
Amy and I both whirl around. Harley is standing at the end of the row.

“What have you been doing down here?” I ask.

Harley yawns as he walks over to us. “Standing guard. Like we said we would. No one’s been down here but you two.”

“I’ll stay tonight,” I say guiltily, looking at the dark circles under Harley’s eyes.

“Nah, you won’t.” Harley grins at me. “You can’t. Eldest would notice. I don’t mind it down here. It’s quiet and gives me a chance to paint.” I know Harley. I know how obsessed he can get. He’s probably spent more time looking at the stars than guarding the frozens.

I lean in closer, so Amy won’t hear. “But your meds—”

I’m not just talking about the blue-and-white Inhibitor pill we both take, that everyone in the Ward takes. Harley’s been on more meds than that, for his “episodes,” ever since—

“I’ll be fine,” Harley says and even though I’m not sure I believe him, I can tell from the way he’s looking at Amy that he doesn’t want to discuss this issue in front of her.

“Why don’t you come with us? Amy’s finding her parents,” I say.

Harley hesitates — he wants to return to the stars. But when he sees me staring at him in concern, he changes his mind.

“Okay,” he says, even as he glances toward the hallway leading to the hatch. There is something in the empty hollow of Harley’s eyes, a greedy sort of longing, that makes me worry about him. It’s the same sort of obsession he fell into last time.

“I’m done here,” Amy says from behind me.

“Are you sure?” I ask. She nods.

“But… don’t you want to get your trunk?” I ask her, glancing at the floppy.

“My trunk?”

“The one you packed before you were frozen? It’s recorded here that you and your parents each have a trunk.”
