That disturbed him deeply, it was something he’d never done before with a female. She brought out sides of him that he couldn’t allow free. Period.

He needed to think, to clear his head and stay away from her until he could figure out how to leash the frightening emotions she stirred in him. He only knew one thing for certain…

Jessie Dupree was driving him insane.
