Extracts (3)

Homo sapiens evolved in Terran gravity and it is still an open question what effects time spent in less than one g will have on the individual

decrease in bone strength from 0.5 percent to 5 percent per month in 0–.1 g

repeated exposure to gravity incidents greater than 3 g has been shown to create micro-strokes and raise the incidence of major strokes

the biomedical research community has changed its mind about these questions more than once through the years

aerobic and resistance exercise partially compensates for physiological effects of long-term residence in moderate low g (defined as between Luna’s .17 g and Mars’s .38 g) but there are problems left unaddressed

maintaining a vigorous physical life substantially mitigates

below Luna g, physical etiolation occurs in some organs and tissues no matter how much exercise

statistically very significant results in actuarial tables suggest longevity beyond historical norms is impossible without frequent return not just to a one-g environment, but to Earth itself. Why this should be so is a matter of dispute, but the fact itself is very clear in the data. We propose to show

one year in every six spent on Earth, with no time away longer than ten years, greatly increases longevity. Neglect of this practice leads to a high risk of dying many decades before

oversterile environments cannot

the famous or notorious sabbatical has been proposed as an example of hormesis or Mithridatism, in which brief exposure to toxins strengthens the organism against greater

Earth’s continuing clutch on space-dwelling humans is physiological and will not go away unless it is fully characterized and all components of it effectively ameliorated

inoculations of helminths (ringworm), bacteria, viruses, etc., impossible to catalog and yet

possible psychological effects also, which means extreme difficulty in defining causation or treatment

not dissimilar to other five-hundred-year projects in intrinsic difficulty

effects are cumulative and lead to dysfunction

increase in longevity is a statistical fact but no guarantee for any particular individual. Life choices shift the probabilities of

regenerative therapies continue to improve

the biggest jump in the longevity graphs came at the start of the Accelerando, and many feel this was not a coincidence. There is a surge of energy that comes when you realize you may live much longer than you had thought possible. Problems that later complicate the picture don’t become evident until

the statistics are suggestive but the causes are not yet

life is a complex

STD, sudden traumatic death, insoluble

people should minimize their time in the lowest and highest gs if they want to maximize their chance at newly normative extended lifetimes, which keep getting longer

no real sense of what might be possible if improvements continue

could we live for thousands of

people compromise, they cut corners. They want to do things, they indulge their desires, their love of adventure

to have to return to Earth, so dirty and old, so oppressive, such a failure. So much the sad planet

they swore they would live by accident, but they were young at the time

most older spacers go home to Earth as advised, one year every seven, because these are the ones living the longest and the effect is self-reinforcing

the hunt continues for a fuller explanation
