Chapter 24. Attack

Ma’teesee wriggled out on the limb high in the Sequba until she reached the bald spot she’d seen from below. She settled herself and looked south across the roofs of the Low City toward the South Eka Kummata. “Chooee.” She whistled with surprise, then called down to the others, “I can see most the Eastend. Weird. There’s a army out there.” She giggled, a shrill sound that sent the moththeries wheeling in the air, flying away from her. “And one jegger’s just bounced off the Barrier. He went riding at it flags flying and now he’s on his back and his horse is running off. Sil-ly. What’s that, Zindi? I didn’t hear…”

On the ground, the Honey Dancer Zinduki cupped her hands about her mouth, yelled what she’d said before, “You see Fa or the Kassian?”

“Nayo. Nobody out there but the lancers and the hostas unloading from the barges.”
