Familiar pain gradually reentered Tristan’s veins as he drove away from the festival.

Away from Scarlet.

He tugged on the collar of his black shirt, adjusting to the chronic ache he suffered without her.

Tonight had been an accident; seeing Scarlet . . . feeling her so close to him. Had he known she’d be at the festival, he never would have gone.

He’d almost gotten used to the grief that wracked his body in her absence; almost learned to live with it. But tonight had undone any hope he had of peace without her.

Tristan rubbed the back of his neck as his green eyes stared at the dark Georgia road ahead of him.

Long ago, he’d been cursed with a fever of desperation.

Nonstop, unrelenting desperation.

Bursting from his heart two years ago, it had taken him by the soul and wrung his insides dry with need.

A need so impossible, so all-consuming, he could not deny it.

And he could not silence it.

The sound of his soul, crying out for Scarlet, was deafening.

Two years ago, the summons had started as a murmur; soft, faint and gentle.

But over time it grew into a scream; bleating out in need and resonating in his chest without reprieve.

It was the sound of Scarlet’s heart, alive and awake, beating steadily inside her chest, and echoing in his.

Haunting him.

Like a call. A ruthless demand to find her—to be with her.

He’d tried to ignore the supernatural pull. He’d tried to pretend his soul wasn’t screaming in separation.

But it was.

He’d resisted the siren for years. And it nearly drove him mad.

Scarlet’s heart calling to him, begging him.

Like it always did

And he had broken down and answered.

Like he always did.

He had come to Avalon. Close enough to ease the fever. Close enough to quiet his screaming heart.

But distant enough to maintain his sanity.

Until tonight.

His accidental nearness to Scarlet tonight at the festival had eased his torment, but filled him with a longing he couldn’t indulge.

He needed to stay away.

Far away.

Tristan drove into the thick woods outside Avalon and made his way to the large cabin he shared with his brother.

After seeing Gabriel talking to Scarlet tonight, Tristan was furious.

He turned his car down the cabin’s driveway and parked.

Cursing under his breath, he exited the car and made his way inside.

The cabin sat upon twenty acres of forestland and had a main floor, a basement, and an upstairs. The main floor held the kitchen, a living room, the den, and an office. The upstairs and basement were identical in layout; each with a sitting room, master suite, and a spare bedroom.

The upstairs belonged to Gabriel and the basement belonged to Tristan.

They didn’t like living together, but it was necessary.

For now.

Tristan stretched his neck.

Now that he was miles away from Scarlet, Tristan’s physical pain intensified; a constant reminder that he was, and would always be, without her.

After slamming the front door behind him, Tristan found his brother in the living room. “What were you thinking?”

Gabriel, who’d been searching for the remote control under the couch cushions, looked up at his brother. “What are you talking about?”

“You talked to Scarlet tonight? Are you kidding me?” Tristan tried to calm himself down, but he was too racked with anxiety to lower his voice.

“What, are you spying on me now?” Gabriel went back to his hunt. “That’s creepy.”

“You messed up the plan, Gabe.” Tristan bored his green eyes into his brother. “You agreed not to meet her until the curse was broken. Is the curse broken? No.” He started pacing the living room, fear and nervousness coiling inside him.

It was happening again.

The pain…the brokenness…the death….

This was the beginning of the end.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well. I didn’t feel like waiting around another few years while you tried to break the curse. Your plan—which is totally evil, by the way—isn’t working.”

“My plan isn’t evil. It’s necessary. And it will work.”

Giving up his search for the control, Gabriel stood. “Your plan is completely evil. You’re trying to murder someone.”

Tristan stopped pacing. “I’m trying to save Scarlet’s life. It’s the only option we have.”

“No. There’s another way.”

Tristan rolled his eyes. “We don’t have time to chase after a legend, Gabe. Because of the curse, Scarlet is going to die.” He swallowed, tempering the emotion that coated his voice. “My plan is the only way to save her.”

Gabriel threw his hands in the air. “Your plan is murder!”

“It’s not like I’m butchering an innocent lamb.”

“Well, how would I know that?” Gabriel shrugged. “You haven’t exactly been forthcoming with your victim’s identity. For all I know, you’re out hunting a sweet, little old lady.”

Tristan rolled his eyes again and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’m not killing little old ladies.”

“It’s slaughter.”

“It’s not slaughter. I’m simply taking a life so Scarlet can keeps hers.”

Out loud, it did sound kinda bad.

