Gabriel pounded on the door of Nate’s penthouse apartment. He could hear loud music, gunfire and general chaos inside.


When Nate didn’t answered, Gabriel pounded again. “Nate! It’s Gabriel.”

“Not now, dude. I’m in the cave!” came a muffled voice.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “I need you to come out of the cave, Nate.”

“No can do, buddy! I’ve almost….defeated…the great wizard….”

Gabriel pounded again. “If you don’t answer this door, I will knock it down and pour soda all over your computers.”

The door immediately swung open. “No need for threats, man. Computers are our friends.” Nate, dressed in mismatched socks, basketball shorts, a Wolverine T-shirt and a set of headphones with an attached microphone, stood before Gabriel looking like he hadn’t slept in days.

With noise still blaring in the background Gabriel said, “Sorry to interrupt your—” Gabriel looked at the large TV screen where an elf was stabbing a dragon, “…cave, but I need your help.”

“Aw, maaan.” Nate rolled his eyes, and motioned Gabriel in. He turned down all the noise and pulled his headphones off. “I don’t want to be ‘serious’ Nate right now, okay? I want to be ‘gamer’ Nate…or ‘rock star’ Nate…or, even ‘crossword puzzle’ Nate. But not ‘serious’ Nate. ‘Serious’ Nate is always getting involved in weird curses and trying to find fountains and watching people die, and blah, blah, blah. It sucks. So, why don’t you be ‘party animal’ Gabriel,” Nate pointed at Gabriel with a wink, “and I’ll be ‘funny guy’ Nate and we’ll go bowling. I’ll go get my coat.” He turned on his heel.

“Nate.” Gabriel pulled the black band from his pocket and set it on Nate’s coffee table. “Someone broke into Scarlet’s house last night while she was sleeping. And they had that. Do you know what it is?”

Nate turned back around and looked at the band. His happy countenance fell. “So much for going bowling.”

Gabriel looked at his friend. “Why? Do you recognize it?”

Nate nodded. “Yep. It’s a Head Ghost.”

“A what?”

“It’s used to extract information from the brain. Whoever snuck into Scarlet’s house was probably after her memories.” He sighed. “Which means, they probably know about her past.”

“Who would know about her past? She’s only been alive for two years and she barely knows.”

Nate shook his head. “I dunno, man. But Head Ghosts are illegal, and very hard to come by. Whoever came after Scarlet means business. Maybe they know about us being immortal. Or maybe they’re looking for the fountain.”

Gabriel’s head was spinning with questions.

Was someone else trying find to the fountain of youth? And how would anyone know about them being immortal in the first place? Or Scarlet, for that matter? She was, essentially, brand new and knew nothing about the fountain’s whereabouts.

Why were they after her memories?

Panic rose in Gabriel’s chest. “Nate, pack your things, we’re going to Georgia.”

“Aw, maaan. Why does the drama always happen when I’m in my cave?”

Gabriel looked at him. “Screw the cave, Nate. Someone is after Scarlet! There’s no time for games.”

“There’s always time for games!” Nate said with passion, pointing a finger into the air.

Gabriel looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Nate sighed. “Fine. I’ll get my coat. But I’m bringing my gaming system with me.”

“Whatever.” Gabriel waved him off and pulled out his phone. He needed to call Tristan.
