“THAT FREXING GIRL HAS GONE INTO THE WARD COMMON room and is telling them all about Sol-Earth,” Eldest growls. “Didn’t we tell her about what would happen if she created more of a disturbance? Didn’t we?”

“Now, Eldest,” Doc says in a placating tone. “The Season will begin any day now. They’ll be distracted enough to forget anything she says.”

Eldest punches the nearest cryo chamber door. I jump back, wary of him, unsure of what or who he will strike next.

“Fine,” Eldest says. He turns his burning gaze to me. “The first cause of discord?”

A pop quiz? Now? “Difference,” I say.

“Exactly. Discord will follow that girl everywhere she goes on this ship like dirt a child tracks across the floor. And the second is lack of leadership. Boy, when differences cause discord, the only thing that can maintain control is leadership. Learn from this.”

He jabs his wi-com button. “All-call com link,” he says.

“What are you doing, Eldest?” I ask as a familiar beep, beep-beep fills my ear.

“Attention all residents of Godspeed. I have a very important announcement.”

My stomach drops. Eldest is talking to every resident on the ship through his wi-com link. And I think I know what he’s going to say. My mind races. There’s no way he’d tell everyone on Godspeed about the cryo level, the frozens, where Amy really came from. He would never tell them that.

“Eldest, don’t do this,” I say.

He ignores me.

“Some of you, particularly those of you on the Feeder Level near the Hospital, may notice a new resident on board.”

“Stop.” I lunge at Eldest. I’m sick of his lies.

Doc pulls me back, his long fingers gripping my arms. I try to shake him off, but he’s too strong.

“This new resident is a young female with strangely pale skin and bright hair. She is the result of a Shipper science experiment attempting to develop physical attributes of the body to withstand the possible harsh nature of Centauri-Earth. The girl is harmless, though simple, and prone to lying. She is easily confused and poorly suited to labor; therefore she will remain in the Ward. You are not required nor expected to interact with her at all. She is a freak, and should be treated as such.”

My fists clench. A freak, is she? The result of a crazy Shipper science experiment? Well, that is believable — the Shipper scientists spend most of their time coming up with new things that will protect us in whatever kind of environment Centauri-Earth provides. Still, it’s clear Eldest is trying to cover up Amy’s real origins and keep her away from most people.

I shake with anger as Doc releases me, but there’s no point. Eldest is done. I turn and head back to the elevator, back to Amy.
