Annie Oakley Crater, Dorothy Sayers Crater.
Also craters named for:
Madame Sévigné, Shakira (a Bashkir goddess), Martha Graham, Hippolyta, Nina Efimova, Dorothea Erxleben, Lorraine Hansberry, Catherine Beevher;
also the Mesopotamian fertility goddess, the Celtic river goddess, the Woyo rainbow goddess, the Pueblo Indian corn goddess, the Vedic goddess of plenty, the Roman goddess of the hunt (Diana), the Latvian goddess of fate;
also Anna Comnena, Charlotte Corday, Mary Queen of Scots, Madame de Staël, Simone de Beauvoir, Josephine Baker.
Also Aurelia, the mother of Julius Caesar. Tezan, the Etruscan goddess of the dawn. Alice B. Toklas. Xantippe. Empress Wuhou. Virginia Woolf. Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Evangeline, Fátima, Gloria, Gaia, Helen, Heloise.
Lillian Hellman, Edna Ferber, Zora Neale Hurston.
Guinevere, Nell Gwyn, Martine de Beausoleil.
Sophia Jex-Blake, Jerusha Jirad, Angelica Kauffman.
Maria Merian, Maria Montessori, Marianne Moore.
Mu Guiying. Vera Mukhina. Aleksandra Potanina.
Margaret Sanger. Sappho. Zoya. Sarah Winnemucca. Seshat. Jane Seymour. Rebecca West. Marie Stopes. Alfonsina Storni. Anna Volkova. Sabina Steinbach. Mary Wollstonecraft. Anna von Schuurman. Jane Austen. Wang Zenyi. Karen Blixen.
Sojourner Truth. Harriet Tubman.
Hera. Emily Dickinson.