The next day Scarlet didn’t leave her room once. She stayed in bed staring at the ceiling trying to figure out how she was going to adjust to life now that she was a semi-immortal girl with a dying heart.

Laura was concerned, bringing her food every few hours and trying to get her to leave her room. But Scarlet was too overwhelmed to comply.

There were so many questions trapped in her head.

How long did she have until her heart failed to the point of her death?

Would the brothers find her in her next life?

Would she be trapped in her life-and-death cycle forever?

Would the curse ever be broken?

Could the curse ever be broken?

Why had Gabriel kept Tristan a secret?

Why couldn’t she remember anything other than the snippets of memory she’d had at the cabin?

If she and Gabriel had been engaged, did that mean she was in love with Gabriel?

And if she was in love with Gabriel, then why was she so attracted to Tristan?

Questions collided in her mind until she had a terrible headache and no way to relax.

Her phone kept ringing and beeping, but Scarlet ignored all the calls and texts.

She wasn’t afraid of her life, but she wasn’t prepared for it either.

She just needed a little more time….

Scarlet rolled over and hid her pounding head beneath her pillow.

It was going to be a long day.
