Faan sucked in a breath. It was hard, terribly hard to reach out to the god in the woman, to tak6 the cool honey hand and surrender her will, to summon the god to enter and be one with her, but she’d made the bargain with open eyes and had the Riverman’s warning in her ears. What the god had given, the god could reclaim. She let the air trickle through her lips and waited.

Abeyhamal was at once cool and hot, light and heavy, coming into her like honey mead; one moment she felt as if she’d burn to ash, another as if she’d turn to ice. Then she was washed out of herself, was prisoned in a cyst somewhere behind her eyes, while the god wore her body like a glove.

The Kassian Tai Wanameh crumpled to her knees, glazed eyes fixed on the tiles, the god-shape gone from her body. Areia Moha One-eye let the drumming fade. She went on her knees beside Tai and lifted her shoulders, murmuring soft encouragements into her ear.

Faan’s body walked across to Reyna, took the Salagaum’s hand and raised him from the litter. Reyna came up with healthy ease, his eyes still closed, his breathing slow and steady.

The god-in-Faan led Reyna down the stairs to his room on the sleeping floor, helped him into bed, and pulled the quilts up around him. She/SHE touched his brow gently, affectionately, then left him to sleep till he was ready to wake.
