Lists (4)

sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic

introverted, extroverted

ambiversion, surgency

stable, labile

rational, irrational

neurotic, schizoid, paranoid, hebephrenic, manic-depressive, anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive, psychotic, sadistic, masochistic

repressed, dissociated, bipolar, schizophrenic, schizotypal, psychopathic, sociopathic, megalomaniacal

depressed, antisocial, histrionic, anxious, dependent, passive-aggressive, narcissistic, solipsistic, dysthymic

borderline personality, multiple personality

crazy, sane, normal, eccentric

autistic, Asperger’s, shy, genius, retarded

Apollonian, Dionysian

idealists, artisans, rationalists, traders, guardians

conscious, unconscious, ego, id, superego

archetypes, shadows, animus and anima, psychastenia

happy, sad; cheerful, mournful; post-traumatic; adjusted

openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness

doer, thinker; monkeys and pumpkins; impulsive, contemplative

selfish, proud, greedy, slothful, lustful, envious, angry; clear

stupid, smart; quick, slow; empathetic, sympathetic; distant

trusting, suspicious

Either or. This or that. Take your pick. All of the above

taxonomies, typologies, categories, labels, systems

three thousand years

Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia

hyperhippocampal, amygdala deficient, serotonin sensitive; enhanced firing in right temporal lobe knot 12a; overactive thalamus; retinotopic distortions