But Tristan would do anything to save Scarlet.


“Yeah, well…that doesn’t make it any less wrong.” Gabriel went back to searching for the control as silence fell between them.

Tristan exhaled and uncrossed his arms.

He needed more time to execute his plan. He needed more time to break the curse.

And he needed Gabriel to stay away from Scarlet.

Tristan rubbed the back of his neck. “You were reckless tonight, Gabe. Scarlet could have remembered who you were. She could have remembered who I was.”

Gabriel shrugged. “She didn’t.”

“But she will.” Tristan’s heart started pounding in fear. If Scarlet remembered him…if she came looking for him….

No. He couldn’t let that happen.

“You can’t see her again.” Tristan said, hoping Gabriel would comply.

He didn’t.

“Yeah, right.” Gabriel found the control and set it on an end table. “I’ve waited two years to ‘meet’ Scarlet. I’m not going to disappear from her life now.”

Tristan took a deep breath. “Please?”

Was that what he’d been reduced to? Begging? Was he that afraid Scarlet would remember him?

The clock on the wall beat into the silence.


Yes. He was that scared.

“No,” Gabriel said, shaking his head. “I need her, Tristan.”

“So do I, Gabe. But you don’t see me running after her.”

“But I…love her,” Gabriel said, turning his palms up helplessly.

Tristan exhaled sharply.

He didn’t want to believe that Gabriel loved Scarlet. He’d rather believe what Gabriel felt for Scarlet was just a little crush.

But he knew better.

Which only made his torment more acute.

Tristan shook his head. “If you stay in her life she’ll remember everything.”

“So, what?”

“So what? Gabe! Scarlet can’t ever know about me—or meet me. It’s too risky.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “She’s not going to meet you. Stop being so dramatic. And quit following me around town. That’s weird.”

“I wasn’t following you,” Tristan said. “I was meeting a client at the festival and I happened to see you.”

Gabriel raised his eyebrows. “A ‘client’? Don’t you mean hit man?”

Tristan didn’t answer.

He knew Gabriel didn’t approve of his methods, but he didn’t have time to look for less-gruesome ways to break the curse.

Scarlet was going to die.

He had to hurry.

“What’s the matter?” Gabriel waved his hands sarcastically. “Big, mean Tristan can’t commit murder all by himself?” Gabriel shook his head and narrowed his eyes. “You’re evil.”

Tristan looked at the ceiling in frustration and started pacing the room again. “I understand you have a moral dilemma with my plan, but don’t act so righteous.” He looked at Gabriel. “I’m just doing what you’re not brave enough to do yourself.”

Gabriel made a face of disgust. “Murder doesn’t make you brave, Tristan. It makes you desperate.”

Tristan squared his jaw. “I am desperate.”

Desperate to be free of the torment that tore at his soul day after day, begging for Scarlet.

Desperate for peace.

Gabriel shook his head. “You’re desperate and you’re heartless.”

Tristan laughed softly, his heart kicking at the irony of Gabriel’s words. “Don’t. I. Wish.”

Maybe if Tristan didn’t have a heart, the pain and longing that plagued him wouldn’t be quite as unbearable. Maybe if he didn’t have a heart, he could get some sleep at night.

But Tristan had a heart, and it was currently throbbing in pain.

Because Scarlet was far away.

Gabriel shook his head. “Whatever. Go ahead and carry-out your wicked plan. But don’t expect me to support you.”

Tristan twisted his lips. “I never would.”

“And don’t expect me to back out of Scarlet’s life. I’ve waited long enough.”

Tristan stopped pacing and folded his arms. “What are you going to do, then? Just lie to her?”

“I don’t know. But I’ll figure it out. Tell your evil heart to relax.”

Tristan flexed a muscle in his jaw.

Gabriel knew nothing about Tristan’s heart, evil or otherwise. It was the best—and worst—part of their relationship.

Tristan shook his head. “Whatever you do, just don’t let her know you have a brother. I don’t want to meet her.”

Gabriel shrugged. “Fine.” He clicked on the TV and sat down.

Tristan turned and headed for the kitchen.

Gabriel would get to see Scarlet. Talk to her. Love her….

It would happen. Tristan couldn’t stop it.

And, if he really cared about Scarlet, he shouldn’t stop it.

But that didn’t make the thought of them together any less gut-wrenching.

Tristan stared blankly at the floor as a piece of his heart broke.

His very real, very existent heart.

And so it begins.
