Gabriel and Nate had been across town, trying to figure out what would cause a person to immediately turn to ash upon death, when Gabriel received Scarlet’s text message.

Seeing Tristan and Scarlet come up from the basement together, Gabriel’s first thought was jealously.

But it was quickly replaced by fear when he saw Scarlet’s eyes.

Her very bright, very neon blue eyes.

Ash people were no longer Gabriel’s primary concern. “Scarlet, are you okay?” He looked at Tristan with hatred. “What did you do?”

Tristan shot Gabriel a dark look. “I didn’t do anything.”

“Look at her eyes!”

Scarlet started shaking her head. “Forget about my eyes. I had a flashback.”

She felt something warm trickle down her face and touched a hand to her nose.


Her nose was bleeding.

Tristan cursed, looking away with clenched fists.

Nate sucked in a breath.

Gabriel came in close to her, taking her face in his hands. “You’re sick, Scarlet. This is serious.”

“I’m fine.” She wiggled out of his arms and backed away, wiping at her nose. “Listen to me, I had a flashback and I feel like someone is in danger.” Scarlet took a deep breath. “I hid an arrow. In one of my other lives, I remember running away with an arrow and hiding it because I knew it was dangerous. The arrow made me afraid and I was desperate to protect it.”

All three of them looked at her intently.

“The arrow is going to kill someone…or, or something. I don’t know.” Scarlet groaned in frustration. “I can’t remember why, but I know it’s dangerous. The arrow made me sad and scared, so I hid it. Do you guys know what I’m talking about?”

They all shook their heads.

“You thought the arrow was dangerous?” Nate asked, looking at her closely.

“You never told me anything about a hidden arrow,” Tristan said, his voice soft as he looked at her nose.

Was she still bleeding?

“Me neither.” Gabriel’s eyes looked concerned. “Scarlet, are you sure it was a flashback? Your eyes are bright and your nose is bleeding, which means you’re very ill. Do you think maybe you blended two memories together?”

“I might be sick, but I’m not crazy, Gabriel. I hid an arrow! I ran around some old house and looked for a safe place and I hid it!”

They just stared at her.

“Agh!” Scarlet suddenly remembered the wardrobe she’d seen in Tristan’s room. “I’ll show you.” She spun on her heel and rushed back downstairs to Tristan’s room.

They followed after her.

Scarlet entered the forbidden bedroom and rushed over to the cabinet in the corner. It looked exactly the same, but for some wear and tear.

She pulled out the bottom drawer and emptied its contents on the floor.

“What are you doing?” Tristan eyed her carefully.

“Proving I’m not insane.” Scarlet ran her hand against the bottom of the drawer until she found a notch. She looked up at the boys with an eyebrow raised as she lifted the false bottom. “See?”

Everyone in the room stared into the secret compartment with mouths open.

There, as if no time had passed, lay a slim arrow, its tip glinting in the bedroom light.

“Wha…?” Gabriel leaned down to look at the arrow.

Tristan reached a hand down and swiftly snatched the arrow into his palm. “You hid this in my wardrobe?”

Scarlet shrugged. “I guess.”

“Tristan,” Nate said, slowly. “Maybe you should let me hold on to that.”

Tristan said nothing.

“Do you have any idea why Scarlet thought it was dangerous?” Gabriel looked at Nate.

Nate looked at Tristan. “I have a guess.”

Tristan cleared his throat. “Until we know why Scarlet hid it, we should probably keep the arrow safe. I’ll lock it up in the den with the other weapons.”

Nate glared at Tristan. “How about I lock it up?”

Tristan glared back. “No, thanks. I’ll take care of it.”

And with that, Tristan left the room. Taking the arrow with him.
